Mar 1·edited Mar 2

From my remarks in the Iowa House Judiciary subcommittee on Jan 31, 2024 regarding HF 2082 - A bill for an act relating to gender identity and disability under the Iowa civil rights Act:

Rights aren’t something given to us by any mythological creature. They’re not presents from Santa or Odin or Tak or Yahweh or leprechauns.

Rights are DEMANDED, DECLARED, and DEFENDED….by people. We The People. It’s been that way since before our inception as a nation.

We Demanded specific Rights, from the beginning to today. We’ve Declared those Rights, from our Constitution to our statutes. And We’ve Defended them, from the battlefields of the Revolutionary War through Abolition and Civil War, from the Suffragists through the Freedom Riders, from Stonewall to Black Lives Matter.

Countless people have put our very lives on the line to secure the Blessings of Liberty. Countless people have been killed or harmed in this noble pursuit. Countless families have been disrupted so that We may Maintain our Rights.

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𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑑𝑖 𝑃𝑟𝑧𝑦𝑏𝑦𝑙𝑎 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑡—𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒.

And that is the one thing that Christian Nationalists cannot stand. They lean 100% on their rhetoric and their dogma and their talking points, and when someone has the audacity to rebut their baloney with actual FACTS, they completely lose their shit, as demonstrated here. This should be a clear signal to Ms. Przybyla that she's doing it RIGHT and should continue to broadcast what she's found on all available media.

We already know that Christian Nationalism is dangerous. The rest of the country should be so informed.

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No theocracy was ever a bastion of human rights and intellectual freedom. The religious right can talk about their loving Jesus and the glorious after life from now on, but there is nothing they crave so much as power and control on this earthly plane. Power, few groups would be more ill-equipped to exercise. They are fighting a rear-guard action in the attempt to accomplish through government what they have failed to accomplish from their pulpits. Mere religious freedom is never going to be enough for these people. They have deluded themselves into believing their religion entitles them to make decisions for everyone.

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“Gaffe” - when a politician accidentally tells the truth.

“Fake news” - when the media accurately reports on Trump or right wing fanaticism.

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One response is appropriate to men like these, "Go fuck yourself, you lying, hypocritical, anti-American fuckwads."

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The MSM has to be much more aggressive in exposing the political machinations of Christian Nationalists. It should not be just one media outlet reporting on them. It should be all of them. If they win in November, our democracy will be destroyed.

Read Project 2025 for yourself. It’s a manifesto and it’s a plan to impose rightwing Christianity down our collective throats.

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Yeah those radical Xtians don't like Heidi spilling the beans about Trump green lighting the Xtian Sex Police to enforce Gawd's laws on us.

Meanwhile Lindsay Graham has come out and said that when the Republicans get the Senate back they will pass a total abortion ban.


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Aren't Christians the ones constantly accusing others of "cancel culture?" Yet here they are, doing it themselves. Again.

Oh, and Christers? We fought a Revolution to get away from a Christian empire and a king who believed he had a divine right to rule. We fought to get out from under the thumb of your god and those who believed they were doing his will.

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Any group of people this allergic to honesty has no business being entrusted with the running of the building, never mind the country.

There seems to be a specific brand of American Conservatism that insists that everything will be better when they're in charge regardless of all the evidence to the contrary. These folks all too often want to remove everything from social safety net programs to rights for women, and then turn around an insist that will, somehow, be 'better'. This brand of American Conservative is heavily tied to Christianity right now, and it's not doing anyone any favors; it's driving people away from the polls, but it's also driving them away from church. Unfortunately, that means they've started coming out of their churches and into the political arena in an effort to stop their slide into dustbin of history.

Politics and religion don't mix. We've seen this over and over in the course of human history; when politics and religion start working together, it's to the detriment of everyone. The current crop of Christian Nationalists aren't any different; they're already telling us what they'll do and who they'll do it to, and they're mad for being accurately called out on what they've said. Believe them; they are scared and desperate and really will do whatever they think it might take to hold on to the power they've lost control of. Dishonesty was the first step, and they took that years ago now; now they think they're going to win and as a result they're not even bothering to lie anymore; they just get mad when some 'uppty woman' gives a truthful accurate summation of their plan.

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These people are scary because remember what happened last time they were traumatized that their god lied to them about who would win.

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If anything, she was far too soft on those fuckers. We all know that Project 2025 is not an 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦 plan, it's a 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵, and will lead to far worse if they're allowed to put it into motion.

History shows us what such movements lead to, again and again. Their own holy book is stuffed full of stories about the slaughter of anyone their deity deemed less than perfect, and when their religion had its day to rule, they enacted that slaughter themselves. Entire civilizations were reduced to rubble and corpses by this kind of religious fervor. Nations already ruled by it gutted themselves over intolerance for even the slightest hint of heresy, their own citizens murdered for imagined offenses and accidents of birth as often as for deliberate blasphemy- and whenever they ran out of visible 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 to target, they turned on each other for stupid doctrinal disagreements and religious minutiae.

That is what Project 2025 leads to. Ultimately, what they intend for us- for all of us, everyone who doesn't conform to their tightrope-narrow worldview- is death.

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Defending Politico, what is this world becoming? The hell that christo-fascists envision. But as others have pointed out, these...persons have insinuated themselves among the elected, in their staffs and in the seats themselves, and what is the point of power if you don't use it?

It will get worse before it gets better. Prove me wrong America.

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Poor Zorgin, having this guy as his state's Surgeon General...

"Florida is swamped by disease outbreaks as quackery replaces science"


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OT: Don't know if anyone has already posted this but the U.S Dept of Ed is investigating the school that killed Nex Benedict.


Also a petition to remove Ryan Walters, while anyone can sign, I implore OK residents to do so.


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Heh. If the Christianists are worried about disdain for their religion, they should probably read the comments here.

I can clearly state I have nothing but disdain for their primitive, backwards belief system and their attempts to foist it on everyone, regardless of personal beliefs or lack thereof.

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Reporting on the dangers of Christian Nationalism needs to be put on steroids, and not just Politico. We need to turn the spotlight on this anti-democratic group and their misrepresentation of what the Founders believed and what their documents described. And btw, Jefferson did us all a great favor when he extracted from the Bible's nonsense only what Jesus said. Christians of all stripes should focus on those words instead of the peripheral issues they love to bray about...sex, sex, sex.

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