Says it all, doesn't it? To me, GCU is sounding less like an educational institution and more like a massive con operation, designed to filch students' bucks while appearing to give them at least something that resembles an education. Frankly, based upon this article, I think a very deep dive and thorough going investigation into GCU is warranted at this point. It's pretty clear that they've made a general practice of saying ONE thing, then doing something entirely different.
It's an online diploma mill, it's in Arizona (why are there so many of these things in Arizona?), and it's Christian; it couldn't possibly be anything 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 than a con.
Cries of persecution for being required to follow the same rules as everyone else? Bait and switch tactics to fleece the sheep? Must be a day ending in "y".
Considering how Satan is referred to as the great deceiver, it sure doesn't look good when a Christian school practices deceit itself. You see another example of that in the recent controversy over the participants in a blockade of an abortion clinic who were sentenced to jail. They're presented as martyrs who were praying and are getting picked on by Biden's DOJ. After you read the indictment, you find out that these people lied by setting up a false appointment to get into the clinic, physically blocked others and physically injured one of the clinic's staff. If these stories about the "martyrs" are not deceitful then what is?
This is why I could never be an escort, guiding patients through the line of furious, spittle-spewing religious types, interfering with their ability to see a medical professional.
Hair trigger, me. No patience for bullies or idiocy. Someone would get hurt, and it wouldn't be me. And most patients are there to get birth control, a reference for a mammogram, other basic female medical issues. Only 2% of Planned Parenthood services involve termination, but they don't let that little fact bother them.
This is where Jim's comment comes in, they are told something by certain authorities and it is now their belief. If facts come to light that challenges that belief, they ignore it. They were told that A) abortion is against the bible, and B) Planned Parenthood only does abortions, they will always believe that Planned Parenthood is the devil killing babies.
Which they only started pushing (outside of the Catholics that is) In the 1980's, when the religious right wanted to get more power, so they test-drove many issues to get their flock to the polls. They couldn't use racism any more, so the only issue they found that worked was abortion (once they lied their faces off about it of course.) So it is not like it is a very long held belief.
This is where Jim's comment comes in, they are told something by certain authorities and it is now their belief. If facts come to light that challenges that belief, they ignore it. They were told that A) abortion is against the bible, and B) Planned Parenthood only does abortions, they will always believe that Planned Parenthood is the devil killing babies.
I wonder. Let’s assume you did act as an escort. Also, assume you were in a right to defend your space state. A space could be considered the path corridor from the patients car to the clinics from door. I not suggesting pulling a gun and shooting someone as that is the antithesis of life. However, how about a stun gun?
No, I wouldn't use a weapon. But if anyone laid a hand to prevent access, they'd get it back in poor condition. I have a brown belt (red in Tang Soo Do) and I've only ever had to use those skills once. If anything, karate has taught me reserve. But not if someone is being attacked or grabbed. There lies the line they should not cross.
Oh really! Well hi there! Most people take Tai Kwon Do, it seems more prevalent than Tang Soo Do. Our teacher, Jong Lee, was a 6th degree who hailed from the Korean Army. Most gentle, controlled badass ever!
I only ever had to use it once, when a Scientologist grabbed my arm at a protest at their seekrit base in Hemet and I bopped him. The training kicked in and I didn't kill him, opted for the less lethal choice. But that's another story! :)
That would be so satisfying but would be a public relations disaster. If you thought they were playing the martyr card before, you haven't seen anything yet. Plus, if Trump gets back in, his DOJ would probably choose to sacrifice your liberty by taking you to court and trying to get you jailed as a sop to his pro-life supporters.
He can dust off the camps America used to lock up Japanese Americans. Some are preserved as memorials, but I fear MAGA thinks they're inspiration for the future.
I did it for years, the reproductive healthcare people at my local clinic were so empathetic and amazing, I went into reproductive healthcare to become one of them and give back to the community.
Yes, they lie about them, (they really are deplorable) referring to them as "praying grannies".
