Here is an obvious solution: Get rid of invocations all together! All they accomplish is allowing Christians to mark their territory in the halls of our secular government. Invocations certainly do not result in better governance. If anything, people who convince themselves they're operating under divine sanction are capable of almost any horror.
Frank Zappa appeared to me today. He told me that any and all fans of "Yellow Snow" must send me $47.87 to continue his message. You MUST help by spreading his message.
Only YOU can save humanity by sending $43.27 to the SAVE ZAPPA ministry.
This incident involving Hibbs would be bad enough in a social vacuum. What makes it far worse are his references to Islam when there is a Muslim House member (Ilhan Omar) present, never mind his disparaging comments regarding any Jewish member of the House. Huffman is absolutely right to call both Hibbs and Johnson out for this utterly misguided choice for delivery of an invocation, particularly for a "vetting" process which likely never happened.
And once again, considering this incident, how about dispensing with invocations entirely? Can we just start with: "The House will come to order. What is the first order of business?"
The Browns weren't MOVED to Baltimore. They were STOLEN by Art Modell, while in the middle of negotiations for a new stadium and other considerations. You don't want to begin to guess how much Modell pissed off all of Cleveland with that stunt.
I sure haven't forgotten it, and I'm not likely to.
There are in fact *four* Muslim Representatives. As well as 25 Jewish Represetatives....two of them Republican.
I'm sure Johnson sees the opportunity to very publicly troll them (or at least, sincerely tell them they're evil blasphemers who are going to Hell) as a benefit, not a problem.
I agree with you, but from whom? He is the (inept) Speaker of the House of Representatives. He is the highest authority there. He is there to bring MAGAt chaos to any and all.
If he made any of those comments in front of Congress, there would have been an uproar during the invocation.
According to Hemant: "Nothing he said during his invocation was all that memorable, though he did claim the “day of judgment draws near” and that everyone will “answer to you, the great judge of heaven and Earth.” Still, it was a fairly generic invocation about Jesus that any Christian pastor could have delivered—and many have in the past."
Let's forget the typo (and it's "Omar to kill me", not "killed me"). The victim, a frail old woman, was stabbed in the belly, she then got up, crossed her basement a first time, wrote very neatly with her blood using her left hand instead of her right on a door, crossed her basement again to go write on the second door and started to cross her basement a third time to go toward the first door. Even if she was fired up by adrenaline, it's a little hard to believe.
I understand that people think that Pastor Hibbs is an bigot and a fearmonger, but that is only because the mainstream media is failing at describing the quotes accurately. For example:
“When two people of the same sex get together, it’s out of sheer wanton lust and pleasure only for self,” Hibbs tells the congregation. “Nothing comes of it. No life can come from it. No family can come from it.”
When a more accurate quote would be
“When two people of the same sex get together, it’s out of sheer wanton lust and pleasure only for self,” Hibbs tells the congregation, in a slightly breathy voice while wiping a little sweat off his fore head. “Nothing comes of it." There was a uncomfortable pause, as he stared off into the distance. "No life can come from it. No family can come from it.” He said with a hint of regret as he turned his gaze towards his wife and children in the front row.
See the difference. The main stream media wants you to believe he is a bigot. When the truth is that he is a horny bigot who hates his family.
Man apparently doesn't know what a family is. Plenty of gay men and women form families, some even have children.
The thing pea-brains like this can't get through their heads is that homosexuality is about a whole lot more than sex. Of course they ignore, for everyone, the emotional bond that sex reinforces, and reduce it to procreation.
If these whitewing un-American pseudo-religious political hacks do indeed represent Christianity as it should be, Christianity is in dire need of a major reformation, uh?
It's amazing how idiots like Hibbs can throw something like that out, having exactly ZERO idea of what he's saying, never mind the implications of his statement.
Hibbs and Johnson take the Dunning-Kruger effect to a whole new level. 😝
And expecting no one will be able to fact check him. But I am probably disqualified 4 times in his eyes since I am a Pagan, a woman, someone who believe in science and not American.
With this kind of mutjob, I would not dare to say anything either. I would leave quietly. They know how to incite others to harass and/or worse those who dare to think.
