A sane country would bar all religious institutions from operating hospitals. It is one of my deepest fears that I would find myself in a church-owned hospital and being unable to make my own decisions. The Catholic Church's stand on contraception does not elevate the status of life . . . it trivializes it.
Or demand the hospitals follow certain rules. Like saving lives when needed and not let people die just because. The government would have to make a list or define what "needed" is.
That is what the EMTALA law was supposed to fix, (emergency medical treatment and non-dumping rules.) They are supposed to give stabilizing care up to and including necessary reproductive care.
My late MIL had been hospitalized a number of times because of falls and heart problems. Despite being a catholic herself, she specifically told all her kids that if she was ever taken to a catholic hospital, they needed to arrange her transfer to another facility. She didn't want to be denied the right to make her own end-of-life decisions.
The more strident of them will claim that requiring them to follow ANY of the same rules is anti-christian persecution intended to prohibit god belief.
I don't understand enough of the USAian health care system. Is it really health care when they can opt out of any procedure they don't think hurt enough or whatever.
I quibble with the phrase “health-care system”. It’s misleading. In the 1st place, it’s not a system. A system is something that’s designed to achieve a particular end, in a coordinated way, usually as efficiently as possible. (Think computers or automobiles.) In the 2nd place, it’s not about care, it’s about capitalism.
What we have in lieu of a true health-care system (you know, the kind that every other industrialized democracy on the planet has and loves) is a haphazard scattering of profit centers concentrated in areas where the money is, with vast swaths of the nation under- or un-served. By contrast, the US Postal Service and the public schools are true systems that serve every square centimetre of the country. (And yes, the metric system too is a true system, well and intentionally designed, not like ACHU, the Accidental Collection of Heterogeneous Units that the US alone in the world still clings to.)
So I recommend using the phrase “health-insurance industry”, because it’s more accurate.
Well, yes, but it's more specific. The health care industry is, in fact, a system. It has a well-established and well-understood goal. But that is not providing health care--that's merely an incidental side benefit that sometimes happens. The actual goal of the health care industry in the US is to concentrate profits from the entire population and direct them upwards to the very wealthy. It performs this function very, very well. Offering "the best medical care in the world" (to wealthy people who can pay) is a side benefit to the actual goal. The rest of us peasants get dribs, drabs, and crumbs--and often nothing. That's the main reason that the recent Commonwealth Fund report, which showed that the US is dead last in all but one health indicator compared to a bunch of peer countries, but pays by far the most per capita of any country, was so devastating.. Repeat: it's not a health care system; it's a profit generation and transfer system. Unfortunately, apparently none of those carefully gathered numbers spoke to any of those statisticians at the Commonwealth Fund, because nowhere in that report or in articles discussing the results was that point made, though it was mentioned that the US system is the only one amongst all the countries studied that is entirely profit driven. They didn't add "and that's its purpose." There are none so brainwashed as those who have all the data staring them right in the face, but who allow the real conclusion to just go floating right by them without comment..
Great article and thanks for writing about this often neglected topic. Before I retired from medicine ai worked at a Tenet hospital under the auspices of a private equity owned physician services company (another major issue that drives me crazy). Tenet has three hospitals that are in close proximity that provide non overlapping services (one specializes in cardiovascular care (my hospital), another neurological conditions and another oncology care. The latter two were formall Catholic hospitals and retain “Catholicky” names. Despite the fact that they are now owned by a secular for profit business, they still retain all the Catholic religious rules. In my case, one refused to perform organ donation after cardiac death, so patients would need to be transferred to my care so this could happen. So the moral of the story is that once a Catholic hospital, always a Catholic hospital even if it changes ownership to a secular business. One needs to perform an exorcism it seems on these hospitals for true change.
When my Mother had a life ending event last November, after we got the paramedics to break into her house they knew the score and when I told them over the phone that she had a living will and requested to be a DNR and that her preferred hospital was the closest one - a local RCC hospital, they strongly suggested taking her to the Baptist Hospital instead - they were coy about it but finally said, 'look, she will be much better off at the Baptist place'. As a retired doc, I was able to read between the lines and said take her to the place she will do best. I later found out that that catholic hospital won't implement a DNR - not even on a 92 year old. Apparently, suffering is a requirement at the end of life... even for a 92 year old with a living will after suffering a massive pulmonary embolism and a subsequent massive stroke. Go Figure.