"Republicans Claim Harassing Abortion Patients is 'Free Speech'
Finally, I’ve been warning about attacks on buffer zones for a while: anti-abortion activists and legislators are trying to do away with protections for clinics by claiming it’s a ‘free speech’ issue. This week, Kentucky’s Attorney General Russell Coleman is trying to bring that issue all the way to the Supreme Court.
Coleman wants SCOTUS to hear a challenge to a buffer zone ordinance in New Jersey, because a similar case in Kentucky is on hold. Coleman thinks that what happens in the NJ case will impact the one in his state. As we’ve seen in other states, Coleman claims that “buffer-zone laws cut off free speech.” I’ve written this so many times before but it’s worth repeating: they are claiming that screaming in patients’ faces and harassing doctors is a First Amendment right.
And remember, this call to SCOTUS is coming at the same time that anti-abortion groups and media are trying to paint extremists convicted of violating the FACE Act as innocent, praying grandmas."
As I know from my own experience, being a Christian doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't a jerk or a SOB. I sometimes look at how Christians go bonkers and hope that I don't join them.
Honestly, any person who these days is a willing “Christian”…well, I assume you are a jerk, an asshole, a douche bag, a bag of dicks, a fucking tool, a chode, a creep, a lurker, a bathroom lingerer, a neighborhood peeker, a local toucher, a scammer, a liar, a petty bully, and a bootlicker.
I think of the unsung Christians who don't toot their own horns but try to follow Jesus' command to love others. I've known doctors who paid their own way overseas to demonstrate that love to others by treating them even though they could not mention Jesus to their patients. But, we live in a decadent era when lies and appearances are more important.
Was it last week when Helmet posted about how a Trump judge ruled that harassing a co-worker for being pro-choice was protected by "religious liberty".
Possibly an autocorrect? I use a laptop to access FA, and when I type Hemant it always gets highlighted in red as a mistake. If I were using my phone, I can imagine Siri changing it just before I hit "post".
They had that video on during the Buzzbin segments. Sort of prog-hardcore since the band is super tight and can really play. People show up for the guitar, I think.
Was it last week when Helmet posted about how a Trump judge ruled that harassing a co-worker for being pro-choice was protected by "religious liberty".
I still see commercials for GCU on tv. Sounds great, right?
But I think the best part is, they lie; they cheat, they con students out of more money, but why are they being "persecuted" for this noxious behavior?
BECAUSE THEY'RE CHRISTIANS! And 'everybody else does it.' Do they? Gods, I am sick of these christians, hiding behind religion to excuse their antisocial, predatory behavior!
I learned not to trust GCU from a totally different source: their own employee recruitment. This was in the mid-2010s and I was job hunting. I was leery of going to work for a Xtian org anyway, and then I noticed they never. Stop. Hiring. The same jobs were open every month or two, without fail. And I’ve worked in enough bad jobs to know what that screams to the potential hire.
In Matthew, Jesus had a harsh punishment for heartlessness by those who called themselves his followers. A rather fiery punishment. Christians should be grateful that neither their savior nor the hot place exists.
Let's not forget that they tried to switch back to a non-profit model a few years back but decided against it when they realized the restrictions that put on them. Part of that attempt was to contract out some of the services which would make part of the college for-profit anyway.
Just like any religious institution, GCU is just there for the grift so this story is not at all surprising.
Just another "Christian" organization being unscrupulous and complaining about being persecuted when caught in the act.
iOW, business as usual.
same as it ever was.
Where is my beautiful house? Where is my beautiful wife?
𝐺𝐶𝑈’𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑀𝑢𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 “𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠” 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑠.
𝐹𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡…
𝑁𝑜𝑤, 𝑎 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑠𝑢𝑖𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 (𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑢𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒) 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐺𝐶𝑈’𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑢𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔.
Says it all, doesn't it? To me, GCU is sounding less like an educational institution and more like a massive con operation, designed to filch students' bucks while appearing to give them at least something that resembles an education. Frankly, based upon this article, I think a very deep dive and thorough going investigation into GCU is warranted at this point. It's pretty clear that they've made a general practice of saying ONE thing, then doing something entirely different.
And it is way past time they were called on it.
I have to wonder how valid their PhD degrees are perceived in the real world, too.
