“They tend to be very secular, and the more secular you are, the less God-fearing you are, which means the less restraints you have on your behavior."

'Tis just the opposite. The more God-fearing you are, the fewer restraints on your behavior. All you need do is make the Public Apology to the Ceiling instead of actual accountability.

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I love listening to atheists debate Christians, and TikTok is a great place for that.

A debate I listened to the other day had the atheist stumping the Christian with the question,

"If you rape and murder a dozen people and then "get saved" in prison, will you go to hell?"

The Christian had absolutely no answer for that.

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My dad would have said they were heaven-bound.

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I can't picture a devout Catholic like Hitler repenting. He made it clear that he was convinced he and his henchman were doing "God's work" in eliminating the Jews.

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All his sins were forgiven by the Pope himself on behalf of a loving, merciful God.

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The Vatican confirmed that Hitler was “doing the Lord’s Work”.

See Reichskonkordat.

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He screwed all his god biding grace by not confessing his sins after his suicide.

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Barton doesn't seem very fearful of his imaginary tyrant. He lies endlessly.

Scripture says that his god detests lying lips. Barton should be grateful his deity is nowhere to be found. He'd have to be fitted with a gypsum jumpsuit.

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"Scripture says that his god detests lying lips."

Well, see, that doesn't apply to Barton. He doesn't just lie with his lips. Every milligram of protoplasm in his skinny, emaciated old carcass is dishonest.

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He really is a pathological liar. He lies so much he lost all contact with reality long ago.

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Is it lying when you really, really believe its true? Faith means believing in something without any doubt without a shred of evidence to back it up. Not understanding the difference between fiction and fact is considered to be a good thing.

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I always answer "Is it lying when you really, really believe it's true?" with the following:

"A lie is always a lie. It never becomes the truth, no matter how many times it's repeated nor how fervently it's believed."

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That’s why they listen to Goebbels and not you.

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Barton or Trump?

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I believe it also says something about not bearing false witness against thy neighbor. Maybe I'm not interpreting this passage correctly, which is often the response I get from the fundies.

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When you believe yourself to be chosen among the multitude and among the faithful to be the Voice of Gawd upon this Earth, https://youtu.be/BjaLWWc-aPc?si=zRb2IDHiwmJQWHeO

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The key word there is "Republicans won't break rules JUST to win". They break the rules because, as their Supreme Leader said, "Only I can save us". Therefore it's OK to cheat, lie, steal, foment insurrection. CS Lewis wrote, "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive....those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

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Was CS Lewis referring to Christians at the time?

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I do not know the context, just the quote. To my mind, this applies most appropriately to Christians, or at least those who believe they are following Jesus. The rest of the quote is "It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated".

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Thank you. I’ve often thought that Lewis was deliberately vague so as to enable people to hear what they wanted to hear.

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When your worldview starts with a fairy tale, what would your reality look like?

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A handsome billionaire prince will come and sweep me off my feet and take me to live in his castle in New Zealand in his Bombardier Global 8000. He will buy the 5000 node render farm to start my animated fetish movie business.

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A delusion.

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Fortunately for David Barton there are no legal requirements to be met when it comes to calling one's self a historian. He may as well be calling himself an astronaut. He is not qualified to teach American history at the grade school level. No reputable university that wanted to hold on to its accreditation would hire him to teach anything. The idea Christians are more honest than non-Christians is as big a lie as any ever told. In my experience, there are few people less trust-worthy than true believers. They can justify absolutely anything in the name of their religion. Barton is just one more religious scam artist, and not even a very good one.

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And then just mumble "sorry, Jeebus" and they're off scott free.

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We're not "god fearing" because most of us aren't afraid of things that don't exist. As for cheating, it wasn't democrats who created slate of fake electors or sent hordes of toothless goobers to assault the capitol to stop a peaceful transfer of power.

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Well, pretty much everything I see about electoral fraud turns out to be a Republican. But maybe it's because I read the lugenpress.

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Every fraud charge is for republicans except for the ones where people are told they are eligible to vote and then arrested when doing so.

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Those Democrats are so depraved and dishonest in their unbelief!

Not only do they publically lie about believing in God in order to deceive the god-fearing voters... no, they even run posing as Republicans, and then get caught cheating!

Seriously, are there more devious people on the planet?

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Satanists who clean roadsides ?

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If I were looking for a deity to follow, the last one I would choose is one who demands my fear. I'd go with one who can EARN my reverence.

