My bride said, “What these people don’t understand is that big corporations are paying attention and won’t locate there.” To which I replied, “Yeah, but that won’t be until after the election.”
I'd imagine they have no real experience of doing things right, or are still pissed at the smart people who laugh at them and make them wear the dunce caps as "Dumbest Attendees" at even the GOP 'Thimk Tank" conferences.
And that's one of the problems with American voters at the present time, the ones who only support someone who will own the libs. People who vote to screw over other people to help their own pocketbooks I can understand; people who vote to screw over themselves because it will screw over someone they don't like I just can't understand.
American education (along with every other indicator of intelligence or even competence) is heading into history's toilet anyway, so why not this? I'm sure we all remember the story a few months ago about the class of medical students at NYU that got their prof fired because his class was too hard. I mean, perish the thought that medical students should have to learn anything difficult about the human body, right? And incredibly the school went along with them and issued a statement that said, in effect, that the kids' parents had aid for the degree, so we have to give it.
Higher education, like virtually everything else in this country, has become a consumer transaction, and very little more. The NYU incident was the most blatant example, but it's not at all untypical. So if christian students want to purchase college degrees for believing "God did it," why the hell not?
Damn nanosecond edit window. Between the facts that 1) I'm mildly dyslexic, 2) I'm spoiled by four decades of relying on copyeditors and 3) I'm trying to type with a little black cat in one arm (and determined to stay there), I'm a lost soul.
I usually did pretty well on the various bubble-fillers, the hardest part of taking them usually being my intense dislike for the scraping sensation of pencil on paper. Seriously- I haven't touched a pencil since high school. Can't stand the things. Never mattered what hardness I tried, or how fine the point was. The only thing worse was chalk- you can't 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦 how happy I was when I found out that all of my college's classrooms had whiteboards in them, and that I'd never have to use a chalkboard again. The ballpoint pen is, in my estimation, one of the greatest inventions in human history, and I would've given up handwriting altogether if they didn't exist.
Silly digressions aside... I'm no fan of standardized testing in general. Humans don't have standardized brains- we're not machines, and standardized tests have always struck me as an attempt to make humans 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 machines. Whole rooms full of 'em- quiet, obedient little card-punching difference engines, perfectly suited for whatever mind-numbing tedious repetition the working world has in store for them when they're all grown up.
Replacing the SATs and ACTs with an even dumber, more propaganda-soaked version of the same concept is a terrible idea- but then, this is Florida under Deathsentence we're talking about; if they didn't have terrible ideas, they wouldn't have any ideas at all.
I share your hatred of pencils. The only think I liked them for was art class. In high school I mostly used ball-point pens. Ever get ink your mouth from chewing on the end of a Bic Stic? I quit taking notes in college (couldn't keep up and my attempts at my own shorthand were unreadable later) so I finally quit chewing on things. (I had teachers tell me to chew gum in class to keep me from chewing on pens in high school.)
As a Christian leader, I want to make it clear that the CLT seems like and end run around engaging the real world and a way to add ideology to the mix. I agree with your thoughts in this post - this is a terrible idea and just one more way that white people continue to avoid the world as it is and is becoming and cling to what was - racism and cultural chauvinism, and all that goes with. Thanks for posting this blog.
I don’t know which Christian religion you follow nor what your leadership role is, but I’m curious if you will share your opinion with your followers or just us folk here.
I am a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Like all large groups, our denomination is diverse but leans socially progressive (we ordain women, LGBTQ people, etc. and our conference of bishops nationally is less than 50% white males). I teach and preach from what I would consider a progressive theological perspective and include concepts and perspective like the ones in my comments on this blog routinely. I have not specifically mentioned the CLT in my preaching and my preaching tries to connect theology and contextual issues. Here in Illinois where I live, the CLT is not a major contextual issue, although what is happening in Florida and DeSantis' movement to the national stage does increasingly impact all of us. So, I can't say that I will end up teaching/preaching in some way that directly references the CLT, but I do routinely focus on the ways culture wars are often advanced by people who use Christian religion as a weapon and point out clearly why those in our faith tradition find that both unfaithful and dangerous. Thanks for asking.
If you lived and worked in a 50/50 demographic area like I do, you'd find out that the 'avoid and cling to" is pretty universal, especially among the blue collar to light blue collar, and among the little old church ladies and the deer huntin' church men up through otherwise skilled management (managers who are qualified in their special areas as well as being managers).