Regarding that, one would wonder what OTHER PhDs think of GCU doctorates. The answer to that could well be: "Not much!"
Just look at the "xtian" roots. The entire jesus thing is one huge scam/fraud/bad joke
It's an online diploma mill, it's in Arizona (why are there so many of these things in Arizona?), and it's Christian; it couldn't possibly be anything 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 than a con.
🎯🎯🎯Too bad so many others don't have the good sense to know these obvious facts.
Gee, a Christian organization lying about something? their whole religion is based on a lie, so what would you expect?
Cries of persecution for being required to follow the same rules as everyone else? Bait and switch tactics to fleece the sheep? Must be a day ending in "y".
There are no days ending with "y". They are all ending on "g". Mandag, tirsdag, onsdag, torsdag, fredag, lørdag & søndag. Hah!
Tut tut. Days end with "i", except for the last (or first, depends on who you are asking) who end with "e"
Lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche 😝
You heathen. Now you teached me something new. How can I claim I am omnipotent now?
You can adress your complaints to Seshat 😁
Considering how Satan is referred to as the great deceiver, it sure doesn't look good when a Christian school practices deceit itself. You see another example of that in the recent controversy over the participants in a blockade of an abortion clinic who were sentenced to jail. They're presented as martyrs who were praying and are getting picked on by Biden's DOJ. After you read the indictment, you find out that these people lied by setting up a false appointment to get into the clinic, physically blocked others and physically injured one of the clinic's staff. If these stories about the "martyrs" are not deceitful then what is?
This is why I could never be an escort, guiding patients through the line of furious, spittle-spewing religious types, interfering with their ability to see a medical professional.
Hair trigger, me. No patience for bullies or idiocy. Someone would get hurt, and it wouldn't be me. And most patients are there to get birth control, a reference for a mammogram, other basic female medical issues. Only 2% of Planned Parenthood services involve termination, but they don't let that little fact bother them.
Have they ever looked at 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘴?
I'm sure they've been TOLD, but reality doesn't fit their world view.
No. Their preacher forbids it.
How about they get jobs, THEN, at the end of the workday, they can do whatever bullshit Jesusy crap they want to, if they have energy left.
That’s what the rest of us do.
But I’m guessing most of these degenerates live off your money in the form of a “disability” scam.
Just like their leaders. Scams and grifts and cons…allllll the wayyyyy dddooowwwnnnnnn.
This is where Jim's comment comes in, they are told something by certain authorities and it is now their belief. If facts come to light that challenges that belief, they ignore it. They were told that A) abortion is against the bible, and B) Planned Parenthood only does abortions, they will always believe that Planned Parenthood is the devil killing babies.
Which they only started pushing (outside of the Catholics that is) In the 1980's, when the religious right wanted to get more power, so they test-drove many issues to get their flock to the polls. They couldn't use racism any more, so the only issue they found that worked was abortion (once they lied their faces off about it of course.) So it is not like it is a very long held belief.
This is where Jim's comment comes in, they are told something by certain authorities and it is now their belief. If facts come to light that challenges that belief, they ignore it. They were told that A) abortion is against the bible, and B) Planned Parenthood only does abortions, they will always believe that Planned Parenthood is the devil killing babies.
I wonder. Let’s assume you did act as an escort. Also, assume you were in a right to defend your space state. A space could be considered the path corridor from the patients car to the clinics from door. I not suggesting pulling a gun and shooting someone as that is the antithesis of life. However, how about a stun gun?
No, I wouldn't use a weapon. But if anyone laid a hand to prevent access, they'd get it back in poor condition. I have a brown belt (red in Tang Soo Do) and I've only ever had to use those skills once. If anything, karate has taught me reserve. But not if someone is being attacked or grabbed. There lies the line they should not cross.
EEEEK, another Tang Soo Do alum! I managed to get to 4th Kup Green Belt before I graduated from Case Tech. Chung, Man Soo was a GREAT instructor!
Oh really! Well hi there! Most people take Tai Kwon Do, it seems more prevalent than Tang Soo Do. Our teacher, Jong Lee, was a 6th degree who hailed from the Korean Army. Most gentle, controlled badass ever!
