“It doesn’t have to be true; it just has to go viral” is pretty much the GOP’s mission statement these days

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God may have given us Donald Trump, but then again he also gave us schizophrenia, muscular dystrophy, cancer, ingrown toenails, male pattern baldness, and a thousand other diseases we could do without. So, what's their point? They have no point of course. They are simply making excuses for the indefensible. Few things ever better demonstrated the disconnect between religion and morality quite like the evangelicals pledging their unconditional love for Donald Trump.

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Can’t tell you how many “Christians” & other assorted flavors I’ve seen on social media arguing that religion & morality are the same thing & how without the former, people wouldn’t know the difference between right and wrong. Personally, I don’t need some all-powerful, all-seeing, all-knowing, invisible deity to tell me whether my words/actions are good or bad- my soul has always been perfectly capable of making those calls

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Morals are nothing more than learning how to get along in a society of humans.

The thing that bothers me about Christians is their morals tend to be VERY flexible.

Adultery is bad, but only if you get caught.

Lying is bad, but only if you get caught.

Murder is bad, but only if you get caught...

See where I'm going here?

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Lying is bad, but only if you lie to your major donors.

Murder is bad, but only if the victim is a white conservative.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

Murder is good, if you can get the ingredients for lethal injection.

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And you can always be “forgiven”, so they have a recyclable get out jail free card

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The eleventh commandment is "Thou Shalt Not Get Caught."

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Their particular religion, but all others are hell-bound.

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With religion, a lot of people don’t know the difference between right and wrong, and you can’t argue with them because, in their estimation, you’re arguing with god.

At this stage, I’m glad to be a church dropout.

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Considering becoming a kkkrister so I can get some slaves?

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And I'm sure your "slaves" will enjoy your masterful "punishment".

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"Bone cancer in children?"

-- Stephen Fry

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Oh, I know. The list is endless. I would very much like to know how their intelligent design model explains all those horrors. Not that any of those things are good, but they are at least understandable in the evolutionary model. Mutations happen.

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...and why did the planet's animals get sucked into our collective punishment for the sins of Adam and Eve? Couldn't god have made them all vegetarians? No no no - he had to turn them into a hierarchy of predation.

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Harlequin's Ichthyosis is nothing short of hideous. Do NOT google photos unless you have a VERY strong stomach. I saw one and cannot unsee it.

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I thought more biblical...

The seven plagues of Egypt.

The Flood.

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The ads tRump runs are full of lies. . . Lies about his “caring for the military,” . . . Lies about the economy --which was healthy after Obama rescued us from George W and tanked by tRump . . . .then rescued by Biden who actually DEALT with Covid. . . And believe me, the ENTITLED, SELFISH MAGAts TOOK THE MONEY.

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Right, caring for the military... like having an entire Navy ship hidden from view during an official visit, revoking leave for its entire crew, just because he had a beef with the dead man whose grandfather it was named for. Because that's 𝘵𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 stable, normal behavior for a world leader with access to nuclear weaponry...

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"Caring for the military" ... while calling them, "losers." Trump cares for the military like I care for Trump, indeed even less so. I respect our military. Trump just wants to use them for his own selfish purposes.

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Which is setting himself up as Dictator in chief.

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"god gave us trump"

Another proof the christian god is a sadist and of the psycho kind.

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"He works all day."

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Trump couldn't even be bothered to contribute to the book with his name on the cover ("The Art of the Deal"). The real author of that book (Tony Schwartz) would later detail Trump's epic laziness on that project.

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If you gathered up all of the time he actually spent working in his 4 years infesting the White House, you could probably make the time card total up to 2 days.

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It was the scene of him being gathered in prayer that also had me in tears.

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"Works all day," eh? The man spent more time on the golf course than in the Oval Office , I suspect, and if he worked at all, he worked in his own interests and rarely if ever for the American people as a whole.

I DO have a fair amount of respect for farmers. My granddad was one, after he worked as a cop in Elyria, Ohio, and he did well at that. I have less than NO RESPECT for Trump.