BTW, I am also ELCA and not Missouri Synod, and I assume/HOPE you are only talking about those 'white people' because they are all you know.
.. Cunk on Christmas, Cunk on Britain, Cunk and other Humans on 2019, Cunk in Charlie Bookers Weekly Wipe, and Dianne in Motherland (give Mandy a miss).
What Hemant left out is that the CLT is utilized mostly by christofascit homeschoolers. And that they are looking into somewhat equivalent classes to replace the AP courses, such as International Baccalaureate and Cambridge International AS and A Level subjects.
These assholes are on a tear now. They're using Christianity as a test to see who deserves to go to college, never mind that there are plenty of students interested in furthering their education and not wanting to have knowledge tainted with religion. Foreign students and non-Christians are marginalized, yet again.
I wish we could load these dipshits into spaceships and send them to a distant asteroid where they can "practice their faith" without inflicting their bullshit on the rest of us.
I'm annoyed after wasting an afternoon on another Substack blog where a reiki-practicing dingbat got all upset because I didn't "respect" her belief that ailments can be cured by using "energy." I got the whole glossary in her comment: She's "centered" and "grounded," two of the most meaningless and nonsensical terms in the New Age lexicon. She accused me of calling her names, which I didn't, although I referred to reiki as "silliness."
Colleges are considering eliminating the SAT, which they did during the pandemic as a temporary measure. All the SAT really does is assess a student's likelihood that they'll succeed in college, and it's not a reliable indicator.
Neither the SAT nor the ACT were ever any good for that purpose- at least not as of when I took them (early '00s). We had the CAT in elementary school, the GEPA in middle school, then the Iowas, the SAT, and the ACT in high school... all any of them actually tested was how good a student was at taking standardized tests. The scoring systems used for the College-entrance level tests were completely disconnected from the knowledge they purported to test for. The test prep courses which many other students' parents sent them to put a heavy focus on "testing strategies"- which is to say, teaching ways of gaming the system to achieve the highest possible score regardless of whether you knew the test material or not. I don't know if the situation has gotten better or worse since then, but... yeah. Useless. "𝘔𝘈𝘎𝘈 𝘙𝘦𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘯 𝘢 𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘦" useless.
I think they were fine when they first came out, but then everyone starts teaching the test. I don't know if there's a good way to incorporate enough variety into the test so one has to focus more on the actual knowledge than the method.
Test classes, from my perspective, is merely honing the blade at the bleeding edge of the Herd of the Ambitious and Financed.
The actual skills tested seemed very pertinent to me, as in reading comprehension, verbal skill and math skills,. Essays, introduced afterwards, were the place where parents who financed classes could polish the cowpat MUCH more.
What WAS a waste was an entire cart-full of the manure that high school proffered up which turned out to be really just time wasting "Lies We Tell to Children", BUT was easy to teach and grade.
The alternative would be a low-cost education to all, as far as they can go.
But, the Privileged Class at the Booboisie level isn't gonna let that happen. Meanwhile, the US wastes so much potential because higher education is treated like a Status Symbol.
Oh, we learned a 𝘭𝘰𝘵 of grade-A premium bullshit in school. Especially in history class. I had the benefit of getting a cynical, crotchety bastard for history one year, and he took quite a bit of glee in pointing out every single time the textbook got something wrong, left out key information, or just plain lied about what really happened. He got plenty of opportunities. School textbooks, in the US, are generally quite terrible... which makes the fact that homeschooling materials are so much worse all the more disturbing.
We desperately need to get our shit together on education. Unfortunately, half the population wants to make it worse so their kids (and everyone else's) will be as ignorant as they are, and a further... oh, say, roughly one percent (with ninety-nine percent of the influence) likes things just the way they are.
'We' have done a good bit, it's the thieving, crooked business community that needs to do more, or rather the thieving, crooked, murdering CORPORATIONS who need to pony their Almost Human, guilt-deflecting 'beings' to actually pay for the educated US workforce they want merely without enriching other countries by importing talent and then letting it return with experience when it wants a pay raise.
If US students thought they had a chance, and could score some of that corporate largess going merely into the pockets of the 1%ers and their lackeys to aid their education, maybe education would be up there where it could be.
