That's rich. His sexual misconduct is no one else's business, and yet his church would like nothing better than being able to make the rules for everyone. If Christianity has ever done anything to make the world a better place, I have not seen it.

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Christianity has made Jesus, Inc. very wealthy and powerful. The value proposition is compelling.

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Jesus. The guy who told others to give Caesar what's his and to give God what's his. The guy who told people to eschew wealth for eternal life. The guy who overturned the tables of businessmen making bank in the temple and drove those businessmen out of that temple with a whip.

Bloody hippie commie socialist freak.

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Other than cantatas, oratorios , statuary, ostentatious architecture, and a few painted ceilings, their contributions have been negligible. It helped that the church had all the money and patronage!

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Shocker! Preacher sexual assaults a member of his flock, and Jesus immediately forgives him of his awful sins. Trans kid using female bathroom, she needs to be stoned to death!

Justice: the Old Testament edition!...:)

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Johnny reminds me of Bristol Palin. She preached abstinence-only. Then when she got pregnant out of wedlock...twice...she had the gall to demand "Don't judge me!"

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I can't remember how many times I wanted to bitch-slap the living daylights out of the Palins every time one or both of them popped up on the news.

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Oh, there’s more than 2!

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Those are the ones I remember from the news stories.

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So, like, they’re saying the crime he committed happened when he wasn’t president of the SBC but he was president right before then shortly after the crime was committed. There was a window of time where, because he wasn’t in a position, he was allowed to behave criminally with no effect to his reputation? As long as he’s not actively working, he doesn’t need to follow not just the rule of law, but he doesn’t even have to follow the rules in your Bible, and he still can be in respected positions of authority within the religion, not just one church but all of them.

My God, Lemon! You really are fucked up bastards.

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Unwanted, non-consensual “kissing and awkward fondling” are sexual assault, by definition.

They are nothing if not hypocrites.

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In addition to unwanted sexual advances being traumatic in their own right, no matter who it is.... I gotta say, when I look at his photo, the idea of THAT forcibly grabbing me and kissing me grosses me out. 🤢🤮

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Public in your condemnation of others, demanding privacy in your own shame.....

Fuck that

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Can you say, "Double standard," boys and girls? I KNEW that you could!

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I keep trying, but every time I say it, it comes out garbled and sounds like "Christian obsessed with sex turn out to be fucking hypocrites". I'm going to have to see his speech therapist to get this problem fixed. I hope Obamacare will cover it

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Huh! Do you know, I have the EXACT SAME PROBLEM! Must be something going around, maybe... 🤔

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I tell you, it's gotten to the point where "Christian" has become synonymous with pervert/hypocrite.

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It comes close in places, especially among evangelicals. I mean, I have friends who are Christian and they're decent people (otherwise, why would they be my friends?!?), but to see the jerks out there and all the attention they get (mostly because they want it so desperately!) just makes me wanna puke.

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Bet your friends would still be decent people without the religion. That's usually how it works. :)

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It hasn't just reached that point recently. It's been that way from the beginning. Look at Augustine, admitting he was in love with another guy when he was young, then condemning homosexuality. Look at Origen, instructing christian men to castrate themselves to avoid sexual "sin," then refusing to do it himself. And on and on. Christianity and Hypocrisy have been synonyms for 2000 years.

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“How Christian of them.”

I’m telling ya, we gotta make that a thing!

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Bless their hearts.

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you need to let Jesus be yer vaccine. It worked really well for Covid.

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Jesus, take the needle!

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Isn't Jesus the guy in the OR who's draped all over the doctor without being masked or gowned?

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Too late. Got one arm full of COVID-19 vaccine and the other full of Fluzone! 😁

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I have your beat. I got RSV as well. I win.!

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I got them both in the same arm and then had a miserable 28 hours of fever and chills. Each COVID shot the immune response has started earlier and lasted longer. If I wasn't sure getting COVID, especially with my risk factors, would be worse, I'd stop doing this.

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Oh, GAD, an old classic from Bloom County! I actually have a stuffed Opus!

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Who doesn't? ;)

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My favorite was Bill the Cat.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023


(He was supposed to be Breathed's take on Garfield) :)

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If I pinch my lips in the middle, I can even say it out of both sides of my mouth!

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Can you say egg McMuffin? 😉

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Brazzilphrumpus! 🤪😁

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"It would be a shame to let Satan and a little sexual assault derail all of the good he's done and all he could do! Besides, Jesus forgives, we should too."

The culture really encourages and allows for abuse.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

The proper response to the last is: I forgive you. The state does not. So thanks for asking for my forgiveness, go turn yourself in to the police now.

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"[A]nd a worldview of almost limitless sexual freedom.”

And this is a problem because...?

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At least there’s consent involved in the freedom, whereas the lack of consent is the hallmark of their worldview.

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That freedom doesn't seem to be an issue when it's them engaging in it. Everybody else is a sinner, not them.

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As I always say, their "moral rules" never apply to themselves, just to everybody else.

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After sexually assaulting this woman, he got to traumatize her all over again by going to “counseling” with her. And the counseling focused on infidelity, not sexual assault. Why did she need infidelity counseling for being sexually assaulted by her church’s preacher?

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Well, obviously it's because she tempted him into sin by existing in his presence with tits. /s

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Yep. TOTALLY her fault. /s

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And the bigger the tits, the bigger the sin. /more sarc

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Because it was all her fault and she needed to have that pounded into head.

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Darned temptresses all over the place!