25 or 30 years ago I got my tubes tied by a Catholic hospital in Eugene Oregon. (It was the only hospital). Of course they wouldn't do it in their facility, but they rolled me down a skyway to the building next-door because then god wouldn't know they were breaking the rules. Hypocrites.
I ran a fever yesterday morning and overnight. Congested as hell since Sunday. I've missed work yesterday and today. I got paid but it cost me vacation time.
They went in through my femoral artery to check out my heart just a couple of weeks ago. I was awake and even considered competent to make medical decisions about stents.
It’s a step in the right direction. I still hold that if you are not willing to follow best medical practices then you shouldn’t be in the medical field, religion notwithstanding. Hospitals that aren’t willing to perform medical procedures for non-medical reasons shouldn’t be in business. That goes for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists who refuse vaccines and certain prescriptions. It isn’t your job to decide what is moral, or how another person handles their “everlasting soul”. It’s your job to provide medical care that protects the lives and health of all people. If that is a threat to your “everlasting soul” then you don’t get to be a medical professional or run a hospital/medical facility. Let the people who are concerned with the actual health and life of the people walking through the door.
This isn’t about cake. This is about the lives of real people. And too many women and LGBTQ people have suffered and died from this travesty.
Don’t give me that crap about if it weren’t for the religious we wouldn’t have hospitals. The early hospitals did all the care they had available to them, including abortions, and focused on at least trying to save the person in pain. What they’re doing now is forced conversions through torture or threat of death and even if the victim doesn’t convert, they’re forced into following your religion while they suffer. What they do now isn’t wiped away because what they did long ago was right.
OT: I tried to send a note to CBS News, regarding the lack of real-time fact-checking on tonight's debate, but their verifier is screwed up. Turns out, though, that I have Norah O'Donnell's cell phone number (which she published sometime back)! So I sent her this:
You were much nicer than I would have been, Trouble. In the same vein that hospitals refusing to perform certain basic medical procedures shouldn't be allowed to operate, journalists who refuse to perform the basic functions of journalism, like fact checking, should get out of the business.
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, Jane. I'm hoping that the example that David Muir and ABC News gave us with the Trump / Harris debate may have stuck in her head.
I hear you, and I'm not sanguine about it either. There's also the matter of Governor Walz. I don't think he takes to bullshit too well, and if O'Donnell and Brennan won't call Vance on his noise, it wouldn't surprise me at all that Tim WILL.
Most of the population isn't going to watch the debate with computers fired-up and ready. I can pay attention to only so many things at once. Not a multi-tasker, moi.
Onscreen fact-checkers would be the best case scenario
The American healthcare system proves, once and for all, that there truly is nothing so horrible that it can't be made worse by the Roman Catholic Church.
This is excellent news, albeit BADLY overdue. It is obviously necessary for women to understand what services are and are not available, should they be dealing with complications arising from a pregnancy gone wrong or a chemically-induced abortion which has not completed successfully. It rather amounts to a healthy dose of truth in advertising, and in today's medical environment, it should be mandatory, not just for Colorado, but for the entire United States.
The obvious problem is that this is a Band-Aid on a much larger problem. For the large portion, we're talking about Catholic hospitals here, where their dogma overrides medical necessity, as it comes to D&Cs or abortions to save the life and/or health of the mother. Such institutions will insist that their doctrine must come first, which means the patient comes second. This is intolerable. The long-term solution really needs to be the removal of any form of religious influence on the practice of medicine.
Yeah, yeah, I know, and in the meantime, I'd like $1 million, preferably in small bills, unmarked and out of sequence. 😝
It's not just abortion where their dogma will override standard medical practices. Think of the HIV+ gay man who needs his antiretroviral meds that they will refuse because of their dogma. What about the trans kid who will be consistently misgendered and deadnamed when getting even the most basic care? And death with dignity? They don't understand the word. They would allow an otherwise young and healthy pregnant woman to die horribly due to serious pregnancy complications while artificially prolonging the life of a terminally ill patient who is ready to let go.
"As he alluded to, this was never an anti-religious bill. This was always about transparency, not religious persecution. If a faith-based hospital didn’t want to offer certain services, nothing in this law required them to violate their religious beliefs."
Wasn't there a sc court case about how filling some forms violated the religious liberty of the complainant ? If a religious hospital complain, will the case end in the sc ?
