Fine. 𝗪𝗘 (as atheists) do not praise bigoted preachers. Sorry, not sorry. Not doing it. You want to insist in living in the past, being an asshat who can't recognize that, just because someone is different from you, they still mean you no harm. You continue to be hung on a deity who didn't just have a mad on about the LGBTQ+ community, but anyone who eats ham or pork or shrimp or lobster, or who wears poly-cotton blends, or who cuts their hair. In short, you want to live in an imagined past which never really existed.
No one said he has to praise ferret weddings, nor Fermat's wedding, nor Fallot's, not even sure what a flight wedding would be, nor a fillet or floret. Now a finest forest fohist wedding might be fun.....but I'm not inclined to foment fright nor forlet.....forget it. 😉
Fun fact: many early guns and cannons did use stone projectiles. Shaping stone was easier than metalwork, and the lighter-weight stone shot resulted in fewer blow-ups (since the quality of the barrel, if it was even made of metal itself, was often poor).
I mention this because, much like advances in metallurgy rendered stone shot obsolete, so too did advances in philosophy and the observational sciences make religions like Rogers' obsolete. We've simply got better ways of thinking these days, and people with this ambulatory skidmark's antiquated worldview are as outclassed in a battle of the wits as the bearer of an arquebus would be in a shootout with someone carrying an M4 carbine.
The police blotters are full of Christian clergy (heterosexual, the lot of them) who molest/rape children. Where's all your outrage over that? And what would be your reaction if we flipped the script and started saying the same things about Christians that you say about gay people?
They already assume Satan Worshipers like you are badmouthing them, as do their Sheeple ..., who sit there and hear their deepest, darkest, personal worrying thoughts confirmed ..., confirmed at least enough to finance these crooks to accuse YOU of those sins, instead ...
Harvey Weinstein got 16 years for rape and will probably spend the rest of his life behind bars (he's 70 now and in poor health)
This follows the 20-year sentence of R. Kelly (a Baptist like Rogers) for child sex crimes. Why do I get the feeling Rogers saw these stories and said "meh!"
When the film "She Said" (the story of how 2 female journalists from the New York Times helped to bring down Weinstein) failed at the box office, Weinstein laughed. He didn't give a damn about the suffering of the women he victimized.
Who's laughing now, Fartstain? Rot, you raping bastard.
Isn't it amazing how quickly these wealthy, powerful men develop debilitating conditions as soon as they're indicted for their crimes? I remember how abruptly Bill Cosby went blind when he had to appear in court, yet he seems quite okay now. I won't be a bit surprised if Weinstein gets up and walks unaided when inevitably, like Cosby, he's released on appeal. Miracles! Praise Jesus!
Some people have so little self-esteem that the only way they can function is to hate somebody else more than they hate themselves. Hate is addictive, like heroin. It feels great when you get your hate fix, but over time you need larger and more frequent doses to get the pleasure. If you don't get enough of that ever-increasing dose, you get the withdrawal symptoms instead: depression, anxiety, and self-hate. Some hate addicts become pushers as well. It's easier to get your fix if you get paid for it.
What would Rogers make of Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, the German military officer who served as a Major General in the Continental Army during the American Revolution?
A military man...a GAY military man...who helped defeat the army of the Christian British Empire and its king who believed he had a divine right to rule.
The red states keep saying that the American civil war was about states' rights. And it was, the right of unfeeling white men to own black people. Oh wait, that's slavery, isn't it? Oops.
Check out Article IV Section 3(3) of the Confederate Constitution. It quite explicitly states that slavery is to be legally protected within its territories.
I think the Southern revisionists may have missed that bit. Awk-warrrrrrd.
"Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."
— Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861
We're told we have to let these people masturbate in public to their violent fantasies or we head down the road to dictatorship. In spite of evidence to the contrary.
If this was said about an individual rather than a group, these people would likely be committed for the safety of others. An individual would certainly be allowed to sue for defamation for their lies.
Anne Heche. Martin Amis. Stranger Things' Noah Schnapp. Pete Buttigieg. Rachel Maddow. Anderson Cooper. The list goes on, and the number of brilliant people overshadows the few radical, extremist cretins who don't understand "live and let live."
