Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021

OT - MJT's stupidity never stops. This is LOL for me.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls It 'Wise' to Bar Democrats Who Move to Red States From Voting


Of course, what she wants would violate the constitution, and blue aka Real America states could do the same thing to the neo-Nazis moving into them.

MJT: "After Democrat voters and big donors ruin a state like California, you would think it wise to stop them from doing it to another great state like Florida."

Florida hasn't been a "great state" since the repukes took over in 2000 with the election of ¡qǝſ.

MJT - In October, Greene conducted a Twitter poll about people's interest in a national divorce between Republican- and Democratic-leaning states.

Let's see how long red/welfare states support that when they realize they won't be subsidized by Real America anymore.

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She bought into the Right's "welfare states" lies, but is too stupid to do her own research and discover that all "welfare states" are the Red states?

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She also has found a sudden interest in prison reform, now that her friends are in prison. Apparently the conditions in there are too harsh for her little snowflakes, in spite of the fact that she was quite satisfied with them until now.

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Aww, poor baby.

/s *gag*

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She may be concerned because she might end up there with them at any time.

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Research ? Heretic !

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No liberal moving to Florida could ever hope to do half as much damage to the state as the Koch brothers have, let alone that recently-imported retiree with the tacky spray-tan.

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Are we sure that's spray-tan and not cheeto-dust?

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Since the only people willing to get that close to him spend too much time suckered up to his pucker to get a look at his face, the world may never know.

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That's nothing, some idiot wants to ban all imports of food and just about everything else into large Democrat cities. Until Biden steps down of course. The Overton window has shifted to pure crazy.

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No imports to blue cities will mean no imports to red states. NYC, LA, Tampa, Seattle, etc. Today's repukes are too stupid to think anything through.

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Considering they've outsourced all their thinking, this is normal for them.

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

MTG is the best! At least these guys think so. I will award anyone who watches this to the end 100 internet points.


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I lasted 47 seconds you bastard. A thousand Internet points would not make it worth watching. Christ I wouldn't even watch it through food real money unless it was maybe more than $20.

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Just for you I will award 101 internet points if you watch the whole video.

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You, you . . . SADIST!!!

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Just because I have been selling children's organs to zoos, for meat, doesn't mean that I am the bad guy!

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

You ARE the bad guy, you should be selling them to your fellow atheists!

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Better that than to sell them to some rich old white guy trying to stay alive forever.

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As God is my witness, I'll get you for this. ;)

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Damn, couldn't they find anyone who can actually sing‽‽‽ 🤮

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Or act. Or choreograph. Or...

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DM' singing is much worse than this. I threatened to jump out of the car once, I even started to take off my seat belt. Our dog howling in pain didn't help either.

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I did, bless my inability to don't understand most accents. Now about these points, Aria wants a roasted turkey instead.

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Oooh! I want one too!

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One Aria ? I hope you have a big fridge :D

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I barely have an oven big enough. And who names their roasted turkey Aria?

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Yeah, that's usually more of a guinea fowl name.

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Someone who survived DM' singing :D

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Did it!

Wait, do I have to do it with the sound on?

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If I had to suffer, you do too.

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Do I get at least one Internet point for trying? Dear lord, that was bad!

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Only if I get one for knowing better to watch it..

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OT - Mother Teresa's charity got bitch slapped by India.

India bans Mother Teresa charity from receiving funds from abroad


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Saw that story yesterday. Had a good laugh.

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How bad should I feel? I'm doing a happy dance!

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Maybe they can turn the church into a coffee shop, or something.

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021

A place where they'll serve people java instead of jive.

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Oh stewardess...

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021

(Customer who has just ordered from barista, indignantly says to Jive Lady trying to translate what the barista said):

"What is, big mama? Mama don't raise no dummies. I done dug her rap!"

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"Three oinkers wearing pants, plate of hot air, basket of Grandma's breakfast and change the bull to a gill, got it!"

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You threw off my groove.

