This fool of a principal caused this girl monetary damage by making her ineligible for a scholarship based on his interpretation of the Bible. That's grounds for a lawsuit, and I hope these parents burn him to the ground. There is nothing that cannot be justified in the name of religion, and this is just another example of it. Imagine this principal having the power of life and death.
I am afraid the genie is out of the bottle. The theofascists are moving on so many fronts in such numbers that it has become a giant game of wack-a-mole. The dominionists don't believe in our Constitution. They are being propagandized at every turn and they believe that even if they are punished, they are doing it for the greater glory of their god - Jeezus will reward them when they arrive in Heaven. They are becoming no less dangerous to our society than Muslim martyrs are to theirs. It is going to take the FFRF and the ACLU to do it.
Alahu Akbar! Our God is great (and yours is an infidel who shall be put to death for not believing in our God who none of us has ever actually seen or heard). Ka-boom!
Yes. Here is how it works in Louisiana. As of August 1st this year, all public schools must display "In God We Trust" inside of classrooms. It's the law. In 2018, the law specified that the school had to have the sign somewhere, but it didn't have to be in the classroom. What's next?
Proponents point out that the sign displays the US national motto, and doesn't preach a particular religion or belief. Opponents point out that these moves have only one goal: to confuse our youngest citizens by "blurring the lines" between church and state further each year.
I’m gonna take a guess and say, the majority of kids getting the Bible treatment by this guy are girls. He might have done it to some boys, but likely those boys who get teased for being too girly. I doubt the captain of the football team with straight As and other accomplishments will ever see the inside of this principal’s office, even if he was filmed doing much worse.
Adult men who decide to police girls’ and women’s bodies need to be watched closely. They’re usually the threat they claim to be protecting women from.
Someone else was twerking and she was behind her? And she got punished?
Sounds like the principal was assuming she was being LGBT. Or he was reacting to his own naughty thoughts and took it out on her. Which Bible verses did he print out? What does the Bible say about dancing really? I really need to know what he thinks she violated, which rule or law or social norm.
The school should have no concern at all about this party. Nothing illegal happened. The school cannot enforce any sort of handbook while the kids are at home with their parents, however I doubt she did even violate the school handbook. Children don’t need the school to parent them while they are with their parents.
He said she needs better friends, but the way her friends are standing with her, I’d say her friends are just fine.
File a complaint with the school and board, then seek legal counsel for a lawsuit. This man should not be a principal in a public school.
If dancing is wrong then why are there verses in the Bible advocating dancing? Psalms 150:4 says, "Praise the Lord with cymbals and dancing?" Heck. even David danced before the Lord and he never got in trouble for it outside Michal's petty criticism.
II Samuel 6: 21-22 GNT - David answered [Michal], “I was dancing to honor the Lord, who chose me instead of your father and his family to make me the leader of his people Israel. And I will go on dancing to honor the Lord, and will disgrace myself even more. You may think I am nothing, but those women will think highly of me!”
The principal pulled this young lady into his office with the Assistant Principal, but not a parent present, to condemn her for dancing at a private party, which he had viewed footage of for suspect reasons, because other girls were twerking. Twerking is sexually suggestive dance. It’s still just a dance move. The Principal thumped his Bible as the excuse for his purity policing. The Assistant Principal scolded her about her choice in friends. Again, all of it based upon them viewing a private party that’s none of their business and nowhere in their job description. To recap, young women twerking at a private party, Principal spying on young women twerking at a private party, young woman who didn’t twerk but did dance at a private party is pulled ALONE into the creeper Principal’s office and punished for her proximity to “things against the Bible” (despite it being a public school) and shamed for her choice in friends, stripped of her elected student government position, and blocked from accessing a scholarship. I truly hope the lawsuit includes the parts about the creeper purity policing young women’s bodies while they are off-campus, and punishing them for impurity from his position of authority on-campus. And FFS, check his browser history. Dude is obviously a fucking creeper and uses his position to separate and isolate his victims.
I actually had to reread from the beginning because I am only on cup of Coffee #3. If this was a Private Christian School, with its own Christian/Religious based rules, then I get that, even though I think it's stupid, but their school, their rules. This is not the case. It is a Public School, and, yes, I do realize that Public Schools do have rules to follow, I have never seen any that forbid dancing! Hell, when I was in High School a great many years ago, we had School Dances in the Gymnasium.
