That the MAGA crowd supporting this criminal sees him as a victim is just feeding their persecution complex. Nothing unusual or unexpected with that. Their excuse that "the founders" wouldn't have allowed it ignores the fact that those same men likely would have disallowed 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 displays as well. One can debate the religiosity of the founders all day long, it won't change the fact that those men wanted religion and government separate.
If the Founders did not want separation, one thinks they might have said so directly. Instead these Christian Nationalists have to keep building their castles on tiny bits of gravel such as asides in private letters from one Founder to someone else.
Article VI, Section III of the Constitution bans religious tests for holding public office in the United States. If that isn't church-state separation, then what is? It also predates the Bill of Rights which says something about how the founders felt about the issue.
Look, you’re preaching to the choir (oh, how I amuse myself) but the CNs don’t regard that phrase as mandating the separation of church and state. Their CN apologetics rivals their biblical apologetics.
The crazy Christians interpret everything to support their myths no matter how irrational their interpretations are. What else should one expect from a group that that worships an old, white bearded god that has male genitals even though there are no female gods?
Which tells you what they really worship is the White penis! I mean don't get me wrong, I have worshipped a few in my time, for a couple of hours, anyway. But one must return to reality, and those things have their time and place, but never as an instrument to rule over others!
Just a thought. There probably are good Christians out there—though I haven’t met any in awhile—that are more tolerant and accepting of others. If so, they need to start standing up to these CriptoFascist and let their voices be heard. If not, I will conclude they no longer exist or are too timid to support their beliefs.
Norway calling. Here most xians act as regular decent people. The exeptions are the ones who are member of the smaller sects, like JW, days saints and a few more. Some of the regulars still get mad at people meaning that preaching in schooltime is out of the question, even when it is right befor jule holiday. (No way I am calling Jul anything else).
I’ve often thought the same. The good ones (they are still out there) need to wrestle the microphones out of the hands of the hateful ones. It does their brand no good.
It is "Popper's Paradox", the tolerant get run over by the intolerant, and always will. "The difficult paradox of tolerance
In practical terms, Popper tells us that tolerating absolutely everything would also mean tolerating those who limit the freedoms of others: homophobic, xenophobic or racist speeches should be admitted without limits. We would all agree that this would indeed be inadmissible."
Ever so much this^^^ The founders knew what unchecked religious fanaticism, could lead to see: the Bonfire of the Vanities" The Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades etc. And they wanted no part of it, desiring thinking men, instead of sheep.
Religious zealots of all stripes never recognize anyone's freedom of religion but their own. Cue these people to go into their poor, persecuted, Christian act. This man displays the mentality that drove the Inquisition.
If a zealot muslim had destroyed a Nativity scene, would have they got the same plea deal ? Tell me again how christians are persecuted in your country.
"The MAGA “freedom” crowd couldn’t handle actual freedom."
Of course they couldn't. For them, "freedom" means the freedom to oppress those they disagree with. In this case, they think that the only religious beliefs covered by the first amendment are the ones they approve of.
His holy book tells him to set his mind on things above, not earthly things. Guess he can't follow that, either. His messiah would ask him why he calls him Lord, yet doesn't do what he says.
This won't go away. Religious zealots think their god approves of their actions and will reward them just as soon as they get to heaven... undetectable god and undetectable heaven.
"It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more...than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what?"
-- Stephen Fry, in "The Guardian" dated June 5th, 2005
It's not really a punishment. He can claim to be a martyr and without a felony conviction or jail time, he can still run for public office. What he did was terrorism and should have been treated as such. We all know if a TST vandalized a Christian public display, they would not have gotten such a sweet deal.
Unfortunately this is Iowa, where even in that Blue county (Polk) they would have had a hard time drawing a jury that wasn't chock full of pro-Xtian bias, and where supporters of that terrorist would have terrorized the witnesses and such. This is the best we could have gotten under the circumstances.
Yep, I remember years ago an Atheist group bought an ad on a bus and the driver refused to do her job because of the ad. She was fired but the community got together and demanded her job back. If the situation was reversed, the same would not have happened.
Michael Cassidy. Only Bad little boys and Bad Christians act like you. Destruction of property I know is not a pre-requisite nor is hatred towards another's religion mandatory for being Christian. Why don't you actually pick up your Bible and read it Michael.
And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.