Zachary Quinto. Also Alan Turing, Rudolf Nureyev, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote, Stephen Sondheim, Cole Porter, Noel Coward and so many many more.
The jealousy over 'success' is what really adds the spice to the preachers hate and the hate they inspire in their Sheeple.
There's GOT to be a reason these Satanic people are successful when good Christians like themselves are stuck in soul-killing lives.
And, let me make it clear, that is the part of the Sheeple flock that actually relishes these hate-filled sermons and flock to the dealer who provides their 'high', not just ALL Christians.
Please stop using the word "sheeple." It's annoying. It sounds like you just stepped off a Facebook page. We don't need small-minded jargon, do we? Thank you.
A lot riding on the SCOTUS cases involving holding internet providers and the like liable for the Encitement of their customers.
If it doesn't work this time, I'm sure a Democratic majority may make it so ..., if they can keep their snouts out of the FAANG pig trough long enough.
BTW, on a related note, interesting the ways the crypto-crook SBF illegally funneled specifically GOP contributions through his subordinates and 'blackhole' PACS, and which subordinates are now RATTING HIM OUT BIG TIME!
It's a Weasel Feeding Frenzy with numerous same-species casualties.
I said it a couple of weeks ago on the last such article, but I'll say it again:
If looking at a woman with lust in your heart is committing adultery, then surely fantasizing about the violent death of someone who has done you no harm is committing murder.
Well gosh, that's really swell of you, Deven. You're just going to do everything you can to ensure that LGBT kids grow up without the least bit of hope, pride or self-confidence, and are so completely devoid of optimism for their lives that they end them. It's just so terribly inspiring that you preach The Religion of Love™. It would be awful if you were a hatemonger.
Hateful, micro-penised, closet cases like this preacher and all his fellows are proof that there is no god with absolute morality. If there was, they would be the ones on the receiving end of a divine lightning bolt.
LOL Jesus would have been a Jew - if he'd been real, but there's never been proof of it.
Why the heck would this god need a son? The beginnings of the Great Patriarchy, I guess. Judaism and Islam were and are patriarchal, but only Christianity has the arrogance to give their god a human son.
Be fair, not all christians are that stupid. Plenty of very intelligent people are inexplicably religious. On the other hand... well, that comment. I mean, yikes, that's up there with claiming the Bible was written in english.
No, they are not encouraging vigilantism. They're encouraging genocide. We've seen this before. They know exactly what they are doing.
𝑊𝑒 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑓****𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠. 𝑆𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦, 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦. 𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑡.
Fine. 𝗪𝗘 (as atheists) do not praise bigoted preachers. Sorry, not sorry. Not doing it. You want to insist in living in the past, being an asshat who can't recognize that, just because someone is different from you, they still mean you no harm. You continue to be hung on a deity who didn't just have a mad on about the LGBTQ+ community, but anyone who eats ham or pork or shrimp or lobster, or who wears poly-cotton blends, or who cuts their hair. In short, you want to live in an imagined past which never really existed.
You can have it. We prefer to live 𝗡𝗢𝗪.
No one said he has to praise ferret weddings, nor Fermat's wedding, nor Fallot's, not even sure what a flight wedding would be, nor a fillet or floret. Now a finest forest fohist wedding might be fun.....but I'm not inclined to foment fright nor forlet.....forget it. 😉
A ferret wedding might be cute. Would Fermat's wedding be his last?
I imagine his own is something like a filbert wedding.
That's just nuts!
Fun fact: many early guns and cannons did use stone projectiles. Shaping stone was easier than metalwork, and the lighter-weight stone shot resulted in fewer blow-ups (since the quality of the barrel, if it was even made of metal itself, was often poor).
I mention this because, much like advances in metallurgy rendered stone shot obsolete, so too did advances in philosophy and the observational sciences make religions like Rogers' obsolete. We've simply got better ways of thinking these days, and people with this ambulatory skidmark's antiquated worldview are as outclassed in a battle of the wits as the bearer of an arquebus would be in a shootout with someone carrying an M4 carbine.
Ambulatory skid mark
I’m totally stealing that.
Ambulatory Skid Mark. Sounds like a punk rock band.
Just as well, it's absolutely no good for a porn name.