This young woman was hosting a private party that was apparently chaperoned by her own mother! The Principal and Vice Principal can be as offended as they like, it is none of their god-dammed business that the young woman hosted a party for her friends that included... the dreaded sin of dancing! The Principal's actions resulted in her no longer being eligible for a scholarship. The Principal and Vice Principal need to be at least censured for this action, or fired. The least that should happen is that they be responsible for the financial loss of her scholarship!
There's your first problem, and it's a biggie. A public school official using the bible against a student, and an accomplished student at that. An FFRF lawyer would take one look at the above and lick his chops, 'cuz this is what you call, "Easy Money."
The OTHER little matter is perhaps less serious, but still quite on point, and that is this: is Principal St. Pierre so closeted that he's NEVER seen Footloose?!? ESPECIALLY the School Board scene???
Looks like what we have here is one of those Christians who honestly believes the best use of a bible is as a cudgel. Too bad he can't be charged with assault over it.
Sounds to me like this principal is entirely too accustomed to being the king of his particular hill. Classic authoritarianism at its finest; he's then using the Christian Bible to defend his authority. Seems to me like that's a good reason to get him out of that office, since it's pretty clear that tiny level of 'power' has gone strait to his head.
1st: What a student does outside of school, unless it directly affects the school, is no business of the school or any of its staff.
2nd: You're not the Fun Police, you fucking creeper. Or any other kind of police.
3rd: Neither is your imaginary friend.
4th: Even if you or your imaginary friend were any kind of police, dancing is not illegal.
5th: Even if dancing were illegal, anyone who has the mental and emotional fortitude to maintain a higher-than-4.0 GPA in the teenage hellscape that is 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩 𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 deserves at least one get-out-of-jail-free card.
6th: You should be celebrating the fact that your school can boast such a student, whose academic excellence 𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 come at the expense of her ability to enjoy everything else in life.
How is it even legal ? I really hope more and more families will speak up. This bullying has to stop.
PS : the good past... I mean principal would have a cardiac arrest if he saw Mardi Gras balls at my boarding school, underage drinking* wasn't the worst offense 🤣
* The vice (director?) wouldn't tell parents as long as you didn't skip school the following day.
Back in the Dark Ages when I was in high school, Principals couldn't monitor your off-campus activities. There was no social media. And everybody didn't have a video camera in their pocket. Nor did most of us feel the need to document every second of our life. I honestly don't know if I'm complaining about kids today or just reminiscing.
Even when this Millennial was in high school, social media as we know it had yet to materialize. I can't imagine the additional pressures that must place on Gen Z and beyond- high school 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘴 the eyes of peers, parents, and school officials on everything I did at all hours was bad enough; I can't honestly say I'm sure I'd have survived that.
The principal made her ineligible for a scholarship? That’s actionable, in addition to him just being a shitty, abusive, Bible-thumper. As pointed out, it’s a public school. Therefore, religion is excluded from policies that apply to everyone. Freedom of religion is not freedom to impose religion on others. This isn’t just a matter of needing an apology. The principal caused real world damage and in a deeply inappropriate way. They aren’t unaware of the separation of church and state. They just don’t care. And why exactly was the principal watching footage of girls twerking at a private party? What people do in their private life is not his business and not under his supervision or authority. It makes me wonder what else he’s been doing that oversteps basic boundaries with the children in his care when they are at school without parents present. Get him the fuck out of there!
I'd argue that he does care very much about the separation of church and state; he wants to tear it down for Christians only. Everyone else should still have to follow it, since, you know, they're wrong and stuff.
Then again,t that last bit's probably the 'quiet' part. Oops.
When I was a youngster back in the early '50s our pastor forbade dancing, citing a passage that said, "Flee also youthful lust." I was young enough not to care, but my parents loved dancing and broke with the church. That was the beginning of my journey to atheism. The principal in the story seems cut from the same moth-eaten cloth.
How Christians detest and even hate women. Yet they say they love their deity. Here's what their bible says about that:
"Whoever claims to love God but hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother or sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen."
-- 1 John 4:20
Perhaps St. Pierre should re-read his bible before shoving it in the faces of others. What was it Jesus said about religious hypocrites? First remove the plank/log/beam from their own eyes.
And through that control they show how they feel about women, they hate and detest them. They can gain control without the cruelty and torture they delight in in regards to the suffering they cause.
To be frank, you do not love the things you desire to control, it is an act of hatred in and of itself. So your distinction makes no difference.
Just because women are doing it doesn’t mean it’s not hatred. Internalized misogyny is a real thing. Like I said, it is not love.
