Far more than the content of the story, the thing that horrifies me when I read things like this is just how easy it is to manipulate the hard right in this country. These people never realize they're being had until it's much too late.

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Why do you think there are so many grifters on the right? They're the living embodiment of "A sucker is born every minute'"

I do hate it for the seniors getting ripped off. I read a story yesterday where a man invested most of his lifesavings in gold, and the company (advertised on Fox) took a 33% fee for the transaction, and then gold dropped, so he's lost about half of his savings.

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I thought it was hilarious that Dave Ramsey is getting sued because it turns out one of his most prolific advertisers was a scam.

It's my belief that setting people up to trust unconditionally, coupled with a belief in magic makes them open to these affinity scams. In other words, it's not a surprise that the right wing embraced religion and now are reaping the 'rewards' of a gullible population.

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It's about time that these rip-off artists get held to account. On our local FM station here in the rural west, there are preachers selling gold for companies you never heard of. It's disgusting.

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"Buy gold to protect your fortune!" commercials always kinda dumbfounded me.

The pitch literally is: "Your money might be worthless someday, so we want it."


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That's why there is such a high degree of overlap between the hard right politicians and the evangelicals.

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In my congressional district, that venn diagram is a circle. Tim Walberg is an evangelical pastor turned hard right politician.

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That makes my skin crawl.

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Most seniors have probably heard the saying about a fool and his money.

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It's not just manipulation. It's recruitment. I know a few moderates (or former moderates,) as in TRUE conservatives, not alt-right extremists, who move further to the right because they see and believe this kind of crap.

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Most won’t even realize even when it is too late.

They can watch Trump in person pick up a gun, shoot their mother in the face, then laugh maniacally, and they’ll STILL defend him.

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THIS is what draws the fauxrage of kkkonservatives? Not the rampant mass shootings across the country. Not the ever-increasing threat to the planet via climate change. Not even children being raped and impregnated by their fathers or clergy. This.


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To those accustomed to privilege, equality feels like persecution.

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Well, of course! If they were to address any of what you just mentioned, it would draw attention to the fact that THEY are the ones directly and indirectly responsible for all those issues.

And that they would then be expected to contribute towards fixing them.

And that fixing them will cause their income & benefits they receive from the actual ones committing those things to dry up.

So they try their hardest to make everyone ignore the elephant in the room. Which, in actuality, is them.

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A pyrrhic victory in the Great Culture War.

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I like how the Satanic Temple pretty openly says, "We don't worship Satan, we're just trolling you" and conservative Christians still freak out and say they worship Satan.

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Christians believe that if you are not actively worshipping their god, you are in league with Satan. Belief in either is not necessary, they believe and that settles it.

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If you don't wholeheartedly support something without question then you oppose it. That's the way they think about everything.

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"Anyone who isn't with me opposes me, and anyone who isn't working with me is actually working against me.

-- Jesus, in Matthew 12:30

Guess we can see where xtians got their 'tudes.

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Seems like Jesus was a Sith.

Actually, that explains a lot about Christianity.

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Dealing in absolutes? Yeah, that's Christianity all right.

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Hey, Christians...

Satan is a creation of your god (and religion). He gave himself an enemy to fight, lord knows why. And he appears powerless to defeat Satan.

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Satan was literally created to be God’s scapegoat, someone to pin the blame on whenever God fucks up or intentionally does Evil.

Tell me again why christians want us to worship their piece of shit God?

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YHVH flooded a world to "get rid of all the bad people." Satan was nowhere in sight.

Or did Satan goad him into it, ala Job?

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It's not like Christians actually pay attention to what people outside their bubble tell them.

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Never read anything past the headline. You might learn something, and knowing things is a sin, dontcha know.