Unless it's the name of a porn video involving coprophilia.
Hey Rogers...
The police blotters are full of Christian clergy (heterosexual, the lot of them) who molest/rape children. Where's all your outrage over that? And what would be your reaction if we flipped the script and started saying the same things about Christians that you say about gay people?
Need I even ask?
Would there even be any change?
They already assume Satan Worshipers like you are badmouthing them, as do their Sheeple ..., who sit there and hear their deepest, darkest, personal worrying thoughts confirmed ..., confirmed at least enough to finance these crooks to accuse YOU of those sins, instead ...
Flip the script? That's 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 doncha know.
Bingo. That's exactly the word this ultraviolent hypocrite would use.
On top of that, if he does acknowledge the Christian clergy diddling kids, bagpipes will be involved.
Harvey Weinstein got 16 years for rape and will probably spend the rest of his life behind bars (he's 70 now and in poor health)
This follows the 20-year sentence of R. Kelly (a Baptist like Rogers) for child sex crimes. Why do I get the feeling Rogers saw these stories and said "meh!"
I have doubts about the poor health part. A lot of that was show.
When the film "She Said" (the story of how 2 female journalists from the New York Times helped to bring down Weinstein) failed at the box office, Weinstein laughed. He didn't give a damn about the suffering of the women he victimized.
Who's laughing now, Fartstain? Rot, you raping bastard.
But, but, he even had tennis balls on the two legs of his walker, like really sick people do, didn't he?!
Isn't it amazing how quickly these wealthy, powerful men develop debilitating conditions as soon as they're indicted for their crimes? I remember how abruptly Bill Cosby went blind when he had to appear in court, yet he seems quite okay now. I won't be a bit surprised if Weinstein gets up and walks unaided when inevitably, like Cosby, he's released on appeal. Miracles! Praise Jesus!
He has precedents. pinochet and papon 🙄
Some people have so little self-esteem that the only way they can function is to hate somebody else more than they hate themselves. Hate is addictive, like heroin. It feels great when you get your hate fix, but over time you need larger and more frequent doses to get the pleasure. If you don't get enough of that ever-increasing dose, you get the withdrawal symptoms instead: depression, anxiety, and self-hate. Some hate addicts become pushers as well. It's easier to get your fix if you get paid for it.
What would Rogers make of Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, the German military officer who served as a Major General in the Continental Army during the American Revolution?
A military man...a GAY military man...who helped defeat the army of the Christian British Empire and its king who believed he had a divine right to rule.
It will mean as much as proving to him that his precious King James engaged in sodomy.
I'm sure David Barton has explained to him how that is a lie. "Fake History" Kind of like the "lie" that the Civil War was about slavery.
Civil War? Don't you mean "The War of Northern Aggression?" :S
The red states keep saying that the American civil war was about states' rights. And it was, the right of unfeeling white men to own black people. Oh wait, that's slavery, isn't it? Oops.
Check out Article IV Section 3(3) of the Confederate Constitution. It quite explicitly states that slavery is to be legally protected within its territories.
I think the Southern revisionists may have missed that bit. Awk-warrrrrrd.
IIRC that document also explicitly endorses christianity.
Yep. Puts "Almighty God" right in its preamble.
Not to mention how many of the states explicitly mentioned slavery as a reason for seceding. People need to check their damn sources.
"Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."
— Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861
Not to mention several of the letters secession.
They owned Blacks...3/5ths of people. 😉
Now tell us how blacks are the most racist😁
Black Widow- Thank you for your cooperation😘👍🏿
*Savage white men. Owning people they deemed savage
Rogers would have been a Tory.
The author of the Blue Book? Who's buried about 10 miles from my birthplace?
We don't talk about his relations, it's impolite. 😉
"I'm not gonna do it! I'm not gonna kill 'em!"
That's because hateful cross-waving lunatics like you are craven cowards and want the government to carry out their ultraviolent religious fantasies,
Oh and last I heard, we weren't an xtian theocracy. Too bad for you, Rogers. Suck on it, creep.
We're told we have to let these people masturbate in public to their violent fantasies or we head down the road to dictatorship. In spite of evidence to the contrary.
If this was said about an individual rather than a group, these people would likely be committed for the safety of others. An individual would certainly be allowed to sue for defamation for their lies.
