Christians have so far failed to explain how Satan is supposed to be the evil one when their own god is responsible for so much evil on his own. Throughout the Bible we see him committing and/or ordering others to commit heinous atrocities.

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They sure can't explain how an all-powerful god wiped out an entire world (except for one man and his immediate family) yet can't get rid of one being named Satan.

Guess we know which fantasy figure is truly the more powerful of the two.

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You forgot several genocides, infanticide and filicide. Add in mass rape and mass abortion, too. Then there are the estimated millions dead in 3 centuries of witch hunts, inquisitions and crusades in gawd's name. Atrocities against Mankind are its stock in trade. Its default mood is implacable rage interspersed with even worse hissy fits.

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It's the classic example of good being more powerful than evil, where the bad guy always ends up being the loser.

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It just so happens that one of them is Mr Bean's younger. less intelligent brother.

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I can't, I just can't. Repeat after me "Saint Rowan Atkinson has only played in Black Adder and mister bean is a hoax and doesn't exist" :D

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God is defined as good and Satan evil and that is as far as they are allowed to think about the subject.

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So much so that it corrupts their entire view of everything.

God commits genocide? Good Thing(tm)

Satan helps orphans and saves little puppies? Evil(tm)!

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... and that snake gave us knowledge and caused us to think for ourselves which the dear laird was / is against cuz IT wants ITs dick sucked.

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"cuz IT wants ITs dick sucked."

To be fair, who doesn't?

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Feel free to substitute as needed.

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better the sucker than the suckee is my motto.

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Why not both?

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I worship at the altar of manhood.

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Orthodox or Reformed Manhood? =)

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there was a porn star who could do that ... no partner needed LoL

Ron Jeremy, I think.

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Long Dong Silver?

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

"Ron Jeremy, I think."

I bet he now wishes he had stayed home and done that.

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John Holmes, too. :)

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Y'know, this sorta sounds like a rip-off of the story of Prometheus.

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... as are most babble stories

just sayin' :-)

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Mysterious ways.

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Jazz hands.

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Satan did encourage God to test Job's faith knowing full well that God would make Job suffer in order to prove his unquestioning devotion to the almighty. Satan isn't exactly a good guy either.

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Satan also never claimed to love Job.

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Sure. Who wrote the story?

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Human beings. What, you thought I was going to say God? Do you not know me? ; )

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UNKNOWN human beings.

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OT: Sad news We all heard that Glenn Beck has Covid, and it is in his lungs, but, before you get your hopes up you should know he is taking Ivermectin. This means he will definitely survive unless it has a poor interaction with any remaining Dorito dust that is still in his pores from his attempt to mock a 2016 presidential candidate which is the only reason he is making sure that people know his treatment details today.

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Covid has HIM, and I feel so sorry for it.

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well, at least covid is giving it a 2nd try, _Lets Go Covid_

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Lets Go Covid



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HAHA!!! #LetsGoCovid

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Well, at the very least it'll make talking more difficult for a while. I think we can all agree that Glenn Beck talking less is a net positive, even if it only lasts for a week or two.

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He needs to spread it to the Supreme KKKatlik Kangaroo Kourt. They cared nothing about ouir safety yet expect us to care about theirs? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A future member of Club FAFO.

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"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

Jesus, who allegedly had the power of a god, never freed a single slave while he supposedly walked the earth. Not only that, he gave instructions on how to beat slaves (including slaves who weren't doing anything wrong). His disciples told slaves to obey their masters.

The claim that "Jesus will free you" has no more validity than "Arbeit Macht Frei."

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I don't there are work release programs, but there aren't any Jesus release programs.

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Arbre mach freux ?

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Tree mach rook?

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Vache espagnole ;-))

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"I doubt Satanists are worried about catching hell."

Go to Heaven!

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What kind of monster are you that would cast someone into that abomination of a place? Have you heard the drug induced fever dreams of Kat Kerr? That place is too weird for drugs to make it normal and then you have to hang out with the likes of Jerry Falwell and Kat Kerr. You are a monster!

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I truly loathe that woman! To paraphrase the great Madeline Kahn, I

hate her so much, flames on the sides of my face... she has an article on her page that people who are mentally ill and hear voices are really hearing Leviathan. There is nothing in the Bible that suggests Leviathan was anything other than a run of the mill sea serpent!

As someone who is mentally ill and has heard voices, that is a horrible thing to suggest! People who have that experience need psychiatric care and medication!