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“Glory holes, trans surgeries for kids, and potential donations to Satan are a huge slap in the face to every Christian at the company, and we resent it,“

Funny that earlier in the article The Trevor Project, Planned Parenthood and The Satanic Temple were listed in this exact order. This implies the person complaining about the possibility that Fox might make donations to organizations they don’t like thinks that The Trevor Project is all about glory holes, Planned Parenthood does sex change operations on unwilling children and, well, The Satanic Temple believes in an actual Satan. The last one is typical, but the other two are good indicators that these folks are fed lies and scarf them up like it’s caviar and not the bovine excrement they are.

But who is surprised, they watch Fox News and The Blaze (a reference to their pants apparently) and OAN.

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Why is trans surgeries for kids (a myth, but incidental to the point) a slap in the face to Christians? Where is their theological support for this?

And if Fox News offices have glory holes, it only confirms the suspicion that the place is rife with self-hating homosexuals.

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"Male and female he created them*". Correcting what DNA got wrong is an insult to their fickle god but breasts implants (or hair for men) are OK.

* Translated from French, I never read the babble, I can't guarantee the accuracy.

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Vanity is explicitly called out as a sin (breast implants, hair loss 'solutions'). Making your body align with your sense of self is not called out as a sin

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Not to mention penile implants.

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Viagra. It was supposed to stop working.

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Also corrective glasses, medicine, and dental care.

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"Male and female he created them,"

-- Genesis 5:2 ESV

Got it. :)

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

They have no biblical support for their anti-abortion stance, either.

Neither the bible nor its deity and mindless minions are in any way pro-life.

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It's been known for some time that Tucker Carlson's producer, the creep who helped him foment all the anti-LGBT hatred, is an out gay man. https://www.advocate.com/media/2022/12/02/meet-gay-man-fueling-tucker-carlsons-anti-lgbtq-program

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It's not different than this republican lawmaker/senator who was against any policy helping LGBTQI+ issues yet went to his gay son's wedding.

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"Where is their theological support for this?"

C'mon, everybody knows god hates the same people the believer does. It's how they know for sure god's good.

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What a fortuitous theological coincidence, isn't it?

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Why, it's as if man created god and not the other way around.

No. Too terrible to contemplate.

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Every time I see OAN I read it as ONAN for some damn reason.

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Wow. A story so exciting, so riveting, I nearly drooled on my pillow.

FOX being slammed by its audience was always going to happen. It'll happen again if FOX manages to stay around that long, it might not considering those heart-attack level payouts for deliberately deceiving their viewers. FOX has been catering to an audience who enjoys little more than watching the mighty fall down and get beaten up; so far as I'm concerned they're now reaping what they've sown.

Why don't I go make some popcorn?

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

Ah well, console yourself with the fact that conservatives always need something to be angry about. I'd rather it was Fox than me. 😇

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With caramel coating!

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Amateur. Connoisseurs go for salted caramel 😋

There was a TV host who was offered a jar and started to inhale it until he was reminded they were shooting and he could eat it at home later 🤣

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Ooh! :9------

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

Screwball, paranoid, superstitious MAGAts attacking for idiotic reasons the cynical, lying, ultra-right propagandists who nurtured that pathology for years?

Uh, I'm sorry, I don't see what the problem is with that.

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No problem reported, just that we need to know when to get the popcorn. Those need to be made fresh for the best results. Stale popcorn tastes Bleah…

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I've got a scoop. A reliable source, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal, (Hi, Hemant) told me that FoxNews skimps on employee compensation. They match charitable donations up to a paltry $1,000 while their competition, MSNBC, will match donations up to $12,000.

FoxNews also has a gloryhole somewhere.

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Faux Noise should be tickled pink to see that its broadcast model ("If you don't have anything good to say about somebody, make up something bad.") has been so widely adopted by its competitors.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

"Glory holes, trans surgeries for kids, and potential donations to Satan are a huge slap in the face to every Christian at the company, and we resent it."

Look into the bloody violent recorded history of your religion from the 3rd Century on, Christians. YOU are hardly in a position to be offended. By ANYTHING.

