This country does not face a single problem that has a religious solution. Especially not a Catholic solution. I suspect this man is absolutely oblivious to what religious people have done in the name of their faith. If he thinks church-state separation is a liberal sham, then he needs to explain Article VI of the Constitution that bans religious tests for holding public office. That sure sounds like church-state separation to me, and it pre-dates the Bill of Rights.

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He has no idea Article VI exists. You think he's read the document he swore to uphold?

Fictional Histories are supposed to be fun. Leave it to a Fundamentalist like David Barton to screw that up.

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It wouldn't surprise me if he knew all about Article VI and just doesn't think it means what it clearly means. I expect he has a rationalization for the Treaty of Tripoli, too.

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This country (and all others) has a huge religion problem. The religious solution is to end religion. That will never happen. Freedom from religion IS freedom of religion.

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This guy openly admits to disdain for the Constitution and worse, proudly proclaims how he will ignore it in his work as a legislator. On top of that, he's a liar and considers being called out on a lie as an attack on his religious belief. Well, considering how gross dishonesty is a virtual hallmark of these religious zealots, that could be seen as true. Just being a Christian Nationalist demonstrates gross dishonesty as this guy proved in claiming separation of church and state is a sham.

As the religious freaks keep intensifying their attacks on religious freedom. the more they're proving that faith is, at best, a character flaw, but more likely, a serious mental disorder.

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This is what a fascist government looks like. They would impose their values, their religion on everyone else. If you don't belong to their religion you either pretend to convert or you do not participate it their government, or worse. In other words; all other religions or non-religions would be banned. Clearly, these comments show that is no longer hyperbole.

These Christo-fascist may not like the fascist label but what would they call it if they lived under an atheist government that banned churches?

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Nothing divides people more effectively, and unnecessarily, than organized religion.

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A government that bans churches is sounding better and better every fucking day.

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And a public execution of Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, et.al. sounds better everyday, but it would still be wrong.


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They're genocidal fascists who are trying to bring about their apocalypse and kill off all life on the planet along the way. It wouldn't be wrong. Illegal, yes, but not wrong.

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God help us, everyone's got way too serious.


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The Christofascists and cultists are pushing themselves into the Aussie political scene too. CPAC DownUnder. Infuriating.

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"Well, I would be happy to try and convert you."

Really, Steffy? Tell me how you could possibly convince me to willingly surrender my intellect and embrace Dark Ages fantasies the way you did. Go ahead, I'm listening.

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He could hit you in the head with a brick a couple times.

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He could TRY. I doubt he'd like my countermove very much.

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Now you're just trying to get me to suggest it to him... ;)

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It would have to be a really large brick.

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Easy one. He'd just hire Rhonda Santis to come in and oversee the kind of procedures he endorsed at Gitmo. They might not work, but hey, getting there is half the fun. Inquisition forever!

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"Steffen is a Christian liar."

That is the default for people who claim imaginary cosmic friends.

Typical of xtian republican nationalists:

"I never said that."

But we have a recording of you saying that.

"If I said it, you're taking my quote out of context."

But we played it verbatim, in its entirety

"I'll pray for you."

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Amazing how many conservatives are quoted 'out of context' when I can think of no context in which their statements are acceptable. The word knee-jerk springs to mind.

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Steffen says "It seems the Liberals and the Liberal media are attacking me for my Christian faith." But then he says "I care about you and God loves you...Everyone is welcome."

He doesn't seem all that caring and welcoming when it comes to liberals, any number of whom are Christians themselves. His bible says that Christians are not to criticize one another. Furthermore it states that anyone who says they love God yet hates a fellow believer is a liar.

As far as his faith goes? He's supposed to keep that to himself and not let it inform his decisions while he's on the public dime.

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𝑆𝑇𝐸𝐹𝐹𝐸𝑁: 𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑙, 𝐼 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑏𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑟𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢.

What. The. Actual. Fuck. Under "hammer-ass" in the dictionary, it says, "See Steffen, Mark." His utter self-involvement and plain hubris should have disqualified him for ANY office from the get-go, though once again, all he may be is a reflection of his constituents.