Luke 19:27 ESV / 4,319 helpful votes
But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’”
2 Corinthians 6:14 ESV / 4,005 helpful votes
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
Any financial penalty levied by the court will likely amount to nothing; they probably won't let the fine exceed the value of the display by all that much, and the balance will be more than covered by the MAGAt funding drive. In a just system, all of the money raised to support this nincompoop would be confiscated as well, but in 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 system, he'll have lost nothing, gained some Holy Warrior Brownie Points with his base, and a sweet little nest egg for his next campaign. All for the low, low price of copping a plea to swap a felony for a misdemeanor charge... which he can martyrbate about for 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 to come.
Sadly, I somehow doubt that jail time would've accomplished much either... other than, perhaps, delay the martyrbation tour until the end of the sentence.
Thinking and acting like Jesus, eh? So tell us, C-ass-idy: What have you done to feed, clothe and house the poor? How many people have you visited in hospitals and prisons? Your Jesus wants his followers to do these things. There are grave consequences for not doing so.
He also tells those who want to have a place in heaven to sell all they have and give the money to the poor. So when are you going to do this? Or are you far too comfortable and will walk away from Jesus like the rich man did?
"That makes it sound like Cassidy is the victim of religious persecution rather than the instigator. But conservatives love pretending they’re martyrs for the cause."
In a nutshell, that's what bothers me the most about all this: Cassidy will likely go back to whichever Christian crowd he hangs out with to a hero's welcome, with gratitude that 'God defended the righteous man', and a heaping helping of how the world persecutes Christians. Sure, none of that is by any means accurate, but that won't get in the way of the Christianized version of this story. There is no avoiding how this is going to play into the delusion that Christians are the most persecuted people in America, despite how clearly untrue that is.
Christianity may nor may not be a mental illness strictly speaking, but at the end of the day it certainly encourages it. What's the harm, indeed.
A bathroom is the only reason to stop in MS on the way to WDW on I-10 (goes through the narrowest part of those states.) Once WDW gets it's own airport, there will be no reason to go through Florida,Louisiana,Alabama or Mississippi to get there.
A while back I learned about Summanus. The god of nocturnal thunder. Jupiter/Zeus was (is???) the god of diurnal thunder but gradually took over the nighttime thunder responsibilities too. For some reason this cracked me up. I wondered if there was a god for crepuscular thunder. Or maybe one for thunder during a waxing moon. How about separate gods for streak and sheet lightning?
Just how specialized are gods and WTF are they doing during their downtime? It all sounds very inefficient. McKinsey management consulting would be appalled.
Once again, a so-very-brave xtian zealot cops to a lesser to get out of more serious consequences for his actions. His savior followed through by accepting scourging and crucifixion. C-ass-idy is a coward.
That the MAGA crowd supporting this criminal sees him as a victim is just feeding their persecution complex. Nothing unusual or unexpected with that. Their excuse that "the founders" wouldn't have allowed it ignores the fact that those same men likely would have disallowed 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 displays as well. One can debate the religiosity of the founders all day long, it won't change the fact that those men wanted religion and government separate.
If the Founders did not want separation, one thinks they might have said so directly. Instead these Christian Nationalists have to keep building their castles on tiny bits of gravel such as asides in private letters from one Founder to someone else.
Article VI, Section III of the Constitution bans religious tests for holding public office in the United States. If that isn't church-state separation, then what is? It also predates the Bill of Rights which says something about how the founders felt about the issue.
Look, you’re preaching to the choir (oh, how I amuse myself) but the CNs don’t regard that phrase as mandating the separation of church and state. Their CN apologetics rivals their biblical apologetics.
The crazy Christians interpret everything to support their myths no matter how irrational their interpretations are. What else should one expect from a group that that worships an old, white bearded god that has male genitals even though there are no female gods?
Which tells you what they really worship is the White penis! I mean don't get me wrong, I have worshipped a few in my time, for a couple of hours, anyway. But one must return to reality, and those things have their time and place, but never as an instrument to rule over others!
I’m more of a sacred yoni man myself.
As I said before:
The dark pollen
From the perennial weeds
Of non-secular insanity
Aggravating allergic reaction
That is suffocating Gaia.
We shall leave no stones
Of our existence.
I will not leave the imprint
of my feet
into the stones of time
I will not tilt up
the stone monolith
reaching for the firmament
There will be
No stone burial marker
In the grass of the moment
I will be free
To not exist
Leaving no stones
The only "letter" that counts is the Constitution.
Upvote if I could.
