The more I see of Walz and hear him speak, the more I like him. He’s relatable to the average person. He’s not pretentious. He wears jeans and t-shirts and eats corn dogs at the state fair. He cooks. He loves his dog and his cat. He does fun things with his kids. And he really cares about people. There is nothing to dislike about this guy. I bet when he was a teacher, he was the kids’ favourite teacher too. Gonna be impossible for the R’s to compete with someone who is really the whole enchilada.

I could not be happier about this ticket. Both Harris and Walz represents two sides of the same progressive coin: a woman of color from the city, and a white guy from the country. And both have very progressive records that are focused on taking care of THE PEOPLE, not giving corporations massive tax breaks and giveaways. Nothing could be more perfect!

Imagine wearing this "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" t-shirt in front of MAGAs 🤣 👇


The more joy Harris/Walz spreads the more doom and gloom Trump will spew!

We’re NOT going back.

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Huh... what an odd feeling. I'm starting to think of this election in terms of voting 𝘧𝘰𝘳 a ticket, instead of voting 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵 the other one. First time for everything, I guess!

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I voted *FOR* Biden/Harris. I voted *FOR* Obama/Biden.

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Me too!

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As did I 💙💙💙.

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Nice to hear.

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That T-shirt is MONEY!

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What is the reason behind all this bullshitery??? Lizard people? Goblin overlords? I feel dumber from just hearing this. OMFG!!! 🤦‍♀️🤣🙄

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What's behind this bullshittery is they realized they can't say "women and blacks and jews" any more. So they say lizards and goblins and their followers know what they mean.

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Never thought about it like that, but it kind of makes sense.

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Thank you for the laugh I was in desperate need of today. Much obliged!

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"Joseph, You are not the father."

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I blame the Ramses I condoms...

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LMFAO 😂 😂 😂

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Yep...now I understand why some nutjob 3 years ago told my hubs and children Biden was a lizard overlord...uggg

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Kinda wish Biden had been a lizard overlord... that would have been cool and maybe he could have eaten whole some of the odious filth the Repubs elected to congress. If it was televised, he would still be the Democrat's candidate for president!

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That would be something to see. 🤭

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Watching these fuckwads is like a malignant narcissist's convention of Handmaid Tale Overloads. Christian Nationalism is about protecting white privileges and $$$$ that comes with it. Everybody wants God's job.🤣 Well, God went out for a pack of smokes and never come back. This shit is above his paid grade.

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Hemant really needs to include a laughing (with tears) emoji on his site. Your reply Penny... ha. Perfect. (place laughing emoji here)

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Obviously the guy who actually looks like a lizardman, is on heavy hallucinogens like Hunter S. Thompson "I'm in a room with beaked lizards" dosage level.

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I am an aging cynic, and as soon as my brain begins to hurt, I change the channel to something more pleasant. I have regular interactions with people who, at first blush, seem to be a little "off." As a result of my sensitivity, I had to cut off Tangerine Palpatine at about the three minute mark. Good idea, because that "speech" went on for over an hour!

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Basic self-awareness 101: right after calling somebody "weird," don't utter the words "people that fit in right with the wicked overlord lizard mafia that is really driven by their goblin masters."

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You do realize the right don’t have self-awareness?

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"Lizard Mafia and Their Goblin Masters"

Dibs on band name,

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As long as I get Wicked Wizard Lizard Mafia

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Jim Morrison did it best (Lizard King)

After all, he could do anything.

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Everything I hear about Walz makes me like him even more, everything the right complains about him are things that make him look good. From their supposed insult of Tampon Tim, to this unhinged nonsense, it is clear he makes them nervous. He coined the weird observation that bothers them so much and their response is “I know you are, but what am I?” Playground politics. It bothers them because they truly believe they are the norm, the standard of human superiority, and being called weird by so many is breaking through their bubble.

And I have to mention the meme I saw yesterday of a collage of Christmas card photos of different politicians and one was not like the other. It had the GOP politician families (mtg Boebert and the like) all holding guns and Walz’s family holding the pets and smiling super giant sincerely happy smiles. Tell me again that it Walz that’s weird.

