Let's see here. This is PUBLIC library, using PUBLIC funds to serve the PUBLIC. Yet one person with Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs™ wants to insist that said library remain closed on Sunday because Sunday is special to HER.

Smells like Christian Privilege to me.

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A bunch of Orthodox Jews and Seventh Day Adventists need to show up for the next meeting to agree with her and insist they keep the library open Sunday and close Saturday.

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In the US, the week begins on Sunday. In order for the Sabbath to be the 7th day, it has to be Saturday. Not that this type of basic understanding of linear timelines ever mattered to Bible thumpers...

I have a neighbor who is elderly, recently widowed, has limited physical capability because of knee replacements, and who lives her life at her church or church-related functions. Another neighbor helps her with maintenance on her property, and his daughter mows her yard, for free. One day she lamented to me that it was Saturday afternoon and her lawn had not been mowed yet. I suggested maybe they were busy and would do it tomorrow. She immediately exclaimed, “Why would they do that??? Sunday is the Lord’s day!” Lol. I pointed out that weather doesn’t go to church, people have other responsibilities, and btw, I frequently end up mowing on Sundays. Also, why was she even upset since she would be at church all day and never witness it being done? “Well, I just don’t like it. People shouldn’t mow on Sunday cuz that’s the Lord’s day! I wouldn’t mow on Sunday. Why do you mow on Sunday?!” Well, because I’m not religious and Sunday is just another day with weather and grass that might need mowing. Also, you don’t mow, so it shouldn’t matter. They mow, for free. FREE.

Btw, her deceased husband mowed on Sundays too. No biggie. What is the biggie to her, and to people like her, is that they get their opportunity to preach moral authority to others, thump their Bible, and attempt to impose their religious beliefs upon others. They demand that behavior be protected by law under “freedom of religion” and now they demand the right to inject it into government. Separation of church and state is a founding principle in this country and we had better start enforcing it more aggressively or else all the zealots installed in our government will keep making it legal, and eventually mandatory, that their religions get to make the laws.

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I love how she arrogantly uses the term "our" best interests. So typically Christian.

What you mean WE, kemosabe?

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OT regarding the article on the pastor that said autism is demonic and his god don’t make junk. He resigned from the school board.


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Something I've often wondered about is how these religious folks that have a weekly holy day find work. Every job I've ever had has insisted I be available to work every day of the week, and for as many hours as they could get away with. I assume that the majority of them are finding work within their community and as a result, the business they're employed by is closed that day anyway; but that really doesn't explain how money is getting into that religious community in the first place.

Considering the whole conflict between Christians who want to eat out on Sundays vs. the wait staff that typically don't get tipped well working that day, I honestly don't see any reason to care what some self-righteous board member thinks about keeping Sundays 'holy'. Unless there's a valid reason to close on a particular day of the week, the public library should be open when the public needs to access it for the most part. Sunday is a day quite a lot of folks have off every week, making it a good day to do things like going to the library; closing that day would just reduce the value of having a public library in the first place. I'm not sure it was the intent, exactly, but this sure looks like an attempt to undermine public libraries. Again. As if the book bans, attacks on staff, and other 'protests' weren't enough to convince any sane person Christians hate knowledge and learning.

Why do we listen to Christians on this sort of thing again? I keep forgetting.

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In a revelation that surprised no one, Rep. Boebert does not know how to conduct herself during live performances.

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Let her close the library on Sunday, and I guaran-fucking-tee you her next move will be to close it Monday through Saturday, too.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023


I see Putin is whining about Trump being "persecuted." Uh no, Vlad. That's "prosecuted." This is what comes from you refusing to speak English, even though you can.

On top of that, Mad Vlad also referred to Elon Musk as "outstanding." Great. Getting props from a dictator and war criminal. I hope Musk is cringing with embarrassment and shame.

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Last month, the three of them also suggested disaffiliating from the American Library Association, calling it “ultra liberal” and criticizing it for opposing censorship.


Whatever happened to, "Government has no right to interfere with my family and parenting"?

Government should never be the entity censoring ideas and books, motherfucker. That's a parent's job. My folks didn't try to get the government to ban R-rated films when I was growing up, they just didn't let me see those movies. Because they parented, jackass.

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If they really are closing one day to save money, what's wrong with Tuesday? Tuesday is a day when most other people are at work, the library workers can get a day off when they can go to the doctor or whatever and then people who only have Sunday off have access to the library. I suspect that if they surveyed the number of people using the library on those two days they would find that the numbers are more in favor of closing Tuesday than Sunday. They'll be able to fire one part-time employee if they close on Sunday? If they close on Tuesday they can still do that or fire a full-time employee (who works mon-fri) and hire another part-timer.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

OT - The stupidity never stops with DeNazi

𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐃 𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟓𝐬, 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐃𝐂


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I recall a Jewish friend of mine relating that the wealthier folks would pre program all of their kitchen appliances to work for them on the Sabbath. Back in the day, of course.

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Where are the Muslims to demand the library close on Friday?

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I'm not sure how to interpret this except to mean that she finds reading to be work. And for her, it quite possibly is--she's a christian, right? I mean, gawrsh, them there wurds is hawrd, ain't they not?

The simple, obvious, common sense fact is that getting to the library on weekdays is inconvenient for most working people, and the library should be easily accessible to as many people as possible, and often as possible. If Ottosen wants to sit at home one day a week and play with her crayons, fine, but where the hell could she possibly get the authority to force everyone else to?

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

As a rebuke to religious demands, our libraries here are not only open on Sunday, they have extended their hours. They used to open at Noon on Sunday. Now they open at 10AM.

Eat it, Ottosen. Choke on it.

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