I only ever had to use it once, when a Scientologist grabbed my arm at a protest at their seekrit base in Hemet and I bopped him. The training kicked in and I didn't kill him, opted for the less lethal choice. But that's another story! :)
Would a metal cane be acceptable ? I was told since I was old enough to understand "abortion is healthcare". Thanks DM and her grandmother before her.
Cattle prod.
It really is such a versatile solution to so much bad behavior.
That would be so satisfying but would be a public relations disaster. If you thought they were playing the martyr card before, you haven't seen anything yet. Plus, if Trump gets back in, his DOJ would probably choose to sacrifice your liberty by taking you to court and trying to get you jailed as a sop to his pro-life supporters.
"taking you to court"
That is so naive, baby donny will go straight to the concentration camps.
He can dust off the camps America used to lock up Japanese Americans. Some are preserved as memorials, but I fear MAGA thinks they're inspiration for the future.
If only!
I did it for years, the reproductive healthcare people at my local clinic were so empathetic and amazing, I went into reproductive healthcare to become one of them and give back to the community.
Yes, they lie about them, (they really are deplorable) referring to them as "praying grannies".
"Republicans Claim Harassing Abortion Patients is 'Free Speech'
Finally, I’ve been warning about attacks on buffer zones for a while: anti-abortion activists and legislators are trying to do away with protections for clinics by claiming it’s a ‘free speech’ issue. This week, Kentucky’s Attorney General Russell Coleman is trying to bring that issue all the way to the Supreme Court.
Coleman wants SCOTUS to hear a challenge to a buffer zone ordinance in New Jersey, because a similar case in Kentucky is on hold. Coleman thinks that what happens in the NJ case will impact the one in his state. As we’ve seen in other states, Coleman claims that “buffer-zone laws cut off free speech.” I’ve written this so many times before but it’s worth repeating: they are claiming that screaming in patients’ faces and harassing doctors is a First Amendment right.
And remember, this call to SCOTUS is coming at the same time that anti-abortion groups and media are trying to paint extremists convicted of violating the FACE Act as innocent, praying grandmas."
Grandma can pray on her own time.
Hell yeah! Performative praying is venal and creepy!
P'tite question. Aren't there buffer zones around courts ? J'dis ça, j'dis rien.
Don't worry, Dave, they're not your kind of Christian.
As I know from my own experience, being a Christian doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't a jerk or a SOB. I sometimes look at how Christians go bonkers and hope that I don't join them.
Honestly, any person who these days is a willing “Christian”…well, I assume you are a jerk, an asshole, a douche bag, a bag of dicks, a fucking tool, a chode, a creep, a lurker, a bathroom lingerer, a neighborhood peeker, a local toucher, a scammer, a liar, a petty bully, and a bootlicker.
With halitosis, and an excuse for everything.
Show me where I’m wrong!
"Show me where I’m wrong!"
"...I assume you are..."
You're welcome.
I think of the unsung Christians who don't toot their own horns but try to follow Jesus' command to love others. I've known doctors who paid their own way overseas to demonstrate that love to others by treating them even though they could not mention Jesus to their patients. But, we live in a decadent era when lies and appearances are more important.
I expect a Trump judge to rule that the school can lie because of "religious liberty".
Well, I would not be very surprised, but no, they can't be that evil, can they?
They were chosen, specifically because they are evil.
Was it last week when Helmet posted about how a Trump judge ruled that harassing a co-worker for being pro-choice was protected by "religious liberty".
Possibly an autocorrect? I use a laptop to access FA, and when I type Hemant it always gets highlighted in red as a mistake. If I were using my phone, I can imagine Siri changing it just before I hit "post".
Right click on the word and add it to your dictionary.
They had that video on during the Buzzbin segments. Sort of prog-hardcore since the band is super tight and can really play. People show up for the guitar, I think.
Was it last week when Helmet posted about how a Trump judge ruled that harassing a co-worker for being pro-choice was protected by "religious liberty".
Haileen cannonfodder.