What I genuinely hope is that he runs onto one from his district who 1) isn't a Christian [and preferably an atheist!], 2) is willing to get in Steffen's face about his attitude and predilection for proselytism from his office, and 3) 𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗦 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡! Kansas may be red, by and large, but I wonder how well Steffen would stand up to some general public exposure of his behavior.

And I'm willing to suggest that the answer is: not well.

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This is Kansas we're talking about. He'd instantly become a hero.

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Kansas. The state where the people vote against their own best interests. There was even a book about this phenomenon.

Seems other states are following Kansas' example.

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I'd argue that they *are* voting for their interests, it's just that their interests are white supremacy and Christian fascism.

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Apparently Republicans are simply riding roughshod over the majority opinion in a number of areas because they have super majorities and are gerrymandering – a lot.


(I accidentally got signed up to all sorts of things when I signed up to substack. Some of it's interesting.

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You just reminded me of this...


Someone needs to tell anyone who wants white supremacy and fascism (Christian and otherwise): "Don't be a sucker."

(The Hungarian guy in the glasses is played by Paul Lukas, who was Professor Pierre Arronax in "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea")

One note: The German rabble rouser condemning Catholics---Did he not know the religion of his own leader?

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Paul Lukas also played the villain in THE LADY VANISHES, for my money the most thoroughly delicious movie Hitchcock ever made. (And the hero is played by the more or less openly bisexual Michael Redgrave, father of Lynn and Vanessa, one of a long line of queer actors Hitch cast in leading roles.)

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At first, I didn't recognize him because he looked so different (this was made well before the Disney adaptation of Verne's novel). It was the voice that finally made me realize who it was.

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Yet they voted to maintain abortion rights in their constitution.

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Two conservative states (Nebraska and South Carolina) just rejected 2 bills that would have severely restricted abortion in those states.

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Isn't South Carolina the state of one of the worst drumpster's ass licker ?

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You talking about Miss Lindseybelle (Lindsey Graham)?

Yup. He of the brown tongue.

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But they have so many lovely sunflowers.

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And they won the Super Bowl!

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Oh, did they have one of those this year?

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He already showed us how he would act when he cried persecution for being called out.

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He'd call Security and make out that the constituent was the crazy one.

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Uh-huh ... while the atheist is speaking calmly and stating facts and dismantling Steffen's position, while Steffen is shucking and jiving and looking both uninformed and unprepared. I'll take that every day of the week!

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I honestly wonder how this can happen again and Again and AGAIN, and there are people who will either shrug it off or say, "It's too early" or some other lame excuse. Human beings – mothers, fathers, sons and daughters – are being shot, essentially on a daily basis, and to these people, it's soup yesterday and soup today.

I fear that mass shootings have become so commonplace that they get treated as banal ... and yeah, that's genuinely scary.

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And Texass will go right on doing everything they can to stymie any and all meaningful gun legislation.

Meanwhile, Colorado's governor just signed 4 gun bills into law after a massacre at an LGBTQ club there 5 months ago. Democrats were for and Republicans against, as always. Tell us which is the true pro-life party.

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I've become inured to mass shootings – as far as I can, not living in the US – but how big a backyard do you have to have to be able to shoot in it? In NZ if it was anything less than a 200 acre back paddock, you don't go and ask your guy to stop, you call the cops and they take them away and put them in jail. Or shoot them in case we had recently.

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I'm surprised it's illegal to hunt deer inside the city limits here. (only half kidding)

ISTR my grandfather shooting at squirrels in his yard in a small town in OK.

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I’m counting the seconds until someone blames the victims for not owning guns with which to defend themselves.

Also that if you control guns, the killer simply would have used something else to kill five people.

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As the victims were apparently from Honduras, expect the wingnuts to claim they deserved it for being immigrants.

Nevermind that the murderer flipped his shit and slaughtered innocent people over 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯, then fled the scene like the coward he is, while the "dirty furriners" had the courage and selflessness to shield their children from his bullets with their own bodies, at the cost of their lives... expect 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 details to be mentioned not at all by Fox and their fetid ilk.