Just a thought. There probably are good Christians out there—though I haven’t met any in awhile—that are more tolerant and accepting of others. If so, they need to start standing up to these CriptoFascist and let their voices be heard. If not, I will conclude they no longer exist or are too timid to support their beliefs.
I know quite a few who do. Muslims, too. And more than one Jew. It's true.
Norway calling. Here most xians act as regular decent people. The exeptions are the ones who are member of the smaller sects, like JW, days saints and a few more. Some of the regulars still get mad at people meaning that preaching in schooltime is out of the question, even when it is right befor jule holiday. (No way I am calling Jul anything else).
I’ve often thought the same. The good ones (they are still out there) need to wrestle the microphones out of the hands of the hateful ones. It does their brand no good.
It is "Popper's Paradox", the tolerant get run over by the intolerant, and always will. "The difficult paradox of tolerance
In practical terms, Popper tells us that tolerating absolutely everything would also mean tolerating those who limit the freedoms of others: homophobic, xenophobic or racist speeches should be admitted without limits. We would all agree that this would indeed be inadmissible."
I knew about Karl Popper’s quote on tolerance but never heard it referred to as Popper’s Paradox. Thank for my learning something new.
Ever so much this^^^ The founders knew what unchecked religious fanaticism, could lead to see: the Bonfire of the Vanities" The Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades etc. And they wanted no part of it, desiring thinking men, instead of sheep.
Religious zealots of all stripes never recognize anyone's freedom of religion but their own. Cue these people to go into their poor, persecuted, Christian act. This man displays the mentality that drove the Inquisition.
If a zealot muslim had destroyed a Nativity scene, would have they got the same plea deal ? Tell me again how christians are persecuted in your country.
Let me explain: Equality under the law is Persecution. It is that simple!
/sarc. Sorta.
No entiendo 😁
We all know the answer is not even close.
They adore "Martyrbation" and attribute any pushback, to being oppression of them. If anything, they should get constant pushback.
Pushback? I suggest a lead weight be attached to their ankles and then being thrown into a stream with piranhas to see if their god saves them.
That’s a bit harsh, but I understand the source of the frustration.
Just a response to the tests Christians once did to innocent people that killed them. It was not harsh by Christian standards.
"The MAGA “freedom” crowd couldn’t handle actual freedom."
Of course they couldn't. For them, "freedom" means the freedom to oppress those they disagree with. In this case, they think that the only religious beliefs covered by the first amendment are the ones they approve of.
To those guys, freedom = license.
"My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. So I acted."
Your "word of God" tells its followers to obey all earthly laws and authorities. Why do you disobey, o prideful sinner?
Mostly because he's a cafeteria Christian! 😝
He's what I call a Brylcreem Christian. Just a little dab'll do him.
Needs MORE than a "dab!"
He needs something the size of a Jim Bakker bucket o' slop.
Why does he vote and try to get elected then ?
His holy book tells him to set his mind on things above, not earthly things. Guess he can't follow that, either. His messiah would ask him why he calls him Lord, yet doesn't do what he says.
America is a heresy. About the only people Jesus got violent with were capitalists.
You’re thinking of Bible Jesus.
Republican Jesus is actually Best Friends with capitalists.
This won't go away. Religious zealots think their god approves of their actions and will reward them just as soon as they get to heaven... undetectable god and undetectable heaven.
Once people become convinced they're operating under divine sanction, they're capable of any horror.
As history has shown us time and time again...
Earthly consequnces like several years in jail wouldn't hurt though.
"I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged."
"It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more...than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what?"
-- Stephen Fry, in "The Guardian" dated June 5th, 2005
It's not really a punishment. He can claim to be a martyr and without a felony conviction or jail time, he can still run for public office. What he did was terrorism and should have been treated as such. We all know if a TST vandalized a Christian public display, they would not have gotten such a sweet deal.
Unfortunately this is Iowa, where even in that Blue county (Polk) they would have had a hard time drawing a jury that wasn't chock full of pro-Xtian bias, and where supporters of that terrorist would have terrorized the witnesses and such. This is the best we could have gotten under the circumstances.
Yep, I remember years ago an Atheist group bought an ad on a bus and the driver refused to do her job because of the ad. She was fired but the community got together and demanded her job back. If the situation was reversed, the same would not have happened.
Michael Cassidy. Only Bad little boys and Bad Christians act like you. Destruction of property I know is not a pre-requisite nor is hatred towards another's religion mandatory for being Christian. Why don't you actually pick up your Bible and read it Michael.