The whole business of "a burden on the church" amounts to very little more than a convenient shibboleth that the courts can lean on to favor religious litigants. At some point or other, there has to be a judge out there who is willing to call that phrase on its bullshit.
"We work for the Big Guy and we can do whatever the hell we want to our patients and we don't have to tell you unwashed hoards squat, so sit down and STFU."
If they're hiding their policies, then they KNOW they are doing something bad but they do it anyway. Seems rather sinful. Oh, wait. It IS a sin. Who says? Why, the bible itself does:
"Anyone, then, who knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin."
Well, the catholic church unfortunately must limit the care they give their patients. It is the price they are willing to pay to have such a strong moral stance. Do you expect the administrators to abandon all their moral values just to save a woman whom God has deemed worthy of an ectopic pregnancy, when they themselves have taken a vow of poverty. Jesus said to sell all our worldly possessions and give money to the poor. I am assuming that all of these administrators are only accepting minimum wage because the overbearing federal government isn't allowing them to take less money. Because if they were making millions of dollars while sacrificing the well-being of others, it would make them hypocrites. And who has ever heard of a religious hypocrite?
This is a step in the rightdirection. However, the next step might be requiring the hospitals themselves to provide this information. Up front, to everyone who walks through their doors. I also think both the profit and religious motive should be eliminated from healthcare, and make these hospitals refer patients to places that will provide the services they are not, because the Catholic Hospital compleex will still do everything they can to control behaviors they don't like, and will obscure their connections to these hospitals so people will be less likely to avail themselves of the government site.
One of the challenges in CO with catholic hospitals referring to non-catholic is the general lack of options west of Denver/Co Springs/ Pueblo. Most towns have one hospital with the with the next closest being a long drive thru the mountains.
Unfortunately, I’m afraid that is 100% accurate. Just during my lifetime, we’ve gone from a time when just a whisper of a scandal topple a politician to hacks like Trump, Vance, and Thomas who could commit multiple murders onscreen
A sane country would bar all religious institutions from operating hospitals. It is one of my deepest fears that I would find myself in a church-owned hospital and being unable to make my own decisions. The Catholic Church's stand on contraception does not elevate the status of life . . . it trivializes it.
Or demand the hospitals follow certain rules. Like saving lives when needed and not let people die just because. The government would have to make a list or define what "needed" is.
Edited spelling.
That is what the EMTALA law was supposed to fix, (emergency medical treatment and non-dumping rules.) They are supposed to give stabilizing care up to and including necessary reproductive care.
My late MIL had been hospitalized a number of times because of falls and heart problems. Despite being a catholic herself, she specifically told all her kids that if she was ever taken to a catholic hospital, they needed to arrange her transfer to another facility. She didn't want to be denied the right to make her own end-of-life decisions.
That is my feeling as well.
No doubt Bobert and other conservatives will assert that trying to get Catholics to be honest is some form of oppression.
The more strident of them will claim that requiring them to follow ANY of the same rules is anti-christian persecution intended to prohibit god belief.
Let them argue why following the same rules as everybody else is religious persecution.
Not a good idea, it allowed hobby lobby and other businesses owned by bigots to legally discriminate against people who need contraceptives.
Even notifying the government you weren't going to do it was considered an illegal burden on 'religious' practice.
I don't understand enough of the USAian health care system. Is it really health care when they can opt out of any procedure they don't think hurt enough or whatever.
I quibble with the phrase “health-care system”. It’s misleading. In the 1st place, it’s not a system. A system is something that’s designed to achieve a particular end, in a coordinated way, usually as efficiently as possible. (Think computers or automobiles.) In the 2nd place, it’s not about care, it’s about capitalism.
What we have in lieu of a true health-care system (you know, the kind that every other industrialized democracy on the planet has and loves) is a haphazard scattering of profit centers concentrated in areas where the money is, with vast swaths of the nation under- or un-served. By contrast, the US Postal Service and the public schools are true systems that serve every square centimetre of the country. (And yes, the metric system too is a true system, well and intentionally designed, not like ACHU, the Accidental Collection of Heterogeneous Units that the US alone in the world still clings to.)
So I recommend using the phrase “health-insurance industry”, because it’s more accurate.
