These are the people we’re supposed to be looking to for a moral compass, folks. I didn’t realize moral compasses needed to be found by digging through cess.

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Sexual predators have been hiding behind their clerical collars and Bibles for as long as those things have existed. They knew there is a cultural inclination to shield them from charges of sexual abuse, because who could accuse a man of god of such a thing! Then, they lost control of the media, and the truth began coming out. It keeps coming out. Law enforcement in most places now take accusers seriously, and the churches who have shielded the abusers have paid out huge settlements. Best of all, more and more of these holy monsters are doing hard time in real prisons, and religion's grip on our culture is fading.

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"It’s possible they just don’t rise to the level of criminal conduct." Or it's possible the grand jury simply said, "but Jesus".

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Terrific. Perry Stone does all sorts of reprehensible things, and when he gets called on it, he claims that it's 𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗔𝗡!!! and that he's blameless. Worse, the state of Tennessee won't do anything about it, or at least not yet.

Yet the Volunteer State was quite happy to eject two representatives from its halls (and damned near a third!), but they won't act on this. Makes me wonder if Tennessee isn't taking lessons from Somalia.

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OT: Decided to sign up for Hemant's Patreon, and while I was there checked out some of his donation levels. His highest, *much* more than I, or most people on this board, could afford, was $666 a month. If there was any chance I could make good on that, I'd do it just for the finger to the evangelicals.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

One word: Bribery! That's how the law is looking away from his corruption. The pervert has been bribing them to look the other way as he engage in perversion of women.

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Remind me again how there is no bias in sexual harassment/rape cases ?

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"… God told him Satan was trying to hurt his reputation and stop him from delivering a revelation that would save entire nations. He told the crowd demons use slander and accusations, and people who talk to news reporters but do not want their name used should not be trusted.

It is 'demonic,' 'perverted' and a sin to talk about sins of the past, Stone said."

Typical grifter gibberish.

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Jesus forgave him, why can't you? /s

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I wonder how many of his parishioners were on the grand jury.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

Looking at those links of him, I'm reminded of the following truism:

Seems the biggest know-nothing loudmouths are always the ones with microphones.

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"God told him Satan was trying to ruin his reputation."

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Stone did that all by himself. He didn't need any help whatsoever from a figment of the imagination. "Ruin" his reputation? I'd say Stone pretty much illustrated what his "reputation" is.

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A religious sexual predator? Sweet baby jeebus, you'd think it was one of those rare days ending in Y.

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And when you look at the comments – you couldn't make this piss up. 😁

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I'd love to interview the grand jury. It's bad enough as it is, but I suppose we should be glad there are no accusations from little girls.

There should be a fairly good rule of thumb for sexual harassment for men. If another guy would slug you for doing it to him, you shouldn't do it to a woman.

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I just love those groans he emits while he's checking his phone and "speaking" in tongues. The only time I've ever made sounds like that was the day I was severely constipated.

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