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The rubber will meet the road when Walz debates Vance, and people get to see who knows what and who has the experience and the humanity and the willingness to HELP.

And that ain't Vance.

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But he wants to help lazy people, 'those' people. And he wants to do it by taking money from hard-working billionaires who deserve to make more in a hour than ten middle-class people make in their lifetimes. American suburbs are full of temporarily embarrassed billionaires.

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The tax system makes me sick and I want to join a revolution.

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Oh he is doing a bang up job...being weird at a donut shop!

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Vance hasn't Clue Number One about ordinary people in this country.

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No matter how hard those weirdos try, they are NOT going to make Tampon Tim happen. Just....no.

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They're sticking him with the label of "responsible Dad who fetches tampons for his daughter, and also for everyone else's" as if that's somehow going to make him look 𝘣𝘢𝘥.

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Some years ago when we were first married, my other half let me know he didn't mind buying those commercial feminine products when I needed them. He said to me "Well, it's obvious they aren't for me, and mean I have a woman in my life, right?"

My hubby had a great point. So glad I married him.

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Smart move as he clearly was a smart guy!

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OMG! What a monster! 😜

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What could possibly be worse than doing nice things for your folks?

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Just makes him more awesome

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This actually makes about as much sense as everything else coming from the evangelicals. Donald Trump, of course, gets a pass with them in spite of being the most grotesquely immoral President in our history. Christians warned of the coming of the anti-Christ for centuries, then when he showed up they voted for him. The BS these people expect others to defer to numbs the mind.

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That's what kills me about it. Their own damn book tells them in great detail what he will be like and somehow they still turn around and vote for him!

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Tim Walz fed hungry children. Donald Trump had children stolen from their parents and put in cages.

Now, I honestly don't think the term Christian means a damn thing anymore, if it ever did... but I know a good person from a monster, and the monsters are against feeding hungry children.

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I believe I just fell in love with you.

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That was well said!

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Goblin King, Goblin King! Take these batshit Xtians far away from me!

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You forgot to say, "I wish..." 😁

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No, you have to say it seven times ... in front of a mirror. Then stand back because "It's showtime!"

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"Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice!!!" [waits]

Hmph ... works about as well as prayer does! 😝

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Because you are supposed to say it upside down on February 30th.

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Well, it ain't February, but ...

¡¡¡ǝɔınɾǝןʇǝǝq- ǝɔınɾǝןʇǝǝq- ǝɔınɾǝןʇǝǝq

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Show off!

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And now you summoned Hobert to give a handy.

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Oh, darn! And here I was hoping Michael Keaton would show up! 😁

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That requires quoting Johhny Dangerously. Once.

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Don't you have to hold a candle or something too?

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"'I wish the Goblin King would come and take these batshit Xtians away', How hard is that?"

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Not horribly hard! 😁

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"Did she say it?"


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This smacks of desperation. They've got nothing, so they're throwing out the batshit to get the crazies to come out and vote. They know that's all that's left of their base.

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They clearly have nothing since this is their very first line of attack on him. They can’t go after his policies, the Harris/Walz campaign is effectively using his and her policies against them and it is not smart to argue against feeding school children. Their only other attack has been the BLM protest that was turned violent (by right wing plants, evidence shows) but they don’t want to harp too much on that because then everyone would be exposed to the reality that it was rightwing plants causing the carnage.

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My plants are politically neutral. They sit back and soak in the sun and release oxygen that anyone can use. I do have a tree that leans left, but I installed a stake and guide wires to straighten it up. : )

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Are you sure it leans left? Just walk to the other side and it’s leaning right. You should keep an eye on it.

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The wind was blowing left, so...

Thinking about it, since my plants give off oxygen for everyone, they might be socialists.

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My plants notoriously want grow as I had assumed. But the garlic is fine.

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Wait, the tree is LGBTQ?

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Yet they vote against feeding hungry children constantly, wherever they can.

