It isn't limited to Christians, religious conservatives of all stripes are always very quick to claim they are the victims of persecution, and yet no group would be more inclined to persecute others if given the chance. If you want to see what genuine persecution looks like, . . . hand power to the preachers.

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Of course. They've gotten used to their privilege and priority and perks, and any slight thing that takes away from that amounts to persecution.

They have no idea of the meaning of that word.

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They are fighting a rear-guard action, trying to accomplish through the courts and legislation what they have failed to achieve from their pulpits. Mere freedom of religion is never enough for some people. They demand the right to impose their beliefs on everyone.

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Who said persecution? Censorship may equal suppression. Not persecution, in my humble opinion. While many other “persecuted” groups are not being silenced but are being celebrated. So I must ask were they actually persecuted or just suppressed or oppressed? Just saying

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Constantine was the poster boy, no?

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"inclined to persecute others if given the chance."

They've had the chance for a long time, and they still have it. And they take all the advantage of it that they can get away with.

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I guess I found the Atheist echo chamber. I can see why you all stay here, it’s pretty cozy

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You visited a blog about atheism, written by a fairly well-known atheist, with the word "Atheist" in its title, and you 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 expect the comment section to be full of atheists?

Small wonder you could figure out how to operate your keyboard.

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Small wonder your head doesn’t hit the floor with how much it must weigh you down.

You act as if I was surprised? My comment was more about the echo chamber, and less about the atheists in general. If you couldn’t tell by how I’ve been trying to address people, my comment was about the circulation of straight up misinformation about religious people, not about some surprise of mine to find atheists. I hate to break it to you, you aren’t a super genius looking down on the superstitious peasantry. Based on how you talk to strangers, you’re about on par with everyone else.

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What I can tell about how you've been addressing people is that you strutted in here like some kind of keyboard crusader expecting to chalk up a W for Team Jesus. Don't pretend you were ever here to have any kind of reasonable conversation; this is 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 what you were hoping to find when you clicked the link. You opened with hostility; you got back what you offered, and you'll give and get little else until you finally make enough of the wrong kind of noise and get vaudeville-hooked by a moderator.

Until then, you're the entertainment.

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

Wow, Joan, you managed to drive Michael Henton right off of this site. Or was it you that got him "Banned?" You were relentless and down right MEAN in your responses. I, personally, am an agnostic theist. I would like some proof, but I do believe in a, "Higher Power." I came here because I was curious. If I wanted meanness, I could go onto Yahoo, or Google, and read those comments, and I get on there pretty regularly just to see how some people react to someone's remarks. It's amazing what people will type when they're not making eye contact with the person they're directing their comments to. I don't get off to bashing other people via my keyboard, whether they're atheist, agnostic, Christian, or anything else. It just kind of shows what kind of person you are.

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I am not a moderator here. I am, however, somewhat disinclined to suffer fools, and yes, I do in fact have a tendency to jump 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 down someone's throat the moment that little switch in my head flips from "friend" to "foe." Mikey-poo was not a friend. He did not come here looking for answers or to offer insight; he did not come here looking to have an honest conversation. His first comment here was hostile, by the time I logged in he'd already been an asshole to several other regulars, and... well, frankly, it was a slow Friday and I was bored. I'm 𝘴𝘰 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 dreadfully sorry if you find my attitude distasteful, but I owe Random Godbot #3247 no apology for giving him the business, and I certainly don't owe anything to you.

Except, that is, a 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 eyeroll for popping in out of the clear blue sky to tone-police on behalf of the latest in a 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 long line of 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 similar trolls.

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RemovedJan 21
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Y'know, you 𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 had me convinced you weren't a sock puppet for a second there, but now you're just overplaying your hand.

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Before anyone says I’m biased, I will admit I’m a Christian (political stance moderate right leaning) and heard the entire NBC drama from a tweet from a Conservative politician.

I went online just to learn a little more because I was honestly a little annoyed by NBC when I first heard the news but wanted to see if there was anything I was missing. After reading this article and digging more online, I honestly don’t think what NBC did was consider “Christianphobic”. Like yea, I would’ve included the player’s comment about his praise to God, but I get why NBC would edit it out - they uploaded the original unedited video as well (although I’m not entirely convinced saying that you’re blessed is the equivalent of praising God).

