Houston, you have a problem (sorry, it had to be done).

Gayz and lesbianz are obviously two different things. Gays are repeating Onan' sin by wasting their semen while two women kissing are waiting for a man to show them the right path, there is no such thing as lesbianz.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22

For a religion that is so heavily opposed to sex (especially same-sex relations), they sure are fascinated by it and can't seem to get their fill.

I've said it before: the bible belt is the biggest consumer of porn in the USA. Gay porn, in particular. Houston is just another Elmer Gantry who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

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Name one evangelist who isn't a performance artist putting on an act. It's their job. "Cheeses. Cheeses. Cheeses." --Billy Graham

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Ladies? When your porn preference is Anne Elliot and Elizabeth Bennet going at it while Darcy and Wentworth are left out in the cold.

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I'm not on Twitter / X (and quite glad of that, thankuverymuch!), but if I were and I put something out as a tweet, I'd like to think that I'd be posting things that 1) had a degree of value to my audience and 2) was NOT something I'd ever consider deleting, whether "they have served their purpose" or not. That Houston posts something that is at least odd of not potentially salacious, then claims a hack and/or deletes said post is at least suspicious if not seriously problematic.

Oh, but he's a CHRISTIAN, so it really is all okay ... IN A PIG'S EYE!

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I have long suspected the big time preachers of being the worst kind of cynical atheists. There is simply no way they would want to stand before their maker and justify the lives they've led. There are few groups I trust less to tell the truth about anything. Their enablers in the pews are just as bad or they wouldn't be there delegating their thinking to the clergy.

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Looking for porn involving little girls?! 💫✨🌈Not a drag queen. Still not a drag queen🌈✨💫

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Reading through this, I have no doubt that most of the Hillsong people believe Houston, even if very few people outside his group do. It's funny how the old chestnut about 'where there's smoke there's fire' never seems to apply to Christian leadership.

I think Shakespeare was right, though; Houston really does protest entirely too much.

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“Houston doesn’t think it’s okay to act on one’s homosexuality. Unless, I guess, you’re a lady or girl and want to kiss another lady or girl… in which case Houston is not only okay with it, he wants to watch.“

The thing is, to certain men, ladies and girls kissing isn’t LGBT, it is entertainment for men and if it is for men it’s okay. Just like lying for Jesus is good.

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Pastor Brian is lyin’. The end.

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"I was hacked" is a pretty lame excuse. He should have went with "It was taken out of context".

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Look, if someone were going to hack a hate preacher's Ex-Twitter account, I have to believe they'd be a little more creative than 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵. Make him like and follow a bunch of stuff that would 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘺 ruin his career as a right-wing blowhard: abortion clinics, wind turbine manufacturers, drag shows, and vegan restaurants!

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Well dang, now when I search on "ladies kissing girls" I don't get any lez pron, all I get is articles about pastor Brian Houston. Downer, man.

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As I'm fond of saying, heterosexual men have three and only three reactions to hearing a woman is a lesbian, and they are, in this order:

1. That's disgusting!

2. Can I watch?

3. Both of the above.

Men who are unable to satisfy their women (or only when they get sex in a commercial transaction) often have this belief that

A. Lesbians know the great secret to "how to please a woman."

B. They are really bisexual nymphomaniacs who are just waiting for a "real man" to make up a threesome that can be written for "Penthouse Forum."

To A: Men should read women's books on sex and sexuality and learn from them instead of "Penthouse Forum."

To B: "Penthouse Forum" is fiction.

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“Does this guy also log into PornHub and type “boob”?”

Ah….maybe that has been my problem.

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Yes you were searching for girls and women kissing but who cares?

Oh wait. You and your Evangelical yahoos care — at least you do when you’re claiming the moral high ground.

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