
Why did "god" bring Covid to them in the first place?

Why couldn't "god" stop the mask mandate?

Why does the church need PPA money when they have have god? Remember christstains always claim "god will provide."

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I remember a RWNJ complaining about having to wear a diaper on his face. I pointed out that if he’d rinsed it out first it would probably have smelled better!

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This is the brand of action I want to see taken against ANY church that wishes to act as a scofflaw against secular authority. That holds for violations of commonsense safety regulations (masks) or refusal to take action against staff or management positions who seek to evade laws regarding child abuse (I'm looking at YOU, Catholic Church!). The kind of "Oh, gee, it's a church, should we really?" attitude which I've seen entirely too much of was old 10 squares back.

It is well past time they all faced the music.

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Someone must have tallied the deaths from this church?

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I'd be surprised if they don't try to appeal this to SCOTUS. And I fear what SCOTUS will do to future public health restrictions.

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A rare but needed denial of Christian Privilege.

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So how many people died while the rules for COVID safety was broken at the church?

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Cue them to play the poor persecuted Christian card. The thing to remember here, is the people in the pews are as bad as their preacher because they enable him. There is no situation so bad it cannot be made worse by religion.

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Mark 12:17

Matthew 22:21

Luke 20:25

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"Calvary Chapel received over $340,000 in Paycheck Protection Program loans from the government in 2020. That was money meant to pay employees while keeping them safely at home."

If they really did keep their employees at home while demanding open services, then that is knowlingly endangering the public in violation of the mask laws. Charge them with a reckless endangerment or similar crime. If they didn't keep their employees at home, it's flat out fraud. Charge them with fraud. IMO.

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When Christians talk about an afterlife and living forever, they might want to consider the following:


Be careful what you wish for, Christians.

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Great news, can't wait to see what happens if they try to enforce it. My money is the church will fund raise double the fine because of all this horrible persecution.

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To paraphrase a French saying "La liberté religieuse des uns s'arrête là où commence celle des autres".

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So much for non-overlapping magisteria. The church thinks it can answer scientific questions by fiat. It invades politics, it spreads hate to LGBTQ, it promulgates misinformation and pseudoscience and does its best to foist Christian nationalism theocracy upon secular society.

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Slightly different topic. Read a story today about orthodox jewish kids SPITTING on christians when they come across them. They hate the christians so badly. The christians following jesus supposed route-the Via Dolorosa-were spat on by the orthodox. The irony and incongruity of this is off the scales.

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