
Why did "god" bring Covid to them in the first place?

Why couldn't "god" stop the mask mandate?

Why does the church need PPA money when they have have god? Remember christstains always claim "god will provide."

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Because God doesn't do reality?

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Neither do any of his followers.

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You are not being fair.

God did provide them with collection plates. After that, it's "God helps those who help themselves."

And they did.

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Vain MoFo is too busy contemplating his own greatness to actually pay attention to the universe(s?) he created. He has abdicated his position and should be replaced.

Or maybe Bette's right and he's even more nearsighted than I am.

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For those who didn't get the reference from the last line:


Pretty song and she does it well, but the lyrics are complete bullshit.

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God provided them with PPA loans.

Of course, the devil provided Covid and mask mandates. It’s easy to make it work their way when they can claim, not only an imaginary benefactor, but an imaginary malefactor at the same time. Go devils!

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“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

Why didn’t he remember fu….g viruses!

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Do viruses creep?

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️🎵 They're creepy and they're kooky

Mysterious and spooky

They're altogether ooky ️🎵

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Probably. They’re very sneaky!

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You clearly don't understand the vital concept of "religious liberty." All you have to do is claim to be religious and you are automatically free to do anything you want TO anyone you want to do it to. Moreover, if you say you're religious, ANY opinion you hold must be respected and deferred to, without question, period, even if it has nothing at all to do with religion. I'm sure if you read the Constitution you'll find that it says all that quite explicitly. ... ... ... Oh, wait...

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Right next to where it says that every citizen is entitled to their own nuclear arsenal if they are smart enough to build one or rich enough to buy one.

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Vicky Fartz just put herself on the endless list of GQPs who value their guns over the lives of children.

(Wanna bet she identifies as "pro-life?")

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I'm not going to watch the C-SPAN footage, but I can't help wondering if she was really that incoherent or if it was the reporter's spin.

And I think if I had been the witness, I would have said "Congresswoman, you asked the damn question, it is your duty as a Representative to listen to the damn answer."

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What a surprise that she was endorsed by the NRA and is a life member.

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Or they have a billionaire sugar daddy who collects Nazi memorabilia.

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Horsey had something to say about Thomas' dalliances with white nationalists like Crow.


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I remember a RWNJ complaining about having to wear a diaper on his face. I pointed out that if he’d rinsed it out first it would probably have smelled better!

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Since most RWNJs talk a bunch of shit, a face diaper is appropriate.

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I always assumed that was their major issue with the masks.

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Consewertives don't brush their tooths? 🤔

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Probably, but no amount of fresh minty toothpaste can cover the stench of the bs they spew regularly, let alone the especially putrid decay they regurgitated regarding the pandemic.

Actually, no they don’t, many of the actual people I met that were most vocal about not wearing masks had a great deal of dental issues. Issues that were visible and detectable by smell.

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This is the brand of action I want to see taken against ANY church that wishes to act as a scofflaw against secular authority. That holds for violations of commonsense safety regulations (masks) or refusal to take action against staff or management positions who seek to evade laws regarding child abuse (I'm looking at YOU, Catholic Church!). The kind of "Oh, gee, it's a church, should we really?" attitude which I've seen entirely too much of was old 10 squares back.

It is well past time they all faced the music.

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Don't forget they need to *prove* they deserve 503(c) status.

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Yup ... that, too.

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Someone must have tallied the deaths from this church?

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I too was wondering this, especially since idiot fundagelical churches (such as this one seems to be) have a higher-than-normal proportion of elderly congregants, who are especially at risk from COVID-19.

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They were having 500 person indoor events twice a day, encouraged to come in sick, and bullied out of wearing masks. I’m surprised they still have a congregation.

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"It's a miracle." Christian Logic 101.

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I'd be surprised if they don't try to appeal this to SCOTUS. And I fear what SCOTUS will do to future public health restrictions.

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My concern as well. From what I gather we can expect more such health issues the more we deforest the world so how this ultimately shakes down could have serious ramifications for the future of the country.

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That was my 1st thought. I'm surprised I have to go this far down the comments section to actually find it in print.

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SCOTUS is a hazard to public health and safety.

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A rare but needed denial of Christian Privilege.

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We can start to prepare popcorn, snacks and drinks.

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So how many people died while the rules for COVID safety was broken at the church?

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Called to heaven. /s

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Perhaps: ree-turn-duh to thee booosum of chur-iast! (man, southern preacher is hard to spell phonetically)

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Pretty good, but I have to ask, christ has boobs?

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Kur-iast is awl thi-ungs to awl meh-uhn!

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I knew it was suspicious that he traveled the countryside with a dozen men and no women, not even to do the menial labor. What happens in the land of milk and honey *stays* in the land of milk and honey.