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It's legal to shoot in my yard. I live in the country. Restrictions on shooting firearms are usually within city limits.

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An entire fucki8ng post gone because it cannot put the cursor in the box,

The nra has put us in a deep hole and now tells us we MUST KEEP DIGGING.

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My other half and I were talking the other night about the number of public shootings going on of late. One of the things I noted was that it would seem to some degree that the 'right' people still aren't getting shot at in that no number of these mass shootings seems to make any difference to those in power, the law really isn't changing on this issue despite public outrage.

To be clear, I do not endorse mass shootings. I don't think that sort of violence will solve any problems in a productive way. But I will admit I've sometimes wondered who would need to get shot or where a shooting would need to happen to actually make politicians get up off their collective butts to make changes to gun legislation. So far as I know, it's really not legal to shoot people in your yard; but with the current attitudes toward guns it's hard to say what decision a court might wind up making.

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Didn't a Republican politician get shot awhile ago? Didn't seem to make much difference did it? :)

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Steve Scalise:

"On June 14, 2017, at 7:09 am EDT, Scalise and three other people were shot and wounded by James Hodgkinson, a left-wing extremist with a record of domestic violence,[8][44] who opened fire with a rifle during a baseball practice of the Republican team for the annual Congressional Baseball Game.


He was hit by a single rifle bullet that "travelled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs, and causing severe bleeding".[48] Dr. Jack Sava at the MedStar Washington Hospital Center said that "when he arrived, he was in critical condition with an imminent risk of death""

Did he learn anything?

"Scalise has been an opponent of gun control and was given an "A+ rating" from the National Rifle Association.[72][73] After being shot, and in the wake of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, Scalise said on Meet the Press that he is still a gun rights supporter: "Don't try to put new laws in place that don't fix these problems. They only make it harder for law-abiding citizens to own a gun." Scalise has described the Second Amendment as "unlimited""

And, surprise, he's a MAGAT lick-spittle.


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Maybe a mass shooting at the RNC with dozens of dead and wounded.

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I ask Steffen the same thing I ask all Christians who think America is a Christian Nation.

Look at the US Constitution and tell us where you see the words God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Heaven, Hell, Satan, Bible, Messiah, Christianity, Divine, etc. etc. Point to them.

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I'm sure Christians believe they have special glasses like the ones in "They Live!"

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Steffen would have a stroke if he read what the mostly Deist founders had to say about his religion and how religion and government should never mix.

They saw the bloody religious wars of Europe. They saw Christian rule on this continent a century prior. They fought a revolution to free themselves from a Christian empire and a king who believed he had a divine right to rule.

They looked at all that and wanted no part of such a system here.

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Like "historian" David Barton, he will never read anything that deviates from the christian nationalist playbook.

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I've said before, 240 years isn't a bad run.

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This is not a Christian nation, it says so right in the first amendment;

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

With his statements he has broken his oath to the constitution. If congress cannot establish a religion, then the country cannot be Christian. If he, as a member of the government, tries to convert any citizen to his religion he is prohibiting the free exercise of that citizen’s religion.

Majority rules is only authoritarian by committee. It is not a free Democratic republic. Government officials must address the needs of all citizens, not only the ones they agree with. Too bad he is probably comfortable in his elected position, folks need to see him as the fascist he is and boot his ass out on n the next election.

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You don't even have to scroll down as far as the first amendment. Right at the very beginning--the very first words of the Preamble--it says quite clearly that the government and its powers derive from We the People, not Jesus, not Jehovah, not Cthulhu, not Tinker Bell, and not any other fancifully invented being. The people. WE THE PEOPLE. Unlike some of the 18th century prose in other parts of the Constitution, those are clear, easy-to-understand words. For the life of me I can't see how anyone finds Jesus in them.

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"For the life of me I can't see how anyone finds Jesus in them."

Jesus glasses. They fool the eye and cloud the mind.