Well, yes, but it's more specific. The health care industry is, in fact, a system. It has a well-established and well-understood goal. But that is not providing health care--that's merely an incidental side benefit that sometimes happens. The actual goal of the health care industry in the US is to concentrate profits from the entire population and direct them upwards to the very wealthy. It performs this function very, very well. Offering "the best medical care in the world" (to wealthy people who can pay) is a side benefit to the actual goal. The rest of us peasants get dribs, drabs, and crumbs--and often nothing. That's the main reason that the recent Commonwealth Fund report, which showed that the US is dead last in all but one health indicator compared to a bunch of peer countries, but pays by far the most per capita of any country, was so devastating.. Repeat: it's not a health care system; it's a profit generation and transfer system. Unfortunately, apparently none of those carefully gathered numbers spoke to any of those statisticians at the Commonwealth Fund, because nowhere in that report or in articles discussing the results was that point made, though it was mentioned that the US system is the only one amongst all the countries studied that is entirely profit driven. They didn't add "and that's its purpose." There are none so brainwashed as those who have all the data staring them right in the face, but who allow the real conclusion to just go floating right by them without comment..
Health insurance industry then. I shall drop "care" from now.
Is it really healthcare if you have to choose dinner or the doctor?
Or care over living indoors?
No, not at all.
Great article and thanks for writing about this often neglected topic. Before I retired from medicine ai worked at a Tenet hospital under the auspices of a private equity owned physician services company (another major issue that drives me crazy). Tenet has three hospitals that are in close proximity that provide non overlapping services (one specializes in cardiovascular care (my hospital), another neurological conditions and another oncology care. The latter two were formall Catholic hospitals and retain “Catholicky” names. Despite the fact that they are now owned by a secular for profit business, they still retain all the Catholic religious rules. In my case, one refused to perform organ donation after cardiac death, so patients would need to be transferred to my care so this could happen. So the moral of the story is that once a Catholic hospital, always a Catholic hospital even if it changes ownership to a secular business. One needs to perform an exorcism it seems on these hospitals for true change.
Where's the dirty holy water?
Is it even more effective if you hit it with a 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘰𝘯'𝘴 holy water? I hear the Ganges is still pretty filthy.
"In the name of Aesculapius, we rebuke you." Sounds like an idea for a protest.
It would be more his daughter field
I’m curious why they retained the RCC rules.
I want you to be Henry Isaksønn from Island or Norway, but you are probably from UnUSA or Canada, right?
Wristband logic:
“I am a Catholic. In case of medical emergency, please call a priest.”
“I am an atheist. In case of medical emergency, please call a doctor.”
When my Mother had a life ending event last November, after we got the paramedics to break into her house they knew the score and when I told them over the phone that she had a living will and requested to be a DNR and that her preferred hospital was the closest one - a local RCC hospital, they strongly suggested taking her to the Baptist Hospital instead - they were coy about it but finally said, 'look, she will be much better off at the Baptist place'. As a retired doc, I was able to read between the lines and said take her to the place she will do best. I later found out that that catholic hospital won't implement a DNR - not even on a 92 year old. Apparently, suffering is a requirement at the end of life... even for a 92 year old with a living will after suffering a massive pulmonary embolism and a subsequent massive stroke. Go Figure.
Don't you know? Suffering brings you closer to God. :S
That was the party line of the Ghoul of Kolkatta, until it was her suffering.
Bingo. Exactly who I was thnking of. Would've elaborated, but I'd already mentioned the Foul One's name.
Norway gave her the Nobel Piece Price. I am still ashamed of that decision.
I usually asks which god when people refer to god. Who am I to automatically know other peoples religious affiliation?
25 or 30 years ago I got my tubes tied by a Catholic hospital in Eugene Oregon. (It was the only hospital). Of course they wouldn't do it in their facility, but they rolled me down a skyway to the building next-door because then god wouldn't know they were breaking the rules. Hypocrites.
God has gone from being defeated by Iron Chariots to being defeated by Gurneys.
His son mistook mental illness for demonic possession.
Some of the screws used are stainless steel, thus defeating god again.
Got to love those loopholes. (No, I'm not posting the video)
Thanks for the laugh. This day has been too much boring. I've had fever and been off work monday and tuesday.. But got paid of course.
I ran a fever yesterday morning and overnight. Congested as hell since Sunday. I've missed work yesterday and today. I got paid but it cost me vacation time.
Iron gurneys.
Beat me to it. :)
HYPOCRISY is a foundation of their religious superstition.