2 Chronicles 15:12-13 ESV / 4,581 helpful votes
And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.
Luke 19:27 ESV / 4,319 helpful votes
But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’”
2 Corinthians 6:14 ESV / 4,005 helpful votes
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
Still doesn't give Michael the right to destroy another religions property. To quote Jesus-- ' if it ain't yours don't touch it'
Their bible contradicts itself with telling kkkristers they must murder and destroy anyone not believing in their gods.
Not responding to anybody who thinks kkk is a joke. You do you. I'm very sorry that their sick organization is still around.Like I said you do you.
The KKK is no joke, but it is an explicitly Christian organization and always has been. Bagen is not joking.
It's terrible that it's a Christian organization. Christian is spelled CHRISTIAN.
Any financial penalty levied by the court will likely amount to nothing; they probably won't let the fine exceed the value of the display by all that much, and the balance will be more than covered by the MAGAt funding drive. In a just system, all of the money raised to support this nincompoop would be confiscated as well, but in 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 system, he'll have lost nothing, gained some Holy Warrior Brownie Points with his base, and a sweet little nest egg for his next campaign. All for the low, low price of copping a plea to swap a felony for a misdemeanor charge... which he can martyrbate about for 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 to come.
Sadly, I somehow doubt that jail time would've accomplished much either... other than, perhaps, delay the martyrbation tour until the end of the sentence.
Thinking and acting like Jesus, eh? So tell us, C-ass-idy: What have you done to feed, clothe and house the poor? How many people have you visited in hospitals and prisons? Your Jesus wants his followers to do these things. There are grave consequences for not doing so.
He also tells those who want to have a place in heaven to sell all they have and give the money to the poor. So when are you going to do this? Or are you far too comfortable and will walk away from Jesus like the rich man did?
He has prolly denied them, persecuted them and prolly tried to persecute them. But he will just claim he is motivating them to do better.
Imagine being so crazy and weird that you couldn't get elected in the general election as a Republican in Mississippi.
🎯Yes, he would have been institutionalized before Reagan, by his highly embarassed family.
"That makes it sound like Cassidy is the victim of religious persecution rather than the instigator. But conservatives love pretending they’re martyrs for the cause."
In a nutshell, that's what bothers me the most about all this: Cassidy will likely go back to whichever Christian crowd he hangs out with to a hero's welcome, with gratitude that 'God defended the righteous man', and a heaping helping of how the world persecutes Christians. Sure, none of that is by any means accurate, but that won't get in the way of the Christianized version of this story. There is no avoiding how this is going to play into the delusion that Christians are the most persecuted people in America, despite how clearly untrue that is.
Christianity may nor may not be a mental illness strictly speaking, but at the end of the day it certainly encourages it. What's the harm, indeed.
And would the Sentinel describe 9/11 as an “incredible story of Islamic conviction and zeal.”
I am sure many said that, just not here
Why does an all powerful god need a mere mortal to fight his battles? Couldn’t he or she have destroyed the Baphomet statue by itself?
Bad aim.
Should we expect a tornado in talibama or missineedtopee ?
A bathroom is the only reason to stop in MS on the way to WDW on I-10 (goes through the narrowest part of those states.) Once WDW gets it's own airport, there will be no reason to go through Florida,Louisiana,Alabama or Mississippi to get there.
🤔 Orlando has an airport, I've been there.
And Lakeland etc.
Yes, but you still have to pass through Florida to get to WDW. Even if only a few miles.
You have my heartfelt condolences for that. 🙄
Btw, Orlando his home to Watermark. Orlando is pretty l liberal.
The answer to your question is the central premise of the book Small Gods.
Tiny lightning is still far more power than their gods have.
A while back I learned about Summanus. The god of nocturnal thunder. Jupiter/Zeus was (is???) the god of diurnal thunder but gradually took over the nighttime thunder responsibilities too. For some reason this cracked me up. I wondered if there was a god for crepuscular thunder. Or maybe one for thunder during a waxing moon. How about separate gods for streak and sheet lightning?
Just how specialized are gods and WTF are they doing during their downtime? It all sounds very inefficient. McKinsey management consulting would be appalled.
"Christian conviction and zeal."
Well, they got the "conviction" part right.
Once again, a so-very-brave xtian zealot cops to a lesser to get out of more serious consequences for his actions. His savior followed through by accepting scourging and crucifixion. C-ass-idy is a coward.