"...we’re talking about degrees Fahrenheit, which most of the world does not use.)"

"we’re talking about the bible, which most of the world does not use.)

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I use the Bible … to point out how dumb the Bible is.

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Like shooting fish in a barrel.

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I use the bible.....as a door stop.

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I used one once to heat a can of soup. Thanx to the church I borrowed it from.

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Best use of the bible: making a heck of a bang when thrown at the wall.

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Kunteman doesn't want anyone to 𝘥𝘰 anything about climate change, he just wants to use his mystical numerological cherry-picking guide to get his interpretation of Bible verses so you vote for hate. And send him money.

Jesus H Motherfucking Christ. How gullible are the rubes?

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Is "Jesus H Motherfucking Christ. How gullible are the rubes?" a trick question? They believe in anything if told by the right person.

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MACA (Make America Christian Again)!

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Pretty gullible.

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MAGAA (Make America Great Again Again)!

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I've been having a great time making America, or at least the male part of it. That's not what you mean though, is it?

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I don't think anyone has found the outer limit yet.

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Trick question?

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Can't explain. It sounded correct in Norwegian. And I'm not sure anymore, what I really meant. Something like "a lot believe anything DT says, so yeah, they are gullible". Did that make sense?

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"How gullible are the rubes?" was low-hanging fruit for me to answer. :)

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So, what are you doing about climate change?

That's what matters.

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Just installed double glazing and solar panels. For the last couple of weeks we've been generating more power than we use. 😁

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I uses bicycle, feet, bus or train for daily transport. I repair things and clothes. I don't buy more than I need. But I fly too much. I have to do something about that.

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Listen up Superman, just stay in Metropolis and let the rest of the world take care of itself. Then you wont have to fly so much.

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Okay, I get it. I uses airplanes too much. And I am Superwoman, thank you. Or Cordelia super witch.

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They're all banking on being dead before the worst of it hits- and that only proves that they hate their own descendants as much as they hate the rest of us. The cult of "fuck you, I've got mine" is alive and well, and wants to make sure that no one else can be.

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I don't think they hate their descendants that much. It's more that their concept of the future extends only to next week and not the next century. Too many of them believe that jeebus is gonna end the world real soon now so nothing beyond that time frame makes much difference. Hell, some of them are actively trying to bring about their end of the world fantasy.

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I have seen commercials pointing out that our lives are intimately entwined with fossil fuels (plastics, fuels, food production etc). They will go down fighting to pollute either through starvation of our corporeal existence or mental torture of our psychologic existence through twisted tales of ghosts and philosophies of goat herders and priests of moloch.

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They all want what the oil lobbyists have - $$$$$$$$. Even Dumb Idiot Ham, the builder of the infamous modern day oil tanker-shaped Noah's Ark denies climate change to get cash shoveled into his pocket by the oil industry and its lobbyists.

BTW, this is as awful as the infamous, fraudulent Bible Codes that was used to tell fortunes and make future predictions, which the Bible can never do in the first place.

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How can you say that? The bible mentions rain, and it rained in Pittsburgh today. Checkmate, atheist.

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When you mention Dumb Idiot Ham, I chuckle at the dispute Ark Encounter had a couple of years ago with their insurance company who would not pay their claim for RAIN DAMAGE !!!

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I just saw a post of a preacher I front of a visual aid that has a fidget spinner with Father, son and Holy Ghost all being god (which was in the center). He’s supposedly using this as a legitimate sermon to explain the concept.

The church has succeeded in dumbing down their sheep so much to buy into any ridiculously shallow idea as some beautiful deepity. I feel like they are regretting how dumb they made the flocks as they’re having a difficult time finding flotsam to sell them. This biblical numerology is believed simply because it’s over the heads of the marks in the audience so they think it’s smart.

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One of the priests who taught religion classes in my high school used an electric train to "explain" the concept of original sin. It seems that if you're not baptized it's like the train going in reverse, and you should never be a (his exact words) "negative choochoo." They just can't resist displaying what fuckwits they are, can they?

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I found some of my old school reports in a box when my mother died. The ones from early primary school mostly. Apparently I got about 90% in "Scripture". And I can't remember a damned thing about it.

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Another demonstration of Christianity's highly mobile goalposts:

First they said that all fossils of extinct animals were fakes because "God would never let any of his creations die out entirely."

Then people hunted several well known species to extinction, so they said "Well, okay, but that's man's sin not God's doing."

Then dinosaur fossils were all fakes, then well okay, they were real and dinos survived the flood on the ark, then man hunted them to extinction just like those other animals...

Concession after concession for two centuries while walking backwards in the face of advancing science and undeniable reality.

Now the Great Slow Retreat is about climate change: First, they denied it entirely, saying that God would not let this happen. Now they're starting to say "Well okay it's happening, but it's because of (again) man's sin, and it's all about bringing everybody to God on their knees.

Actually, this recent spin is about trying to bring everybody to PREACHERS on their knees.

Religion is a favorite tool of con artists and tyrants.

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Trump (elected con artist and tyrant): "I love the poorly educated."

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IT IS ALL about the money.

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The night we tore the goalposts down... We will have these moments to remember.

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Now The Four Lads are stuck in my head.

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Oh my. Someone's been influenced by GWAR. :)

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What does the bible say about 64F and light rain?

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Psalm 64:

"All people will fear;

they will proclaim the works of God

and ponder what he has done."

Clear as mud, amirite?

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I believe the proper verse is, "thou shalt have an umbrella, yea, even unto thine extremity of wetness."