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As you so eloquently point out, their own history is a slap in their faces...

...but they're too stupid to see it.

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I'd think money from Fox News (and its employees) would be tainted with cooties or something anyway.

A much bigger news story for me would be TST accepting a donation from FNC.

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Blaze readers: Must... be... outraged! I only like me when I'm outraged! Graaaawr!

I wonder if the outrage addiction is linked to deep seated insecurities, seems like people with real self confidence wouldn't need to constantly be lashing out. Especially at people with less social/political clout.

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Climate change is just a myth.


people stupidity has reached new heights.

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Florida is now entering the "find out" portion of the lesson...

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sadly so many of these conservative will never admit the globe is getting warmer.

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Florida 𝘪𝘴 the state that made it illegal for the government to talk about climate change... and that was 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 Deathsentence. Denial isn't just a state of mind, it's a whole flippin' 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦.

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Bet DeSantis will blame the Mouse.

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I have a idiot "friend" who blames this all on government weather control. Why the Government would do this has never been fully explained.

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If a Republican had weather control technology, they'd use it to send bad weather to blue states. Hurricanes usually hit red states. Therefore, Biden is using weather control! Checkmate, lefties!

...𝘉𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘪𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘠𝘢𝘩𝘸𝘦𝘩 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴.

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But then spends *billions* in relief funds to those affected by the weather. Seems a little counterproductive.

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One of those guys who can't tell the difference between weather and climate.

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I would be more surprised if news organizations did not have glory holes. They are on the lookout for an anonymous tip.

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"Glory holes...are a huge slap in the face to every Christian at the company". I think if you are getting slapped in the face, you might be using the glory hole wrong. Then again, maybe not if you're into that.

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Believe it or not, that's actually a thing. Look up "Swaffelen." :)

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Or don't. Looking up random fetishes on the internet is hard on the digestion.

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But fun. At least for me. :D

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I've lived long enough to realize that anything I can think of is a thing that someone is into. And plenty of stuff that I've never thought of, too.

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Rule 34, baby. Rule 34. :D

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

Glory holes? Glory holes? Charitable glory holes?

Where do these people get this? From what sewer does the crap in their minds flow?

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We always suspected the place was rife with self-hating homosexuals. The fact that there are glory holes in the men's rooms just confirms that. (And how did this 'Christian' even know what a glory hole is?)

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Let ye who haven't been caught down on your knees in the restroom of the local kwikeemart throw the first stone.

They know what it is because someone knew that they could titillate such a Christian with lurid tales of easy and anonymous sex. They get all of the thrills and none of the social diseases.

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The terrific UK comedy series PLEBS did a whole episode that revolved around a "wall of glory." One character has assumed there are hot babes on he other side of the wall and is horrified when he learned the truth. "I've spent my whole life getting sucked off by old men!" he shouts in agony. I love TV that treats its audience like grownups. But then the UK had sense enough to get rid of their puritans; we built a whole culture around ours.

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"But then the UK had sense enough to get rid of their puritans..."

By sending them here 400 years ago.

A Robin Williams bit talked about that:

"...The puritans. A group of people so uptight that even the British said, "Get the f*** out! Just take your wooden shoes and funny hats, and GO!""

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There is a plus side. No teeth. I don't know what he's complaining about.


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They're the type who *really* look forward to their turn in the barrel.

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Or did he mistake a missing screw for a glory hole?

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Probably the same way I did...googled it.

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Ah..A sheltered IFB upbringing. College was such an eye-opener.

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The Murdoch River.

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Sounds more like a moral Cuyahoga

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When correctly viewed, everything is lewd. --St. Lehrer

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And lo, it came to pass on a warm summer's day that the sly Fox had its own turn at the buffet, condemned to have its lying lips munched upon by the very leopards it had trained for years to relish the taste of face-meat.

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Karma. Victor Frankenstein's creature turns on its creator.

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