Because the last decade has seen the norms and traditions of our government thrown out the window in favor of getting back at the uppity blacks for electing a black president, twice. It didn’t start with electing Trump, but it was the most publicized step the white supremacists took. Trump is guilty of wiping his diaper clad ass all over the government procedures and standards, but then they added Gaetz, Greene, Boebert, Jordan, Tuberville, and many others who are literally simply circus monkeys trained to fling poo to distract from the GOP tearing up our constitution. Johnson is the right’s fourth choice for the runner up position for Speaker of the House that the GOP took, what was it, 15 votes to seat originally. They’re not electing effective, professional, qualified, and competent people for positions in our government. No, they’re electing the loudest squealers, the GOP needs to change their symbol from the elephant to pigs with bullhorns. They haven’t legislated anything, they can’t get anything done, not because the democrats are interfering, but because they’re fighting with themselves over who is the worst. (I hope the American people can wake up to see this come election day or at least enough who do see it bother to get off their asses to vote) Johnson and the chaplain’s office are acting out to get the perpetraitor’s attention so he might not throw them under the bus immediately.
I’m only surprised they didn’t have Anderson speak, but I’m guessing it’s only because he doesn’t wear a nice enough suit.
I wasn't sure. There was a Chaplain Paul Anderson in the article, but I figured any chance to remind everyone about Anderson's tazing is a good enough reason to bring it up.
I read a book on my Kindle, "The Supreme Gentleman Killer," about Elliot Rodger, the nutball who loathed women in California and decided to shoot as many hot blondes as he could find.
He killed his roommates first, then drove off to conduct his campaign of terror. He started at a sorority house, but didn't kill any. So he drove around his town, and apparently wounded some women. The cops chased him, so he crashed his car and shot himself, saving the government the costs of a trial and the world further mention of his name.
Anyway, the book noted that this guy was a proper nutjob who believed he was entitled to a hot blonde, but couldn't muster up the ordinary ability to ask one out. Instead, he played "World of Warcraft" and theorized that blondes were attracted to cool cars and hot cash, so he decided to solve the financial and female problem by buying vast numbers of lottery tickets. That had the usual results, and he blamed the system.
He wrote in his journal -- the bulk of the book -- that if he could take world power, he would put all women in death camps, where he would stand on a tower, and watch them starve.
As for reproduction, he would keep some women alive for artificial insemination, and then it would be entirely done in that manner, with frozen embryos. By removing the female sex, so would the entire concept of sex be could achieve their perfect selves.
People who read that told him to get Instead he shot people.
My reaction to his buying lottery tickets was this: For the money he spent on those tickets, he could have taken out an add on eHarmony, casually mentioning that his father was a Hollywood assistant director on the "Star Wars" franchise, and women would have come flocking to him, at the very least, waving 8-by-10 glossies and resumes, hoping for an acting job. In theory, that would solve his little problem.
However, his personality was such a mess, he had no connection to reality beyond living in it.
What Hibbs is, more than anything else, is tied up with the stupidity of his belief system and his utterly fucked-up holy book, and a great deal of that is what came out in that travesty of an invocation.
The real tragedy is that he will likely never be able to get out from under that hallucination.
Since homosexuals don't reproduce (exceptions apply) we would not propagate the trait, so it would have gone extinct.
Doesn't take into account that for humans survival to reproduce isn't an individual thing, so people who don't reproduce can enhance the chances of survival of those that do.
Also, own goal, he's admitting his god created homosexuals.
Besides, he thinks he's taking his orders from The Almighty. You can't compete with that, unless you're the Bloated Yam, John D. Rockefeller, Josef Stalin, or George M. Steinbrenner III.
I only saw it once in high school around 1997 or 1998 and didn't like it*. After verifying the cast I didn't even remember Samuel L. Jackson played in it.
*The only Tarentino movie I like is "Jackie Brown".
Believe them when they say they will transform this government to one that matches their perverted theocratic crack dreams. That is only if we are apathetic and not vigilant. I'm just glad to be in the peanut gallery of the FA!
"The letter is signed by nearly two dozen representatives, including Jamie Raskin, Pramila Jayapal, Katie Porter, and Ilhan Omar."
I don't have time to look up the party affiliation of those nearly two dozen representatives, but I'm pretty sure that NONE of them are members of the GOP, the God-Obsessed Party. It seems that for the Republicans, "ill-qualified hate preacher" is an oxymoronic phrase. To them, being such a rabid hate preacher and conspiracy paranoid make him FULLY QUALIFIED to speak for them.
"Whether this will amount to anything is anyone’s guess..."