Freddie Mercury*, Elton John*, George Michael*, Ricky Martin* contributed much more to the well being of humanity than any (hate) preacher.
* I know there is much more singers I just mentioned these 4 among the most known. Feel free to add.
And while we're at it: Pete Buttegieg!
Anne Heche. Martin Amis. Stranger Things' Noah Schnapp. Pete Buttigieg. Rachel Maddow. Anderson Cooper. The list goes on, and the number of brilliant people overshadows the few radical, extremist cretins who don't understand "live and let live."
Zachary Quinto. Also Alan Turing, Rudolf Nureyev, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote, Stephen Sondheim, Cole Porter, Noel Coward and so many many more.
J. Edgar hoover?
Yep. And he was a raging homophobe.
You forgot the guy from Nazareth.
Dan McCafferty or Jesus?
Had to be the former. Can't be the latter. Nazareth didn't exist in the 1st Century.
I said singers, NOGODZ's list has enough non singer in it without adding swindlers 😝
I posted my list next to Marycat's comment. :)
The jealousy over 'success' is what really adds the spice to the preachers hate and the hate they inspire in their Sheeple.
There's GOT to be a reason these Satanic people are successful when good Christians like themselves are stuck in soul-killing lives.
And, let me make it clear, that is the part of the Sheeple flock that actually relishes these hate-filled sermons and flock to the dealer who provides their 'high', not just ALL Christians.
Please stop using the word "sheeple." It's annoying. It sounds like you just stepped off a Facebook page. We don't need small-minded jargon, do we? Thank you.
Yes. We. Do.
Dusty Springfield is about the only one I can remember.
Nothing says loving your neighbor like wishing someone would kill them. /s
A lot riding on the SCOTUS cases involving holding internet providers and the like liable for the Encitement of their customers.
If it doesn't work this time, I'm sure a Democratic majority may make it so ..., if they can keep their snouts out of the FAANG pig trough long enough.
BTW, on a related note, interesting the ways the crypto-crook SBF illegally funneled specifically GOP contributions through his subordinates and 'blackhole' PACS, and which subordinates are now RATTING HIM OUT BIG TIME!
It's a Weasel Feeding Frenzy with numerous same-species casualties.
I said it a couple of weeks ago on the last such article, but I'll say it again:
If looking at a woman with lust in your heart is committing adultery, then surely fantasizing about the violent death of someone who has done you no harm is committing murder.
"I'm not gonna do it! I'm not gonna kill ‘em!"
Well gosh, that's really swell of you, Deven. You're just going to do everything you can to ensure that LGBT kids grow up without the least bit of hope, pride or self-confidence, and are so completely devoid of optimism for their lives that they end them. It's just so terribly inspiring that you preach The Religion of Love™. It would be awful if you were a hatemonger.
Hateful, micro-penised, closet cases like this preacher and all his fellows are proof that there is no god with absolute morality. If there was, they would be the ones on the receiving end of a divine lightning bolt.
Are men still insulting each other over the size of their wee-wees? Come on, really?
It works well on macho idiots like the preachers in the article.
Do women still one-up each other on their 'housekeeping' ...
You're not being helpful.
And yet somewhere on the planet there are lions who are feeling a bit peckish.....
Don't feed the poor cats poisoned meat.
Luckily, lions can cope with meat that's been sitting around for a long time – tenderising itself. 😆
"If God didn't exist, how do atheists explain that Jesus was a Christian? The son of God believed in Christianity, because it is true."
This was a posting on a website. I just wanted to show you all the mentality of christians. Could these POS get any dumber?
It's why they're 'employed' in the profession with the lowest bar to entry; Professional Religion Worker/Wanker.
LOL Jesus would have been a Jew - if he'd been real, but there's never been proof of it.
Why the heck would this god need a son? The beginnings of the Great Patriarchy, I guess. Judaism and Islam were and are patriarchal, but only Christianity has the arrogance to give their god a human son.
Be fair, not all christians are that stupid. Plenty of very intelligent people are inexplicably religious. On the other hand... well, that comment. I mean, yikes, that's up there with claiming the Bible was written in english.
Yep, because they are brainwashed from birth.