They sure love to take secular stuff and turn it Christian, by making it shittier.
Classic Learning Test, christ, can’t they come up with a better name. Trying to play up the classic as though all old ways are better than now. Is is better to drive a horse drawn carriage or a car? Classic is not always better, but I guess it’s their way of pretending they’re actually conservatives and not the far right reactionary extremists they are.
Also, CLT? Really? Did they not show this to a teenager to see if they’d giggle? Fuck these people are stupid, and their test proves it.
The second I saw it, that's what I thought of (yes, my mind IS in the gutter!). The backers of CLT are going to get a whole lot of unsolicited laughter with this monstrosity of theirs.
For those of us whose minds are NOT going there, it's also the abbreviation for North Carolina's Charlotte airport. However, the only reason I thought of that first was I'm traveling there next month. Otherwise....yeah.😁😂😁
I make a lot of errors and DM started to buy books to learn English when I was in third grade, she thought starting in 6 th grade was too late. Plus due to the way I was raised I keep the habit to read several hours a day.
To compare, my Spanish, started in 8th grade is very bad.
Really. Will they read Bertrand Russell, too, perhaps Robert Green Ingersoll. In Ron DeSantis' Florida, that'll happen about the same time pigs fly without benefit of Airbus, Boeing, or Cessna. The CLT would be laughable if it weren't so blatantly obvious in its purpose. It's good to see that those with some actual expertise in the business of student testing have called out the CLT for its problems. Sadly, it is far more than likely that DeSantis will push it through regardless, likely wasting taxpayer dollars on court challenges in the process.
This is a brand of stupidity the Sunshine State could do without, yet it will in all probability do WITH it.
OT: Just heard this from Keith Olbermann: Judge Aileen Cannon (Trump appointee) has dropped the hammer on Trump's desire to study classified material. Trump HAS to do so in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility), and she WON'T allow Trump to reinstall a SCIF at Mar-a-Lago! Not sure I believe my ears on this one!
We pretty much knew the GOP congress would impeach Biden out of revenge/tit for tat the moment they won the House. I think CNN billed it as "the least surprising impeachment ever."
Leave it to them to go all in on a baseless, petty bit of party politics to try and score points while ignoring the actual pressing needs of the country.
They don't know how to govern. Ruling is their thing.
Well, he can't credibly claim judicial bias or persecution since this came from his own appointee, but how much you wanna bet he'll do both anyway? TFG does NOT react well to being told no.
That should have been the baseline requirement to start with. The judge arguably should have gone further in making some information off limits to his lawyers EVEN IN a SCIF, because "I am being sued" is not justifiable need-to-know for some of the more sensitive national security information.
I mean seriously, exactly what about the *content* is going to help his case? It hinges on improper removal and storage of classified information. All you need to know is the marking, and that causes his actions to be illegal. What is inside the marked document should be legally irrelevant.
Florida wants to prioritize White Christian Nationalism in college admissions. Why am I not surprised? Sea level rise in Florida isn't just from global warming, it is also from the excessive urine when the fundies get territorial.
So, how can an admissions committee compare a student with 1600 on the SAT or a composit score of 36 on the ACT to a student with the highest CLT score? Both the SAT and the ACT are meant to show not just skills , but depth of preparation… I think top students are going to go to another state. Who wants a degree from a state university undergoing a ‘brain drain’ and now is admitting students based on their ability to argue how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. The MAGAts are truly destroying public education in Florida.
I had a real problem with the SAT some 45 years ago when I was going to graduate school again for my third useless degree. I have degrees in three fields, was a straight a student in high school college and graduate school, except for two classes where I gota B, and one class where I got the only D I ever received because the teacher positively hated me, and make that clear long before I even took his class. Because of that teacher, I decided not to try to get a doctorate in sociology. It was a very good decision.
So I'm not a stupid guy, but I still had some problems with the test – not enough to keep me out of grad school, but enough to understand that I didn't know everything..
Downgrading from SAT to CLT doesn't sound like a very good idea to me. All that's going to do is ensure that the next generation of scholars or less competent, which is probably the goal.
A grad school required the SAT? That's really odd. I'd normally expect the GRE.
