So a man who has spent a lifetime trying to exert control over women's bodies without their consent... tried to exert control over women's bodies without their consent?


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Dang it, you beat me to the β€œshocked” line by 11 hours!

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What's that you say? A holy man turned out to be a sex pest? Hold on a sec...

*π‘β„Žπ‘’π‘π‘˜π‘  π‘π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘›π‘‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿ*

Yup, can confirm- today is, indeed, a day that ends in "Y."

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O/T: Megachurch forces all members to sign anti-LGBTQ+ statement, or be removed from membership


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Mariage [...] is between one man and one woman, and is the only context for sexual desire and expression.”

Sorry sir, that's not the biblical definition of mariage. Try again.

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Feb 28, 2023Β·edited Feb 28, 2023

Considering the actual real proof we have from other cultures and the repeated 'sinning' against that definition, it looks like that's, at best, a tentative definition?

Surely if God wanted to repopulate Creation after murdering almost all the humans, and given the popularity of recreational human congress, he'd just lower the death-in-childbirth and infant mortality rate below that of other primates, especially the ones with HUGE heads fitting through birth canals (of which I can't really think of one)?

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Yet one more religious jerk who thinks he knows something about human sexuality, when it is crystalline clear that he doesn't know bupkis.

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Heard about this a couple of weeks ago. I wonder if it will become a trend.

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If the GQP gets its way, it'll become a law.

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I wonder how often circling the wagons actually worked for the settlers on their way to claim land the US gummint 'gave' them after stealing it from someone, else, all by Might Makes Right, or Might Eventually Makes Right (After a Lot of Dead Settlers)?

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Feb 28, 2023Β·edited Feb 28, 2023

BTW, just noticed ...

"Megachurch forces all members to sign anti-LGBTQ+ statement, or be removed from membership

by RODNEY KENNEDY (emphasis added)

RODNEY KENNEDY (emphasis added) has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University."

That's one step above the comic autobiography opening, "Admired by the ladies and feared by the men, Rodney Kennedy ..." (that's from memory and unable to find a Google reference).

Robert Kennedy singing the praises of Robert Kennedy in his press release! But, what would you expect for a PhD in mind-wanking. Also, sounds like he just wasn't good enough to make it as a lawyer, even in Louisiana and Flor-i-duh.

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β€œFrank Pavone never urged women to use birth control. He never put condoms on his altar. He never fought for health care for babies whose parents couldn’t afford it. He never showed empathy for victims of sexual assault.”

That’s because the pro-suffering crowd prioritizes control over female autonomy above everything else.

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OT: Speaking of the RCC, I found out a couple of weeks ago, they spent $50 *million* on a shrine in OKC for the first American-born martyr. $50 million for a gravestone/church (It will also house services for two local parishes) Consider the childcare that could provide single parents or shelters for those without it or food for those without. And that's just in this country.

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"Smells and Bells and Martyrs, oh, my!"

From a previous article's research, the RCC is 8% of OK's Christian population. Sounds like they're retrenching and consolidating?

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Possibly, but $50 million for a church when there were already, presumably, two buildings available is an incredible waste of money that could have been spent on what the church claims is its mission.

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Feb 28, 2023Β·edited Feb 28, 2023

Wow, looks like a cheezy, fake romanesque barn built to La Quinta construction standards, steel studs and all. Part of the OKC RCC Entertainment Megaplex. Wonder if they let you buy meals to eat in the pews during the service, since it's not like The Sheeple are expected to do much else.

Couldn't tell from the articles, but sounds like it's on "The I-35 Frontage Road".

Maybe they consolidated between two parishes, moving onto some cheap land and freed-up some expensive downtown real estate? The OKC St Joseph's church seems to be near some important gummint areas, for example. I admit, a toxic/hazardous site like a ex-RCC church may cost to clear of the bad mojo, but it might be worth it for the 'right' investors, who aren't on the church board or anything like that.

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Here's the thing: Pavone is ONE MAN, though granted a highly egregious example, out of how many hundreds or thousands of priests who acted against their vows, whether against adults or children. Yes, absolutely, he deserves the focus and attention he is getting, as well as a court date and a prison sentence, but he is one among way too many.

The blunt fact is that the Catholic Church needs an unrepentant, wall-to-wall vetting of its personnel, from Vatican City to the diocese of Anchorage, Alaska (if there is such a thing), and those who have violated the trust put in them need to be tried, convicted and jailed. Once again, yeah, I know, it won't happen because the general populace has no stomach for such a thoroughgoing investigation, and because they still think that faith is a virtue.

The real shame is that people will have to have their noses individually and collectively rubbed in the shit which is the church's flagrant and despicable behavior before it will ever be satisfactorily addressed.

