We have a serious problem in this country with correctly identifying terrorism when the perpetrators are white and Christian.

If an Imam anywhere in the US started spouting calls for mass murder like those and posting them online, the FBI, NSA, and the whole rest of the alphabet soup would be all over him, his mosque, and its entire congregation like flies on dog shit. They'd all instantly land on the no-fly list and every official and unofficial watchlist in existence, and everyone who so much as looked up the sermon online would live the rest of their life with a microscope up their ass, just in case they ever so much as glanced in the general direction of something resembling a weapon. Every show on Fox News would need an extra towel-boy on set just to clean the hosts' spittle off the camera lenses in between screaming sessions.

We've quite literally flattened city blocks in 𝘰𝘡𝘩𝘦𝘳 countries for less.

And yet, when a Christian preacher does it...

Crickets. Everywhere, the deafening sound of crickets.

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Calling for the execution of Jews triggers terrorism watch (less reaction when it's a white, christian male, but there is a reaction), but as long as they're just talking about executing LGBT people then it's free speech and we're being too sensitive or we just want to silence everyone who disagrees with us.

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This, right here, is what it feels like to be thrown out of an Overton Window.

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They have shoved the Overton window so far to the right that Atilla the Hun looks like a moderate.

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They shoved the window so far right that anyone only SLIGHTLY LESS bigoted than them is considered "Far Left".

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Mar 1, 2023Β·edited Mar 1, 2023

Time for someone(s) to change that?

Who is going to start the push? It's obvious the current powers aren't interested, BUT it can't be a scorched earth movement.

Some of The Establishment needs to be co-opted and some need to be fended off. Seems like there is a lot of passive good will across a large spectrum from the recent sea-change in marriage rights attitudes that can be harnessed.

The marriage rights push didn't just 'happen', so how does the push to deal with the current plague of Incitement to Violence follow in that precedence?

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Same here, my country doesn't have a first Amendment, we actually helped nazis to kill and yet we still have zeymmour, the le pens and the likes spouting their saloperies on a regular basis πŸ™„

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Whites ARE the greatest threat. 738,000 hits. Enjoy reading. 8^) https://www.bing.com/search?pc=MOZI&q=whites+are+greatest+terrorists&first=1&FORM=PERE

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Mar 1, 2023Β·edited Mar 1, 2023

The action against that Imam would NOW end up on The List for that alphabet soup list of agencies, but they didn't have enough funding or 'sense of urgency' before 9/11?

9/11 also happened as a result of executive branch turnover and turmoil from the new president, which had an effect on the tracking of the involved parties through the months leading up the the final attack.

I read the 9/11 Presidential Commission's report, and there was a lot of missed opportunities that were specifically identified and the appropriate agencies now have 'funded warm bodies' to fill dedicated positions with. Sustained law enforcement action was in the Actions to Prevent Recurrence section of that report. Furthermore, those actions were OPENLY identified to the point a future head of many agencies could be fired for malfeasance in office were a 'failure to follow up' to lead to yet another crime.

HOWEVER, there probably have not been enough "hugely crimes" against the national security or many of the threatened groups, yet, especially as in no fingers have been pointed by any Presidential Commissions ..., which leads to no money allocated specifically to follow these kinds of potential crimes.

Seems to me that a lot of US gummint is driven by not repeating mistakes it's been funded NOT to repeat, at least until the original mistakes are long enough in the past to be forgotten and the funding just assumed to be part of various gummint agencies' 'baseline' funding.

Perhaps a start to resolution of this issue of Ignored Incitement has to be part of a Presidential Commission report, unfortunately probably driven by another huge tragedy.

But which president is going to get that ball rolling with the publicity required to ensure effective corrective action?

SOMEBODY has to get that ball rolling in spite of the politics of the GOP-fed hate-mongers.

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These are calls for genocide. This is not hyperbole: look at the definition of genocide in the genocide convention (of which the US is a signatory.) "Inflicting upon members of the group conditions of life calculated to result in its destruction in whole or in part " is part of the definition. Also, look at the acts that are punishable under the genocide convention; they include *incitement to commit genocide.* True, the convention covers governmental actions, but anybody who is paying attention knows that members of Congress, governors, and other government officials are using the same language as these hate preachers, and they aren't even trying to cover it up. Am I overreacting?

