It isn't limited to Christians, religious conservatives of all stripes are always very quick to claim they are the victims of persecution, and yet no group would be more inclined to persecute others if given the chance. If you want to see what genuine persecution looks like, . . . hand power to the preachers.

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Oh FFS. I love to watch (and yes I even play women’s tackle football. Girls hit too) and while I do not mind the small little gestures and such, this over-the-top gratuitous Cheesus-Jesus and God bless my game shit annoys the fuck out of me. Children starved to death for your win? Sick flex bro.

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A woman and her two children drown in the Rio Grande because "Murika, Thousands of dead Palestinian children, tens of thousands of homeless kids sleeping on the streets or bad motels or cars tonight and this is what you choose to get angry about?

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Conservatives aren’t outraged at the censoring of teachers for talking about Black history though. They also had no problem when Black football players were fired for kneeling in protest of police brutality. They have no problem with “Don’t say gay” laws which censor speech.

They can sit their hypocritical behinds down.

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As a Texans fan, this was so damn irritating. Especially considering that the same people who are claiming CJ Stroud was censored for expressing his beliefs by NBC (which he wasn’t), are the same people who not only wanted Colin Kaepernick censored for expressing his beliefs—but have him banned from the NFL (which he effectively was).

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Imagine a shout-out to Allah...or Satan.


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I really really wanna see some after game convo goes like this:

"What went wrong out there Roy? You where ahead by 6 and then lost by 7. "

"Well, Mo, It was all Jesus fault. That pansie just had to go and listen to the prayers of those freaks from nutterville instead of ours. I'm telling ya Mo, Heaven just aint the same after this new crowd took over..."

"Uh, back to you in the studio, Fred!

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The editing was unnecessary. It cut about 1.5 seconds of video and generated hours of snowflake performative fake persecution nonsense. Listening to sports stars and celebrities thanking God and their agents is a fact of life.

My favorite take on that stuff was from Bono. 'When those people get up at the Grammys and say, 'I thank God,' I always imagine God going, 'Oh, don't - please don't thank me for that one. Please, oh, that's an awful one! Don't thank me for that!'

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Is DeSantis out now? The suggestion is that he should be forced to carry his campaign to term. Just pudding it out there.

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𝘈𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 they can twist to pretend they are being persecuted they will latch on to. Their book of tall tales tells them they will get persecuted, so they are going to find persecution if they have to persecute themselves.

The indoctrination primes them for this.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22


It's really very obvious once you spend some time thinking on it. Which is why they forbid their members from thinking on it.

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Must have been a slow persecution day that this clip has taken off in Jesusland.

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We get our share of trolls out to show us the light.

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What does Tim Tebow think about this?

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"I can't believe Jesus made me fumble."-comedian Jeff Stilson

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