But as "The Entrepreneurail State" by Mariana Mazzucato shows (The Financial Times Book-of-the-Year), the Bidness Parasites always rely on gummint investment to open the high risk areas to exploitation, and then tax cheat their way to never paying back that gummint investment in any way. Same goes for The Education System and money grubbing 'Murican Bidness.
An SAT prep book I used in the late 80s said the scoring works like this; if you answer a question correctly, you get a dollar; if you get it wrong, you get a quarter; if you leave it blank, you get nothing. They advised not to leave any questions blank because all those quarters add up.
Imagine my surprise when working as an English teacher in Egypt, I learned that several universities in the middle east were requiring SAT scores as a criterion in applying for admission. I tutored 3 students for the exam. The only subject these kids tend to do well on the exam is math. Many native English speakers can stumble badly in the English grammar and vocabulary sections of the test.
I helped them "game" those sections by reinforcing the meanings of commonly used prefixes and suffixes, and which words are most likely to be followed by a comma or semicolon.
I'm proof of that. I scored very well on the SATs, but did poorly in college. (I don't learn well in lectures (I have much higher retention for what I read than what I hear and tend to zone out) and am absolutely horrible at balancing work and school) (Of the three semesters I didn't work two were my highest grades (including the honor roll once) and the other was my first semester)
But, without the SAT as a fairly available, reasonably priced first cut, a LOT of students who can't afford college would never get a chance, especially with 'financial aid' that would then lean on recommendations from 'connected' people and high school counselors (SPIT!), after a basic review of financial statements.
Sorry, but late bloomers without parents who know how to play and can finance The Game are a hugely neglected part of the student body, and probably would pay their 'costs' many times over in time.
Eliminated SATs and the like are just another way to Limit Opportunity.
DeStupid can pull all kinds of stuff like this, as regards education, no doubt. Problem specifically with the Classic Learning Test is: What do COLLEGES think of it? Is there any chance that they might accept it as a substitute for the ACT or SAT? Is it more likely that any serious school of higher learning is going to take one look at the CLT and break out laughing? Even the public colleges and universities of Florida are liable to give Ronnie some SERIOUS blowback as regards this further attempt to subvert their desire to actually TEACH KIDS.
Personally, I already think that Ronnie has gone a bridge too far with this crap. What I really hope to see happen is some heavyweight college administrative types get very in his face about this and other issues and SOON.
If FL weren't a Party School Destination, it'd be nothing but federal gummint continuous porkbarrel and tourist trap emporium, along with ghastly retirement ghetto for people who don't realize just how miserable the weather IS.
Since not one of the ivy league schools accepts it, I think we already know. Not even St. Petersburg's Eckerd College, formally known as Florida Presbyterian College, accepts it.
Jack Eckerd the former owner of a Florida-based drug store chain (later bought by Walgreens), donated enough money to the college that they changed their name to honor him. Check out the ranking section of its Wikipedia page:
I hope os does get its act into gear, if only because it's mildly inconvenient to get my atheist reading in two spots instead of one. Although by now I finally got this place into my most visited sites which makes it a bit easier.
He said that while OnlySky gets itself situated for the long run, he's decided to keep writing on his own until they can give him a long-term contract. He says he's on good terms and hopes to rejoin them in the near future.
The dumbest state race again.
*Wait for alabama, louisiana and texas answers.*
So happy that the state in which I am in exile is not the first to come to mind. Bill Clinton's years here helped improve some statistics.
Give Sarah a chance, she's just getting started.
And she has God on her side! All-powerful, ya know,
Except against those iron chariot things.
"Here, Bubba, hold my ice pipe ..."
Iowa says "Hey!"
Wisconsin is doing its best to place.
Wyoming is looking to come on strong.
The way things are going, more likely "Hay".
Iowhat ?
You can let your kid take this test and attend the schools that accept it, but they wont get hired by my kid because of incompetence.
My bride said, “What these people don’t understand is that big corporations are paying attention and won’t locate there.” To which I replied, “Yeah, but that won’t be until after the election.”
I think we are all correct.
Hurricanes and sea level rise are more than enough reasons not to relocate here.
Orlando should really get busy on that dike.
These guys put a lot of effort into effing things up. I mean, they work hard at it.
Fucking things up has been the Christian SOP for 2 millennia.