The GRE and GRE subject matter tests are significantly different from the SAT in that they often intentionally go beyond what a "normal" student is expected to know. So for example, the year before I took the Chem subject GRE, you could miss 1/3 of the questions and score in the top 10%, because the test was intentionally designed to be that broad in material and that difficult. (I use "the year before" as my comparison point because those tests, results, and the curve was available to us to study as we were prepping for our year's exam.)
So if it was the GRE you took and not the SAT, don't feel bad. At least in the old days, literally most people who took it didn't do well because it was designed that way. Nowadays, I have no idea whether that's still true.
You are quite right. It was the GRE. That's what I get for trying to remember something insignificant from 45 years ago. The only thing I remember is what I thought of the time: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THAT THEY'RE ASKING?
Occasionally, I get click bait in the form of "IQ tests" online. Most of the time, they don't require too much to score 100%. But occasionally, I have the same reaction: "what the hell is this that they're asking?"
The way you show your IQ on a clickbait IQ test is to not click on it. :) Feel good kiss butt advertising. Oh you are so smart. So very very smart. Downloard our app because it's made for smart people like you.
If I hired a for-profit company to make an IQ testing app, and I told them they would get paid statistically proportional to the number of people who do great on it, do you think they'd give me a challenging test? Something that would really keep people's brains in shape? Or do you think they would give me something that *looked* like a brain challenge but was easily passed by 99% of people who took it?
I took both the ACT and the SAT and scored well on both (the second time when I studied the English portions) I might have gotten letters of recommendation, but I almost certainly would have blown an interview. My issues with college weren't really the academics (except in a few cases), but a tendency to skip class because I was bored most of the time, an problem learning from lectures as opposed to textbooks, taking on too many heavy classes in my major at the same time, and a shyness that caused me to not participate in larger classes (over about 10 students unless I felt really comfortable with the instructor). That and the fact I couldn't balance work and school and work always won. That's why I graduated with only slightly over a 2.0.
I hear ya. It's hard to balance time demands when you're working two jobs to pay your own way. I had to apply for underload permits every semester. Not ideal, but that was the only way I could do it without racking up sky-high debt with student loans. I ended up cramming a four-year education into five years.
Don’t feel bad, my bachelors took me ten years altogether. Even with the college fund and GI bill, I had to work full time for most of it, serve in the national guard (got tuition assistance for that as well), took out the odd second job. During the time I was getting my degree, I got married, got deployed, and had a baby. Still ended up with $10,000 of student loan debt. And that was before the largest student debt crisis began.
My real debt crisis came after I graduated and move out of the condo we purchased, that was the 2008 (which started a year or so earlier than anyone noticed it) housing crash. The value of our condo was cut in half, leaving us with a short sale in a flooded rental apartment market. The rentals had more amenities, and lower monthly payments, and gave away lift tickets. We couldn’t even find a realtor to take on the sale. We just stopped making payments and let them foreclose on it then filed bankruptcy. It was a shitty situation we had no other way to get out of. It ruined my credit and I lost my VA home loan benefit for a while.
A few years later we were able to use my hubs’ va certificate for a house, then we moved from that after only 10 months and purchased the house we have now. We rented out the other house for a couple years then sold it at a small profit (it would have been bigger had the assessor not screwed us over by undervaluing it so the buyer’s mortgage company slashed the offer). More rich corporate stooges fucking over regular folks.
Yeah, without that I would have had hundreds of thousands of student loans (more likely no college education at all because I couldn’t have qualified for the loans in the first place) rather than the $10,000 I did pay off.
There were benefits to joining. I still have the ability to use AAFES and it helps when we are making larger purchases, like the washer dryer we need immediately, without spending more on taxes. Unfortunately, these benefits are mostly tied to my husband’s service and not mine since he retired and I did not. I still have the mortgage protection, but that’s all.
He did get informed that he might have more va medical benefits since his combat service had new benefits added recently. They also said that Gulf War vets had a higher rate of children with autism, so we may see some relief regarding my first born, or they will get benefits eventually now that they’re an adult. They are in college but we’re just scraping together the semester costs best we can, though they're eligible for some grants related to their disability. Our income is finally comfortable for our family, which means too much for financial aid but not enough for actually paying for a college education. The program they are attending is a certification at a community college.