Also, responding to this thread bc yea Joan is a little hostile but I think it was tamed and justified since Michael came in first with no intention of conversation.

But one thing I want to note and hear opinions of others is that the player’s identity is pretty important. If the football player had said he came from a loving trans community or something similar, I feel that NBC would have included it somehow? I still feel like if NBC wanted to, they could’ve and should’ve kept the player’s praise? But not sure, wanna hear y’all opinions - not here to fight

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Leave Joan alone. It was me who wrote the email to have Michael Denton banned and sadly for you Hemant Mehta found he had no place here. Now behave or you risk to be the next one.

And before you cry about how the mean Atheists persecute you I am a Pagan.

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You didn't mention Jesus. As a conservative Christian, I feel like you are persecuting me.

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Your point being?

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That this is an atheist echo chamber, and that I could understand why you all would reside in one due to its coziness.

Pretty much what I said.

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A million churches in this country. I think we deserve our space.

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And tax exemptions

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Hey man, do your thing. Not here to stop any one; just walked in and said “wow what a great time to dispel some common myths about God”. Hopefully you’re alright with that.

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The most common myth about god is his existence, and as you can see, we're already pretty dedicated to dispelling that one.

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What are some of the common myths about God that you seek to dispel?

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Oh FFS. I love to watch (and yes I even play women’s tackle football. Girls hit too) and while I do not mind the small little gestures and such, this over-the-top gratuitous Cheesus-Jesus and God bless my game shit annoys the fuck out of me. Children starved to death for your win? Sick flex bro.

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My feeling is usually something like, "So God hated the other team? What did they do to deserve that?"

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They probably touch pigskin and wear mixed fabrics (oops).

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

maybe god lets the other team win because one or more of players enjoyed slapping their teammates ass to much.

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My poor home town. god hates Cleveland so much that it set the Cuyahoga River on fire!

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At least it's not Detroit!

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Burn on, big river, burn on.


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But the Cavaliers (currently 4th in the Eastern Conference) play on. :D

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At least you've still got the Indians. :)


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I’m originally from Kent, OH. Hello, friend.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

When I get annoyed at that, I remind myself that these are 20-something jocks who probably came from a highly religious background. That is not to take away from what they do - their work ethic is incredible, their training and talent are well worth praising. But it is to say that if I expected Shakespeare or a treatise on Descartes coming out of their mouth, it was my expectation - not their performance - that was out of whack. What they delivered in their interview is exactly in line with what is reasonable for that person, in that profession, doing that interview.

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You know nothing about what they read Shakespeare or not. That’s RACISM

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You’re a racist - look what you wrote my guy, you can be atheist - but that is straight ignorant and superior flavored - chill with that and go look in the mirror

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A woman and her two children drown in the Rio Grande because "Murika, Thousands of dead Palestinian children, tens of thousands of homeless kids sleeping on the streets or bad motels or cars tonight and this is what you choose to get angry about?

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40% of those homeless kids are LGBT. It would be a sin to help them.

And now I'll post this again since I brought it up:

https://www.dallashopecharities.org/programs/dallas-hope-center/ - Dallas Hope Center - Dallas, TX

https://www.thriveyouthcenter.org/ - Thrive Youth Center - San Antonio, TX

http://duneslgbtfoundation.org/ - Dune LGBT Foundation - Ft. Worth, TX

https://www.aliforneycenter.org/ - Ali Forney Center - New York City, NY

https://lalgbtcenter.org/social-service-and-housing/youth/homelessness - LA LGBT Center - Los Angeles, CA

https://www.ruthelliscenter.org/ - Ruth Ellis Center - Detroit, MI

https://larkinstreetyouth.org/ - Larkin Street Youth - San Francisco, CA

https://www.sfcenter.org/lgbt-san-francisco/homeless-lgbtq-youth/ - SF LGBT Center - San Francisco, CA