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021


I say we officially celebrate this guy shuffling off this mortal coil:

"Self-Proclaimed 'Plague Spreader' Dies of COVID After Boasting About Maskless Grocery Store Stunt"


As wrong as it may be of me, I find myself hoping that Buratti's last hours were agonizing ones. A fit punishment before lights out forever for what he inflicted on other people. It's another instance where one wishes that there truly was a hell.

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If I *had* to make a list of "people who definitely deserve to die choking on their own lungs" then a douchecanoe who deliberately spread COVID and bragged about it does, indeed, make a pretty good case for starting one.

I'll reserve my empathy for the COVIDiot's *victims,* thanks.

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One idiot less!

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That photo says it all. I was raised Presbyterian and always struck by the hypocrites who showed up at our (wealthy) church in their fur and jewels to pretend they were pious while looking down their noses at the poor members if they encountered them in public. Even though I stopped going at around age 10 my parents continued to attend and it was their pastor who convinced my mother that I could be cured of being gay with the right treatment.

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You got the right treatment when you were cured of being a presbyterian.

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021


I don't recall if the pearl-clutchers ever clutched pearls over how they were portrayed in this movie...

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

The biblical god is an ableist. Leviticus 21:16-21 has a list of people who aren't allowed in his temple (I wouldn't be allowed in because of my nearsightedness).

Why is an all-powerful god so afraid of humans with 'defects?' Does he think he'll catch something somehow?

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Becomes even more hilarious in hindsight when you realize how many of these fire & brimstone preachers wear glasses.

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And Ham sure won't get in.

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So...did it? Are you cured? 😏

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Alas, my "illness" has continued.


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Whenever I travel, I visit every church I can - not for the religion, but for the building. I love architecture, and for centuries, the church was the only one with the money to hire the best architects and artisans, so they're a great stop on the itinerary for someone with my interests.

Once, in Quebec City, I was strolling through a neighbourhood with two churches directly across the street from each other. Went into the first one, had a boo, took some photos. Then crossed the street to see if I could get into the second. There were two people there, a quite elderly man and a younger woman who would have been the right age to be his daughter, maybe. They were carrying boxes out the front door when I came up the steps. I asked if I could take a look inside, and the man was very enthusiastic. The woman, not so much. He took me inside and started telling me all about the place, pointing out various features and their history. Bit of a private tour, really. The whole time, the woman stood rather impatiently inside the doorway, so I extricated myself - he seemed like the type who would go on forever if I let him - and left.

For the rest of my evening, I had this niggling thought at the back of my mind, that there'd been some sort of undefinable difference between the two churches, and for some reason, it was bugging me as to why. Wasn't 'til I got back to the hotel that night and loaded that day's pics onto the computer that I figured it out. The first church had all the usual paraphernalia about - flowers, candles, photo frames, sheet music on the organ, etc. The second church? Nothing. If it wasn't built into the structure itself - chipped into the stone or bolted to the floor - it wasn't there.

That was when it occurred to me that the people I'd met had, in fact, been packing the place up because it was closed. That was why he'd been excited to show me around, and she'd been impatient for me to leave. I quite likely took the last photos (of the tourist variety, anyway), ever snapped in that building.

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Churches can be remade into amazing houses. Real estate websites offer many examples of this kind of "conversion".

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My dream renovation would be converting a church to a home. I very nearly bought a condo in a converted one around 20 years ago, right in the heart of downtown. In the long run, I know it wouldn't have been the right place for me, but I'm still kinda kicking myself for letting it get away. It was the end unit, with an absolutely monster stained glass window. Would've been a gorgeous feature to live with.

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This church here is beautiful, plus historic! Just so the building is preserved, that's good. Obviously, the group has dissipated.

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They make for poor zombie apocalypse strongholds, though.

Prescott Fire Station in Providence Ridge, now THAT is a perfect stronghold!

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While I'm sure it's sad for the congregation and the clergy, it shouldn't be for anyone else. If religion is ever to finally die, this will happen again and again until the last church closes its doors for the last time. This is what progress looks like.

