Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 22, 2021

"I'm tired of godless people who hate America run this country!"

To Lauren "The Loon" Booby Prize...

Hate America? Uh, who were all those cross-waving, praying "tourists" at the Capitol on January 6th? Those insurrectionists were there at the behest of that self-professed Christian Donald Trump, then-president of this country. He wanted those traitors to help overturn a legal election.

Not only that, those rioters planned to hold mock trials and execute people. This includes Trump's own Veep, man who put being a Christian above anything else. Truly "Fascism come to America wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"

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Fascism didn't have to come to America- it was here all along. They grew it right here at home, with locally-sourced ingredients including racism, xenophobia, and gullibility. Sprinkle with a bit of conspiracy theory gibberish, garnish with a MAGA hat, and voila! One serving of coup d'état.

And they're all lining up for seconds.

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And Lauren was nice enough to give some of those "tourists" guided tours the day before so they would not get lost.

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Revolutions tend to devour its children, she obviously thinks that being nutty and "Trumpy" enough will save her bony ass!

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When the revolution succeeds, the last thing the people in charge want, is unemployed revolutionaries hanging around. See Katniss Everdeen.

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"We are closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe"


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Yes, Bonehead, we godless people are running the country. Do not adjust your set. We control the horizontal, and the vertical. That's *exactly* why we can't even manage to scrub the Christian pee-marking off of our currency, and motto.

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I wish I could multi up vote you for the reference.

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It's almost all Christians in America's halls of power. See the mess we're in.

The Deist founders were wise to erect a wall between church and state. Look at the results when Christians take a wrecking ball to that wall.

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Technically she's right. Everybody is godless. ; )

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Godless. Booby Prize says that like it's a bad thing. :)

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Shh. Don't tell her. Let her find out on her own. It'll be funnier that way.

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When she finds that she is all dressed up and there is nowhere to go.

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I miss being able to post memes.


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Me too. Memes, GIFs and even videos.

We also lost our ability to underscore, italicize, and bold. Not to mention losing the ability to use special characters.

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Can't arrow/mouse to see who is "Liking" the posts. And should we get a troll, we can't check its comment history.

*Le sigh*

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Aria is still here for free hugs.

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need pix !!

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Having to download pictures online to share them is soooo 2010. I am afraid you will have to use your imagination until early January ;)

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Check your email. I get an email every time someone upvotes or replies to my posts. I leave the Hotmail address I signed up with as a pinned tab, when a red dot appears on it, "I've Got Mail."

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I had to shut that off I was getting way too many emails.

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If you leave it on, you have to sort and delete everything twice.

I'm actually missing the chimps at Disqus.

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Even though I've had this account for years, this is the only thing I am using it for. So that is not a problem, amazingly I'm not getting junk mail.

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Happening to me as well.

Disqus is no longer there to sort the email into two distinct sections (regular email and Disqus Comments).

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I get an e-mail for every heart.

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Yup, me too. Over a hundred daily. Wow. :)

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yeah, I get a couple thousand ... just sayin'


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If my memes don't get out and exercised regularly, they tend to find a corner and mope.

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Dec 22, 2021·edited Dec 22, 2021

There's always ascii to express yerself

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ or ┌П┐(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿) or :-)


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Soon all will be good,and we'll be in blogoheaven, posting memes and videos, and cursing to our hearts content;-))

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021

For all it's faults, Disqus was better than this. Let's hope the new system at OnlySky is better.

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Hard to get my footing, timing-wise.

One article a day and lots of lag times with comments and replies. I've had to cut my 4-hour posting sessions down to 1 or 2 hours with all the dead time in-between.

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No indication of new comments above and below where your reading at the moment either.

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rename this site to 'subpar'

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Just so folks know, Lauren was present when her hubs exposed himself to teenage girls, so when someone asks why she should be held accountable for her husband’s actions, they know she was involved with them.

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They were only dating when that happened so she married him after that stunt!

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"Lauren was present when her hubs exposed himself to teenage girls,"

Lovely couple!

As long as it was a "patriotic" exposure, though, I fail to see what's wrong with that? (I don't)

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since we are sharing memes. https://imgur.com/TbnfdpF

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Don't forget to mouse over the comic for additional text.

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Flake on a Cake?

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what hayseed said.

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Something that rhymes with bundt.

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Allen Funt?

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Punt? Runt?

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Could be smut

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Or stunt.

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Yeah, well I’m sick of these god damned lying evangelicals ruining this country. They’re the ones who put Trump in charge, they’re the ones creating the wage chasm, they’re the ones ensuring the American people die from preventable diseases, lack of medical care, lack of housing, lack of food, lack of basic human respect and/or dignity, and a lack of human rights. They’re the ones that have been in power for generations and have created ignorant, egotistical, clowns like you to sit in Congress soaking up lobbyist money while waging war on vulnerable people.

Let’s give the godless a try for once. That can’t do any worse.

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Well to some of us, those who say they are kkkhristain are godless.

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Dec 22, 2021·edited Dec 22, 2021


Well, you know, actually Boebert's 100% correct

We're ALL "God"-less regardless of what we believe or profess, since there is in no actuality any frigging "God" at all


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impeccable logic :-)

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021

Godless people running the country? She says it like it’s a bad thing.

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In their opinion, they see Biden and Pelosi and others like myself as liars. We are not true Christians in their opinion. I am increasingly being told that I cannot be a Christian because I do not subscribe to positions like overturning Roe.

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"Who knew there were godless people running the country?!"

godless meaning not Trumpanzees

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They have a Mango Messiah but haven't raised him quite to gawdhood yet.

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Anyone who doesn't promote white Christian supremacy is always a threat to these hyper-religious virtue signaling clowns, and being the good small-minded conspiracy theorists they are, every threat to their privilege is meant to be exaggerated until it provokes violence.

They successfully shopped around the Big Lie about the Pagans, then the Jews, then the Abolitionists, and now it's time to shine the spotlight of hatred on the atheists and the Democrats.

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You know they are getting serious when they go after the Presbyterians.

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I pray for godless people to run this country. It would be a sign from God.

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Dec 22, 2021·edited Dec 22, 2021

"Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear."

-- Thomas Jefferson, from a letter to his nephew Peter Carr in Paris, dated August 10, 1787

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I would love it if godless people were running the country. It's the Jesus-fixated I worry about.

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Jewish (non-observant), wishy-washy Catholic, and Catholic.

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