Far more than the content of the story, the thing that horrifies me when I read things like this is just how easy it is to manipulate the hard right in this country. These people never realize they're being had until it's much too late.

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THIS is what draws the fauxrage of kkkonservatives? Not the rampant mass shootings across the country. Not the ever-increasing threat to the planet via climate change. Not even children being raped and impregnated by their fathers or clergy. This.


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I like how the Satanic Temple pretty openly says, "We don't worship Satan, we're just trolling you" and conservative Christians still freak out and say they worship Satan.

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“Glory holes, trans surgeries for kids, and potential donations to Satan are a huge slap in the face to every Christian at the company, and we resent it,“

Funny that earlier in the article The Trevor Project, Planned Parenthood and The Satanic Temple were listed in this exact order. This implies the person complaining about the possibility that Fox might make donations to organizations they don’t like thinks that The Trevor Project is all about glory holes, Planned Parenthood does sex change operations on unwilling children and, well, The Satanic Temple believes in an actual Satan. The last one is typical, but the other two are good indicators that these folks are fed lies and scarf them up like it’s caviar and not the bovine excrement they are.

But who is surprised, they watch Fox News and The Blaze (a reference to their pants apparently) and OAN.

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Wow. A story so exciting, so riveting, I nearly drooled on my pillow.

FOX being slammed by its audience was always going to happen. It'll happen again if FOX manages to stay around that long, it might not considering those heart-attack level payouts for deliberately deceiving their viewers. FOX has been catering to an audience who enjoys little more than watching the mighty fall down and get beaten up; so far as I'm concerned they're now reaping what they've sown.

Why don't I go make some popcorn?

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

Screwball, paranoid, superstitious MAGAts attacking for idiotic reasons the cynical, lying, ultra-right propagandists who nurtured that pathology for years?

Uh, I'm sorry, I don't see what the problem is with that.

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I've got a scoop. A reliable source, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal, (Hi, Hemant) told me that FoxNews skimps on employee compensation. They match charitable donations up to a paltry $1,000 while their competition, MSNBC, will match donations up to $12,000.

FoxNews also has a gloryhole somewhere.

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Faux Noise should be tickled pink to see that its broadcast model ("If you don't have anything good to say about somebody, make up something bad.") has been so widely adopted by its competitors.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

"Glory holes, trans surgeries for kids, and potential donations to Satan are a huge slap in the face to every Christian at the company, and we resent it."

Look into the bloody violent recorded history of your religion from the 3rd Century on, Christians. YOU are hardly in a position to be offended. By ANYTHING.

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I'd think money from Fox News (and its employees) would be tainted with cooties or something anyway.

A much bigger news story for me would be TST accepting a donation from FNC.

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Blaze readers: Must... be... outraged! I only like me when I'm outraged! Graaaawr!

I wonder if the outrage addiction is linked to deep seated insecurities, seems like people with real self confidence wouldn't need to constantly be lashing out. Especially at people with less social/political clout.

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Climate change is just a myth.


people stupidity has reached new heights.

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I would be more surprised if news organizations did not have glory holes. They are on the lookout for an anonymous tip.

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"Glory holes...are a huge slap in the face to every Christian at the company". I think if you are getting slapped in the face, you might be using the glory hole wrong. Then again, maybe not if you're into that.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

Glory holes? Glory holes? Charitable glory holes?

Where do these people get this? From what sewer does the crap in their minds flow?

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And lo, it came to pass on a warm summer's day that the sly Fox had its own turn at the buffet, condemned to have its lying lips munched upon by the very leopards it had trained for years to relish the taste of face-meat.

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