"Tell me when a spiritual revival breaks out at an American Atheists convention..."

Not gonna happen...everyone's vaccinated. : )

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Why do atheists have to dump on the religious? What can be the harm in an event like this? It gives them good fee fees, why you gotta be so mean?

Well, my dear, there’s now an incredibly contagious, deadly disease spreading through the country, because none of these folks are the type to consider the medical advice of experts and have come from all across the country. I’m sure they were just peaches to the locals, especially the service and retail staff attending to them, because they are renowned for their polite business interactions. And I am certain the area was not prepared for an onslaught of tourists to converge in this one tiny space in the middle of February. My real question is: what didn’t it hurt?

I hope nobody dies from the measles or Covid from this. But if they do, this revival should shoulder all the blame.

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Well, could have happened at a large pub quiz or even a fairly non-religious event like Comic Con, with a large number of 'skeptic', unvaccinated Comic Book Guys?

It's kinda whistling past the graveyard on a whole pie-slice of the 'atheist' pie-chart, the part that also does not include the kind of people who hang around here? Can you say Tiki-Torch-Man?

This 'forum' can bemoan the poor reasoning skills of True Believers when mixed with generic anti-vaxxer thimking, but it can't really rule out a similar issue with an 'atheist' meeting, it's just not as newsworthy, nor are some parts of the atheists population socially mature enough to gather in large enough herds to be newsworthy.

The problem is two-fold, Fundagelical herd animals in a Jesus Feeding Frenzy and generic anti-vaxxer behaviour?

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'Whether it’s an actual “revival” is debatable.'

What do you mean? It helped revive a contagious respiratory infection, didn't it? Viruses deserve to hear the Good News too, don't they? Praise Jesus!

P.S. Fight overpopulation. Let the pig-ignorant fools croak! I, for one, sure as hell won't miss 'em.

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It's merely a "cross to bear" sent by the Lord.

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It's all part of God's plan to get rid of the ignorant anti-vaxxers.

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I await evidence that "God" is anywhere near that enlightened.

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"Evolution in action"?

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They'll be fine. They Jesused long and hard.

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Hmmm...none of them doubted the science it took them to contact everyone in their social media circles....

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They don't doubt any science that makes THEIR life easier.

They only doubt the science that makes THE OTHERS' life easier.

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I wish there was an afterlife and have them met my aunt J. (DM's younger sister) who died of measles about 10 years before a vaccine was available. I can guarantee, as much as an asshole she was, my grandmother thoroughly vaccinated my uncle (born in 1972).

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My brother-in-law was born profoundly deaf. Never has heard a sound in his 54 years. His mother had mumps while pregnant with him. She was right at trailing edge of the last pre-mmr vaccine generation. She was immunized after her pregnancy and his siblings had no issues, but while she was receiving last rites, she cried out for god's forgiveness for what she'd done to her son. I see two great tragedies in that story, and I really wish more anti-vaxxers could grasp them.

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They are spoiled idiots, they see how it is in Western countries today and refuse to acknowledge that things were vastly different back in the 50's and before. My mother* (born in 1951) never forgot, she also had grandparents old enough to remember the Spanish flu pandemic.

*Her two sisters and her caught measles at the same time, around 1955.

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Measles is a gift from heaven.

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All part of God's plan (except that evolution didn't happen and the earth is <6,000 years old).

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We had a planeload of people exposed to measles the other day. Unfortunately the anti-vaxers have managed to fix it so that vaccinations are at an all-time low. Still, I've actually had the disease so I should be okay. And if I happen to catch it and it happens to make me sterile .... 😁

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Is this an abortion by those new definitions? Will she be prosecuted? Hahahahahahaha – I can't believe I said that.

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That depends. Do the forced-birthers like her or loathe her?

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I would be surprised if they loathed her. She has, after all, accepted her role as a walking incubator.

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A bit of irony here is that measles can wipe out any previous immune memory you had. So those who refused the COVID-19 vaccine and then bragged about gaining immunity from infection (ironic in itself), has now just lost that protection.

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Not surprising that the same Christidiots who adamantly refused the "elective" COVID vaccines somehow didn't refuse state-mandated measles vaccines for their kids.

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

Just happened to re-watch the great 1970's parody flick, Kentucky Fried Movie, last night. A modern day KFM should focus on all the collective christian stupidity this one fubar state brings to the world--from Hemant's fave, Ken "Ham," to the second most powerful Republican in the nation (my avatar), Moscow Mitch McDoublechin.