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No good father want his children to fear him. In fact would be horrified to find that the case.

Also, any being, deity or mortal, that desires worship is not worth of it.

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Do you call them good fathers?

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They'd better...or else.

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That's what they say out loud. You'll mouth a lot lies if the alternative is a firing squad.

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Many blessings udon you.

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OT- There are so many new Nazis popping up here, there, and everywhere, it would be easy to forget that we still haven't dealt with all of the 𝘰𝘭𝘥 ones yet: https://apnews.com/article/germany-nazi-sachsenhausen-camp-guard-suspect-charged-7f58de8bb4967681fcaa12be5706ad04

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The true tragedy is all the Holocaust survivors dying off. Less and less eyewitnesses to the evil of what people do in the name of religion, hatred and intolerance.

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And with fewer firsthand accounts, more and more people are beginning to question if it happened or at least if it was exaggerated.

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Meanwhile, the people who want it to happen again are hard at work banning books so a new generation of victims can be led to slaughter in ignorance.

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Which is why it's important every so often to catch an old one and try them for murder. Pity we can't preserve a few in aspic or something.

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People who do that don't want to know, there is numerous pictures and movies of death and concentration camps' victims.

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I'd like to take these knuckleheads on a tour of the concentration camps that are still standing.

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North Corea too.

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I hope Germany will not use the papon card and let him rot in jail until his death even if it just for a day.

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"There are so many new Nazis popping up here,"

It's the same nazi, they just keep changing names. ; )

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OT. There is an article in Washington Post about Texans trying to make it illegal to drive on a road or highway if one is assisting someone else obtain an abortion. Driving to New Mexico, for example.

More and more like The Handmaid’s Tale every day.

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While I wouldn't put it past this SCOTUS, it would violate the free movement of citizens in the U.S.

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Are bus drivers supposed to ask girls/women to do a pregnancy test before embarking ?

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And if the women are pregnant but say they're just traveling for pleasure, how is the driver supposed to know if they're lying? Last time I rode on a Greyhound it wasn't equipped with a polygraph. (And they're not legally admissible evidence anyway.)

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It would be cheaper to move out of state without a job than to have a child. Especially one you didn't want. No child deserves to be born to someone who doesn't want zir.

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I once posed a hypothetical to someone who was hostile to both immigrants and abortion. Something to the effect of “if an illegal immigrant gets pregnant in America, is the fetus a US citizen and therefore eligible for all sorts of welfare?”

Didn’t get a reply.

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It seems to be geared more toward individuals driving a pregnant woman in their car. But I like the bus driver scenario. Clearly, bus drivers should simply refuse any woman of childbearing age access to the bus. Can’t be too careful!

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When you hear about a stupid law always go for the most stupid scenario.

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“When you hear about a stupid law always go for the most stupid scenario.”

Black Hole’s Law.

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Bien tenté but no. First Back Hole's law was "Whines loudly long enough and you will be fed", 2nd was "Puddles are evil take me* in your arms". Call me mourner.

* We are talking about a 22kg/50 pounds dog 😁

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It's an interesting question: can one state make it illegal to travel to another state to do something legal in that state? For sure conservative justices will emotionally want to side with the anti-abortionists, but SCOTUS and the higher appeals courts will probably realize the sheer hell it could play in other areas. Getting married at 16, smoking dope, heck even gun laws. That last example might be the first to be tested; what if CA retaliates by making it a criminal offense to travel to Texas to open carry without a license? Then it's 2nd amendemnt crazies vs. anti-abortion crazies. :)

Trying to make it a criminal offense to travel to another state to do something legal there may be one issue on which the batshirt extreme anti-abortion crowd has trouble convincing the more moderately anti-abortion business-minded GOPers to follow them down their insane road. We can at least hope for that outcome.

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Wouldn't you think that the Constitutional provision that each state has to give "full faith and credit" to the laws of every other state would invalidate this proposition?

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The action is taking place at the county and town level. The activists are targeting itty bitty places that have interstates and other major highways running thru them.

The enforcement mechanism is that “anyone can sue you even if they don’t have standing” law.

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Yes, sort of. They can't criminalize getting an abortion in a state where it's legal. But they may be able to criminalize the in-state act of going there to do it. There are 19th century anti-duelling laws which did that (i.e. made it illegal to go to the next state over in order to duel), so there's a legal precedent.

I hope the courts just throw out that whole mess. Because as I said, if they uphold it, the retaliatory 'back at you's' could get pretty crazy.