I'd imagine they have no real experience of doing things right, or are still pissed at the smart people who laugh at them and make them wear the dunce caps as "Dumbest Attendees" at even the GOP 'Thimk Tank" conferences.
DeathSentence isn't a dummy; he graduated both Yale University and Harvard Law School. But he loves throwing red meat to his dumbass base.
I saw an old meme about Trump yesterday that is also applicable to DeSantis: "He's not stupid. He has deep knowledge of what stupid people want."
DeSaintass owns the libs. And that's what matters.
And that's one of the problems with American voters at the present time, the ones who only support someone who will own the libs. People who vote to screw over other people to help their own pocketbooks I can understand; people who vote to screw over themselves because it will screw over someone they don't like I just can't understand.
“The secret of the demagogue is to make himself as stupid as his audience so they believe they are clever as he.”
-Karl Kraus
WOOF! Now there's a goodie! [cut - paste!]
You assume a degree from a big-name school is a guarantor of intelligence? Srsly?
It worked for drumpster rig... Why are you laughing ?!
I still want to see the transcripts of the people who wrote his papers and took his exams.
Did the repukes ask to see Clinton's, War Criminal Bush's, and baby donnie's college transcripts like they demanded to see the black man's?
Hey, he lied about being born in the US, didn't he?
His lackeys.
Besides, he's left the REAL legal game to be a politician, the Stupid Step for lawyers.
And, he now reeks of Stupid, too.
As the saying goes, you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
These are the people who realize that although they can rake in a lot of money as lawyers, the really big money is in politics.
Well, at least they're not slackers. There's that, in their favor.
I don't imagine this will be much of a problem. Men have enough trouble finding the CLT or just ignore it altogether.
Sample questions from the CLT:
Africa is:
A. A continent full of shithole countries.
B. Where black people were liberated to become Christians in America.
C. Where evil atheists falsely say humanity originated.
D. All of the above.
Epistemology is:
A. A fancy word that atheists use to trick Christians.
B. A misspelling of eschatology.
C. Both of the above.
D. All of the above including C.
Evidence is:
A. Whatever confirms my present beliefs.
B. Whatever confirms Governor DeSantis' beliefs.
C. Either A. or B. depending on which answer gets me a higher score.
D. Answer C.
You left out
Epistemology is:
E. The study of urine,
The only class where positive results are a fail.
You forgot to add a second "S".
E like Estúpido for all the questions.
When in doubt, "Charlie" out.
"Christian-Catholic intellectual tradition." The world's greatest oxymoron.
Runner up: Muslim intellectual community.
"Religious morality." Another huge oxymoron.
Does it strike you that those seem to be meant as separate things?
Kids where I taught would sometimes ask a classmate, "Are you Christian or Catholic?"
What I especially love about “Christian-Catholic” is the not very subtle implication that Catholics aren’t Christian.
There’s a True Christian on a local chat board who clearly hates both Catholics and atheists. I honestly can’t tell which he regards as worse.
American education (along with every other indicator of intelligence or even competence) is heading into history's toilet anyway, so why not this? I'm sure we all remember the story a few months ago about the class of medical students at NYU that got their prof fired because his class was too hard. I mean, perish the thought that medical students should have to learn anything difficult about the human body, right? And incredibly the school went along with them and issued a statement that said, in effect, that the kids' parents had aid for the degree, so we have to give it.
Higher education, like virtually everything else in this country, has become a consumer transaction, and very little more. The NYU incident was the most blatant example, but it's not at all untypical. So if christian students want to purchase college degrees for believing "God did it," why the hell not?
Damn nanosecond edit window. Between the facts that 1) I'm mildly dyslexic, 2) I'm spoiled by four decades of relying on copyeditors and 3) I'm trying to type with a little black cat in one arm (and determined to stay there), I'm a lost soul.
Maybe you should let the cat type.
The only comment she'd ever type would be:
OT: Feed me!
It kinda remind me 'someone'.
I usually did pretty well on the various bubble-fillers, the hardest part of taking them usually being my intense dislike for the scraping sensation of pencil on paper. Seriously- I haven't touched a pencil since high school. Can't stand the things. Never mattered what hardness I tried, or how fine the point was. The only thing worse was chalk- you can't 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦 how happy I was when I found out that all of my college's classrooms had whiteboards in them, and that I'd never have to use a chalkboard again. The ballpoint pen is, in my estimation, one of the greatest inventions in human history, and I would've given up handwriting altogether if they didn't exist.