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Trump reportedly spent his days in the WH up in the residence watching Fox News and, when tired of that, taking "Executive Time"-- i.e., a nap. His briefings had to be almost in cartoon form to get him to pay attention. Dumb as a bag of rocks.

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Trump was notoriously lazy: Up late in the morning, watching golf in the Lincoln Room. . . We know, now, hygiene and exercise weren’t on the agenda. . . Golfing every weekend he could get out of D.C. . . .

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Conservatives never shut up about Obama playing the occasional round of golf... Chump got a free pass on spending a whole-ass quarter of his term in office on the links. Throw in all those creepy rallies, and we'll call it half his time in office that was 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 not spent working- and of the time he did spend in the office, much of that was just scheming ways to claim the credit for things other, more competent Presidents and legislators had done... and what little he 𝘥𝘪𝘥 actually do, every last bit of it was horrible, petty, and cruel.

Of course, his base just thinks that makes him smart. He truly is a stupid person's idea of a genius- he got all the perks of the job, without having to actually do it.

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Unlike this fictional President "I was so busy trying to keep my job, I forgot to do my job" - Andy Shepard (Michael Douglas) "The American President"

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

As I recall, he cut short a meeting with another world leader just to be able to make his usual weekend tee time.

For someone whose campaign promise is that he would be too busy working to play golf, he's never missed a single weekend of golf in his entire term.

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[Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!]

I was just talking about false prophets and here we are again.

The man had defrauded the workers. Sexually assaulted women. Assaulted women. Mocked the disabled. Mocked veterans. Authorized the kidnapping of children from helpless and desperate parents. Lied constantly. Praised dictators and tyrants who murder and oppress the innocent and helpless. Broken his word constantly. His lies and cowardice have led directly to tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of deaths.

But the false prophets come along and lie and flatter his ego. Christians love false prophets. They love people who tell them that they're good people and that the decisions they make are God's will.

[hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.]

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If God gave us Trump would he take him back. The majority really don’t want or need him.

Just a little morning humor

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That's pretty much all i've gotten out of his rallies when visiting other countries. A more comedic aura that's completely polar to Biden's moments of actually wanting to pick up from where the US truly left off. Like, his little moment in Iowa was a perfect example when being that obvious laugh for those people who attended and are, unfortunately still voting for Trump. The amount of energy brought is, or has to be among those reasons why he's an ultimate attraction to the current run for President; whereas Biden's approaches simply differ when atop that podium for us all.

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If YHVH sent us this orange lump, then he only confirms the low opinion anyone sane has of him at doing his job.

As St. George Carlin said in "You Are All Diseased": "In any decently run universe, this guy would have been out on his all-powerful ass a long time ago."

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The more I see the rise of Trump from all the sickos in this country that support him the more I am convinced of atheism purely from a psychological level. Of course I am convinced for other reasons such as the weak arguments from the theists, but when I see people acting like apes as we do, I cannot fathom a loving god behind this. (An evil god maybe, but not the god people think they worship).

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So an imaginary dictator in the sky gave us a flesh-and-blood would-be dictator?

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Made in his image

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I guess god doesn’t own a decent mirror. Does he wear a ferret on his head too? 🤔

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So God gave the Christians a narcissistic, criminal psychopath as a caretaker who will cure everything that's wrong with the nation and restore Christianity as the state religion. Nice going, God.

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The root cause of all of this is that a significant percentage of the population isn't interested in thinking through things. They have learned to accept nonsense as truth on the religious front, so it is nothing to accept that tRump is the man to fix all the problems with society that Faux Snooze tells them to be angry about. They are lazy and are quite content to be told what to think. Like the Orange Menace. They are tribal, easily-propagandized, and wouldn't know a cognitive dissonance if it bit them on the nose.

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Seems to me that even when they do know the truth, they don’t much care. As long as Cheetolini keeps persecuting & hating on the same people they hate, they’re perfectly content to disregard facts & reality

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I think you nailed it here.

"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out God hates all the same people you do."