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See my reply to Richard Russell. It is not the state of Texas but counties and towns.

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If she can make it to CA she'll be O.K., and so will the people who help her.

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Gov. Abbott personally stones all such offenders.

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Back in the day, my girlfriend explained that girls stayed over the weekends at her private, catholic college and were attended by a physician who got free tuition for his daughter. Procedures were held in the convent there.

We've been down this road before.

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"...one day, I’m going to account to God and he’s gonna say, ‘Why did you cheat in that election?"

Looks like a confession to me.

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IMAX technology hasn't yet caught up to Christian projection.

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From my neck of the woods: "Holy Joe" Kennedy, the infamous MAGAt former head coach of the Bremerton High football team, will be back in action tonight in more ways than one. This time as an assistant coach.

The guy who can't stop praying in front of everyone will once again go over to midfield as always, face the scoreboard, take knee and thank his god because SCOTUS said he could. He may or may not have any of the team with him when he does so (in the past, he even had players from the opposing team join him).

I have no idea why he's even there. He still lives in Florida and will not be moving back here. He says although he's not getting rich he's earning extra income telling his life story to religious groups and political groups. He ghostwrote a book and will have a movie made about his life. As you may easily guess, the company producing the film is Pure Flix.

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Kevin Sorbo in it? Pat Boone singing the theme song?

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You see the name Pure Flix, you know nothing good will come of it.

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Not true at all. You can guarantee it will be good for unintentional yucks.

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God's Not Dead: Touchdown Clown

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God's Not Dead: Dropkick Me, Jesus.

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God's not dead: die God die!

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Sounds kind of racy. Pure Flix going the porno route? *smiles*

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What church does he go to. I think I'll stop by Sunday and play a little football.

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He is jealous of st boniface, the great Pagans' plague.

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Pimpin' for Jesus...yeah.

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While he's taking that knee, I'd like to hand him a bible and tell him to read Matthew 6:5-6. And then follow that up with Luke 6:46.

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> “Generally, the Democrat Party is a very secular party,” Barton said.

You mean like that silly, musty old Constitution thing?

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But...but...Jesus writ it hisself.

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Only the second amendment. Well, and maybe the tenth, too. Otherwise, it's Satan's work.

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What a despicable, morally challenged psycho! Notice the whole argument about how morality is a function of fearing a deity? Like you really want to lie, cheat, steal, kill, but oh, better not, invisible sky daddy. Some pretty major projecting going on there. Some of us want to do good because it's the right thing to do not because we're just scared of getting in trouble.

And as the article pointed out, the Democrat party is pretty religious. The difference between the parties, as I see it, is that they are both primarily religious, especially their leadership, but one is accepting of other philosophies, and the other is not. So therefore, "godless" means tolerant of other world views, since that is the only difference.

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𝐼𝑓 𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑎 𝑐𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠.

-- Leo Wolf

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Either a coward who responds well to threats or a psycho on a leash.

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One of the truest statements ever!

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Because for them, it is true. They DO want to lie, cheat, steal and kill... but they get told: "Don't do it, or face God's wrath".

And because they want to do it... they slip (weak fallen humans that they are)... and realize: "Hey, nothing's happening! No wrath of God striking me down! It's all a lie!"

And then they start to lie, cheat, steal and kill to the fullest.

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Semi OT : Since we already know david farton is a professional liar I want to rant against the publisher. I wonder how much time passed the submission and the actual publication ? DM ex boss founded a niche anthropology publishing house. It took months (in average 6) to publish any book*. Did they never heard of peer review ? Verifying the accuracy of footnotes, of bibliography ? They should stick to fiction.

* She didn't lack of volunteers to help her. The process was usually like this. Submission - DM (sometimes me) read the manuscript several times for grammatical errors and typos and bibliography mistakes/in the same time various specialists check the accuracy of the informations - the corrected manuscript is sent back to the author for approval - if yes, a final check for DM before she send it to the printer. If not, back to step 2 and following. Now imagine doing this 6 or more times (it was rare but it happened). And we are talking of a very small publisher who functioned with only two people and a lot of friends.

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With these right wing fundamentalists, every accusation is a confession.

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There's a certain sameness about their bullshit isn't there? Before the trial there all brave and I'd do it again. During the trial they are all contrite and terribly sorry. Outside the court room they'd still do it again. When they're sentenced its – sob, sob I'd really like to take my daughter to school or something.

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