OT: out of town and out of state Catholic crazies show up in my town to protest treating trans students with dignity and common courtesy. One might even say, “do unto others as you wish to be done unto yourself”.
You are just enough older than me to appreciate the term “outside agitators” to its fullest extent. I know it only from reading what was at the time recent history.
We went through this in the Linn-Mar school district....then the Trumpublican legislature and governor changed laws to ban books and bathroom choice and gender preference and even what a student prefers to be called (making all manner of parents pissed off that little Suzie must now be addressed as Hagatha because that's what it says on her birth certificate. The unintended consequences have been amusing at least.).
This shit's gonna get worse before it gets better.
Ah, the legal name trap. Someone made this argument while going by a nickname himself. When this was pointed out, he said nicknames were okay. So Samuel can be called Sam? Yes. Can Samantha be called Sam? ……yes. If Samantha comes out as trans and he wants to be called Sam? NO!!!
I liked the positivity from the set of parents quoted who actually had a trans kid and actually dealt with the school system about it. It sounds like FCPS is pretty solid and the complaints are coming from outside it..
I kinda get the 'to inform the parent or not' thing as a legit school issue. But throwing in batshirt crazy stuff such as outlawing nicknames and being, essentially, pro-bullying? Nuts.
"We're trying to build just a big tent of anybody and be really open to everybody of any point of view," he said. "As long as you agree with our policy."
I just spent most of my morning and part of my afternoon writing on Kant's Categorical Imperative for my ethics class. I'm tired, annoyed, and honestly feel like half my issue with the class is that it wasn't taught far, FAR earlier; and I'm seeing that Republicans want to continue their long-standing plan to destroy as much education as they possibly can.
I've told Tinker this many times. I'm disappointed in way we've allowed education to become the battleground for politics. I'm sick of hearing about failing schools, and vouchers should never have happened in the first place. I've had enough of the fear mongering, the deliberate lies and deceit, the grandstanding, and the gutting of teacher pay for the sake of the pet project du jour. I'm trying to get some education now-approximately 25 years too late-because I bought into some of this crap when I was younger.
I don't want younger people following my example. I want younger folks to get a better education while it'll do them some good; I want them to have an easier time than I did. Sure, some of my problems were my fault, but the system failed me, too; it convinced me that I wouldn't need education for a variety of BS reasons I didn't understand weren't true for years. In effect, I had to climb out of the hole I'd be put in before I could understand the importance. Yes, I have something of an axe to grind with the Republican party over this. I would not see the future generations having to put up with the same things I had to just to get an education.
I may not have kids, but this 'destroy the pubic schools' attitude has 𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙤.
I just completed a BA in social science at 73. One of the pleasures was outperforming many of the young people on the courses. Because I had some life experience, instead of being average I was pretty much top of the class. I'm not one to say age is only a number, but certainly depending on what you're doing, life experience does count for something, and being old gave me a certain motivation – wanting to make up for all those years I wasted getting mediocre grades. 😁
Good point. Technically sociology – at least that's what they told me I was doing. But essentially I was just looking at what was on offer and doing what seemed it might be fun. So I did some geography, anthropology, sociology and one bit of history. Aside from the history there's not a lot of difference it seems to me between the other subjects but maybe I'm wrong. It has been known. 😁
As I've said many times, just because you don't have kids, doesn't mean you don't have a stake in how the next generation is educated. These are your future coworkers, the health care providers who will take care of you in your old age, the people handling your retirement fund. You have a vested interest in seeing that they get a quality education, because some day your life is going to depend on them.
That anyone looks to the young and thinks "life sucked for 𝘮𝘦, so why shouldn't it suck for 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 too?" is just so fucking obscene. What's the point of this whole human experience, if we aren't trying to make things better? That's the legacy we leave for future generations- whether they look back and remember us fondly for helping them climb on our shoulders to reach new heights... or whether they resent us for pushing them away from the table until our dying breaths, only then allowing them to pick up whatever scraps we've left behind simply because we didn't live long enough to consume it all.
I want my niece and nephew to have more than I did, not less. I want them to know more than I do, to live longer than I will; to work less, and laugh more, and someday to go to their graves well satisfied and complete, not full of regrets and haunted by trauma. Education is the foundation of that better future, and these evil conniving fucks want to rob them of it.