https://www.outyouth.org/ - Out Youth - Austin, TX

https://www.facebook.com/Thetransitionalcenter/ - The Transitional Support Center - El Paso, TX

https://truecolorsunited.org/ - True Colors United - U.S. National Advocacy organization

https://homelessgaykidshouston.org/ - Homeless Gay Kids Houston - Houston, TX

https://www.angelfire.com/folk/isis - ISIS from Youthcare - Seattle, WA

https://le-refuge.org/ - Le refuge - Major metropolitan areas throughout France

https://www.covenanthouse.org/homeless-issues/lgbtq-homeless-youth - several major metropolitan areas throughout the U.S.

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It's disgraceful that LGBTQ kids are homeless in our society.

That casts an awful reflection on parents, who toss their children out like that.

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Take them in- make space and take them in. There’s a lot of religious organizations that assist so in the effort to not just sit and bitch - what are we atheists doing. Seems like keyboard warrior pussy shit. Let’s get it together and take some queer kids in then?!?!! Give up your iPhone y’all!

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I agree with your sentiments, but not with the dirty word.

Unless you're writing fiction (and using it for character development or to make a point) or quoting someone in real life, it's just verbal pollution.

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And don't forget that Iowa's governor declined to participate in a Federal program designed to help provide food to poor children because she was worried about childhood obesity.

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"But-but-but ... muh PRIVILEDGE!"

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You mean as Americans sitting on computers debating ideas? That’s is priveledged lol - go to Gaza if you disagree

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I don't see Jesus helping any of those poor folks...do you?

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Yes, but that's sort of the point, isn't it?

Atheists know that there isn't a supernatural event coming to help. So they do it themselves.

But Christians call themselves the body of Christ in this world. Meaning they are supposed to be the hands and feet of God's action about the world. They are supposed to be the ones helping the refugee and the stranger. They are supposed to be the ones housing the homeless. They aren't supposed to sit around doing nothing.

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What was it their god told them, wasn't something about whatever they do for the least of his brothers and sisters, they do for him?

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Their version of the Sermon on the Mount was a briefing on how to clean, maintain, and fire an AR-15 at "minorities."

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I don’t know, I’ve seen more racism here. I have a feeling there’s not much diversity here - it’s a shame. A lot of white ass bitching

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Perhaps, what do you do?

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A lot of white ass bitching.

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They do plenty...they collect more firearms than 45 Royal Marine Commando...they refuse to get vaccinated and say that COVID-19 is either a libtard conspiracy or 24-hour flu...they sit at their computer keyboards, swapping mean-spirited humor, racist memes, and homophobic-homo-erotic denunciations of each other...and they storm the US Capitol when the Presidential Election doesn't go according to the Bloated Yam's -- I mean God's -- will.

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Hey, another Somali?! Is that where you’re from? Let’s talk.

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No, I'm a fourth-generation native New Yorker on my father's side, English on my mother's. Her family has provided the Crown with Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and civil servants from the reign of HM King Charles II (1680) to HM King Charles III (2024).

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What are you doing - like as in ever. As atheists need to be held to higher standards, we spend a lot of time persecuting Christians. Imagine if we actually did something.

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Amen, if you will forgive me 😈

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Conservatives aren’t outraged at the censoring of teachers for talking about Black history though. They also had no problem when Black football players were fired for kneeling in protest of police brutality. They have no problem with “Don’t say gay” laws which censor speech.

They can sit their hypocritical behinds down.

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You feel white, everything about this feels white.

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As a Texans fan, this was so damn irritating. Especially considering that the same people who are claiming CJ Stroud was censored for expressing his beliefs by NBC (which he wasn’t), are the same people who not only wanted Colin Kaepernick censored for expressing his beliefs—but have him banned from the NFL (which he effectively was).

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If YOU think that was irritating, consider how I feel as a Browns fan! Can you say, "Salt in the wound," boys and girls? 😝

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I think Myles Garrett might have been "edited" out of that game...

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Imagine a shout-out to Allah...or Satan.


