I sometimes listen to a religious radio station-at least until I start throwing up-and this AM the host turd had this to say. "God judges us because he LOVES US. Since he is holy and righteous he can't stand sin and HAS to judge us-and if that means HELL-so be it". Is it any wonder that we had fat donnie trump as a president and risk having him again?? Jesusfuckingchrist. Could someone please wake me up from this goddamned nightmare? Welcome to the Dark Ages.

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"Daddy beats you because he loves you..."

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"Keys for Kids," one of the storybooks from The Chidren's Bible Hour ministries, advocates such awful forms of discipline and then expects kids to thank their parents for disciplining them, just like wives are expected to thank their abusers for beating and raping them!

Talk about brainwashing here!

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

You think there is a brain to wash do you? :-) If it must be washed I'd like to see the person doing the washing use one of them old corrugated devices that you used to scrape the dirt out of the clothing. That sounds nice and painful.

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So the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful, creator of the universe and us afflicted us with original sin because he loves us. This is the nonsense you get when people spend a large part of their time being propagandized and learning to tolerate cognitive dissonance. And they bought and paid for a SCOTUS that is allowing them to impose their deeply held religious beliefs on all us bad people... This is just a temporary setback for this guy.

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This is standard abuser gaslighting protocol.

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The people who delegate their thinking to people like that radio preacher are more disturbing than the preacher himself.

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AND-more plentiful too.

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It's like fundamental evangelical Christianity has utterly forgotten about forgiveness.

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Which is kind of strange because there USED to be a favorite bible (babble) verse about forgiveness. When jeebus was asked about how many times we should forgive and the asker said-"one, seven" and jeebus said "no-SEVENTY TIMES 7" That be 490 times. It will be a cold day in hell before a christian forgives a person that many times. Look at god-how many times does he forgive before the flood-or even judas for that matter.

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It was interesting to see the Superbowl 'gets us' ads go so pro-immigrant, pro-gay, etc. forgiveness and compassion, as I think that ad campaign is funded by fundie conservative evangelical sources.

While personally I don't think they're that interesting as ads, the whole marketing push makes me curious. I'm curious to know how they are received by evangelical fundies, and frankly why the fundies continue to pay a company to put out ads that seem to blatantly reject their own brand of conservativism.

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Come for the forgiveness of Buddy Jesus. Stay for the condemnation and a reach around.

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With sandpaper.

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Forgiveness is out. Compliance through punishment is in.

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They forgive their pastors and each other all the time.

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Hell, they give their rape-y pastors standing ovations. Remember Pastor Andy Savage and what he did to his victim, the then-17 year old Jules Woodson? SHE was treated as the monster by the sheep at Highpoint Church in Memphis.

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Not the rape/abuse victims who refuse to forgive their tormentors.

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"I have sinned!" - Jimmy

"I like my Pool boy" - Jerry

"I do blow off my boyfriends butt cheek! - Ted Haggard

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

If he "LOVED US," he would not have created sin and evil in the first place.

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And Jesus sure as shit wouldn't have created hell as a place of eternal torment.

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You, sir, have way more patience than I. If I tried to listen to these liars, and yes, they ARE LIARS, I would need a brain enema every day (whatever that means)... your courage is only exceeded by your determination.

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I used to have a job that had me driving thru Fundamentaliststan and I would occasionally listen to Christian radio (less objectionable than Rush Limbaugh). I don’t have an amazing reveal here — it was exactly the sort of dumbfuckery you might imagine — but man it was dispiriting to confirm that these people lived only an hour away.

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If children are capable of working 40 hours a week at night in dangerous slaughterhouses, or become parents through rape, then reading LGBT themed media should not be a problem. You wanna make them grownups in certain ways but keep them infants in others. Perhaps the 12 yo girl who was raped by her uncle could have had a chance if she learned more about her body, what a positive and a negative relationship looks like, what boundaries are, and resources for protective services, through the books she reads, she could have had ways to avoid the consequences of her uncle’s crimes. But no, Sanders and Rapert want children to be completely defenseless from reality. Hiding rape away from children doesn’t protect them from getting raped.