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Jan 14, 2022·edited Jan 14, 2022

Ever notice how people who claim to hear voices have those those voices saying all the the things the claimant wants to hear and that the voices are never in disagreement with the claimant?

Seems a tad suspect.

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They just look in the mirror to see their goddything.

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They already live in Moline how could it get much worse?

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Jan 14, 2022·edited Jan 14, 2022

One word: Bettendorf.

They could live on the other side of the river. Or have you been able to wash that from your memory since your escape? 😏

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I remember Bettendorf when we moved to the big city they were our high school rival in sports.

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"Go to Heaven!:

That was the name of a Grateful Dead LP. :)

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"That’s what these Christians can’t handle. They can’t cope with children thinking for themselves."

They never got that far in the flyer. They stopped reading after the word Satan, because Satan is a thought stopper. Once they know that Satan is involved then it is bad. It doesn't matter if Satan is solving world hunger and homelessness while curing all diseases and bringing an ever lasting peace, it must be opposed because Satan. Any response but the kneejerk "Satan is bad" response will indicate a lack of faith on the part and a person to be shunned. They can't allow thinking in religion or religion would be over within months.

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Or like abortion is to pro-lifers.

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deletedJan 14, 2022·edited Jan 14, 2022
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"A purebred Guernsey cooooow."

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They came from another state, it's true. The Quad Cities area consists of four small cities and some neighboring bedroom communities that straddle the Mississippi River. Different states, same community.

Still enemanozzles, regardless.

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I thought they had upped it to the Quint Cities when I left.

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That ain't algae....algae doesn't grow in CAFO lagoons. 😉

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One of the commenters on the daily mail article said "The only difference is a huge one.....Christian's teach their kids good morals!"Yeah hatred,bigotry and intolerance are great morals NOT!!!

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“Christians teach their kids good obedience!” Is more like it.

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Looking at the history of England, I wonder when are they going to start teaching this morality, surly not in the public schools any time soon.

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You forgot murdering witches, LGBTQ and anyone else they choose.

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Let's not forget burning their fellow christians for believing a little bit different version of what they believe.

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When they didn't enjoy hacking each others to pieces on the battlefield at the Renaissance and after.

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Burning at the stake was their fave for many centuries. Easy cleanup of ashes. NO messy bloody bits to pick up. Plus no risk of shattering a sword.

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And who doesn't like a nice bonfire?

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“What's on the program, today, Darling?”

“At one there is a decapitation” “Nah, we had that already yesterday” “At one thirty there is a hanging, followed by a quartering at two”. "Boooring! Nothing else?" "Wait, let's see, two thirty there is a flogging, at three a flaying and at three thirty a burning". "Great! We haven't had a nice burning in weeks" "Witch burning it is, then!

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Or for reading the bible in another language than Latin.


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“while the laws of the state might allow such a club to meet in the public school, the laws of God do not”

The laws have nothing to do with it, this is allowed by the constitution so take you god's laws and do what you like with them, but they have ne bearing on anything in the real world.

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Yeah! I was going to say that it isn’t just the state laws, it’s federal law. God’s law is not recognized under our government. If you don’t like the club don’t join it. If the parents don’t want their kids to be in the club, don’t sign the permission slip. It’s that simple.

I just watched an episode of Deep Space Nine where the Bajoran spiritual leader attacked the school teacher because she was teaching about the wormhole in a scientific manner and not including the Bajoran religious beliefs. Reminds me a lot of this. Star Trek really did have a handle on stuff like that.

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deletedJan 14, 2022·edited Jan 14, 2022
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Oh I know. It’s just she was using the very same rhetoric these jackanapes use against accurate education. It’s all political anyway.

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I don't care what the subject is, there is just plain no need for throwing J-bombs around all over the place. =)

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Jackanapes Jackanapes jackanapes


(Think the princess bride)

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Or religious ends for political theater.


Always found the history of the Knights Templar fascinating.

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Isn't it always.

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Maybe you want to rephrase "take you god's laws and do what you like with them" that's exactly what they want to do, starting with persecuting/killing people like you or Foxglove.

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They actually don't need an excuse, they just need an alibi.

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BTW, where is Foxglove?

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We haven't heard from her in months. :(

What about Modus?

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Yeah, I miss him, too.

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Someone should tell them to read Romans 13:1-2

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Hail Satan!!!