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That would have been cut from the broadcast and included on YouTube as well. The right wing outrage machine would have reacted the same, saying NBC is persecuting Christians for making the whole exchange available.

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Better yet would be the player ripping off his jersey to reveal a suicide bomb and shouting Alahu Akbar as he blows up the stadium...and they cut that footage.

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Yeah bro, that would’ve been awesome, if you were sitting next to him, that is

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I really really wanna see some after game convo goes like this:

"What went wrong out there Roy? You where ahead by 6 and then lost by 7. "

"Well, Mo, It was all Jesus fault. That pansie just had to go and listen to the prayers of those freaks from nutterville instead of ours. I'm telling ya Mo, Heaven just aint the same after this new crowd took over..."

"Uh, back to you in the studio, Fred!

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Is DeSantis out now? The suggestion is that he should be forced to carry his campaign to term. Just pudding it out there.

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Yup... Ronnie D is history: https://apnews.com/article/ron-desantis-250c8ed4b49843350e258f0c2754c8ba

Buh-bye, DeSeptic. Guess that only leaves the 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 Confederate apologist and the guy who can't even 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘭𝘭 "Confederate" as contenders for the GQP nomination.

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Wonder where he'll move to after his stint as Gov of Florida ends, since he won't be moving to Pennsylvania Ave for at least 4 years and we know he's not done with his crusade to eliminate LGBTQ2IAA people or destroy education, so he'll have to try to run for office somewhere.

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He's already gotten his pet legislature to change Florida law to let him run for President from the governor's office... are term limits part of the state constitution, or just a statutory restriction?

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I don't know, but no one has been governor for more than eight years. However, Tampa had the same mayor for eight years each on two separate occasions.

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Apparently, the governor's term limit is in fact specified by the state consititution... amendments may be proposed by joint resolution from the legislature (requiring 60% of the membership in favor), the Constitution Revision Commission (most of whose members are appointed by the governor), or the Taxation and Budget Reform Commission (most of whose members are appointed by- you guessed it- the governor)... and the proposed amendment would then have to clear a 60% popular vote threshold to pass.

So... not impossible. Fuckface von Sparkleshits could easily stack one of the relevant Commissions to propose an amendment even if he didn't have enough cronies in the legislature, and he apparently 𝘥𝘪𝘥 get about 60% of the vote last time he ran for office, so the amendment could conceivably pass. If he does it, expect it to happen right around the time other Republicans announce their bids for the governorship.

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I think the 60% was due to who his opponent was. There are people who virulently hate Charlie Crist even though he is a good man. He was a repukelican, then switched to no party, then to real American (Democrat).

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It's a good thing slavery didn't cause the Civil War. We all know it was Hunter Biden's fault.

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21

Any bets on how long before Nikki (Nimarata Randhawa) kisses the ring of the one true god, Trump?

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You shouldn't leave pudding out. Put it in the fridge until you are ready to eat it.

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That pudding's been left out 45 years too long.

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𝘈𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 they can twist to pretend they are being persecuted they will latch on to. Their book of tall tales tells them they will get persecuted, so they are going to find persecution if they have to persecute themselves.

The indoctrination primes them for this.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22


It's really very obvious once you spend some time thinking on it. Which is why they forbid their members from thinking on it.

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It also leads them to believe there are fewer Christians than there really are- even that they are part of a shunned minority rather than the dominant majority- because walking up to a Christian of a different sect with their sect's sales pitch is likely to meet with just as negative a reaction as they'd get from a nonbeliever. 𝘕𝘰𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 likes to have their day interrupted and their time wasted. Hell, it's 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 to have intrusive advertising thrown in your face when you already own the product; I can't imagine it's any different for religion.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

Dinosaurs Against Christians Against Dinosaurs (DACAD)

Taylor White · ·

This page is seeing lots of posts with Christian's claiming that the heinous instructions given by God to 'his chosen people' are being taken OUT OF CONTEXT by atheists. This may offer a little clarity.