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Elsewhere on this thread, I made a mention of those glasses from that movie to jomicur. Was going to post the video clip if B H m gave her "confused dog" response, signaling that she didn't get the reference. :)

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For once I think I saw it (or one similar). Didn't he die with another man on a rooftop after saving the world ? 🤔

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I just posted the clip from that movie to Zorg. See if it's what you remember. :)

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Post the video clip, please.

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Steffen appears to actually believe that nonchristians are less than full citizens. And he knows full well how it looks, so when called out for it actively lies. And gets away with it

Christian Fucking Privilege.

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At least he didn't say he'd like to convert them forcibly. And intern the ones who resist. Not out loud, anyway.

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Can't give away the game too early. The complacent masses have to be boiled like the proverbial frog.

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A self-proclaimed successful businessman who blew through money like Kleenex, bankrupted his companies over and over and now has to beg for bucks from his brainless, unquestioning horde.

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He didn't get rich by being ethical. 😁

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Goes without saying. Christians keep showing that they have a distinct lack of ethics.

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Trump has many vices but I don’t for one second think he is sincerely Christian. Which just goes to show that Christianity has not cornered the market on assholery.

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Yep, he got rich the old-fashioned way; by being born into a wealthy family.

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My mother always said "It's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor one." Never took her own damned advice dammit.

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If we're talking about Trump (I didn't click BO's link), he never "got" rich. He started out rich and has been losing money ever since. If he had just invested his daddy's money, he would have lots more now.

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"God! We are a Christian nation, State and Counties. Our rule of law is built on Christian values. Our successes are a result of these realities."


A Christian nation, Steffy? Might want to check Article XI of the Treaty With Tripoli, which is still the law of the land. It states in no uncertain terms that the government of the United States is in no sense founded on the Christian Religion.

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Ain't Tripoli where Qaddafi and those Muslins is?

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Or "was," in Qaddafi's case. He's currently involved with 72 virgins. And they're all old Catholic nuns.

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Sex with 72 Catholic nuns?! I owe you a big debt of gratitude. You just made me happier than ever to be gay.

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Or 40 year old male star trek nerds still living in their parents basement.

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Could be a fun weekend.

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Those 72 virgins must be covering up alot of sex. So many Muslin men boning them; so many veiled Muslin women standing by and watching. Allah really has figured out a great scam and got some real suckers to buy into it. Trump should seriously consider this line of business.

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Trump Mosques, Inc. "Grab 'em by the pussy, 72 at a time. You know, I kinda like the hijab...Moslem women are like Rosie O'Donnell, you know, they're fat and ugly... but at least they're quiet, I like that...none of them is even a 3...so I like the hijab, I don't have to see their face, and they don't talk."

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All those mosques would be made of tacky fake gold and have a giant T on top.

Blaring from the speakers 5 times a day? "THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN!"

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Trump Mosques....gross. Gross. GROSS.

The lines that follow are so like that mofo I can hear his voice in my head. I think I'm going to be very grievously ill for the next several hours until I can procure some brain bleach.

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Allah is so secure that he requires 5 rounds of worship each day. Lest anybody forget he is omniscient and omnipotent.

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I posted the video of this to Zizz. :)

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I saw that after I posted.

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"Our rule of law is built on Christian values."

Like in Salem in 1692 ? (trying alitosis method to interpret law and precedent).

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Funny, but the U.S. Constitution does not mention Christianity or Jesus. It only mentions religion in terms that express limitations the Constitution puts on it. Like passing no law regarding religion, and banning religious tests for holding public office.

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Yeah, like the 10 Commandments, many of which are unconstitutional, or how in the Treaty of Tripoli (signed by several founding fathers, iirc) it explicitly states the US isn't and has never been a Christian nation. Basic civics, how the fuck does it work?

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The Treaty of Tripoli was drafted by the Washington administration, ratified by the first congress and signed into law by John Adams. You can't get more Founding Father-y than that.

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The "Christian values" in the Constitution, to the extent they ever existed, have largely been amended away. You know, stuff like slavery and women not being able to vote. The sooner we can do away with every last vestige of christian "thought" in our government, the better off the nation (and the world) will be.

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