Silly digressions aside... I'm no fan of standardized testing in general. Humans don't have standardized brains- we're not machines, and standardized tests have always struck me as an attempt to make humans 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 machines. Whole rooms full of 'em- quiet, obedient little card-punching difference engines, perfectly suited for whatever mind-numbing tedious repetition the working world has in store for them when they're all grown up.
Replacing the SATs and ACTs with an even dumber, more propaganda-soaked version of the same concept is a terrible idea- but then, this is Florida under Deathsentence we're talking about; if they didn't have terrible ideas, they wouldn't have any ideas at all.
I share your hatred of pencils. The only think I liked them for was art class. In high school I mostly used ball-point pens. Ever get ink your mouth from chewing on the end of a Bic Stic? I quit taking notes in college (couldn't keep up and my attempts at my own shorthand were unreadable later) so I finally quit chewing on things. (I had teachers tell me to chew gum in class to keep me from chewing on pens in high school.)
As a Christian leader, I want to make it clear that the CLT seems like and end run around engaging the real world and a way to add ideology to the mix. I agree with your thoughts in this post - this is a terrible idea and just one more way that white people continue to avoid the world as it is and is becoming and cling to what was - racism and cultural chauvinism, and all that goes with. Thanks for posting this blog.
I don’t know which Christian religion you follow nor what your leadership role is, but I’m curious if you will share your opinion with your followers or just us folk here.
I am a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Like all large groups, our denomination is diverse but leans socially progressive (we ordain women, LGBTQ people, etc. and our conference of bishops nationally is less than 50% white males). I teach and preach from what I would consider a progressive theological perspective and include concepts and perspective like the ones in my comments on this blog routinely. I have not specifically mentioned the CLT in my preaching and my preaching tries to connect theology and contextual issues. Here in Illinois where I live, the CLT is not a major contextual issue, although what is happening in Florida and DeSantis' movement to the national stage does increasingly impact all of us. So, I can't say that I will end up teaching/preaching in some way that directly references the CLT, but I do routinely focus on the ways culture wars are often advanced by people who use Christian religion as a weapon and point out clearly why those in our faith tradition find that both unfaithful and dangerous. Thanks for asking.
If you lived and worked in a 50/50 demographic area like I do, you'd find out that the 'avoid and cling to" is pretty universal, especially among the blue collar to light blue collar, and among the little old church ladies and the deer huntin' church men up through otherwise skilled management (managers who are qualified in their special areas as well as being managers).
BTW, I am also ELCA and not Missouri Synod, and I assume/HOPE you are only talking about those 'white people' because they are all you know.
OT but ... "didn't know it was against the rules"? 😇
*Jesus facepalms*
JESUS: "What did I say about adultery, Naera?"
"But...but...but I AM an adult!"
JESUS: "You need a time out, Pitotori. How are you fixed for fireproof underwear?"
If I had known that kind of thing was frowned upon....
Thanks, I needed a good laugh.
I seem to remember an incident from a few years back where a pastor who got caught with a rentboy tried to use that same excuse.
They seem to think that, because they control the supply of 'Salvation' then ANY excuse they come up with is good enough.
They certainly have a lot of 'slacker time' to come up with some doozies, too.
Philomena Cunk wrote the tests.
If you haven’t watched Cunk on Earth, you should it was hilarious. But it was about as intelligent as anyone coming out of Christian homeschooling.
.. Cunk on Christmas, Cunk on Britain, Cunk and other Humans on 2019, Cunk in Charlie Bookers Weekly Wipe, and Dianne in Motherland (give Mandy a miss).
And they wonder why they're getting "Fs" on their tests....
They just think the F stands for Faith.
What Hemant left out is that the CLT is utilized mostly by christofascit homeschoolers. And that they are looking into somewhat equivalent classes to replace the AP courses, such as International Baccalaureate and Cambridge International AS and A Level subjects.
That's a lot of words just to say "worthless in real life".
Who's going to actually teach the kids to pass those other tests, the Home-Schooling Fairy? The Christian Academy Guardian Angel?
They're only teaching the kids all THEY know, which is usually not much, apart from stealing from other Christians as 'Murican Bidnessmen.