Sander’s policies to roll back child labor laws are focused on poor and migrant workers’ children, and this is also targeting the same vulnerable communities. Keep ‘em go rant and they won’t have to tools to recognize your crimes against them.

All the states are more purple than we know, the GOP is aware of this and has taken advantage of every manipulation tactic known to man to gain power they didn’t earn.

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TBH, they want to treat actual grownups like infants too.

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Because they aren't fully mature adults themselves.

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That’s true too.

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Feature, not bug. The more they read, the harder it will be to get them to work in slaughterhouses; keep 'em ignorant, keep 'em vulnerable, and unskilled labor is all they'll ever be able to do.

The 𝘉𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘗𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦(tm) will, of course, enjoy a much more comfortable existence.

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Be they Christian or of any other delusion, the terminally religious always see their faith as the answer to every question. History doesn't begin to support that claim, so they respond by trying to change the history to what ever they think backstops their predetermined conclusions. They claim to be in the possession of absolute truth, and yet their only response to their critics is to try and silence them. Dangerous stupidity given social sanction by the privileged place religion has in our culture.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

"History doesn't begin to support that claim, so they respond by trying to change the history to what ever they think backstops their predetermined conclusions."

Same as Science when they found nothing in it that supports their fantasies, either.

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Are you saying science doesn't support religious belief? No discovery of science has ever pointed to the truth of any religious doctrine.

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I thought so.

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When librarians of the future shelve the biography of one Mr. Jason Rapert, it's going in the "Cautionary Tales" section. Not once in all of history have the people banning books and burning books ever been the good guys.

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"We don’t know whether we’re little girls or little boys. That’s a lie" Yes, Jason you're lying. Maybe talk to these kids, they know their own gender, you just disagree and have the unmitigated gall to try to force your opinion on others when it is none of your fucking business.

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Another fascist fuck who thinks books come from libraries.

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Worse: he's an idiot who thinks that banning books means banning the IDEAS in the books. Rapert has no idea just how utterly WRONG he is.

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Wait until he finds out that bookstores exist.

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And unlike libraries, people go to bookstores and actually PAY to read the books he hates.

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This is about removing services from people who do not have the ability to purchase books, or access internet to find them on Amazon. If these libraries do not have funds, they cannot provide internet services, notary services, help in filling out applications for work, or government assistance or any number of other things. This isn’t only about censoring books on their touchy subjects, it is about cutting out any positive aid to underprivileged and poverty stricken people. The library is the last place where you can just be without expectation of payment. The GOP hates that.

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Oh, I know. Was just saying.

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SHHHH!!! Don't tell him about Amazon.

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Rapert tries to punish librarians, gets told to hush up. Librarians won't take shit from anyone who wants to interfere with the first amendment.

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"...]B]ringing together fellow theocrats to promote fictional histories about the supposed faith-based founding of our country and encourage them to file pro-Christian legislation in their respective states."

In other words, Republican.

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Jason Rapert gets the RationalWiki once-over.


Got to the end and was not at all surprised that the little cross-swinging puke can dish it out, but can't take it.

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"Jason Rapert appears to live entirely on donations from gullible fundamentalist Christians."

Now why doesn't that surprise me in the slightest? /s

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Gad! Free speech blowback in ARKANSAS! Even with Sarah Huck-a-buck Sanders in the front seat and this idiot Rapert trying to muck with public libraries. If there was any sign out there that religious privilege is at least beginning to lose traction in the US, there you are.

And it's refreshing as hell.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

Central Arkansas (Little Rock), Fayetteville, and Eureka Springs are bright blue beacons in this red shithole of a state. This was partisan politics disguised as religious.