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Overreacting? Hardly, given the blood-soaked history of Christianity and their easygoing relationship with fascists.

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Not the Jewish part. How can you commit genocide against a group of people when straight couples continue to have LGBTQ kids?

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Wait until they figure out the genetic or in-utero cause of homosexuality. Then it will be genocide in the literal sense of the word.

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That's why they try to drive the kids to suicide.

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"Inflicting upon members of the group conditions of life calculated to result in its destruction in whole or in part."

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As they 'continue to have', it merely makes this all a Career Opportunity with Retirement Benefits for demagogues.

"That's the gift that keeps on giving, Clarke ..."

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Has any member of the government threatened violence against Jews or LGBTQ persons? I think you're overreacting by making that claim. However, there are more subtle ways to influence people who are already raging bigots, and that's MAGA.

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This is where language comes into play, you see. Calling LGBT people "groomers" and not-so-subtly implying that "they are after your children." Promulgating edicts that ban books, ban medical care, inciting hateful actions like bomb threats against hospitals. I don't know if you are old enough to remember the AIDS epidemic in the '80s, but the same sort of language was being used then. And let's not forget the same kind of language was used to justify the assassination of San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk in November 1978. I know. I was there--sitting right across the Thanksgiving dinner table from a governmental official, a political ally of Milk's assassin, as he used this exact same language. Three days later, Milk was dead. Words have consequences.

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Dehumanising the other is almost always the beginning of genocide. I did on assignment on the Rwandan genocide some years ago. The word they used was "cockroaches". A few months later half a million people were dead.

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Am I wrong that this dehumanizing language was used on Catholic-run radio stations?

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Yes, priests and nuns led the way. I often wonder if the church actually brought them to book for their actions. The odds are not.

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Well, if the church didn't think that child rape and tossing unwanted infants into a septic tank were wrong, then what's a little genocide among friends... After all, practice makes perfect...

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It is murder. If looking at a woman with lust in your heart is adultery, then this is murder (the thought is the deed)

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We're next.

When calling for the murder of Jews and LGBTQ people gets him into too much trouble, he'll turn his venom onto atheists. He will have, for a while at least, a larger sympathetic audience.

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Feb 28, 2023Β·edited Feb 28, 2023

At least until he and they learn that it isn't only reichwing religious nutters that are armed.

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I wonder how Shelley will feel when he discovers that the people he's going after are more than willing to defend themselves. Somehow, I don't think that's going to go down well with him!

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Thank God for the NRA?

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Beat ya to it by seconds. :)

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The verdict will be made by an impartial 3 judge panel: Jesus, Yahweh, and Allah. If a unanimous vote of "guilty" is made, the atheist will be sentenced to death. Voting will be tabulated via Dominion technology and verified through the State of Arizona's Secretary of State to ensure integrity.

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Feb 28, 2023Β·edited Feb 28, 2023

Jonathan Mach Shnell-ey, Nazi for Jesus.

Did this goosestepper forget that Jesus was Jewish.

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You notice that he referenced Psalms? I read that book in Modern Hebrew translation back in the 70s when I took a graduate-level seminar. Isn't that the book that traditionally is said to contain poems and songs by--David? The guy who it is said "loved Jonathan as his own soul"? Do these knuckleheads even have any idea what their own scriptures say (or don't)? Don't answer that...

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Feb 28, 2023Β·edited Feb 28, 2023

Shelley's too stupid to realize that his savior, the supposed Son of God, healed the young male lover of a Roman Centurion. Didn't bring up the nature of the relationship between the pair (even though, as God, he must've known). Just stayed silent and cured the lover.

Jesus said nothing about gay people in any of the gospels. Not a peep. Religious hypocrites? Yes. Gay people? Not so much. And Jesus had a John of his own (the apostle known as John the Beloved). That'll happen when you travel around with a dozen men.

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No, no, no, Dave and Jonny were "just friends." 😈

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That reminds me. Henry "Moronic" Morris' "The Defenders' Study Bible" has such a claim I've saw one time years ago while looking at a copy of it years ago. It claimed exactly what you said: David and Jonathan were not homosexuals - they're just "friends." who "love" each other "deeply". *wink wink*

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6 inches deeply!

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The script just never seems to vary, does it?

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Like Bert and Ernie? πŸ˜‰

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They had separate beds. And liked to watch each other bathe.