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Well said- sad, but true

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His base has been voting against their better interests for generations as long as it harms the others as well. They’re willing to die to make sure black people don’t get to live in peace. Trump has only ramped up the process and made it overt. The right has supported welfare fully, willing to put all kinds of money into it, until it was made clear that they could no longer exclude people of color from the program, then it was shameful and needed limits and welfare queens were born. Did that mean that millions of white folks lost benefits? Of course it did, but that’s alright as long as no black person ever got a leg up. Trump is just using this to line his pockets and it’s an easy win for him since, you are absolutely right, they’re already setup for believing it.

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I think a lot of people find the process of thinking to be physically painful. It is ever so much easier to believe what you're told to believe.

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deletedJan 8
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The know-nothing mentality has been one of the conservative diseases for the entire history of our country. It is certainly ascendant in our day and time...

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This is my version: And on June 14, 1946, The Demon looked down on His planned paradise and said, “I need a destroyer.” So the Demon gave us Trump.

The Demon said, “I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, destroy this country, tweet all day, fight the true patriots, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and stay past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state.” So the Demon made Trump.

“I need somebody with arms weak enough to rustle the deep state and yet gentle enough to murder his own grandchild. Somebody to ruffle the feathers, enflame the cantankerous World Economic Forum, come home sated, never wait until the First Lady is done with lunch with friends, then tell the I'll grab you by your pussies, to be sure and come back real soon—and never mean a word of it it.” The Demon gave us Trump.

“I need somebody who can shape pasta but wield a wet noodle, who had the cowardice to step foot in North Korea, who can go bankrupt and bankrupt our country” So the Demon made Trump.

The Demon had to have somebody willing to go into the den of vipers, call out the truth as fake news for his tongue as sharp as a serpent's—the poison of vipers is on his lips—and never stop. So the Demon made Trump. '

The Demon said, “I need somebody who will be weak and ineffective, who will always be afraid and terrified of the truth when they attack. A man who does not care for the flock, a shepherd to kill mankind, who will always leave and forsake them. I need the most sluggish worker to follow the path of the demons and remain and crawl into a hole and hide from the belief of God and country. Somebody who's willing to destroy the planet, send manufacturing and jobs to other countries, destroy the farm the lands, seal us off from the world so that only his words are spread, disband our military, fight the system all day, and finish a hard week's work by attending church on Sunday to worship Trump and only Trump”

And then his oldest son turns and says, “Dad, let's make Destroy America again. Dad, let's build back a country to be the laughingstock of the world again.”

So, the Demons made Trump.

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God said, “I need somebody who will be strong and courageous, who will not be afraid or terrified of the wolves when they attack."

God said "Wolves", not "Bald Eagles".


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The only reason he's not terrified of attacking wolves is that 𝘩𝘦'𝘴 the one who sicced them on the rest of us.

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Dilley obviously never met Trump, and has had his eyes nailed shit for the past eight or so years, because nothing in that nonsense is even remotely true. But the most egregious lie was this:

“God said, “I need somebody who will be strong and courageous, who will not be afraid or terrified of the wolves when they attack.””

Trump is the biggest coward on the face of the planet. He has zero intestinal fortitude and does every shady, illogical and illegal thing he can to avoid the repercussions of his actions. He’s a bully, and bullies are not strong and brave they’re weak, scared children that lash out at anyone who they perceive as better than them. So we know who Trump thinks is his superior, it’s a long list. The notable names not on the list, Putin and Kim Jung Un, also bullies and cowards.

ETA leaving the typo in the first sentence, he is shit.

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Cadet Bone Spurs isn’t afraid of wolves, but he’s deathly afraid of Jack Smith.

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I'd like to see him walk into a wolf sanctuary.

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The diaper will overflow

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He cowered from a bald eagle on his desk that he stupidly tried to touch.

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Who’s falling for the “work all day” line? His most memorable pics are of him on the golf course day after day after day. What was the figure the Post noted-230 some days on the links in just ONE year of his “presidency”? And he’s been a famous golf cheat for decades (ask Lindsey). Many folks, mostly men, claim they’re making wheels & deals on the course but who wants a country that’s the result of sycophants allowing him to cheat? Only the most MAGA faithful evidently. Which says as much about them as it does him.

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