Everything wrong with Candace Owens' conspiracy-laden anti-evolution rant
The right-wing conspiracy theorist said people accept evolution because of "modern Satanists"
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***A version of this post accidentally got published last night! Whoops! Sorry about that. My mistake.***
Flat Earth enthusiast, Holocaust denier, and Hitler fan Candace Owens has a theory about evolution that’s so dumb, you would normally have to travel to northern Kentucky to get a whiff of it.
During her show on Monday, MAGA cultist Owens argued that people only accept evolution because they were brainwashed by “modern Satanists.” It only got worse from there. The clip was first picked up by Media Matters.
Could you imagine just like the story of man here. Like, it just really — we have a creator. Right? We have a Bible that tells us the story of exactly what happened. And then it takes some modern Satanists to come around and to convince you that actually you're from an ape. No, like, they're like, this is this is science. It's science, guys. You come from apes. You were an Australopithecus, and then you were like, oh, and then one day you started walking erect, homo erectus, you started walking around, and now you can speak and, yeah, the chimps are still here and you — you share a DNA with them. You're — you come from monkeys. And there are people that believe that because trust the science. Right? They pollute our bodies every single day. We understand this. We're literally being mass poisoned by the same government that is rinsing the population with this atheism, with this atheist ideology, while convincing people to believe in themselves.
You can be your own god. We're now at a point where science is instructing children that they can just choose their own sex. Yeah. Talk about not believing your own eyes. Don't even believe your own body. What do you want? Science can make it happen. And still, people did not believe that we were fighting Satan. They did not believe that this was a devil. They just thought that these were just some human beings that were getting it wrong. Like, there's no huge plot. There's no huge conspiracy. You're a conspiracy theorist if you understand what it is that they are doing, right? The people that are speaking about this are routinely being condemned.
And I understand why. I totally and completely understand why that is because it takes a lot. It took a lot for me. I had to really commit myself to a long period of research to truly believe that it is plausible that this world is being run by a very small group of elite oligarchs who routinely practice homosexuality and pedophilia and who believe in Baphomet as a deity and who worship a transgender deity. That's a lot, actually. Even saying it right now, it's like, wow, that sounds really crazy. But it's happening in front of you. And I'm showing you what these people actually believe. I'm pointing you to books that you can read to understand where and when and how this happened, to prove to you that these people have never been out of power and that the elites have always practiced these sexual rituals. They've always believed in this. Throughout every modern society and ancient society, we had this battle going on. Now it's time for you to wake up.
Because there are so many problems with everything she said, it’s best to go in order.
“We have a creator. Right?” No.
She just accepts the Bible as true, saying it “tells us the story of exactly what happened.” It does not. It’s a book of mythology that she just treats as fact. No evidence needed because she’s not interested in justification.
Evolution isn’t true because “modern Satanists” say it is. It’s true because all the evidence we’ve ever found points in that direction. It’s not just atheists who accept it, either. Large numbers of white mainline Protestants and Catholics have no problem reconciling their faith with science.
Evolution does not say we came “from an ape.” That’s one of those myths that gets corrected in a remedial biology class. In fact, we share a common ancestor that was alive millions of years ago. And since we’re on the subject, humans are not “more evolved” than apes nor is the continued existence of apes some biological conundrum.
Humans did not start walking on two legs “one day.” That also evolved over time. The way our ancestors “walked” millions of years ago was far different than the way we do it now.
Society is not being “mass poisoned” by teaching students the scientific realities of the world, and teaching evolution is not the same as teaching atheism. Indoctrination of any kind should be opposed in favor of fact-based realities.
“Science” is not telling anyone they can “choose their own sex.” Transgender people are not “choosing their own sex” either. Gender identity is not a game where you can just flip back and forth depending on your mood, and it’s telling that Owens doesn’t recognize that.
If you do your own “research” and come to the conclusion that the world is run by a small cabal of gay sex predators who go after children and worship a trans Satan (?!), it’s because you’re a really shitty researcher who confuses the results from the first page of a Google search you typed in with expertise validated by people who spend their lives studying particular subjects.
“Wow, that sounds really crazy” is the only accurate thing Owens said.
Maybe the most disturbing thing about that rant is her utter conviction that she’s right. There’s nothing ignorant people won’t buy when it’s being sold to them by someone with confidence—just ask the Republican Party or Goop customers—no matter what the facts show.
It’s the same reason Ken Ham has any sort of following; when Creationists insist that the world and humans were all poofed into existence one day—regardless of the fossil record, DNA, or whatever other pieces of evidence scientists can point to—there are countless people who will cling to the myth.
The truth can feel irrelevant when the lies are so damn comforting.
Candace Owens is mentally ill, and trying to reason with her would be about as effective as giving medicine to a dead person. I've felt for a long time that organized religion excuses a lot of mental illness. She is a case in point.
Charles Darwin enters the chat: "Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science." The Descent of Man (1871)