Quick OT
Happy Birthday to Sir Paul McCartney. The man who sings "Birthday" and "When I'm 64" turns 82 today.
To GCU: You are NOT being "persecuted." You violated the law. Your book tells you to obey all earthly laws and authorities and WHY. So stop whining.
You are joking, right? Rule #1 is "Do as i say, not as I do."
We were doing this in 4th grade ofg kkkatlik gulag. Even as kids we saw the dichotomy of words vs. actions and the twain never meeting.
Hard to be shocked by such Christian behavior when you've come to expect it of them.
And let's face it: the Christian religion is itself based on deceit. It is a scam; a lie.
"Religion got started when the first conman met the first fool." Twain?
Twain may have paraphrased Voltaire. Voltaire said: "Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool."
Voltaire was awesome, My favorite was his deathbed quote.
À prendre avec des pincettes, he was more misogynistic than the average white man at his time.
A 'Christain' university scamming its students? I'm shocked! /S
No you're not. LOL
No, I'm not. lol
I still see commercials for GCU on tv. Sounds great, right?
But I think the best part is, they lie; they cheat, they con students out of more money, but why are they being "persecuted" for this noxious behavior?
BECAUSE THEY'RE CHRISTIANS! And 'everybody else does it.' Do they? Gods, I am sick of these christians, hiding behind religion to excuse their antisocial, predatory behavior!
I see those TV ads, too ... and the fact is that I have a tough time trusting a college that thinks that it HAS to advertise on TV.
Not sure just WHY that is, but that's how I feel about it.
Agreed. It has a cheesy 'for profit' thing going. You don't see ads for UCSD running on late night tv.
Or for SPC.
For the uninitiated, that's St. Pete College (in St. Petersburg, FL).
For the same reason you don't trust doctors and lawyers who advertise. If they were any good, word of mouth would be all they need.
Because you have an excellent bullshit meter. I wish more people had your skepticism.
I learned not to trust GCU from a totally different source: their own employee recruitment. This was in the mid-2010s and I was job hunting. I was leery of going to work for a Xtian org anyway, and then I noticed they never. Stop. Hiring. The same jobs were open every month or two, without fail. And I’ve worked in enough bad jobs to know what that screams to the potential hire.
I don't know if any else posted this yet either, but good news can bear a little repetition I think.
Meanwhile, clarence want to rescind it here.
As an Originalist, Justice Three-Fifths should be picking cotton.
That might very well happen if Project 2025 becomes the law of the land, as his shocked face will be promptly eaten by the leopards he helped empower.
He'll be inside, shuffling up tea and reminiscin' 'bout when they pretended he was a man like them......
You're back ... good.
I followed Hemant through hell and back. Did you expect me to throw the towel after what happened a few weeks ago ? 🤣
Anything or anyone who makes a big deal about being christain is straight up telling you that they are going to fuck you over.
I, for one, appreciate being warned beforehand.
Copy that.
Gives you a chance to run?
And hold tightly to your wallet!
That is what my father said when I was a kid. He was seldom wrong, and especially right on that.
Of course a Christian school is being deceptive. That's what they do. Taking the heartless option every damn time.
In Matthew, Jesus had a harsh punishment for heartlessness by those who called themselves his followers. A rather fiery punishment. Christians should be grateful that neither their savior nor the hot place exists.
This is the reason they started sin. To create heartlessness toward others.
“ A class action lawsuit against the company that once ran the largest Christian university in the country ”
A company ran a university? Was this a for-profit operation?
Yes it was. One of the many that pollute the airwaves with commercials talking about how great they are for their students.
Let's not forget that they tried to switch back to a non-profit model a few years back but decided against it when they realized the restrictions that put on them. Part of that attempt was to contract out some of the services which would make part of the college for-profit anyway.
Just like any religious institution, GCU is just there for the grift so this story is not at all surprising.
Don't know if anyone's posted this yet? But someone else has left the world a slightly better place when they popped their clogs.
It was for exactly this sort of execrable asshole that the phrase "good riddance" was invented.
"It’s unclear what Pressler’s cause of death was, but it certainly wasn't shame."
I wish I'd thought of this.