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There was a creepy little church not far from my house. They sported trump signs and nasty right-wing slogans on their sign. I used to call it the "Children of the Corn Church". Just noticed last month that now it's a bridal shop.

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Some traditions just deserve to die. This is one. I doubt if it will ever completely die out, but eventually the US will catch up with the rest of the developed world in a lack of religion. :)

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Religions, religious groups, and houses of worship depend entirely upon people. When there are no people around to support them, they die, and no god can save them.

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I'm an atheist, and yes, I'm sad when any organization that I think helps bring people together, as a community, goes away, whether it's a church or an Optimist club or Rotary or whatever. But that said, it seems like when these groups go away, it's for exactly the reasons you've just noted: "The church’s website has been down for a while. There’s no YouTube channel. There’s no microphone for the preacher.)" I brought this up to someone that's in the Lion's Club here where I live, who says, "Young people just don't want to volunteer." I told her: the web site is from years ago, they have no Facebook presence, they never share photos of events on Instagram, they don't post on the subreddit for our city, no tweets, no info on the web site on how to volunteer, etc. Response? "we don't have time for that." Which I don't believe for one second.

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Fuck SubStack.

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tell us how you really feel.

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"It all began on the day of my birth. Both of my parents failed to show up."

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When I was born, the Doctor slapped my Mother.

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That you, Rodney?

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My parents had to tie a steak around my neck to get the dog to play with me.

; )

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When I was a kid my parents moved a lot, but I always found them. :D

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Love me some "Phineas And Ferb."

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OT - Republican Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Andrew Clyde have amassed more than $100,000 in fines for defying House mask rules, report says

The fines are taken out of their paychecks, but a lawmaker told CNN Clyde found a way around paying.


It seems to me that Clyde's ploy won't work because Pelosi could file a lien against his tax refund. Not to mention these two prove that repukes do not believe in law and order.

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---They say in the lawsuit that stepping onto the House floor sans mask "did not constitute 'disorderly behavior' because it did not disrupt the House's operations or good order, nor is it otherwise unlawful conduct."---

Actually, MTG stepping into the building DOES constitute "disorderly behavior" because she does disrupt the House's operations and good order.

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From the article: In a court filing, Douglas Letter, the general counsel of the House of Representatives, said that proceeding with a mask mandate fell under the body's constitutional powers to "govern its own chamber proceedings and to discipline its own members."

Yep, the courts have no authority over the House, and they should be spanked if they try.

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It's not like that will stop the Republicans from meddling anyway.

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Why am I not surprised that Republicans went the tax fraud route?

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La loi c'est moi.

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La loi, je m'en fous !

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Tu vois quand tu veux :D

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Science and religion are becoming increasingly harder (I'd say impossible) to reconcile. For a church to survive, it has to either explain away or ignore scripture--or it has to brainwash congregants and convince them that science is a lie.

The unfortunate part is that the non-dickhead churches are dying out, because they don't brainwash their congregation. The scumbag megachurches, the cults, continue to grow as they suck in more and more weak-minded, poorly educated people.

So you see churches with actual hierarchies, with actual organization in place to (hopefully) curb abuses and greed, dying, while Jeeter McPheeter's Church of Jesus Christ of the Almighty 6,000-Year-Old Dollar continues to grow.

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More often than not, the "organization" end of organized religion exists mainly to cover up and perpetuate abuse, rather than to prevent it. I can believe that an individual church is capable of being a force for good if the right people are running it. The greater organization, though? I've yet to learn of even one that wasn't corrupt to the bone- and, more often than not, positively drenched in blood.

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Power corrupts, imaginary god-given power corrupts absolutely.

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And they still refuse to attribute it to COVID. No no no, it HAS to be a plot by The Others...


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*Raise Matri head and put a cushion under it*

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It just goes to show, being an economist doesn't make you an epidemiologist. :)

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It just makes it handy to have around to spout nonsense on network talking head shows.

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