My first guess was "No," but after thinking about it for 30 seconds, my guess is the outcome will be that even worse speakers will be selected. The Republicans will double-down on their hate-mongering, paranoid, screwball, just-this-side-of-a-straight-jacket guest speakers. For the modern GOP, no bad idea can't and shouldn't be made worse.
Let's start by eliminating the position of Chaplain of the United States House of Representatives. Especially if my tax dollars are being used in any way to support her.
Goodness knows, he's not the type to take directions from his wife, even if she's the one holding the map. Or a nav system since I've never met one that didn't have a female voice by default.
My problem with him is that he's not dumb enough. They aren't as scary when they're dumb. He's got the hate for certain but it concerns me he can string sentences together.
Here is an obvious solution: Get rid of invocations all together! All they accomplish is allowing Christians to mark their territory in the halls of our secular government. Invocations certainly do not result in better governance. If anything, people who convince themselves they're operating under divine sanction are capable of almost any horror.
Frank Zappa appeared to me today. He told me that any and all fans of "Yellow Snow" must send me $47.87 to continue his message. You MUST help by spreading his message.
Only YOU can save humanity by sending $43.27 to the SAVE ZAPPA ministry.
Oh wait, you was not talking about grifts...
“Yellow Snow” and “Golden Tennis Shoes” have much in common. Who wudda guessed?
This incident involving Hibbs would be bad enough in a social vacuum. What makes it far worse are his references to Islam when there is a Muslim House member (Ilhan Omar) present, never mind his disparaging comments regarding any Jewish member of the House. Huffman is absolutely right to call both Hibbs and Johnson out for this utterly misguided choice for delivery of an invocation, particularly for a "vetting" process which likely never happened.
And once again, considering this incident, how about dispensing with invocations entirely? Can we just start with: "The House will come to order. What is the first order of business?"
There was a vetting process. I actually got the questions right here.
1. Do you hate teh Gays?
2. Do you hate the browns? (Not the football team)
3. Are women property?
4. Do you have a secret web browser whose search history would cause a computer with AI to self-immolate?
2. Are the people in Cincinnati allowed to hate the Browns?
They’re conflicted
I am not sure they are allowed to acknowledge the existence of Cleveland.
Cincinnati. Hmmm. i think I have heard of that place. Is it somewhere in Kentucky?
I am a third generation native of Ohio City, a Cleveland neighborhood across the river from Downtown.
And I would watch my first Super Bowl ever, if the Browns were ever in it!
So you'll watch Super Bowl D?
There's this rock station in Cincinatti called WKRP.
The original Browns have made it to the Super Bowl, but they had to move to Baltimore and assume an alias.
The Browns weren't MOVED to Baltimore. They were STOLEN by Art Modell, while in the middle of negotiations for a new stadium and other considerations. You don't want to begin to guess how much Modell pissed off all of Cleveland with that stunt.
I sure haven't forgotten it, and I'm not likely to.
Don’t get old time Baltimoreans started on the Colts sneaking out of town in the middle of the night.
At least Cincinnati has been to the Big Show (a.k.a. the Super Bowl). The Browns have yet to get to the Division Finals, if I remember correctly.
As to Point 4, I suspect that the AI wouldn't self-immolate. More likely its reaction would be: "Oh, gad, ANOTHER ONE?!? Ugh!" 😁
The AI's response would be HUH? They are programmed to be completely ignorant of sex. They go stupid when you ask for a little fetish story.
The football team is bonus points.
how much trump would a trump judge trump if a trump judge could judge trump.
It's $450 million with interest that starts with the infraction, not the court judgement.
There are in fact *four* Muslim Representatives. As well as 25 Jewish Represetatives....two of them Republican.
I'm sure Johnson sees the opportunity to very publicly troll them (or at least, sincerely tell them they're evil blasphemers who are going to Hell) as a benefit, not a problem.
Frankly, I think Johnson deserves a reprimand for this stupid stunt, and I hope he gets it.
Whack that Johnson!
Not even with Donnie's tiny hands.
I agree with you, but from whom? He is the (inept) Speaker of the House of Representatives. He is the highest authority there. He is there to bring MAGAt chaos to any and all.
And he is afraid of the Twitter Republicans who could throw him out.
IMO, it's not a coincidence.
It ISN'T?!? Naw, couldn't be! 🤣🤣🤣
You know us, Frenchies/non christains*, we see conspiracies everywhere.
*Special offer today. pick one, get the other.
BOGO: buy one get one
I am not that generous today. My ankle* is killing me and I am in grumpy mode.