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Was one boob milk and the other honey?

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I want a curry too, sans meat.

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Pineapple shrimp fried rice. :)

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Why else do you think he wore a corset?

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Click on the following link only if you are not afraid to damage your brain. Plus don't ask me what I typed to find this picture.


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Brain still intact, mostly. No additional damage.

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Cue them to play the poor persecuted Christian card. The thing to remember here, is the people in the pews are as bad as their preacher because they enable him. There is no situation so bad it cannot be made worse by religion.

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Their attitudes may have been just as irresponsible, but they weren't the ones to decide if the doors are open or closed. The state should go after the building owners/operators (which they did).

If you're a believer in the 'stochastic terrorism' notion, this is the right thing to do from that perspective also; go after the inciters of illegal behavior to lower the incidence of illegal behavior.

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They're the ones who delegated their thinking to him, and fund his church.

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Mark 12:17

Matthew 22:21

Luke 20:25

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Can you translate for non christians ?

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Render unto Caesar etc.

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"Calvary Chapel received over $340,000 in Paycheck Protection Program loans from the government in 2020. That was money meant to pay employees while keeping them safely at home."

If they really did keep their employees at home while demanding open services, then that is knowlingly endangering the public in violation of the mask laws. Charge them with a reckless endangerment or similar crime. If they didn't keep their employees at home, it's flat out fraud. Charge them with fraud. IMO.

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Can't charge them. They have been "forgiven". Says so right on the form. /s

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When Christians talk about an afterlife and living forever, they might want to consider the following:


Be careful what you wish for, Christians.

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I read a short story where a girl is tricked by a god/goddess. She asked for eternal life, not eternal youth.

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Larry Niven wrote science fiction stories where everyone was essentially immortal. In his eyes the results were either you recklessly endangered your life, largely because you were bored and had done everything – or you lived in isolation trying to preserve your life by not doing anything dangerous. I'd like to try it before I made a decision on that. 😁

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He also had some things to say about great intelligence and how useless it really was.

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Got to be very careful in stating a wish. Got to watch for those loopholes.

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I'm safe. I'll be wishing for Ben Whishaw, not Johnny Depp.

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Helen Mirren and/or Diane Keaton – in their prime. Plus a bit of eternal youth so I could cope.

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Midas myth is not known enough.

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Great news, can't wait to see what happens if they try to enforce it. My money is the church will fund raise double the fine because of all this horrible persecution.

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Before or after declaring bankruptcy ?

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Whichever gets them more money they don't have to work for.

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Hey, now. Grifting is work. In some cases it's more work than earning an honest living.

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To paraphrase a French saying "La liberté religieuse des uns s'arrête là où commence celle des autres".

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So much for non-overlapping magisteria. The church thinks it can answer scientific questions by fiat. It invades politics, it spreads hate to LGBTQ, it promulgates misinformation and pseudoscience and does its best to foist Christian nationalism theocracy upon secular society.

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Here's a comment I left on another blog a couple of weeks ago: "In addition to the monetary award, the on-air personalities should have to start each program with the line “I am a known liar”. In addition, every time they appear on screen the chyron at the bottom of the screen should read “Known liar!”."

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The warnings should run as a regular part of their chyrons too.

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Except I suspect many of their audience don't read.

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None o' that theah fancy book larnin' fer us'ns.

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Or at least not that fast. Gotta sound them words out.

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Even if they read, I'll wager they won't comprehend.

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Even if they comprehend, they will disbelieve.

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My idea, see above. : )

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For me, Fox's actions constitute "a clear and present danger."

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So missiles then?

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Can we aim those missiles at their nethers?

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I'm not going anywhere near Tucker's nethers.

ETA: Not even with a rusty knife.

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What about a trusty lightsaber?

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Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

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What about a rusty halberd ?

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Not long enough.

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That's why you send the missiles. You don't have to get your hands dirty/infected.

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Missile will come to a dead stop midway and turn to the ground and suicide.

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How about a flamethrower with a very long reach? I'd pay good money to see that.

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No wait! I got it...a Jewish Space Laser!!!!! Popcorn and rinks on me.

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Slightly different topic. Read a story today about orthodox jewish kids SPITTING on christians when they come across them. They hate the christians so badly. The christians following jesus supposed route-the Via Dolorosa-were spat on by the orthodox. The irony and incongruity of this is off the scales.

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Where did this occur? Kkkristians have worked overtime to earn the hatred of others.

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I would say Jerusalem from this "The christians following jesus supposed route-the Via Dolorosa". Ultra Orthodox Jews in Israel are already known to attack and spit on "immodest" little girls.

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You're right-I left that off.

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Black hole is right-Jerusalem.

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