Yeah... I've also heard that argument from fellow millennials regarding such unambiguously positive things as 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘱𝘰𝘹 𝘷𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘦. There's plenty of shit in the world set to go wrong today and tomorrow to make the next few generations miserable- we don't need to burden them with yesterday's problems, too.
My parents both left school aged 13. They insisted I stay at school until at least 18. They supported me going to a university even though they only had a vague idea of what it was. I went into teaching to try to make sure that working class kids could get a decent education in a public school. But these people only care about their own.
My grandfather made it to 8th grade. He also cried the day his only child (my mother) graduated high school. Mom should have gone to college; she had the brains and the discipline for it; of course, she also got out of high school in 1962ish, soooo.....yeah. She should have gone. I've wondered many times how that might have changed her life and mine.
I may still be kicking myself for not going sooner, but at least I'm getting the chance to try. Too many never even get the chance.
They sure love to take secular stuff and turn it Christian, by making it shittier.
Classic Learning Test, christ, can’t they come up with a better name. Trying to play up the classic as though all old ways are better than now. Is is better to drive a horse drawn carriage or a car? Classic is not always better, but I guess it’s their way of pretending they’re actually conservatives and not the far right reactionary extremists they are.
Also, CLT? Really? Did they not show this to a teenager to see if they’d giggle? Fuck these people are stupid, and their test proves it.
"Also, CLT? Really? Did they not show this to a teenager to see if they’d giggle?"
Thank you so very much for making this comment so I did not feel duty bound to do so myself.
We are all 14. Giggling is mandatory.
Just saying - I got a reputation to live down to, y'know.
Damn. Was gonna have sport with CL(i)T. :)
Boy, get up a little later than normal and you miss your window of opportunity.
😁 Have sport anyway. You type styling is hilarious!
Got in one elsewhere on the thread.
I should be ashamed of myself. 😊
The second I saw it, that's what I thought of (yes, my mind IS in the gutter!). The backers of CLT are going to get a whole lot of unsolicited laughter with this monstrosity of theirs.
And they'll deserve it.
How do they even expect the males to find the CLT?
CLT? Didn't notice it until you pointed it out. ; )
It usually takes time for guys to find it.
Okay, that was huge snark for most of present company.
; )
It jumped right out at me when I saw it in the article's 2nd paragraph.
Guess we know where our minds were. :)
I don't see the joke but English is not my first language 🤔
CLT is quite close to "clit", the commonly used term for "clitoris".
AKA the devil’s doorbell.
Not the video I was expecting, but a good one nonetheless.
Ha, just got two spam emails for "Doorbell" and "DICKS" (sporting goods).
*Slap herself*
I'm not one to yuck on someone else's yum. Slap away if that's your kink. 😁
TMI : )
"CLT is quite close to "clit', the commonly used term for "clitoris".
Beat me to it as I was typing it. It's what I get for catching up on the previous article.
For those of us whose minds are NOT going there, it's also the abbreviation for North Carolina's Charlotte airport. However, the only reason I thought of that first was I'm traveling there next month. Otherwise....yeah.😁😂😁
Your mastery of English is impressive. I had intensive French in college, but I never learned the French equivalent of clit!
I make a lot of errors and DM started to buy books to learn English when I was in third grade, she thought starting in 6 th grade was too late. Plus due to the way I was raised I keep the habit to read several hours a day.
To compare, my Spanish, started in 8th grade is very bad.
I'm so gay that it didn't even occurred to me until after I posted my comment
CLT? I know there is a joke there somewhere, but I can't find it...... and now my wife is looking at me with disappointment in her eyes.
“𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑡ℎ 𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑦’𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐾𝑎𝑟𝑙 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑥 𝑎𝑠 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑠 𝐴𝑑𝑎𝑚 𝑆𝑚𝑖𝑡ℎ,” 𝐵𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑠 𝑠𝑎𝑖𝑑.
Really. Will they read Bertrand Russell, too, perhaps Robert Green Ingersoll. In Ron DeSantis' Florida, that'll happen about the same time pigs fly without benefit of Airbus, Boeing, or Cessna. The CLT would be laughable if it weren't so blatantly obvious in its purpose. It's good to see that those with some actual expertise in the business of student testing have called out the CLT for its problems. Sadly, it is far more than likely that DeSantis will push it through regardless, likely wasting taxpayer dollars on court challenges in the process.
