Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

OT: Happy Birthday to me.

ETA: I normally don’t care but I just got passed over for a promotion for a position which I doubt anyone could be more qualified for. 30 years of experience. So fuck them.

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“But we do share the same Christian values that this nation was founded on.”

This shows how little Vivek Ramaswamy actually knows about this country. That this country was founded on Christian values is a favorite myth of the religious right. The U.S. Constitution doesn't say that, and you would think it would had that been what they were founding the country on. The founders expressly banned religious tests for holding public office in this country, and anyone who puts their religiosity forward as something that qualifies them for office, is unfit for that office by definition.

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As a freedom-loving conservative, I really am a bit conflicted about Vivek's candidacy. On one hand, I really like his stance of having a penis and being rich, but on the other hand, I am just not comfortable with his stance on the acceptable allowance of melanin in the skin, and having names that are hard for me to pronounce. And while as a freedom loving American who believes in democracy, I do strong support his plan to disenfranchise everyone who doesn't think like we think, I am a little troubled that he is allow to vote in the first place. Did he even pass the literacy test? Just looking at him, there is something about the way he looks, that doesn't look presidential to me. So while I do like his stance on women, queer people and people who are not me, not having the same rights as me, I think I will support a different candidate here on the white. I meant right.

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Jesus traveled to India and wrote the Bhagavad Gita, just like he wrote the US Constitution.

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

"What the country needs is to be "put back under God."

This country's government is a secular one, Smith. It's never been under your god. The key founders insured that we would keep church and state as far apart as possible; that we would not be under the thumb of your imaginary dictator in the clouds.

The only time we were ever under your god was in the century prior to becoming the United States. It was then that Christians ruled in the British Colonies. A time when they persecuted one another. The founders saw that and wanted no part of it.

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Yes to your point comparing Ramaswamy and Haley. He’s one of them, and she isn’t, because the real religion is angry grievance.

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The thing is, nothing matters to them quite as much as hatred. If someone hates the same people they hate, they'll hold their noses and get behind him/her, at least till someone more acceptably straight, cis, white and christian comes along.

Clarence Thomas is tainted by too much melanin in his skin, but hey, he agrees with US and does what he's told. Ben Shapiro presumably doesn't give much of a fuck about Jesus, but hey, he hates the same people WE hate, doesn't he? Ramaswamy worships all them funny-looking gods and goddesses, but he wants to keep women, LGBT people, leftists and immigrants in their place, so... Any port in a storm, as long as it's a not-bigoted port like us (nudge nudge wink wink).

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“wokeism, climatism, transgenderism, gender ideology, Covidism,”

So another rethuglican with no actual ideas or positions to solve actual problems. Just like the rest of those useless boils on the butt of the country.

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What part of Article 6, Clause 3 of the US Constitution is unclear to you, Christians?

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if it was not for double standards these right wing fascists would have none at all


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Well, my comment disappeared.

As I have often said to Christian fundamentalist subject to my participation in society has a gay man, and all because of the religious faith…

Why is it that I can reject the entirety of fundamentalist Christian belief, and this bothers no one but the most rabid of believers? But let me say that I am gay, and just reject this itty-bitty little ditty that they sing about the importance of faith, and certainly, their religious freedom and western civilization or under assault, and they are going to be crucified or have something shoved down their throat...

Even when they're not down on the knees in the restroom at the local quickie mart.

All this goes to show is that this is all about power and money. Not faith. Not freedom, not anything except for power and money.

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I hear he was born in Kenya...

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Well, Pence is a betrayer because he didn't break the law and enact the coup.

Haley is a woman. Conservative Evangelicals are nothing if not misogynist.

Vivek isn't one of them, but he's willing to be beholden to them. That counts. As does his penis.

DeSantis refuses to pitch why he's a better choice for them than Trump and has the charisma of an ill-mannered Orc.

Trump is charismatic like a con artist tent revival healer preacher. He hates all the "right" sort of people. He's vulgar enough to wallow in cruelty and pride. He's everything they wish they were.

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OT- Evidently not satisfied with crashing his convoy, Florida Man #2 decides to crash his whole campaign: https://apnews.com/article/desantis-staff-cuts-republican-presidential-campaign-trump-b331a18c583bd6eb379b56cb957aa025

Previous reports on cuts to Deathsentence's campaign staff turned out to have been wildly understating just how thoroughly fucked for cash everybody's most unfavorite fascist is. Turns out, he's now shitcanned a third of his staff, with more to likely follow. Is he even going to make it to the primaries, at this rate? Or is he destined to slink back to Tallahassee with his tail between his legs, just in time to get another spanking from The Mouse?

I'm gonna go make some more popcorn...

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#1. Our Constitutional Democratic Republic was NOT foundered on Christianity. 2. Religion, doesn't matter which one, has no place in our government, neither does their mythical god(s). 3. People who come from countries where they are oppressed or second-class citizens and then raise their children to become as radical as the leaders in the countries they have left should have stay in their country. No, I am not anti-immigrant, but I look at the Cuban community in Florida, this guy, and others and what is happening in Israel right now and this seems to be a pretty common trait. Republicans like to say they are voting for these people because they feel left out and have grievances they want address. It seems to me, most of their grievances is one big one, they want everyone to believe in Christianity and follow the rules of Christianity whether we like it or not. Many of these folks like Pence, Haley, DeSantis and Ramaswamy are getting on what they believe is what most Americans want, mainly because that is what they listen to and read about day in and day out. Most Americans haven't bought these kinds of nonsense and hate in the past and they aren't going to buy it now. President Biden will be re-elected.

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Reading the first paragraph or two, I was thinking Ramaswamy would just have to pull a Shapiro or Prager to be accepted in the GOP, and look at that, he did.

Look dude, the Nazis still murdered the Jewish folks that helped them get power, no matter how close they were personally. Not just the Jewish people, but the LGBT people, and the other targeted groups. It didn’t matter once the power was grabbed, who was there to help grab it, if you were a part of the hated others, you were dead. The leopards eat faces, they don’t care whose face they eat. Being close to them only brings you closer to the danger, it does not protect you from it.

If you think that way he worst thing in the world is being “woke”, ie. aware of the ugly reality around you, then you’ve got another think coming. I don’t want to say you deserve what will come for you if you and the GOP succeed, but I’m gonna protect the innocent before I protect you.

You will not get very far politically, that’s just a fact. Romney only got as far as he did because of his money, and there are still some things money can’t buy in the GOP.

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