I grew up a female and I experienced it as hateful. I grew up with love in my family, I can tell the difference between love and hate, and I’m saying this is hatred. So maybe perspective might make the difference.
The principal's actions are outrageously out of line, downright illegal, and I'm sure that Kaylee is not the only student who has been victimized by this religious fanatic. A lawsuit will be the only thing that will stop him from continuing his nasty little theocracy.
Whether it's as small as a school or as large as a nation, there's no theocracy that has not been a tyranny. When has the the application of religion to government ever been benign?
This fool of a principal caused this girl monetary damage by making her ineligible for a scholarship based on his interpretation of the Bible. That's grounds for a lawsuit, and I hope these parents burn him to the ground. There is nothing that cannot be justified in the name of religion, and this is just another example of it. Imagine this principal having the power of life and death.
Remember the spelling mnemonic: the principal is your PAL. No principles required.
I am afraid the genie is out of the bottle. The theofascists are moving on so many fronts in such numbers that it has become a giant game of wack-a-mole. The dominionists don't believe in our Constitution. They are being propagandized at every turn and they believe that even if they are punished, they are doing it for the greater glory of their god - Jeezus will reward them when they arrive in Heaven. They are becoming no less dangerous to our society than Muslim martyrs are to theirs. It is going to take the FFRF and the ACLU to do it.
Exactly right! This is Dominionist Theology in action.
Alahu Akbar! Our God is great (and yours is an infidel who shall be put to death for not believing in our God who none of us has ever actually seen or heard). Ka-boom!
I seriously doubt Admiral Ackbar is Muslim.
No one in the Star Wars universe has ever heard of Islam, Christianity, etc.
Would that we could say the same.
I'm fairly certain there have been Jedi sects just as damaging. Some of the legends universe stories of Dark Jedi come to mind.
Which are, fortunately. just as fictitious as their counterparts here.
Is he even Halal?
Yes. Here is how it works in Louisiana. As of August 1st this year, all public schools must display "In God We Trust" inside of classrooms. It's the law. In 2018, the law specified that the school had to have the sign somewhere, but it didn't have to be in the classroom. What's next?
Proponents point out that the sign displays the US national motto, and doesn't preach a particular religion or belief. Opponents point out that these moves have only one goal: to confuse our youngest citizens by "blurring the lines" between church and state further each year.
see my answer - I typed it wrong...
I’m gonna take a guess and say, the majority of kids getting the Bible treatment by this guy are girls. He might have done it to some boys, but likely those boys who get teased for being too girly. I doubt the captain of the football team with straight As and other accomplishments will ever see the inside of this principal’s office, even if he was filmed doing much worse.
Adult men who decide to police girls’ and women’s bodies need to be watched closely. They’re usually the threat they claim to be protecting women from.
Precisely. Purity policing of females. Why was he watching girls twerking at a private party in the first place?
I don't want to speculate, but, I think we know the reason...
Scolded for doing it on camera, not for doing it in the first place.
A fraternity chanting "No means yes. Yes means Anal" on camera comes to mind.
Someone else was twerking and she was behind her? And she got punished?
Sounds like the principal was assuming she was being LGBT. Or he was reacting to his own naughty thoughts and took it out on her. Which Bible verses did he print out? What does the Bible say about dancing really? I really need to know what he thinks she violated, which rule or law or social norm.
The school should have no concern at all about this party. Nothing illegal happened. The school cannot enforce any sort of handbook while the kids are at home with their parents, however I doubt she did even violate the school handbook. Children don’t need the school to parent them while they are with their parents.
He said she needs better friends, but the way her friends are standing with her, I’d say her friends are just fine.
File a complaint with the school and board, then seek legal counsel for a lawsuit. This man should not be a principal in a public school.
If dancing is wrong then why are there verses in the Bible advocating dancing? Psalms 150:4 says, "Praise the Lord with cymbals and dancing?" Heck. even David danced before the Lord and he never got in trouble for it outside Michal's petty criticism.
II Samuel 6: 21-22 GNT - David answered [Michal], “I was dancing to honor the Lord, who chose me instead of your father and his family to make me the leader of his people Israel. And I will go on dancing to honor the Lord, and will disgrace myself even more. You may think I am nothing, but those women will think highly of me!”
How will the principal explain that?
“That’s Old Testament.”
Which Christians are still under, according to Jesus (see Matthew 5:17-18). Oops.
Except for hand washing part.
It's the principal who needs better friends.