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The counseling let Hunt re-experience the thrill of the hunt. If this gives him comfort and pleasure, what's wrong with that? (TM)

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Ah! Now I get it. This explains why so many of these hypocrites support a predator who boasts about grabbing them by the p...y. He's truly one of them.

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He validates their shitty behavior

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Oh, come on- there's no hypocrisy here at all! See, what happens in his bedroom is his business... and what happens in everybody else's bedrooms is 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 his business! And nobody else's. He's the sole authority on sex stuff. Has a card and everything. He'd show it to you, but, well... it's none of your business.

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And what he does to an unwilling woman is likewise his business, not hers. I mean, the nerve of her, thinking she has a say in any of it. God made her the weaker vessel on purpose, dammit!

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

Like denying her an abortion for a pregnancy that was the product of rape and/or incest.

Damned slutty 10-year-olds.

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"Dr. Hunt then moved towards Survivor and proceeded to pull her shorts down, turn her over and stare at her bare backside. He made sexual remarks about her body and things he had imagined about her..."


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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

In 2 Peter 2:20 of his bible, believers are told that to gain salvation and then get tangled up in wickedness again is to leave the believer even worse off than if they had NEVER accepted salvation.

Hunt should be glad his god isn't real. He'd be in a world of hurt when his life finally ends.

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One more biblical nugget Hunt (and likely many of his fellows) know NOTHING about.

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In the words of Church Lady: "How conveeeeenient.

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Mr. Hunt lives on a one-way street called Southern Baptist Convention Way. He lives by its credo:

"Everybody else's sex life is my business, but my sex life is nobody else's business."

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

Dammit, beat me by an hour – I really should read further down before I comment. Still, it's a comment that bears repeating because it is very, very true.

Edit: oh wow, on further reading everyone seems to be pointing out the hypocrisy – I guess it is reasonably obvious. 😁

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Oh, there is so much to write about this.

'It was only the next morning that he apologized, begged for forgiveness, and asked for her to keep this a secret. Hunt was scheduled to return to preach at his home church in Georgia following his sabbatical, but he soon announced he would be extending his break “citing physical and emotional exhaustion”. Translating from the Christianese, the difference between a gay man and a straight man is a six pack of beer and the wife being gone on vacation. And the straight man says, "Christ was a drunk last night! I don't remember thing that happened."

'Bob Smietana of Religion News Service explains what happened after that: 'Without telling his congregation — or the millions of Southern Baptists he had represented as their president — Hunt went through a secret restoration process that included counseling sessions with the woman he had fondled and her husband. He then returned to the pulpit.."

Why, that's just what Ted Haggard did. In fact he went through it several times and was declared thoroughly and completely heterosexual each and every time. And then he went back to the ministry.

And then there is this: "He also signed the SBC Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission’s “Statement on Marriage” written in response to the Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling, which said the decision was the result of “marriage’s decline through divorce, cohabitation, and a worldview of almost limitless sexual freedom.”

Notably missing is adultery, fornication, sexual assault, faithlessness to vows and promises, infidelity, and hypocrisy. Also notably missing is that the vast majority of people doing all of these things are heterosexual. Not the gay people don't do them, but according to right wing Christians, gay people or something like 2% of the population, except when we're taking over with 20%.

Never trust anyone who can clear his conscience of any action he has committed simply by apologizing to his imaginary friend for his imaginary offenses, except when the imaginary offenses are real ones.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

Mama, don't let your babies grow up to be preachers.

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> "the difference between a gay man and a straight man is a six pack of beer and the wife being gone on vacation."

I'd say there's another, more basic and essential difference, and it's got to do with our respective cultures. OUT gay men, in my experience, think of sex as something you do with someone; straight men, far too often, think of sex as something you do TO someone. Just look at the way so many straight men talk about sex--in terms of dominance and aggression--"I banged her," "I nailed her," "I screwed her," "I pounded her," "I plowed her," etc., etc. I'd say that on the whole we have the healthier attitude. (There are exceptions on both sides, of course. I'd be the last one to suggest that all gay men are paragons or that all straight men are violent and abusive. I'm talking in generalizations, here. Life is short.)

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Sorry it took me a while to respond to this. I was busy with other things and then it got lost in all of my emails.

Although I fundamentally agree with you, I look at it slightly differently. What we gay people have to do is actually take a look at our sexuality. That's the whole process of coming out. We have to look at our sexuality, turn it around a few times, and then place it back into our lives in its appropriate position. Not every gay person is capable of this, nor is every gay person going to do it. But on the whole, the process of coming out means that our sexuality is not just a given, but something we have to think about.

I have met very few straight men who have ever actually examined their sexuality, and done what we have to do. That's one of the reasons I think that Nicholas groth, who used to be one of the foremost child sexual abuse experts in the country, said that in his experience, gay men were probably less likely to be sexual abusers than straight men. We can see this especially in the sexual abuse crisis in the Boy Scouts. Allegedly heterosexual men, usually married and with families, were molesting the boys under their charge. If you or someone that is attracted to men but I've never actually had to deal with it and I've been able to pretend that you're actually not interested in men, having vulnerable young men under your authority is like being in a candy store.

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You are not being fair. Prayer is not nothing, it's just a tiny step beyond nothing.

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Soooo, Johnny...

Seventh Commandment. Remember that one? You should. You're a preacher. You're supposed to know this stuff.

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Minor detail. Don't listen to the man behind the curtain.

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"Are you gonna believe what you see, or what I tell you to?"

- Christians

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"Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes" -- Chico Marx

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