There is no biblical context that makes slavery acceptable. There is no biblical context where human sacrifice is acceptable. There is no biblical context that makes incest acceptable. There is no biblical context that makes torture acceptable. There is no acceptable biblical context that makes it ok to teach a child they were born broken and deserving of torture without the assistance of Hebrew magic.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 says that, "ALL Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

Any Christian's out there with enough faith in your God's scripture to explain how slavery, human sacrifice, incest, torture, and coercion are useful for, "Teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in RIGHTEOUSNESS?"


Ezekiel 9: 3-7, 1 Samuel 15: 3 Jeremiah 13:14. Hosea 13:14 and 27:11 Amos 1:11

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I’m waiting for the Jew hate - go ahead hitler the stage is yours

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Saw that on fb yesterday. Almost posted it but got sidetracked. Great article.

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That. Is. Perfect. It's also a keeper! [cut - paste!]

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Must have been a slow persecution day that this clip has taken off in Jesusland.

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We get our share of trolls out to show us the light.

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How did we 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 manage without his 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 and 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘦 efforts to show us the error of our 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺 heathen ways? Truly, we are 𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 with his august presence!

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He started out with the “echo chamber” snark, therefore I can’t take his offer of clearing up “misconceptions” any serious consideration.

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Maybe not so much. He was on another Substack with this pithy remark:

Jo Jo from Jerz

Republicans will let a woman die from sepsis before letting her have an abortion, they’ll teach a child to tourniquet before banning AR-15s, and they’ll let 8 MILLION kids go hungry instead of giving them free food, but they’re marching to prove just how “pro-life” they are.

His response:

“Dehumanize the opposition! You are fighting the good fight against monsters who dont deserve honest representation!” - History’s future genocide approvers, the most intolerant people in society

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You sound like pearl clutching Christians. I thought you were the independence. When I’m looking at religious groups, I’m not trying to act like them. Maybe figure that out here as well you guys.

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I just went back through the archives and didn't see him commenting in August. : )

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Check July....it was one of the Caesars....maybe Salad?

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Kinda hard when they are all so dim.

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He's the brightest candle in the box of lightbulbs.

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Yes. I love how he assumed none of us knew Christians so he had to 'dispel myths'

Talk about arrogant.

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As if Christians were a rarity in this country- or as if they've 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 been shy about speaking their minds. You can't go half a mile in any direction without passing at least one church... but they all seem to think they've got some novel sales pitch we've never heard before.

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The thing about him that pissed me off the most was complaining that I 'stood on the graves of children' to make my point. The graves of children *was* the point.

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The sheer irony of that line, coming from a devotee of the religion that has filled more graves with more children than any other human enterprise...

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But gawd's perfection required those deaths cuz god.....

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...aaaaand he's toast.

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I feel like it’s a game of who can come here and convert someone first.

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You should all ditch ramen and spaghetti for somen and linguine you bunch of infidels !

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What does Tim Tebow think about this?

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Tebow thinks?

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He analyzes. That's his current job at the SEC Network,

He's not even a pro-football analyst. College football.

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Well, that makes sense. He showed everybody that he knew way more about college football than he did about the pro game.

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"I can't believe Jesus made me fumble."-comedian Jeff Stilson

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Scientific ignorance.

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And every other kind of ignorance, besides.

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I was pretty much gobsmacked by some of the beliefs or lack of knowledge. On the level of flat earthers for crying out loud.

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Gotta love crank magnetism. Once they get that first bit of crazy on board...

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Lies. slurs and and ad hominem attacks are all they have. They think these things work because they are all they ever hear from their passtors.

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Give it a 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡, Christians. Everything is not about your or your Jesus, and shouldn't need to be. This sort of thing comes off as Christians trying to convince other Christians that 'me so holy' or some garbage, and it's not a good look.

Stroud is clearly the sort willing to use his position to proselytize, but NBC is under no obligation to air comments that have no bearing on the question at hand. The full interview was posted, despite your whining to the contrary, and if you didn't go watch that's your fault, not the network's. For the record, I find it more than a bit suspect that so many Christians insist on their football also having their Jesus; some how it always seems to gravitate toward hyper-aggressiveness that doesn't seem to healthy too me.

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My cup runneth over with kkkriststain tears.

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