A better book, to be sure.
And should not be allowed near any young girls.
The principal pulled this young lady into his office with the Assistant Principal, but not a parent present, to condemn her for dancing at a private party, which he had viewed footage of for suspect reasons, because other girls were twerking. Twerking is sexually suggestive dance. It’s still just a dance move. The Principal thumped his Bible as the excuse for his purity policing. The Assistant Principal scolded her about her choice in friends. Again, all of it based upon them viewing a private party that’s none of their business and nowhere in their job description. To recap, young women twerking at a private party, Principal spying on young women twerking at a private party, young woman who didn’t twerk but did dance at a private party is pulled ALONE into the creeper Principal’s office and punished for her proximity to “things against the Bible” (despite it being a public school) and shamed for her choice in friends, stripped of her elected student government position, and blocked from accessing a scholarship. I truly hope the lawsuit includes the parts about the creeper purity policing young women’s bodies while they are off-campus, and punishing them for impurity from his position of authority on-campus. And FFS, check his browser history. Dude is obviously a fucking creeper and uses his position to separate and isolate his victims.
Wait a second? This was a PUBLIC School?
I actually had to reread from the beginning because I am only on cup of Coffee #3. If this was a Private Christian School, with its own Christian/Religious based rules, then I get that, even though I think it's stupid, but their school, their rules. This is not the case. It is a Public School, and, yes, I do realize that Public Schools do have rules to follow, I have never seen any that forbid dancing! Hell, when I was in High School a great many years ago, we had School Dances in the Gymnasium.
This young woman was hosting a private party that was apparently chaperoned by her own mother! The Principal and Vice Principal can be as offended as they like, it is none of their god-dammed business that the young woman hosted a party for her friends that included... the dreaded sin of dancing! The Principal's actions resulted in her no longer being eligible for a scholarship. The Principal and Vice Principal need to be at least censured for this action, or fired. The least that should happen is that they be responsible for the financial loss of her scholarship!
𝐼𝑡’𝑠 𝑎 𝑝𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑐 𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙, 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑎 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙. 𝐻𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑛𝑜 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑢𝑠𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑚𝑦 𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑.
There's your first problem, and it's a biggie. A public school official using the bible against a student, and an accomplished student at that. An FFRF lawyer would take one look at the above and lick his chops, 'cuz this is what you call, "Easy Money."
The OTHER little matter is perhaps less serious, but still quite on point, and that is this: is Principal St. Pierre so closeted that he's NEVER seen Footloose?!? ESPECIALLY the School Board scene???
Was thinking that too about FFRF. I wonder if the mom knows about them?
Hemant talked to her. I would be surprised if he didn't bring them up in some way.
Looks like what we have here is one of those Christians who honestly believes the best use of a bible is as a cudgel. Too bad he can't be charged with assault over it.
Sounds to me like this principal is entirely too accustomed to being the king of his particular hill. Classic authoritarianism at its finest; he's then using the Christian Bible to defend his authority. Seems to me like that's a good reason to get him out of that office, since it's pretty clear that tiny level of 'power' has gone strait to his head.
I have some 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴...
1st: What a student does outside of school, unless it directly affects the school, is no business of the school or any of its staff.
2nd: You're not the Fun Police, you fucking creeper. Or any other kind of police.
3rd: Neither is your imaginary friend.
4th: Even if you or your imaginary friend were any kind of police, dancing is not illegal.
5th: Even if dancing were illegal, anyone who has the mental and emotional fortitude to maintain a higher-than-4.0 GPA in the teenage hellscape that is 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩 𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 deserves at least one get-out-of-jail-free card.
6th: You should be celebrating the fact that your school can boast such a student, whose academic excellence 𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 come at the expense of her ability to enjoy everything else in life.
7th-and-lastly: If your sense of 'morality' forbids dancing, well, 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶:
8th : it was a private after party probably paid by the parents. Where went the parents rights ?
Parents' rights only matter when it's to defund public schools or shit on LGBT people.
Or to caterwaul about mask mandates, even when their children's schools are experiencing a COVID outbreak.
Even when the kids are using bullet-proof desks and wearing bullet-proof backpacks.
Brava! 👍👏
Does Kevin Bacon need to visit this school?
He's an atheist. Principal would freak right the fuck out.
"Body and soul,
I'm a freak.
I'm a freak!"
Bacon is forbidden....oops wrong sect.
How is it even legal ? I really hope more and more families will speak up. This bullying has to stop.