This is a brand of stupidity the Sunshine State could do without, yet it will in all probability do WITH it.
𝑁𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑠𝑚 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝐾𝑎𝑟𝑙 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑥…
Implying Adam Smith equates to Christianity. Last I checked, the only economic system the bible talks about looks a lot like what Marx had to say.
Mark Twain's essays are "classic." Somehow I doubt they are taught.
I've forgotten the jibe written about Twain by some right-winger, but it was something about a second-rate failure or along those lines.
The fact is that Samuel Langhorne Clemens was far more brilliant than anyone on the right that I can think of.
It has already been pushed through. This is old news.
OT: Just heard this from Keith Olbermann: Judge Aileen Cannon (Trump appointee) has dropped the hammer on Trump's desire to study classified material. Trump HAS to do so in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility), and she WON'T allow Trump to reinstall a SCIF at Mar-a-Lago! Not sure I believe my ears on this one!
Edit: CONFIRMED, via Yahoo News and Newsweek
In my newspaper this morning, there's an article detailing how Trump privately urged GQP legislators to impeach President Biden.
He just keeps making things worse for himself. Hope this comes back to bite him in his ample posterior.
We pretty much knew the GOP congress would impeach Biden out of revenge/tit for tat the moment they won the House. I think CNN billed it as "the least surprising impeachment ever."
Leave it to them to go all in on a baseless, petty bit of party politics to try and score points while ignoring the actual pressing needs of the country.
They don't know how to govern. Ruling is their thing.
The GQP had every intention of doing nothing productive between 2022 and 2024. And they prove it at every turn.
I mean, they had already announced that they would do absolutely nothing since 2008, when Obama took office.
Well, Agent Orange did his best to make racism cool again.
Well, he can't credibly claim judicial bias or persecution since this came from his own appointee, but how much you wanna bet he'll do both anyway? TFG does NOT react well to being told no.
I doubt he’ll pay any attention to the order. He’ll get on tv or up at a rally and just shoot from the hip as usual and tell all.
That should have been the baseline requirement to start with. The judge arguably should have gone further in making some information off limits to his lawyers EVEN IN a SCIF, because "I am being sued" is not justifiable need-to-know for some of the more sensitive national security information.
I mean seriously, exactly what about the *content* is going to help his case? It hinges on improper removal and storage of classified information. All you need to know is the marking, and that causes his actions to be illegal. What is inside the marked document should be legally irrelevant.
Yikes... you 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 your legal strategy is shit when even Judge Loose Cannon thinks you're going too far...
Florida wants to prioritize White Christian Nationalism in college admissions. Why am I not surprised? Sea level rise in Florida isn't just from global warming, it is also from the excessive urine when the fundies get territorial.
So, how can an admissions committee compare a student with 1600 on the SAT or a composit score of 36 on the ACT to a student with the highest CLT score? Both the SAT and the ACT are meant to show not just skills , but depth of preparation… I think top students are going to go to another state. Who wants a degree from a state university undergoing a ‘brain drain’ and now is admitting students based on their ability to argue how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. The MAGAts are truly destroying public education in Florida.
I had a real problem with the SAT some 45 years ago when I was going to graduate school again for my third useless degree. I have degrees in three fields, was a straight a student in high school college and graduate school, except for two classes where I gota B, and one class where I got the only D I ever received because the teacher positively hated me, and make that clear long before I even took his class. Because of that teacher, I decided not to try to get a doctorate in sociology. It was a very good decision.
So I'm not a stupid guy, but I still had some problems with the test – not enough to keep me out of grad school, but enough to understand that I didn't know everything..
Downgrading from SAT to CLT doesn't sound like a very good idea to me. All that's going to do is ensure that the next generation of scholars or less competent, which is probably the goal.
A grad school required the SAT? That's really odd. I'd normally expect the GRE.
The GRE and GRE subject matter tests are significantly different from the SAT in that they often intentionally go beyond what a "normal" student is expected to know. So for example, the year before I took the Chem subject GRE, you could miss 1/3 of the questions and score in the top 10%, because the test was intentionally designed to be that broad in material and that difficult. (I use "the year before" as my comparison point because those tests, results, and the curve was available to us to study as we were prepping for our year's exam.)