App. 26 ya, my husband got his tubes(?) cut. It is way simpler and much less problems for a male than for a female.
My husband tells me it can be done in a doctor's office with local anesthesia.
I suspect part of that is anatomy and the rest a focus of medical ingenuity.
Even so, it scares me. If I were a dude, nobody would come near me with a scalpel unless I was out cold. None of that local shit.
I am a shameless wuss in the face of pain. Hospitals in general have freaked me out my entire life.
They went in through my femoral artery to check out my heart just a couple of weeks ago. I was awake and even considered competent to make medical decisions about stents.
Was the building next door also a hospital or clinic, or did it just happen to be connected by a skyway?
If the latter, then that means they wheeled you into a non-hospital environment? For surgery?!?
All because of some idiotic religious belief.
It’s a step in the right direction. I still hold that if you are not willing to follow best medical practices then you shouldn’t be in the medical field, religion notwithstanding. Hospitals that aren’t willing to perform medical procedures for non-medical reasons shouldn’t be in business. That goes for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists who refuse vaccines and certain prescriptions. It isn’t your job to decide what is moral, or how another person handles their “everlasting soul”. It’s your job to provide medical care that protects the lives and health of all people. If that is a threat to your “everlasting soul” then you don’t get to be a medical professional or run a hospital/medical facility. Let the people who are concerned with the actual health and life of the people walking through the door.
This isn’t about cake. This is about the lives of real people. And too many women and LGBTQ people have suffered and died from this travesty.
Don’t give me that crap about if it weren’t for the religious we wouldn’t have hospitals. The early hospitals did all the care they had available to them, including abortions, and focused on at least trying to save the person in pain. What they’re doing now is forced conversions through torture or threat of death and even if the victim doesn’t convert, they’re forced into following your religion while they suffer. What they do now isn’t wiped away because what they did long ago was right.
OT: I tried to send a note to CBS News, regarding the lack of real-time fact-checking on tonight's debate, but their verifier is screwed up. Turns out, though, that I have Norah O'Donnell's cell phone number (which she published sometime back)! So I sent her this:
𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑎ℎ, 𝐼 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑘 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑒𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑠ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑡 𝐵𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑛𝑎𝑛 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑. 𝐼𝑛 𝑎 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑦 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑠 𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑡. 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑡 𝑏𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑡. 𝐼 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐴𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑡.
You were much nicer than I would have been, Trouble. In the same vein that hospitals refusing to perform certain basic medical procedures shouldn't be allowed to operate, journalists who refuse to perform the basic functions of journalism, like fact checking, should get out of the business.
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, Jane. I'm hoping that the example that David Muir and ABC News gave us with the Trump / Harris debate may have stuck in her head.
I guess we'll find out.
I'd like to believe that, too, but I'm not hopeful.
I hear you, and I'm not sanguine about it either. There's also the matter of Governor Walz. I don't think he takes to bullshit too well, and if O'Donnell and Brennan won't call Vance on his noise, it wouldn't surprise me at all that Tim WILL.
I hope you're right. Vance is a shameless liar who say anything, anything at all to please the Audience of One. I hope Tim is ready for that.
He was a teacher, he probably had to deal with his fair share of bullshitters.
That goes double for me. I've had more than enough of the horseshit Fox et al spews forth passing for "journalism."
Well, there's Snopes, but that would mean someone would have to go looking for it.
I think CBS News is putting up a web page where they're supposed to fact-check the debate, but that would be about as useful as tits on a bull.
Most of the population isn't going to watch the debate with computers fired-up and ready. I can pay attention to only so many things at once. Not a multi-tasker, moi.
Onscreen fact-checkers would be the best case scenario
My point precisely!
They started hair splitting to appeal to the wingers. Their fact checker worked at Wonkette for a while.
I remember them always splitting hairs.
Yes, and it got worse after they fired Brooke. https://substack.com/@brookebinkowski/p-146012738
The American healthcare system proves, once and for all, that there truly is nothing so horrible that it can't be made worse by the Roman Catholic Church.
This is excellent news, albeit BADLY overdue. It is obviously necessary for women to understand what services are and are not available, should they be dealing with complications arising from a pregnancy gone wrong or a chemically-induced abortion which has not completed successfully. It rather amounts to a healthy dose of truth in advertising, and in today's medical environment, it should be mandatory, not just for Colorado, but for the entire United States.