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McConnell always reminds me of a galapagos tortoise. He's ancient, slow, and has no teeth. Not to mention the resemblance is uncanny.

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I disagree. One is the product of evolution, the other of devolution.

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I nearly died of Measles. Just a little boy long before any vaccine existed, my fever was so high that my parents called the doctor who immediately told them to bathe me in ice water. That was very painful. I hope none of the children of these anti-vax IDIOTS get sick.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

I have a friend who is deaf because of measles. But my mother deliberately infected me with damn near every childhood disease – measles, mumps, chickenpox, whooping cough – simply because there were no vaccinations available at the time. I was very, very lucky.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

I didn't realize that still being done mid twentieth century. I first heard about the that practice while reading 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯 series of books, which took place in the late 1890s Utah.


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Yeah it was. Some of the most miserable weeks of my life. But I guess better than getting them when you're an adult. I'm only assuming there were no vaccinations though. Apart from smallpox. :)

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Jesus will protect them, just like he protected people during the Holocaust.

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I honestly sometimes think anti-vax parents just aren't afraid of the right things.

Back before Salk, polio did a lot of damage. Polio didn't just kill kids, no, it ruined their bodies, stole their dreams, and crippled their futures in ways we just don't usually see anymore. Parents fought tooth and nail to make sure their baby got that vaccine, and for good reason.

Mumps (one of the Ms in MMR) can leave people deaf. Sure, it's very rare, but why take that sort of risk?

So many of the diseases we 'used to have' are still around, but the majority of the population is now vaccinated so we don't see them anymore. Those long term effects that diseases used to leave us with can sometimes be treated or prevented, but not always. Parents should consider just how much of their child's future they're willing to gamble with when they refuse the one measure for prevention that's been shown to work well, safely, and with minimal complications in the name of conspiracy theory babble.

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Okay, lemme ask here: who here has actually HAD measles? Because I HAVE, back in the early 60s, before anyone ever heard of something called "MMR." And yeah, I actually remember it, because I was MISERABLE for roughly a week. BTW, don't get me started on the mumps, either. Been there, done that.

Sadly, the problem here is that the MMR and the DPT have been around for AGES, and because they have, two things have happened:

1. A LOT of kids (and adults!) haven't had to go through that lousy experience.

2. People NOW have no idea about measles, mumps, rubella, or any of the other childhood diseases that used to hammer us back before vaccines were available, and they discount the impact of those diseases.

And that's a problem, a BIG HONKING problem. Worse, they've had their noses rubbed in COVID-19 and been told either that it's no big deal or that the vaccines are a government plot or some other suchlike nonsense, and some of them actually believed those lies. Owing in considerable part to those of the First Estate who used our run-in with SARS-CoV-2 to tout the efficacy of their faith, we now have a considerable group of people who are completely or near-completely clueless about these viruses and their impact, not just on them, but on the society around them.

And getting them to cop a clue is going to be no trivial deal.

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I had measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox (which is why I'm getting my 2nd shingles shot tomorrow) back in the early 70s. My brother survived whooping cough and scarlet fever.

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I only had to deal with chickenpox. (My mother wasn't a conspiracy theorist then unlike in the years before she died.) I got the shingles vaccine as soon as I saw my PCP after my 50th when the insurance would pay for it. (I wanted to get it several years earlier, but I couldn't afford it.) My paternal grandmother had a rare complication and lost sight in one eye. My father thinks it is unnecessary because it was a rare complication and says his doctor agrees.

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Your father and his doctor agree that losing sight in one eye due to shingles is a rare complication? Okay. But I've known a couple of people who had shingles and it hurts. I avoid pain when possible so getting stuck with a needle for 2 seconds is preferable to weeks or months of suffering with nerve pain.

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I agree (though it did come with a few hours of fever and chills). That's why I asked my doctor about it basically as soon as I heard there was a vaccine and was told I'd have to wait until 50.

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I had both (chickenpox too) and yes I was vaccinated. Otherwise I would probably met the same fate as my aunt.

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I had chickenpox . . . in my thirties! No vaccine when I was a child. It wasn't that bad, but I have scars where I picked the scabs. The scars are barely noticeable these days. 🙂

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

And, despite the spontaneous outbreak of biochemicals in their brains stimulating their monkey brains to new heights of woo-woo overload, STILL, NOBODY GOT LAID!

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