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but not separate bedrooms, IIRC. The nightstand wasn't glued to the wall.

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So did Ricky and Lucy. They still managed to produce a son.

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Wonder what that rubber ducky was a metaphor for.

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But that naked young man J-boy was canoodling with in Gethsemane...well, that's another story.

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Anybody here wanna remind Shelley that, presuming he ever existed at all, Jesus was a Jew? [he shakes his head and groans]

The only thing scarier than a sermon like Shelley's is that he has what I presume to be an attentive audience, who approves of what he has to say and may in fact be spurred on to act on his words. On top of that, I wouldn't expect any local or perhaps even state authorities in Idaho to take any kind of meaningful action against Shelley, which only makes matters worse.

And here I am, wondering when or if anyone is going to bell this cat.

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This guy no doubt comes from the Sherri Shephard "there were no people before Christians" school of history. And by school of history, I mean kindergarten.

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Mar 1, 2023Β·edited Mar 1, 2023

Interesting, similar thought that came up while following up on that kindergarten idea.


Sounds like they start to understand 'death' like a normal adult about the time you suggest they develop the idea that there were lives and people before 'their grandparents'. We'll leave samsara to the side at this point.

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How quickly would his head explode if he found out that it was the 𝘊𝘒𝘡𝘩𝘰𝘭π˜ͺ𝘀𝘴 who started the "Jews are the Synagogue of Satan" bullshit?

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Depends on whether or not he was playing the bagpipes when you told him.

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Christianity, still a virulent poison to humankind after all these years. It seems to produce some of the most hateful, bigoted people. And as the Bible says, "you shall know them by their fruits". The fruit tree of Christianity died and remains dead. It is bereft of virtue, devoid of rationality and riddled with division, hate and sectarian bickering. Yes, "you shall know them by their fruits".

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If we shall know them by their fruits, then I think they must've gotten all their fruits from William Blake's orchard.


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Mar 1, 2023Β·edited Mar 1, 2023

But, they really are sharing their anger with us very openly, especially in this case?

You have to somehow defuse that anger and/or repurpose it, but how?

Note how Blake doesn't address 'hate that is shared WITH the enemy'.

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Don't tell this to the Pope. It could ruin his day.

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Or Joe Biden. He's a good Catholic, you know.

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Biden is more like a good guy who happens to be Catholic ... rather like Jimmy Carter, who is a DAMNED good man who happens to be a born-again Christian.

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Some people claim to be inspired to do good by their religion. I believe they're inspired to do good *in spite of* their religion.

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They would've simply done it anyway, religion or no.

So who needs religion. amirite?

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π‘Šπ‘–π‘‘β„Ž π‘œπ‘Ÿ π‘€π‘–π‘‘β„Žπ‘œπ‘’π‘‘ π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘™π‘–π‘”π‘–π‘œπ‘›, π‘”π‘œπ‘œπ‘‘ π‘π‘’π‘œπ‘π‘™π‘’ π‘π‘Žπ‘› π‘π‘’β„Žπ‘Žπ‘£π‘’ 𝑀𝑒𝑙𝑙 π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘π‘Žπ‘‘ π‘π‘’π‘œπ‘π‘™π‘’ π‘π‘Žπ‘› π‘‘π‘œ 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙; 𝑏𝑒𝑑 π‘“π‘œπ‘Ÿ π‘”π‘œπ‘œπ‘‘ π‘π‘’π‘œπ‘π‘™π‘’ π‘‘π‘œ π‘‘π‘œ 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙 β€” π‘‘β„Žπ‘Žπ‘‘ π‘‘π‘Žπ‘˜π‘’π‘  π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘™π‘–π‘”π‘–π‘œπ‘›.

-- Steven Weinberg

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The Pope and Biden are on his murder list too, I'm sure. Though I would guess the pogrom against Papists will be after the pogrom against Muslims and Atheists.

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Christianity is like the fig tree from the Bible.

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Notice how they were only worried about the sermon that mentioned the Jews. YouTube is apparently fine with calls for LGBT people to be executed.

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He wants to kill jews? Does he not realize their big guy was a jew?