* Thanks a lot to a yanking Queen.
Pick one and get the other
Buy one get one
are the same thing! BOGO is a common acronym in US American English. ( I can't speak for other English variations.)
I hope you found your glasses and needles and can kick back and elevate that ankle!
Young and sweet, only seventeen
Aria or Rhapsody?
If he made any of those comments in front of Congress, there would have been an uproar during the invocation.
According to Hemant: "Nothing he said during his invocation was all that memorable, though he did claim the “day of judgment draws near” and that everyone will “answer to you, the great judge of heaven and Earth.” Still, it was a fairly generic invocation about Jesus that any Christian pastor could have delivered—and many have in the past."
None of it was accidential.
While we're at it, let's get rid of the Electoral College and presidential pardons.
Presidential pardons can be useful.,to%2018%20years%20in%20prison.
Let's forget the typo (and it's "Omar to kill me", not "killed me"). The victim, a frail old woman, was stabbed in the belly, she then got up, crossed her basement a first time, wrote very neatly with her blood using her left hand instead of her right on a door, crossed her basement again to go write on the second door and started to cross her basement a third time to go toward the first door. Even if she was fired up by adrenaline, it's a little hard to believe.
I understand that people think that Pastor Hibbs is an bigot and a fearmonger, but that is only because the mainstream media is failing at describing the quotes accurately. For example:
For example a very biased site, wrote.
“When two people of the same sex get together, it’s out of sheer wanton lust and pleasure only for self,” Hibbs tells the congregation. “Nothing comes of it. No life can come from it. No family can come from it.”
When a more accurate quote would be
“When two people of the same sex get together, it’s out of sheer wanton lust and pleasure only for self,” Hibbs tells the congregation, in a slightly breathy voice while wiping a little sweat off his fore head. “Nothing comes of it." There was a uncomfortable pause, as he stared off into the distance. "No life can come from it. No family can come from it.” He said with a hint of regret as he turned his gaze towards his wife and children in the front row.
See the difference. The main stream media wants you to believe he is a bigot. When the truth is that he is a horny bigot who hates his family.
Pretty sure the point of the exercise is that someone comes from it.
I just spit coffee out, it's ok I still have pajamas on.🖤
Man apparently doesn't know what a family is. Plenty of gay men and women form families, some even have children.
The thing pea-brains like this can't get through their heads is that homosexuality is about a whole lot more than sex. Of course they ignore, for everyone, the emotional bond that sex reinforces, and reduce it to procreation.
One of this day, I will stop at the first paragraph and curse you for joining the dumb aide 🤣
Perhaps Pastor Hibbs is speaking from experience.
If these whitewing un-American pseudo-religious political hacks do indeed represent Christianity as it should be, Christianity is in dire need of a major reformation, uh?
I 100% agree that prayers before House business is not necessary. It doesn’t make your dinner taste any better either.
It didn't stop my paternal grandmother to serve us what she "cooked". And expecting us to eat it.
if evolution is true, then there would be no such thing as homosexuality.”
So you are saying, one way or another, your god allowed homosexuality. Good to know.
a demonic doctrine being propagated by heretics.”
Curious, I seem to remember one of their prophets is named Jesus. Probably an homonym.
"the January 6 insurrection attempt, saying, “This is what you get when you eject God from the courts and from the schools.”
*Checked the INA archives for an insurrection after an election during the 5th Republic. Came back empty ended*
It's amazing how idiots like Hibbs can throw something like that out, having exactly ZERO idea of what he's saying, never mind the implications of his statement.
Hibbs and Johnson take the Dunning-Kruger effect to a whole new level. 😝
And expecting no one will be able to fact check him. But I am probably disqualified 4 times in his eyes since I am a Pagan, a woman, someone who believe in science and not American.
... 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑛𝑜 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑘 ℎ𝑖𝑚.
Boy, did he get THAT wrong! Huffman will be all over him like white on rice, and probably Jamie Raskin right behind him!
What about black on wild rice?
If any of his sheep did fact check him, they won't say anything.
With this kind of mutjob, I would not dare to say anything either. I would leave quietly. They know how to incite others to harass and/or worse those who dare to think.
Pagan, woman, someone who believes in science, and not American.
You sound pretty qualified to me.
But AFAIK, you're not a rabid nutmaga.