So if it was the GRE you took and not the SAT, don't feel bad. At least in the old days, literally most people who took it didn't do well because it was designed that way. Nowadays, I have no idea whether that's still true.
You are quite right. It was the GRE. That's what I get for trying to remember something insignificant from 45 years ago. The only thing I remember is what I thought of the time: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THAT THEY'RE ASKING?
Occasionally, I get click bait in the form of "IQ tests" online. Most of the time, they don't require too much to score 100%. But occasionally, I have the same reaction: "what the hell is this that they're asking?"
Thanks for the correction.
The way you show your IQ on a clickbait IQ test is to not click on it. :) Feel good kiss butt advertising. Oh you are so smart. So very very smart. Downloard our app because it's made for smart people like you.
I do it just for the "intellectual" challenge. Just trying to keep my brain in shape
If I hired a for-profit company to make an IQ testing app, and I told them they would get paid statistically proportional to the number of people who do great on it, do you think they'd give me a challenging test? Something that would really keep people's brains in shape? Or do you think they would give me something that *looked* like a brain challenge but was easily passed by 99% of people who took it?
It could go either way. Sometimes the Clickbait question is intriguing enough to me to make it worth it to try. But of course you're right.
It is why faith is important. You don't have to know a thing, except what you believe
Gawd and the GOP.
I took both the ACT and the SAT and scored well on both (the second time when I studied the English portions) I might have gotten letters of recommendation, but I almost certainly would have blown an interview. My issues with college weren't really the academics (except in a few cases), but a tendency to skip class because I was bored most of the time, an problem learning from lectures as opposed to textbooks, taking on too many heavy classes in my major at the same time, and a shyness that caused me to not participate in larger classes (over about 10 students unless I felt really comfortable with the instructor). That and the fact I couldn't balance work and school and work always won. That's why I graduated with only slightly over a 2.0.
I hear ya. It's hard to balance time demands when you're working two jobs to pay your own way. I had to apply for underload permits every semester. Not ideal, but that was the only way I could do it without racking up sky-high debt with student loans. I ended up cramming a four-year education into five years.
Don’t feel bad, my bachelors took me ten years altogether. Even with the college fund and GI bill, I had to work full time for most of it, serve in the national guard (got tuition assistance for that as well), took out the odd second job. During the time I was getting my degree, I got married, got deployed, and had a baby. Still ended up with $10,000 of student loan debt. And that was before the largest student debt crisis began.
I had a poverty scholarship. I paid 500 euros a year.
Wow! That is impressive.
I also had to work while I was studying. Rent/utilities to pay, groceries to buy. Luckily. I never experienced a debt crisis.
My real debt crisis came after I graduated and move out of the condo we purchased, that was the 2008 (which started a year or so earlier than anyone noticed it) housing crash. The value of our condo was cut in half, leaving us with a short sale in a flooded rental apartment market. The rentals had more amenities, and lower monthly payments, and gave away lift tickets. We couldn’t even find a realtor to take on the sale. We just stopped making payments and let them foreclose on it then filed bankruptcy. It was a shitty situation we had no other way to get out of. It ruined my credit and I lost my VA home loan benefit for a while.
A few years later we were able to use my hubs’ va certificate for a house, then we moved from that after only 10 months and purchased the house we have now. We rented out the other house for a couple years then sold it at a small profit (it would have been bigger had the assessor not screwed us over by undervaluing it so the buyer’s mortgage company slashed the offer). More rich corporate stooges fucking over regular folks.
So grateful to have had the VA/GI Bill finance my education.
Yeah, without that I would have had hundreds of thousands of student loans (more likely no college education at all because I couldn’t have qualified for the loans in the first place) rather than the $10,000 I did pay off.
There were benefits to joining. I still have the ability to use AAFES and it helps when we are making larger purchases, like the washer dryer we need immediately, without spending more on taxes. Unfortunately, these benefits are mostly tied to my husband’s service and not mine since he retired and I did not. I still have the mortgage protection, but that’s all.