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Keep that crap in the coven! =)

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Yay Santa! Er....Santana!....er..... Santayana? Sinatra? Stan?

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Stan the Man Lee?

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I was thinking Marsh, but it's all good.

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Ain't nobody gonna hail no fake meat.

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Shaitan (al-shaitan).

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If this were an afterschool Ashiest Club, these same people would be just as angry. The only time they wouldn't be angry, would be if it was a Christian Club. Yet we are to believe that they support "Freedom of Religion"

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Romans 1:27 - "Men committed shameful acts with other men,"

Uhhmm, they braided each other's hair?

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Shameful acts like what, eating a pizza with pineapples on it?

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Hey, there's no shame in that!

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There is nothing shameful about braiding another man's hair. They probably wore white after Labor Day which is beyond shameful and, in my book, warrants a shunning.

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No they watched a sport that featured a pigskin on the Sabbath.

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deletedJan 14, 2022·edited Jan 14, 2022
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Jan 14, 2022·edited Jan 14, 2022

Ever hear of the Sacred Band of Thebes? An army made up strictly of gay men.

They were never defeated. They even shattered Sparta's control of Greece.

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THIS .... IS .... SPARTA!!!

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Spurting :D

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*snorts milk out his nose* Don't do that!

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Once more, Christian Nationalist assholes think equal treatment under the law is persecution. Wiil they ever learn? (No. The answer is no.)

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It's understandable from a psychological perspective. When you are no longer at the top of the pecking order then you perceive it as harmful.

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OT. The Supreme Katlik Kangaroo Kourt of the US has stated Americans have no right to safety from covid-19 in the workplace. This from the kkkatlik hypocrites demanding safety in theirs. Meanwhile Canada obviously cares about its citizens far more than the goddamned kkkristers in this shithole. This in Quebec. https://qz.com/2112288/quebec-newly-proposed-tax-on-its-unvaccinated-is-already-working/?utm_source=YPL

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Innocent people are going to die because of them.

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You speak as if they give a flying rat fuck about people who aren't them.

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I just had a thought. This could possibly end mask mandates on planes?

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Read this in my newspaper this morning,

Looks like the kkkonservatives on SCOTUS became one of those death panels Caribou Barbie used to project on Democrats. May every single kkkonservative in SCOTUS succumb to a virulent COVID-19 variant.

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A godly cleansing of the corrupted court? Yes please!

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A good old fashioned smiting of the Catholic justices by the Protestant god of the bible.

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Poe-Tay-Toe Poe-Tah-Toe.

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"Christians Protested a Harmless Meeting of an 'After School Satan' Club"

And were ignored? Good news for a change :).

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“My god can beat up your God” was heard many times.

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"“while the laws of the state might allow such a club to meet in the public school, the laws of God do not”… whatever the hell that means."

It means that they think that the words of ancient self-appointed priests and self-proclaimed prophets is the law of a god, when in fact it's the laws of those ancient men that they managed to pass off as the will of their god. As Susan B. Anthony said:

I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.

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The laws of Gawd seem to be pretty impotent if the club met anyway. Puny god.

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As a bookish minority high school student in the 1980s, I would have been thrilled to have had these kinds of discussions outside of class times, but I would have been scared of the protestors and likely not shown up if I had to walk past the protesters to gain access..

Shy insecure teenaged Me wanted SO badly to conform, but thankfully I wasn't willing to pursue conformity into any religious spaces because of the many misgivings I had about their coercive practices and the number of denominations that I knew absolutely nothing about. This sort of thing would have been right up my alley and might have awakened new interests at a time that I was still trying to figure out who I was and what my interests were..

The kids who started it and who keep it going deserve props for having more bravery than teenaged me would have had. That gut level cowardice embarrasses me now. It's hard as an adult not to have regrets about the kinds of people I wanted to impress in those days, almost none of them were worth the effort. In retrospect, I believe a great many of that cabal were white Evangelicals

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Making people afraid to cross them is the one power they really have. At least the school kids won't have deal with it as bad as the folks going to Planned Parenthood.

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I get that

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"You aren't an atheist" -- When did Christians gain the ability to read minds? Wouldn't they consider that ability a form of magic, and thus a mortal sin?

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Jan 14, 2022·edited Jan 14, 2022

All part of the "There are no atheists just people who hate god" schtick. :)

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No no no, see, it's only "magic" when other people do it. When Christians do it, it's called a miracle!

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