Because the last decade has seen the norms and traditions of our government thrown out the window in favor of getting back at the uppity blacks for electing a black president, twice. It didn’t start with electing Trump, but it was the most publicized step the white supremacists took. Trump is guilty of wiping his diaper clad ass all over the government procedures and standards, but then they added Gaetz, Greene, Boebert, Jordan, Tuberville, and many others who are literally simply circus monkeys trained to fling poo to distract from the GOP tearing up our constitution. Johnson is the right’s fourth choice for the runner up position for Speaker of the House that the GOP took, what was it, 15 votes to seat originally. They’re not electing effective, professional, qualified, and competent people for positions in our government. No, they’re electing the loudest squealers, the GOP needs to change their symbol from the elephant to pigs with bullhorns. They haven’t legislated anything, they can’t get anything done, not because the democrats are interfering, but because they’re fighting with themselves over who is the worst. (I hope the American people can wake up to see this come election day or at least enough who do see it bother to get off their asses to vote) Johnson and the chaplain’s office are acting out to get the perpetraitor’s attention so he might not throw them under the bus immediately.
I’m only surprised they didn’t have Anderson speak, but I’m guessing it’s only because he doesn’t wear a nice enough suit.
I'm sure the House has an official tailor, probably paid for by tax dollars.
"I’m only surprised they didn’t have Anderson speak, but I’m guessing it’s only because he doesn’t wear a nice enough suit."
If you are referring to Pastor Anderson, his suit is probably still shit and piss stained from when he was tazed.
Yup, I brain farted on his first name for a minute, pastor Steven Anderson.
I wasn't sure. There was a Chaplain Paul Anderson in the article, but I figured any chance to remind everyone about Anderson's tazing is a good enough reason to bring it up.
Always nice to see somebody you don't like tazed, but what was the back story on that?
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧, 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞-𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫, 𝐀𝐜𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲
Interesting. So he did good even if his heart isn't in the right place. :)
This guy seems to be obsessed with homosexuality and transgenderdom.
I wonder if he's on the "down-low" with transvestite hookers?
He certainly hates Muslims, Jews, and anyone who doesn't subscribe to his version of Christianity.
Whatever his malfunction is, he should not be allowed on a Congressional podium, let alone in public without his keeper.
If Hibbs truly wants to get rid of homosexuals, he needs to tell heterosexuals to stop having sex.
Good luck with THAT.
Didn't the founding incel Saul/Paul already try that?
One can see how that panned out.
(Not that HE would have, as Saul/Paul of Tarsus is just as fictional as Jesus)
I read a book on my Kindle, "The Supreme Gentleman Killer," about Elliot Rodger, the nutball who loathed women in California and decided to shoot as many hot blondes as he could find.
He killed his roommates first, then drove off to conduct his campaign of terror. He started at a sorority house, but didn't kill any. So he drove around his town, and apparently wounded some women. The cops chased him, so he crashed his car and shot himself, saving the government the costs of a trial and the world further mention of his name.
Anyway, the book noted that this guy was a proper nutjob who believed he was entitled to a hot blonde, but couldn't muster up the ordinary ability to ask one out. Instead, he played "World of Warcraft" and theorized that blondes were attracted to cool cars and hot cash, so he decided to solve the financial and female problem by buying vast numbers of lottery tickets. That had the usual results, and he blamed the system.
He wrote in his journal -- the bulk of the book -- that if he could take world power, he would put all women in death camps, where he would stand on a tower, and watch them starve.
As for reproduction, he would keep some women alive for artificial insemination, and then it would be entirely done in that manner, with frozen embryos. By removing the female sex, so would the entire concept of sex be could achieve their perfect selves.
People who read that told him to get Instead he shot people.
My reaction to his buying lottery tickets was this: For the money he spent on those tickets, he could have taken out an add on eHarmony, casually mentioning that his father was a Hollywood assistant director on the "Star Wars" franchise, and women would have come flocking to him, at the very least, waving 8-by-10 glossies and resumes, hoping for an acting job. In theory, that would solve his little problem.
However, his personality was such a mess, he had no connection to reality beyond living in it.
I take it he never heard of escorts.
Or homosexuality in all male environments.
Incels basically think they're entitled to slaves.
I think it's been said that every advance humanity has ever made was because someone was trying to get laid.
And was not an acquaintance of Matt Gaetz.
Couldn’t afford one. Drove an old ford fiesta instead
What Hibbs is, more than anything else, is tied up with the stupidity of his belief system and his utterly fucked-up holy book, and a great deal of that is what came out in that travesty of an invocation.