And, why bother, anyway, when "Jeeeee-zus Is A'comin'" any day now ..., any day ..., yep, you just wait ...
These assholes are on a tear now. They're using Christianity as a test to see who deserves to go to college, never mind that there are plenty of students interested in furthering their education and not wanting to have knowledge tainted with religion. Foreign students and non-Christians are marginalized, yet again.
I wish we could load these dipshits into spaceships and send them to a distant asteroid where they can "practice their faith" without inflicting their bullshit on the rest of us.
I'm annoyed after wasting an afternoon on another Substack blog where a reiki-practicing dingbat got all upset because I didn't "respect" her belief that ailments can be cured by using "energy." I got the whole glossary in her comment: She's "centered" and "grounded," two of the most meaningless and nonsensical terms in the New Age lexicon. She accused me of calling her names, which I didn't, although I referred to reiki as "silliness."
Colleges are considering eliminating the SAT, which they did during the pandemic as a temporary measure. All the SAT really does is assess a student's likelihood that they'll succeed in college, and it's not a reliable indicator.
Neither the SAT nor the ACT were ever any good for that purpose- at least not as of when I took them (early '00s). We had the CAT in elementary school, the GEPA in middle school, then the Iowas, the SAT, and the ACT in high school... all any of them actually tested was how good a student was at taking standardized tests. The scoring systems used for the College-entrance level tests were completely disconnected from the knowledge they purported to test for. The test prep courses which many other students' parents sent them to put a heavy focus on "testing strategies"- which is to say, teaching ways of gaming the system to achieve the highest possible score regardless of whether you knew the test material or not. I don't know if the situation has gotten better or worse since then, but... yeah. Useless. "𝘔𝘈𝘎𝘈 𝘙𝘦𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘯 𝘢 𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘦" useless.
I think they were fine when they first came out, but then everyone starts teaching the test. I don't know if there's a good way to incorporate enough variety into the test so one has to focus more on the actual knowledge than the method.
But, teaching to the test is still teaching, and I didn't see the education bidness was any great achievement if they didn't have goals.
Test classes, from my perspective, is merely honing the blade at the bleeding edge of the Herd of the Ambitious and Financed.
The actual skills tested seemed very pertinent to me, as in reading comprehension, verbal skill and math skills,. Essays, introduced afterwards, were the place where parents who financed classes could polish the cowpat MUCH more.
What WAS a waste was an entire cart-full of the manure that high school proffered up which turned out to be really just time wasting "Lies We Tell to Children", BUT was easy to teach and grade.
The alternative would be a low-cost education to all, as far as they can go.
But, the Privileged Class at the Booboisie level isn't gonna let that happen. Meanwhile, the US wastes so much potential because higher education is treated like a Status Symbol.
Oh, we learned a 𝘭𝘰𝘵 of grade-A premium bullshit in school. Especially in history class. I had the benefit of getting a cynical, crotchety bastard for history one year, and he took quite a bit of glee in pointing out every single time the textbook got something wrong, left out key information, or just plain lied about what really happened. He got plenty of opportunities. School textbooks, in the US, are generally quite terrible... which makes the fact that homeschooling materials are so much worse all the more disturbing.
We desperately need to get our shit together on education. Unfortunately, half the population wants to make it worse so their kids (and everyone else's) will be as ignorant as they are, and a further... oh, say, roughly one percent (with ninety-nine percent of the influence) likes things just the way they are.
'We' have done a good bit, it's the thieving, crooked business community that needs to do more, or rather the thieving, crooked, murdering CORPORATIONS who need to pony their Almost Human, guilt-deflecting 'beings' to actually pay for the educated US workforce they want merely without enriching other countries by importing talent and then letting it return with experience when it wants a pay raise.
If US students thought they had a chance, and could score some of that corporate largess going merely into the pockets of the 1%ers and their lackeys to aid their education, maybe education would be up there where it could be.
But as "The Entrepreneurail State" by Mariana Mazzucato shows (The Financial Times Book-of-the-Year), the Bidness Parasites always rely on gummint investment to open the high risk areas to exploitation, and then tax cheat their way to never paying back that gummint investment in any way. Same goes for The Education System and money grubbing 'Murican Bidness.
An SAT prep book I used in the late 80s said the scoring works like this; if you answer a question correctly, you get a dollar; if you get it wrong, you get a quarter; if you leave it blank, you get nothing. They advised not to leave any questions blank because all those quarters add up.