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And so pro life of them... uggg. Clearly they are the disgusting lizards.

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What' so disturbing is that there are so MANY crazies.

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“I have another word for him, being from Minnesota myself, and it’s “weird.” The guy’s just weird. You see the way he hugs his wife. You see the way he does everything.“

It’s weird for men to hug their wives? No wonder incels and the alpha bros are so popular, they’ve been told Christians aren’t supposed to show affection in appropriate ways. What an idiotic statement.

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They're just not used to people they try to hug looking so happy about it.

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See Ted Cruz

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Do I have to? I was kind of hoping to sleep tonight.

Talk about your lizard people:


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Lmao 😂

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I nearly laughed on myself now.

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incels are the absolutely, most laughable, weirds of all *. They have no understanding of the irony and sadness of their conundrum. I trusts I do nots needs to explains LoL

*Imagine that your life is such a tragedy that being able to proudly say that you are an incel is a badge-of-honor

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Exactly. My husband would not still have been married to me if that was too hard for him.

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Who is the audience for this weirdness? How does this expand Trump’s base? I don’t get the point of these baseless, ridiculous claims.

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They literally have nothing legitimate they could use against him.

So the Reichwing do what it does best: Make Shit Up.

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I used to wonder that too. But I finally decided that there must be a market for it or it would cease to exist. 330ish million people means there are some truly weird sub-sub-subgroups.

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another stupid rabbit-hole [sheeesh]


- "The idea of reptilians was popularised by David Icke, an anti-semitic conspiracy theorist"

- "Icke's conspiracy theories now have supporters in up to 47 countries and he has given lectures to crowds of up to 6,000 people."

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I should have known it was a so-called "christian" smear against Jewish people.

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That is not a good thing. That many stupid people in so many countries....

Are they really that stupid, though, or are we talking about people who should probably be getting help and taking meds?

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I blame Reagan, the people that far out of whack used to be able to get help.

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Yep, Totally agree on that.

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kinda like a cancer in those 47 countries

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Somehow the name Icke must have something to do with the reptilian thing.

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I think it's important to note that "lizard people" and "goblins" are both deeply rooted in antisemitic tropes. I suspect that Joseph Z's invocation of them is not accidental.

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He’s a “Christian” “prophet”.

It’s a given.

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Ah, scum scammers for the J-dude.

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I did not kknow this!

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"Tackling topics that mainstream media does not.” Yup. Pretty much describes anyone who believes in the existence of a "wicked overlord lizard mafia." I laughed so hard that the scales on my six-foot green tail were shaking! Newt, my dragon consigliere, thought it so funny that he inadvertently coughed up a half-eaten frog from breakfast. What a croc, these good fellas are!

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My dog and cat have been deep in discussions since I read this article to them. So far no lizard mafia, but we'll keep an eye out, the dog and cat are in agreement. Lol 🤣 🤣 🤣

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See ?! SEE ?! That's the proof they are lizards plants who spy on you and not actual cats and dogs !

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The cat and dog are pretty damn nosy. My Apt is small I think I would have noticed lizard folk and goblin overlords. Lol 😂

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"Joseph Z"

Weirdest. Rapper. Name. Ever.

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It's a typo. He intended to write Joseph G.

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Not Kenny G?

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Ummm ... Goebbels' brother???

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Josef K?

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If you’re wondering why a felon is allowed to run for our highest office, it’s because we never expected a party to be stupid enough to nominate one.

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And the Trump campaign is, incredibly, without a shred of self-awareness in the world, criticizing Walz for restoring the right to vote of convicted felons!

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Governor Tim Walz reminds me of President Biden. He signed into law in Minnesota free menstruation products for students. Good enough for Kamala so he is more than good enough for me. I've been known to be a little lizard--like at times. Bring it on Republicans! This lizard lady can take it! 🦎

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I caught one of our lizard overlords in our bathroom yesterday, and made him go outside.

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Lizard over-lords in the bathroom? Happens. Just as long as they clean up after.

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they watch you everywhere

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