The real tragedy is that he will likely never be able to get out from under that hallucination.
He's a perfect example of "Dunning-Krueger."
What is his evolution/homosexuality thing? Not clear about a relationship there?
Since homosexuals don't reproduce (exceptions apply) we would not propagate the trait, so it would have gone extinct.
Doesn't take into account that for humans survival to reproduce isn't an individual thing, so people who don't reproduce can enhance the chances of survival of those that do.
Also, own goal, he's admitting his god created homosexuals.
It also doesn't take into account variation, genetic drift, Gould's spandrels and the notion of selection by gene, etc., etc.
In scientific sophistication, the argument runs a close second behind "why are there still monkeys".
Neither am I...but this guy's train of thought is still boarding at the station.
He just needs coaching to keep on the right track and properly signal his points. As of now his motives are just loco.
I would rather he be stuck to the third rail.
I think he's too old to accept "coaching."
Besides, he thinks he's taking his orders from The Almighty. You can't compete with that, unless you're the Bloated Yam, John D. Rockefeller, Josef Stalin, or George M. Steinbrenner III.
This implies that God must have approve homosexuality regardless of the only two genders he has said to have made as Black Hole Mourner has put it.
So says the creationists who blatantly ignore the likes of Titaalik Roseae.
Disagree! Clearly, the missing link/transitional species between straight and gay is bear.
I thought it was broke college student.
And a ball gag.
Ah, yes...."Pulp Fiction."
I thought Amanda Plummer was great in that movie. She proved that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I only saw it once in high school around 1997 or 1998 and didn't like it*. After verifying the cast I didn't even remember Samuel L. Jackson played in it.
*The only Tarentino movie I like is "Jackie Brown".
I'm not a big fan of Quentin Tarantino in general, including that film, but Amanda Plummer bookended the movie very well.
She won an Emmy for her role as a schizophrenic who survives being raped in an episode of "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit."
We could really use a couple hundred more humanists, free thinkers, and non-theists in our Congress. Christian nationalism is un-American.
To the rabidly homophobic Mr. Hibbs...
Greece just became the first Orthodox Christian nation to legalize same-sex marriage. Suck on that.
Thailand is expected to join the club this year.
"Suck on that."
I'm sure someone will be.
I know it's too late now, but they should've brought in an atheist to do a follow-up invocation after Hibbs.
Turnabout's fair play, I say.
Believe them when they say they will transform this government to one that matches their perverted theocratic crack dreams. That is only if we are apathetic and not vigilant. I'm just glad to be in the peanut gallery of the FA!
To infinity and beyond!
"The letter is signed by nearly two dozen representatives, including Jamie Raskin, Pramila Jayapal, Katie Porter, and Ilhan Omar."
I don't have time to look up the party affiliation of those nearly two dozen representatives, but I'm pretty sure that NONE of them are members of the GOP, the God-Obsessed Party. It seems that for the Republicans, "ill-qualified hate preacher" is an oxymoronic phrase. To them, being such a rabid hate preacher and conspiracy paranoid make him FULLY QUALIFIED to speak for them.
"Whether this will amount to anything is anyone’s guess..."
My first guess was "No," but after thinking about it for 30 seconds, my guess is the outcome will be that even worse speakers will be selected. The Republicans will double-down on their hate-mongering, paranoid, screwball, just-this-side-of-a-straight-jacket guest speakers. For the modern GOP, no bad idea can't and shouldn't be made worse.
Hibbs is a huge advertisement for doing away with invocations altogether. They are divisive and serve no purpose whatsoever.
Let's start by eliminating the position of Chaplain of the United States House of Representatives. Especially if my tax dollars are being used in any way to support her.
Hibbs was brought aboard by a man who thinks he's a new Moses.
Is it any wonder the Key Founders wanted church and state to be kept as far apart as possible?
So when is he going to part Lake Michigan and lead his people from Grand Rapids to Milwaukee?
And then gets lost in Naperville, IL for 40 years instead of turning north.
Maybe Hemant can point him in the right direction.
Goodness knows, he's not the type to take directions from his wife, even if she's the one holding the map. Or a nav system since I've never met one that didn't have a female voice by default.
In Johnson's defense, he's ill-qualified and the expectations for prayer contain too many big words.
My problem with him is that he's not dumb enough. They aren't as scary when they're dumb. He's got the hate for certain but it concerns me he can string sentences together.