He did get informed that he might have more va medical benefits since his combat service had new benefits added recently. They also said that Gulf War vets had a higher rate of children with autism, so we may see some relief regarding my first born, or they will get benefits eventually now that they’re an adult. They are in college but we’re just scraping together the semester costs best we can, though they're eligible for some grants related to their disability. Our income is finally comfortable for our family, which means too much for financial aid but not enough for actually paying for a college education. The program they are attending is a certification at a community college.
Does that cover all of NA?
Sorry, the CLT got me thinking.
Question: 1+1+1 = ?
Answer: 1
Question: Who founded America?
Answer: Jesus.
Question: Who is responsible for all freedoms?
Answer: Jesus.
Question: Who freed the slaves?
Answer: What slaves? There was only free market labor.
And those great trades apprenticeship programs......
Well, at least they got the 'Jesus didn't free any slaves' factoid right.
I haz an idea. Put contradictory passages from religious texts in the test and ask test takers which is correct.
Now that's something I'd pay a small sum to watch.
OT: out of town and out of state Catholic crazies show up in my town to protest treating trans students with dignity and common courtesy. One might even say, “do unto others as you wish to be done unto yourself”.
Fortunately, our school board has only 1 knuckle-dragger.
Carpet-bagging busybodies ala NOM.
Remember how THEY ended. Bit off more than they could chew.
You are just enough older than me to appreciate the term “outside agitators” to its fullest extent. I know it only from reading what was at the time recent history.
We went through this in the Linn-Mar school district....then the Trumpublican legislature and governor changed laws to ban books and bathroom choice and gender preference and even what a student prefers to be called (making all manner of parents pissed off that little Suzie must now be addressed as Hagatha because that's what it says on her birth certificate. The unintended consequences have been amusing at least.).
This shit's gonna get worse before it gets better.
Ah, the legal name trap. Someone made this argument while going by a nickname himself. When this was pointed out, he said nicknames were okay. So Samuel can be called Sam? Yes. Can Samantha be called Sam? ……yes. If Samantha comes out as trans and he wants to be called Sam? NO!!!
Hopefully not too bad that things become unrecoverable.
Sometimes I'm afraid it will never get better.
I liked the positivity from the set of parents quoted who actually had a trans kid and actually dealt with the school system about it. It sounds like FCPS is pretty solid and the complaints are coming from outside it..
I kinda get the 'to inform the parent or not' thing as a legit school issue. But throwing in batshirt crazy stuff such as outlawing nicknames and being, essentially, pro-bullying? Nuts.
"451: Unavailable due to legal reasons"
The last time was more than a week ago. I missed this 🤣
Try this:
"We're trying to build just a big tent of anybody and be really open to everybody of any point of view," he said. "As long as you agree with our policy."
Their definition of inclusive, folks.
Their "big tent" is more of a pup tent...with a cross on it.
I wish I could honestly claim surprise.
I just spent most of my morning and part of my afternoon writing on Kant's Categorical Imperative for my ethics class. I'm tired, annoyed, and honestly feel like half my issue with the class is that it wasn't taught far, FAR earlier; and I'm seeing that Republicans want to continue their long-standing plan to destroy as much education as they possibly can.
I've told Tinker this many times. I'm disappointed in way we've allowed education to become the battleground for politics. I'm sick of hearing about failing schools, and vouchers should never have happened in the first place. I've had enough of the fear mongering, the deliberate lies and deceit, the grandstanding, and the gutting of teacher pay for the sake of the pet project du jour. I'm trying to get some education now-approximately 25 years too late-because I bought into some of this crap when I was younger.
I don't want younger people following my example. I want younger folks to get a better education while it'll do them some good; I want them to have an easier time than I did. Sure, some of my problems were my fault, but the system failed me, too; it convinced me that I wouldn't need education for a variety of BS reasons I didn't understand weren't true for years. In effect, I had to climb out of the hole I'd be put in before I could understand the importance. Yes, I have something of an axe to grind with the Republican party over this. I would not see the future generations having to put up with the same things I had to just to get an education.
I may not have kids, but this 'destroy the pubic schools' attitude has 𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙤.
