“God impregnated Mary when she was about 11 years old. So the government idiots… [would] 'cuff him and send him to prison for statutory rape."

Not the only crime Yahweh needed to be locked up for.

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The root problem here, lies in the failure of people to do their own thinking. They abdicate that responsibility and delegate it to the parasitic clerical class. This tendency opens up a multitude of opportunities for every kind of fraud and abuse, and makes the crimes of men like Tony Alamo inevitable.

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And Chick Publications is still in partnership with Tony Alamo Ministries.

They should change their name to Sick Publications (especially after they put out...then deleted..."Lisa."

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Happy pagan holiday stolen by Christians.

Let's not forget what Eostre is really all about: The spring equinox (the Earth coming back to life after winter) and fertilization through SEX! SEX! SEX!

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I've got a word for The Word: 𝘦𝘹𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦.

And another: 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦.

And another: 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦.

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“Consent is puberty.”

Oh, no. No nononononono. NO. That's not how it works, that's not how it works AT ALL. Ok, deep breath. Ok. What the actual fuck is wrong with people? As for the TV network, that's so blatantly shady you shouldn't be able to see the programs past all the red flags. Thanks Hemant, this is now definitely a wake and bake day.

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Let's see what the Easter Bunny left for us today.

<reads article>

Thanks, Hemant, for resurrecting last night's dinner. An Easter miracle.

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023

Shady Christians being shady, check. Playing sermons from a monster, check. "Consent is puberty", what the actual fuck??? Did the (thankfully dead) kiddie rapist actually think that barely pubescent little girls were automatically his sexual property?

The depravity that Christians can sink to while cherry picking verses to support them is mind boggling.

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What's more christian than rape ?

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Who does he think he is, a priest?

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God impregnated Mary when she was 11 years old?

Oh, yes. I found the reference at last. The book of the Prophet Pulleditouttamyass.

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“Consent is puberty.”

Just as bad as Dumb Idiot Ken Ham's offensive remark, "Who owns children?"

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Popes are like busses. There’s always another one coming along shortly. And THEIR job description hasn’t changed in a thousand years: (1) Always claim you’re always right. (2) Ask for money. (3) Never admit that anything was ever your fault. (4) Ask for money. (5) Wave at the crowds. (6) Ask for money. (7) Indignantly refuse to pay taxes on moral grounds. (8) Ask for money.

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I honestly can't work up the energy to be shocked by this. I suspect that similar situations have just happened too often for me to get past the level of cynicism I'm currently at.

Too often we see this sort of thing. Some preacher in a nice suit and expensive watch gets on television to preach his version of Christianity, and only well down the road does the public find out what sort of monstrous con artist he really is. A few years after the scandal, he's made a comeback and is right back to being a con artist, he's just learned how to hide from legal consequences. (I'm looking at YOU, Jim Bakker.)

There comes a point when you've done what you can to help people, and said people have decided they don't want the help. I kinda feel like that's what we're seeing here: the viewers and the network should know better, but they don't care enough to bother. Unless and until the viewers decide they're tired of being swindled, this sort of thing is going to continue; and I honestly expect that some of the viewers believe they deserve it.

Oh, and I've got a twenty that says the network never contacts Hemant back on this, anyone want to take that bet?

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Wanted to keep the boys from being any kind of competition. I'm a little surprised he didn't just geld them, to make sure he was the only stallion.

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Well, we know the priority of this “church”. Patriarchal power and control.

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