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Genesis 27:11 "But my brother Esau is a hairy man; but I am a smooth man." There's got to be some way to twist that into an answer to your question.

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Climate change has the potential to wreak catistrophic damage to the planet, and all the creatures who live on it, and he wants us to look at Bible verses, as if that's going to change anything? There is no situation so bad it cannot be made worse by religion.

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"But...but...it gives them comfort. What's wrong with that?'

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There isn't much of anything, that someone, somewhere, can't take comfort in. ;)

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WTF is he even on about? He doesn't have a premise let alone a conclusion, he's just playing a bible verse association game.

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Grifters gotta grift...

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Sure, but they should at least *try*, this is just insulting. Granted his audience doesn't realize they're being insulted, but that kind of makes it worse.

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If climate change does not exist, according to so many Christian conservatives, then it is clear that God cannot be using it to point the way to Bible verses, unless God doesn't exist. It's simple logic.

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They seem to have two conflicting ideas about climate change – but both leading to disaster. The 1st is that God won't let it hurt us, and the 2nd is that it doesn't matter because "we'll all be ruptured soon". Can't wait myself, because once they're all gone we might start doing something about it. Dammit, that should of course be raptured – but I think I'll leave it in. 😁

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Climate change exists only if they can make money from it

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Highest and lowest temperatures for today 22 and 9, Tuesday 14 and 8, Friday 18 and 10. I can also give temperatures for cooking various items with my air fryer, it can go as high as 240° 😁

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Why would you want to fry air? : )

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It's the dinner I am preparing for you 🙂

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I haven't had breakfast yet. (It's almost lunchtime.)

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Nearly 6h30 pm.

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11:30 am here. You made me hungry. I just went and microwaved a Jimmy Dean Biscuit & Gravy.

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Tartines of rye bread with tomatoes, sautéed shallots and vegan feta 😝

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15:03 here. UT +6

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Temperature around these parts hit 300 Kelvin a couple days ago. 300 is some kind of magical number in the Bible. We do indeed live in Biblical times...or at least times with some numbers involved....

Because woo.

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This is Sparta !

Sorry I couldn't resist.

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Jesus don't do metric. He only uses real numbers--'murican.

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An obvious fallacy: So when the Bible was written (or thereabouts) how many temperatures did common people use to describe the weather without the benefit of thermometers? I think my scale would be something like this.

(1) Cold enough outside to kill you,

(2) Cold enough outside to kill you fast,

(3) Cold enough for water to freeze,

(4) Cold enough to need a coat, (5) a sweater, (6) clothes,

(7) Cold enough to need shoes (or foot wrappings),

(8) Warm enough to be comfortable naked,

(9) Hot enough to want a breeze,

(10) Hot enough to sweat while not laboring, (11) while laboring,

(12) Hot enough to get heat stroke.

Much more than these get hard to differentiate or agree upon in common use. Other benchmarks and scale criteria are certainly reasonable but in the fifth century, for example, how hot or cold was "three?" And where would we possibly find 150 distinct temperatures?

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My daughter was born when we lived in the San Joaquin Valley. 105 degrees F is pretty normal for summer time. 118 is not unheard of there, nor in the high and low deserts of California.

As Hemant noted, Black Hole Mourner, Guerilla Surgeon, and most of the rest world would consider

105 to be 40.555 degrees. Psalm 41 starts out: "Blessed is he (sic) who considereth the poor: ..." (KJV)

So is that what God is telling us through climate change? We should help the poor? I am sure Hank would say that I was cherry picking!

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He should know, cherry-picking is one of their favorite sports.

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And cherries are always in season. Gotta be one of them there miracles.

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Hey, you know what life is just a bowl of, don't you?

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Une tartine de merde, not a bowl.

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And 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘖𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘦𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘛𝘢𝘯𝘬

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According to a thermometer on the side of a building, it was 118 F in Big Bend National Park one morning in May some decades ago when I was there. It felt hotter by mid afternoon but I didn’t have a thermometer with me. To my knowledge, 118 is hottest I’ve ever experienced.

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I was in Texas when it was well over a hundred – I think 107 to 110 degrees F. It was hot but comfortable until I realised that my sweat was evaporating so quickly it was fooling me into thinking I was okay – but I was rapidly becoming dehydrated. Stopped walking and had a pitcher of beer. 😁

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That day in Big Bend the thermometer was on the park grocery store. I had gotten there on my bicycle and was resting in the shade. Like you, I felt pretty good. Then I noticed that I was going into the store about every 7 minutes to buy something to drink.

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Trouble is that beer is a diuretic and you end up with less water from drinking it.

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Eventually perhaps. 😁

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And what a way to go!

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How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?"

"In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden's mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty," he replied.

George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)

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W.C. Fields in My Little Chickadee, just before a mob of vigilantes tries to hang him:

Hangman: Do you have a last request?

Fields: I want to see Paris before I die.

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No, it was a pitcher of beer; he could only look at it... 🍺😁

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I only used that word in deference to American sensibilities. We just call it a jug. 😁

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What about my sensibilities ? 😋

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I don't know – do the French actually sell beer in jugs? It seems a little uncivilised for France

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Haha i know, I'm a kiwi too!

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If you tried to pitch beer wouldn't it just splash all over everything?

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got heatstroke in central Texas from too hot, too much beer, not enough water and lost my hat. That summer we did field work in Big Bend and my classmates thought I was the biggest nag about taking care of yourself.

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When I lived in Egypt the temp topped 120 several times. But the humidity there is so low it still felt comfortable,

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