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Many of them don't – I had a 'discussion' with a woman who "knew" that Jesus was 6 foot tall with blue eyes and blonde hair. Which is I guess just remotely possible, because blue eyes and blond hair did turn up occasionally in Roman Palestine, but I suspect extremely unlikely. Particularly the 6 foot tall. 😁

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Fun facts: Michaelangelo's boyfriend was the model for White Jesus.

Also, the Aryan's blue-eyed blond-haired ideal mensch was a Jew.

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He looks like a Bee Gees πŸ€”

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"Ah ah ah ah, not stayin' alive..."

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I hate you, I hear the song in my head πŸ˜…

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At least you don't have John Travolta dancing in your head.

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If you can't see maybe


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Who knew that Jesus looked less like Brad Pitt and more like Anthony Quinn.

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I only know one, guess which.

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Not a hard guess.

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No scolding about my lack of knowledge? Are you all right ? 😁

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Feb 28, 2023Β·edited Feb 28, 2023

Well if he got blond hair and blue eyes there's a pretty good chance he got tall in the same genetic packet; the Vikings were known to be bigger than most of the people they raided and raped...

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Yep... and look what their god did to himself for it!

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Not just Jewish but Palestinian Jewish.

You know. Them dark-skinned folks.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APMu32sC2nM Short and sweet.

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Ah, but that raises the question of whether Jews are white doesn't it? 😁

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Only when it's convenient, and only as long as there are still more-easily-𝘰𝘡𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦π˜₯ groups to hate on.

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You can thank "Saint" Paul for spiking that cognitive dissonance in his relentless push for converts.

He made it OK to hallucinate Jesus as whatever you wanted him to be.

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"the right-wing site Rumble"

They can't even spell "rubble" correctly.

And bravo for the skill of being antisemitic while quoting ot πŸ™„

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"And bravo for the skill of being antisemitic while quoting ot"

Now that is something I hadn't considered. Unfortunately I have only one up-vote to give.

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Are you trying to tell us God didn't hate his chosen people?!

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I am not his psychiatrist so I can't be sure but he has serious anger management problems πŸ€”

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β€œThese preachers always insist they’re not encouraging vigilantism. They insist they’re not asking anyone to pull a trigger themselves. They get mad when people say they’re calling for the murder of gay people. That’s not true, they argue. They’re just saying that, in a righteous world, the government would do their faith-based dirty work for them.β€œ

Yeah, but, this speech had none of that. He said people have to die and it’s us or them. He didn’t say that it’s the governments job, he didn’t even say that it was gods job. He said god is punishing them and they need to die. This wasn’t a dog whistle, this was a bullhorn. There is no plausible deniability in this speech.

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I must admit his sermon confuses me. If being gay is the punishment, what's it the punishment *for*? Let me guess, 'being gay.' Because logic is for chumps.

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Circular logic. A Christian specialty.

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Does it still count as circular logic if it's a point singularity?

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Mar 1, 2023Β·edited Mar 1, 2023

It's punishment for harbouring Original Sin of above average quality and quantity, BUT with no attempt to 'repent' and sin no more?

Even if the premises/assumptions are wrong, the reasoning could still be logical, but not even close to agreeing with Reality in the final results because of those faulty assumptions?

Like Newton assumed space to be a passive actor of no significance and gave us 'spooky action-at-a-distance', good-enough-for-cannon-balls gravity, but Einstein created spacetime and gave us more appropriate General Relativity so we can have accurate GPS.

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"We cannot allow them to survive."

Tell ya what, Jonny. How about we flip that to read "We cannot allow Christians to survive." How's it taste now?

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PERSECUTION!!!!!! Only this time they'd be right.

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Looks like a great running mate for Trump in 2024. Meets all the MAGA requirements.

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Besides, Sheldon Adelson is dead, and Jared won't be in the administration.

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Well, Jared's a Jew, don't forget. Off with his head! 😜

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Ivanka converted, but we all know that was for show.

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β€œIt's so unnatural. It's so repulsive. And it's so disgusting. And it's so evil. And it's so reprobate.”

Loving other people is disgusting, evil, and reprobate?


β€œYou have to get them to realize that the f*gs and the Jews are of the devil. And if we want to have true righteousness, and we want to love God in this country, we have to eliminate these individualsβ€œ

But eliminating them is the epitome of goodness?

Fuck that shit.

I don’t want to eliminate people, I want to eliminate thinking that leads to eliminating people. That is what I consider disgusting, evil, and reprobate.

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