PS : the good past... I mean principal would have a cardiac arrest if he saw Mardi Gras balls at my boarding school, underage drinking* wasn't the worst offense 🤣
* The vice (director?) wouldn't tell parents as long as you didn't skip school the following day.
"How is it even legal ?"
It's not.
France has a legal drinking age?
18 years old. The unofficial rule was for those 13 years old and younger or under 9th grade to go to bed at 10 PM before the booze flow.
Back in the Dark Ages when I was in high school, Principals couldn't monitor your off-campus activities. There was no social media. And everybody didn't have a video camera in their pocket. Nor did most of us feel the need to document every second of our life. I honestly don't know if I'm complaining about kids today or just reminiscing.
Even when this Millennial was in high school, social media as we know it had yet to materialize. I can't imagine the additional pressures that must place on Gen Z and beyond- high school 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘴 the eyes of peers, parents, and school officials on everything I did at all hours was bad enough; I can't honestly say I'm sure I'd have survived that.
Even at my advanced age--and remember, I survived the last glaciation--I avoid social media for that reason.
Are those your footprints that they recently found down in New Mexico?
Nope, sorry. I'm much too dainty and fastidious to ever walk through mud. Ecchh!
We'll get off your lawn now.
My lawn looks like crap, I really don't care.
Back in my day, video cameras were huge and confined to professionals. How's that for one-upmanship? 😁
I figured back in your day it was more like this: )
I'm not quite that old.
I got a little Kodak Brownie for a first communion present. My classmate, Aaron Burr, didn't get a thing from his parents.
I had no idea what communion was at the age where I might have 1st taken it. I've come to regard that as a good thing.
What about a lifetime of guilt?
The principal made her ineligible for a scholarship? That’s actionable, in addition to him just being a shitty, abusive, Bible-thumper. As pointed out, it’s a public school. Therefore, religion is excluded from policies that apply to everyone. Freedom of religion is not freedom to impose religion on others. This isn’t just a matter of needing an apology. The principal caused real world damage and in a deeply inappropriate way. They aren’t unaware of the separation of church and state. They just don’t care. And why exactly was the principal watching footage of girls twerking at a private party? What people do in their private life is not his business and not under his supervision or authority. It makes me wonder what else he’s been doing that oversteps basic boundaries with the children in his care when they are at school without parents present. Get him the fuck out of there!
I'd argue that he does care very much about the separation of church and state; he wants to tear it down for Christians only. Everyone else should still have to follow it, since, you know, they're wrong and stuff.
Then again,t that last bit's probably the 'quiet' part. Oops.
When I was a youngster back in the early '50s our pastor forbade dancing, citing a passage that said, "Flee also youthful lust." I was young enough not to care, but my parents loved dancing and broke with the church. That was the beginning of my journey to atheism. The principal in the story seems cut from the same moth-eaten cloth.
Flee youthful lust? Good luck with that. I'm pretty sure I still have the calluses developed on my right hand when I was 14 or 15.
Any boy that age who swears he doesn't do it is lying, of course.
How Christians detest and even hate women. Yet they say they love their deity. Here's what their bible says about that:
"Whoever claims to love God but hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother or sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen."
-- 1 John 4:20
Perhaps St. Pierre should re-read his bible before shoving it in the faces of others. What was it Jesus said about religious hypocrites? First remove the plank/log/beam from their own eyes.
Something, something, out of context, doesn't apply to Christians, something, something, rules for thee...
And through that control they show how they feel about women, they hate and detest them. They can gain control without the cruelty and torture they delight in in regards to the suffering they cause.
To be frank, you do not love the things you desire to control, it is an act of hatred in and of itself. So your distinction makes no difference.
Just because women are doing it doesn’t mean it’s not hatred. Internalized misogyny is a real thing. Like I said, it is not love.
I grew up a female and I experienced it as hateful. I grew up with love in my family, I can tell the difference between love and hate, and I’m saying this is hatred. So maybe perspective might make the difference.
Personally, I think you should listen to the women on whether it's hate or not.
Because you're dismissing what they say. And quite frankly, you come across as patronizing.
"They want to control them."
Still sounds like misogyny.
The principal's actions are outrageously out of line, downright illegal, and I'm sure that Kaylee is not the only student who has been victimized by this religious fanatic. A lawsuit will be the only thing that will stop him from continuing his nasty little theocracy.
Whether it's as small as a school or as large as a nation, there's no theocracy that has not been a tyranny. When has the the application of religion to government ever been benign?