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If the RCC ever truly cleaned house- really got in there, peeked in every nook and cranny, drummed every last abusive fuckweed out, and turned them over to the proper authorities- they wouldn't have enough clergy left afterwards to keep the lights on in their own headquarters.

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Oh, that’s too bad.

It’s also not a good reason not to do it.

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Pretty sure they could hire some women to switch the lights on and off, thereby reducing the chances of sexual predation by a considerable amount.

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The Catholic Church needs to cease to exist. THAT would be what Jesus would do--if he weren't DEAD.

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Hold on. They guy was too extreme for EWTN?

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Feb 28, 2023Β·edited Feb 28, 2023

If ole Mother Gestapo had still been on there at the time, would things have been different?

She seemed like a cross between the discipline of Sister Mary Stigmata and the obvious disregard of priests shown by Sister George Michael (except where contractually bound by work rules).

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He's not pro-life, he is anti-choice.

His views (and those of the church that fired him) are all about control of women; they are not pro-life at all. If they were, they would support social supports for women and they would protest governments' hostile takeover of the wombs of America.

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I've precious little use for the pro-life movement. It's all about controlling women they couldn't otherwise care less about. They stand opposed to easy access to contraception and comprehensive sex education in the schools. They praise the fetus, then quit caring about it the moment it is breathing on its own. They tend to be anti-gun control, pro death penalty, and rarely met a war they didn't love.

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Another point in the case of women being worse than abusive men according to religion.

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Like Catholic, like Protestant. You'll find many prominent preachers in the Protestant group being just as guilty as this sickening perverted priest.

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Stipulated, and all one has to do is look at Hemant's reportage regarding the Southern Baptist Convention and the Jehovah's Witnesses to know that this issue isn't isolated to the RCC. They ALL deserve the same treatment I outlined elsewhere on this post.

I just want to know WHEN they are going to GET it.

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It's pathetic that the only thing christian sects have in common is their love of sexual abuse and rape.

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Hey now, let's be fair... they 𝘒𝘭𝘴𝘰 share hypocrisy, murderous bigotry, and a fondness for cherry-picking.

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If you go to Central America, the Catholic Church is losing its ascension there to the "evangelic" (which means something different down there - more "Protestant") because, in the words of one local, "the evangelic church cares about us". Per www.cia.gov, Catholics number 42%, Protestant 39%, an area that recently was 95%+ Catholic. The Catholic Church does not care about the repercussions of "no abortion, no birth control" in poor areas / countries, damning generations to poverty.

This article is spot-on: this guy was defrocked for using bad language, not for anything else. This is reason number 439 why the Catholic Church (in particular) is dying.

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Frank Pavone, who gets his morals from the bible.

Need I say more?

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I'm of the firm belief that people don't actually get their morals from the Bible, but take their morals to the Bible. 😁

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Yeah, I'm skeptical they've even read the bloody thing all the way through, if at all.

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I did, and it was a bummer. The hero gets killed at the end.

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By the time I got to the end of the gospels I was cheering for the Romans to nail him up.

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That’s how I felt watching Jesus Christ Superstar.

I loved the Caesar number and one of the Pharisees was a riot.

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No, he gets killed in the middle (or consigned to a lake of fire, depending on who you think is the hero) The end is some scary mofo's bad trip.

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Mar 1, 2023Β·edited Mar 1, 2023

Nope, that's like at just after the halfway point.

The *end* of the bible is when the hero rides down on a cloud, confronts a dragon and a sea monster, releases 7 plagues on humanity (the hero does that, not the monsters), defeats 'the beast' and then the armies of Gog and Magog, then finally builds a city roughly 1500 miles square made entirely of gold and with two trees of life in it. Then, in his final act of the story, our all-loving and perfectly merciful Hero warns the audience that if anyone makes any change at all to any of the words in his book, he'll curse them with plagues. And that's how the English word version of the bible ends. ;)

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Wait, what? His targets weren't underage boys? How unpriestly of him. No wonder they defrocked the un-Catholic SOB.

Anyone care to start a betting pool for how long it will be before we learn he paid for abortions for his mistresses?

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God's (Jesus's) plan is really fucked up. All the more reason to double down on Jesus, right?

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Feb 28, 2023Β·edited Feb 28, 2023

Anyone see the episode of the Sopranos where Vito and Christopher Multisante beat the shit out of Frank Pavone for bringing shame to the Catholic Church? Then Christopher shoots Vito in the head for being gay.

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At first they thought Pavone was running the Jersey City mob, but then they found out he is a defrocked priest. Pauli wanted in on the action but Tony wouldn't sanction it.

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Is this the guy some of us posted about a day or so ago? I tend to lose track there are so many. 🀯

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