Imagine my surprise when working as an English teacher in Egypt, I learned that several universities in the middle east were requiring SAT scores as a criterion in applying for admission. I tutored 3 students for the exam. The only subject these kids tend to do well on the exam is math. Many native English speakers can stumble badly in the English grammar and vocabulary sections of the test.
I helped them "game" those sections by reinforcing the meanings of commonly used prefixes and suffixes, and which words are most likely to be followed by a comma or semicolon.
Grounded is a good idea when working with static-sensitive electronics.
It's not such a good idea when dealing with high voltage/high current live circuits.
Centered is useful when dealing with lathes and such.
I'm proof of that. I scored very well on the SATs, but did poorly in college. (I don't learn well in lectures (I have much higher retention for what I read than what I hear and tend to zone out) and am absolutely horrible at balancing work and school) (Of the three semesters I didn't work two were my highest grades (including the honor roll once) and the other was my first semester)
But, without the SAT as a fairly available, reasonably priced first cut, a LOT of students who can't afford college would never get a chance, especially with 'financial aid' that would then lean on recommendations from 'connected' people and high school counselors (SPIT!), after a basic review of financial statements.
Sorry, but late bloomers without parents who know how to play and can finance The Game are a hugely neglected part of the student body, and probably would pay their 'costs' many times over in time.
Eliminated SATs and the like are just another way to Limit Opportunity.
DeStupid can pull all kinds of stuff like this, as regards education, no doubt. Problem specifically with the Classic Learning Test is: What do COLLEGES think of it? Is there any chance that they might accept it as a substitute for the ACT or SAT? Is it more likely that any serious school of higher learning is going to take one look at the CLT and break out laughing? Even the public colleges and universities of Florida are liable to give Ronnie some SERIOUS blowback as regards this further attempt to subvert their desire to actually TEACH KIDS.
Personally, I already think that Ronnie has gone a bridge too far with this crap. What I really hope to see happen is some heavyweight college administrative types get very in his face about this and other issues and SOON.
If FL weren't a Party School Destination, it'd be nothing but federal gummint continuous porkbarrel and tourist trap emporium, along with ghastly retirement ghetto for people who don't realize just how miserable the weather IS.
"What do COLLEGES think of it?"
Since not one of the ivy league schools accepts it, I think we already know. Not even St. Petersburg's Eckerd College, formally known as Florida Presbyterian College, accepts it.
Jack Eckerd the former owner of a Florida-based drug store chain (later bought by Walgreens), donated enough money to the college that they changed their name to honor him. Check out the ranking section of its Wikipedia page:
Is Hemant not posting on onlysky anymore!
Not this month, anyway.
Good to see you here.
Thanks. Good to see you too.
I get notifications for sub stack and noticed new posts here. OnlySky is a clusterf*ck of pop up money begs.
And those are its good points.
That reminds me, Corporal Klinger is AWOL.
Trying for that Section 8 again?
Try Rosie's.
He started a new job a couple of months ago, maybe he is too busy.
He's trying to work out a long-term deal with OS.
Glad to see you again. You're very much missed.
Hemant mentioned that while OS is gearing up for the long run, he'll be writing independently. He's still on good terms with them.
"the long run"
Off a cliff?
When Hemant first said the long run, I had The Eagles' song stuck in my head.
I hope os does get its act into gear, if only because it's mildly inconvenient to get my atheist reading in two spots instead of one. Although by now I finally got this place into my most visited sites which makes it a bit easier.
I had John Maynard Keynes echoing there.
Where did you come across that info?
RegularJoe mentioned it 11 days ago (as of this typing) on the last OS article that was published on January 30th.
11 days ago
FYI, I emailed Hemant.
He said that while OnlySky gets itself situated for the long run, he's decided to keep writing on his own until they can give him a long-term contract. He says he's on good terms and hopes to rejoin them in the near future.
"...while OnlySky gets itself situated for the long run..."
I don't know how any of this works, but shouldn't they have done that in the first place?
How dare you demand that from a serious news sites ?
*Try to stifle her laughter*
*Epic fail*
Makes me wonder if it means subscription only.
Dat's de one. :)
In that case, there is no reason to subscribe here. We might as well wait and see. I probably will become a donor to his Patreon account, though.