The obvious problem is that this is a Band-Aid on a much larger problem. For the large portion, we're talking about Catholic hospitals here, where their dogma overrides medical necessity, as it comes to D&Cs or abortions to save the life and/or health of the mother. Such institutions will insist that their doctrine must come first, which means the patient comes second. This is intolerable. The long-term solution really needs to be the removal of any form of religious influence on the practice of medicine.
Yeah, yeah, I know, and in the meantime, I'd like $1 million, preferably in small bills, unmarked and out of sequence. 😝
It's not just abortion where their dogma will override standard medical practices. Think of the HIV+ gay man who needs his antiretroviral meds that they will refuse because of their dogma. What about the trans kid who will be consistently misgendered and deadnamed when getting even the most basic care? And death with dignity? They don't understand the word. They would allow an otherwise young and healthy pregnant woman to die horribly due to serious pregnancy complications while artificially prolonging the life of a terminally ill patient who is ready to let go.
You won't get an argument outta me as it comes to that! 👍👍👍
Enemies of humanity, plain and simple.
"As he alluded to, this was never an anti-religious bill. This was always about transparency, not religious persecution. If a faith-based hospital didn’t want to offer certain services, nothing in this law required them to violate their religious beliefs."
Wasn't there a sc court case about how filling some forms violated the religious liberty of the complainant ? If a religious hospital complain, will the case end in the sc ?
The whole business of "a burden on the church" amounts to very little more than a convenient shibboleth that the courts can lean on to favor religious litigants. At some point or other, there has to be a judge out there who is willing to call that phrase on its bullshit.
And I'm still waiting on that million bucks...
"A burden on the church."
"We work for the Big Guy and we can do whatever the hell we want to our patients and we don't have to tell you unwashed hoards squat, so sit down and STFU."
*Looks for her monopoly game*
Rhalala. Monsieur est exigeant.
If they're hiding their policies, then they KNOW they are doing something bad but they do it anyway. Seems rather sinful. Oh, wait. It IS a sin. Who says? Why, the bible itself does:
"Anyone, then, who knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin."
--James 4:17
The sin of omission is still a sin, Catholics.
Well, the catholic church unfortunately must limit the care they give their patients. It is the price they are willing to pay to have such a strong moral stance. Do you expect the administrators to abandon all their moral values just to save a woman whom God has deemed worthy of an ectopic pregnancy, when they themselves have taken a vow of poverty. Jesus said to sell all our worldly possessions and give money to the poor. I am assuming that all of these administrators are only accepting minimum wage because the overbearing federal government isn't allowing them to take less money. Because if they were making millions of dollars while sacrificing the well-being of others, it would make them hypocrites. And who has ever heard of a religious hypocrite?
This is a step in the rightdirection. However, the next step might be requiring the hospitals themselves to provide this information. Up front, to everyone who walks through their doors. I also think both the profit and religious motive should be eliminated from healthcare, and make these hospitals refer patients to places that will provide the services they are not, because the Catholic Hospital compleex will still do everything they can to control behaviors they don't like, and will obscure their connections to these hospitals so people will be less likely to avail themselves of the government site.
One of the challenges in CO with catholic hospitals referring to non-catholic is the general lack of options west of Denver/Co Springs/ Pueblo. Most towns have one hospital with the with the next closest being a long drive thru the mountains.
OT : DM is halfway back. She starts to follow people with her eyes. She also back to dialysis because of oedema.
Another reason to impeach the tainted SCOTUS members when the Harris admin takes over!
Can SCOTUS members be impeached? I thought there was nothing that could be done about them.
They can. It's one of the checks on the Court's power. But it still requires a trial in the Senate with a 2/3 majority.
Edit: Of course, no matter how corrupt Thomas is, we'll never get 17 Republican Senators to vote to remove him.
Edit 2: I think he could drop kick babies on the Capitol steps and we wouldn't get 17 Republican votes.
Unfortunately, I’m afraid that is 100% accurate. Just during my lifetime, we’ve gone from a time when just a whisper of a scandal topple a politician to hacks like Trump, Vance, and Thomas who could commit multiple murders onscreen
It is kind of scary. So many USAian/Republicans becoming used to, and some applauding, meanness for no other reason than meanness.
"The Cruelty Is The Point."
And they looooooove that cruelty.
He is 3/5 so you only need 3/5 of those 17.
He could even shoot somebody in the middle of fifth avenue, and they would still support him.