I just completed a BA in social science at 73. One of the pleasures was outperforming many of the young people on the courses. Because I had some life experience, instead of being average I was pretty much top of the class. I'm not one to say age is only a number, but certainly depending on what you're doing, life experience does count for something, and being old gave me a certain motivation – wanting to make up for all those years I wasted getting mediocre grades. 😁
Which field in social sciences ?
Good point. Technically sociology – at least that's what they told me I was doing. But essentially I was just looking at what was on offer and doing what seemed it might be fun. So I did some geography, anthropology, sociology and one bit of history. Aside from the history there's not a lot of difference it seems to me between the other subjects but maybe I'm wrong. It has been known. 😁
As I've said many times, just because you don't have kids, doesn't mean you don't have a stake in how the next generation is educated. These are your future coworkers, the health care providers who will take care of you in your old age, the people handling your retirement fund. You have a vested interest in seeing that they get a quality education, because some day your life is going to depend on them.
Repugs don't give a damn about any of that. They're too addicted to hate.
They have the money that they'll be sure to use the last dozen educated adults in the next generation.
"𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘬𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘢 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘪𝘵'𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥; 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥."
So. Much. 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴.
That anyone looks to the young and thinks "life sucked for 𝘮𝘦, so why shouldn't it suck for 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 too?" is just so fucking obscene. What's the point of this whole human experience, if we aren't trying to make things better? That's the legacy we leave for future generations- whether they look back and remember us fondly for helping them climb on our shoulders to reach new heights... or whether they resent us for pushing them away from the table until our dying breaths, only then allowing them to pick up whatever scraps we've left behind simply because we didn't live long enough to consume it all.
I want my niece and nephew to have more than I did, not less. I want them to know more than I do, to live longer than I will; to work less, and laugh more, and someday to go to their graves well satisfied and complete, not full of regrets and haunted by trauma. Education is the foundation of that better future, and these evil conniving fucks want to rob them of it.
That is literally the excuse they used for opposing student debt forgiveness.
Yeah... I've also heard that argument from fellow millennials regarding such unambiguously positive things as 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘱𝘰𝘹 𝘷𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘦. There's plenty of shit in the world set to go wrong today and tomorrow to make the next few generations miserable- we don't need to burden them with yesterday's problems, too.
I had chicken pox. Much rather would have had a vaccine. Then I probably wouldn't have needed a shingles vaccine.
My parents both left school aged 13. They insisted I stay at school until at least 18. They supported me going to a university even though they only had a vague idea of what it was. I went into teaching to try to make sure that working class kids could get a decent education in a public school. But these people only care about their own.
It's a tiny rare number of them who genuinely care for their kids. Most will only put up the appearance of it, until they stop toeing the line.
Trump however, didn't even hesitate to throw his wife and kids under the bus.
My grandfather made it to 8th grade. He also cried the day his only child (my mother) graduated high school. Mom should have gone to college; she had the brains and the discipline for it; of course, she also got out of high school in 1962ish, soooo.....yeah. She should have gone. I've wondered many times how that might have changed her life and mine.
I may still be kicking myself for not going sooner, but at least I'm getting the chance to try. Too many never even get the chance.
Mieux vaut tard que jamais. You have the will to do it, your age is irrelevant.
DM learned to use a computer in her 50's and had a great time, plus later she had an academic education for free for working with an anthropologist.
OT: Everybody's favorite county clerk, dear dear Kim Davis, has encountered still another bout of horrible anti-christian persecution. To the tune of a hundred grand. (And ain't it just lovely?)
I thought you were going to tell me she divorced again and was marrying one of her ex-husbands.
marriage is sacred to her, doncha see
It must be, she's had enough of them.
That would just go into the "same old same old" file.
Maybe she should be denied a marriage license if she ever needs another one because she has exceeded her lifetime limit.
Couldn't happen to a nicer ... Whatever she is. Christian?
After so many marriages, she could be defined as "frisky."
Sorry about the mental image.
Saw that on Fine with me. That insensitive twit deserves it.
I read 50000. The second couple got nothing, which is disgusting.
50,000 for each partner in the first couple.
🙂 😊 😀 😁 😂 🤣
Tsk, tsk, tsk, poor widdle persecuted reptile. Now where's that microscopic violin? Never can find the damned thing when I need it.
Given what climate change is going to do to Florida (average elevation: 100 feet above sea level), a more pertinent test would be of swimming ability.