Arkansas is not as homogeneous as one thinks, both Wicca, and Freethinkers clean highways in the city I in which I live.

I have lived all across Arkansas, as well as across the country. There are awesome people everywhere. That is why I do not say "Floriduh" or "Texass". I know scores of people in those states (and a few from this board. Not a Trumper among them. The most Republican church I ever served was in the Castro district of San Francisco. In Arkansas, as well as other rural states,

people who are the most progressive, and educated in small towns often attend United Methodist churches.

I would choose to live elsewhere, but my only child and her husband work at the local university.

Meanwhile, Good day to all of you from my sunny little corner of the world!

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It's good to know of that, though dear Sarah and Jason tend to spoil the view with their reactionary attitude and near-complete lack of understanding. What can be done about that, I don't know.

I just know that they and the others like them constitute a serious problem with the country and world we live in.

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Nearly evening, but thanks anyway 😁

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That's why I said good day instead of good morning. It is already tomorrow for Guerilla surgeon

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Don't forget Matri.

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"the way for librarians to avoid punishment would likely be to remove those books from the reach of adults, too."

It would have worked so well with DM. Until I was around 15 she didn't need anyone to tell her what was appropriate for me. After, she found me old enough to make my own choices.

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When I was in middle and high school, my brother and I read the Richard Blade book series, which has explicit sex scenes. The series was introduced to us by my mother's older brother.


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DM loved this writer https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A9rard_de_Villiers , his "Brigade Mondaine" books series was clichéd but full of hot sex scenes. If my father knew she let me read them, he would have killed her.

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NACL makes me extra salty.

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I hear they prefer the briny deep.

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I sea what you did there.

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Fishing for compliments again?

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Not reel-y trying to feed anyone a line.

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Don't try to worm out of this now.

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Everything on the fly with me.

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I know you were baiting on a pun thread.

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Just trying to lure people in.

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We're just diving into this, aren't we?

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Seeing what depths we can sink to.

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You need to pepper in a few expletives.

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Mec, chili for a minute.

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No need to get spicy.

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Girls, you should curry, leave and come back when you master the basil.

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Well, I'm relishing it.

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Ain't nobody got thyme for that!

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I'll get to cracking on it! 😜

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Sage words. But no need to rush. Take your thyme.

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All this spicy discourse is making my morning even better!

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We have some salt of our youth in us.

– William Shakespeare

The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act 2, Scene 3.

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We ain't need no learnin. Readin leds to knownin and knownin leds to thinkin and thinkin leds to sinnin. we dont need none of that, here. Ain't no women folk need them libraries. They ain't need readin. Any recipe they ain't know now, they ain't gots to know. What's a man got use for readin? Is he gonna thow a book at them deer to get dinner? No. Libraries and them book ain't got no use.

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That's "larnin' "

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sad. so very sad. Yet it is the basis of many religions.

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I didn’t recognize Rapert’s name but I absolutely remember the 10 commandments fiasco. What a tool. Leave the librarians to do their work for they bring light unto the darkness (Kay-El 1:1)

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I think that young "Tell-tale" bloke on YouTube has explained him in detail – perhaps too much detail. I'm not sure I could stand more than about five minutes on the guy. I mean he's not really as entertaining as someone like George Santos for instance.

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O/T: Would you believe that a pastor actually kicked the Bible football style?


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Was it through the Goalposts of Life?

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That would be an amazing feat, considering they are always moving them.

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Actually, this was part of my routine. I would throw my bible on the floor and stomp on it, to show that it was only a book, not an icon or idol.

Preaching is theater, not worship. The only reason I could do it, was because I am a former member of Thespian Troupe #902.

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Of course Rapert hates knowledge and cherishes ignorance. He's not only a rabid bible thumper, but a MAGAt who still calls Trump "President."

Worship both YHVH and Melon Muttonhead, Jason? Careful. That whole "no man can serve two masters" thing your alleged savior said (and I don't mean Trump).

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