"If we were hosting a Pride event, this wouldn't be an issue..."

Greggy-poo, the people that host Pride events wouldn't have an issue because 𝘡𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘡𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴 you ignorant hick.

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Remember all of that stuff about obeying the civil authorities because they are instituted by God for the betterment of men?

Neither does lockE.

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"If we were hosting a Pride event..."

But it's not. It's an Assclown Parade.

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Hopefully, the lawsuit is a locke.

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So to belabor the obvious, building permits exist to protect people from themselves; Bad Things happen when buildings are put up without said permits because all too often, the people putting up said buildings don't understand the codes in place for public safety.

That said, Mr. Locke's church is pretty much the definition of 'bad neighbor'. Noise complaints, parking in their yards, and generally being a nuisance on top of the building permit issues paint a very unflattering picture of the church. At some point, he's going to be shut down for being a public hazard.

Hopefully, that'll happen sooner rather than later.

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Expect Locke to play the poor, persecuted Christian in 4 . . . 3. . . . 2 . . . The thing to remember is, his enablers in the pews are just as bad or they wouldn't be there.

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That sign might as well say, "WE CELEBRATE IGNORANCE OVER KNOWLEDGE."

Because that's basically what it says, only fancier and more religious-flavored.

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I live in Nashville, and you have to go to great lengths as a preacher to piss off the people of Mt. Juliet. He's in as friendly an environment for his evangelical cult as he can find, and even they're fed up with him. Congrats Greg. Didn't think that was remotely possible.

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"Locke did not respond to an immediate request for comment"

Bless your heart for even making the attempt. Do let us know if the miracle actually occurs.

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I’m willing to bet Locke thinks he has all the permits because state blah blah blah. Considering the lack of understanding of basic human existence, or his religious book, and pretty much everything, he doesn’t understand that he is required to follow state and local regulations.

β€œThere’s no noise ordinances, so I can be as loud and obnoxious as I want without consequences.”

Nope, you get consequences. Just maybe no the consequences that noise ordinances would supply.

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Pride celebrations are usually once a year and require permits.


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Mar 24, 2023Β·edited Mar 24, 2023

"It won’t change anything because we’re not in violation and there is no noise ordinance.

Denying defiant little one, isn't he?

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I'm sure everyone here will be delighted to hear that Greg Locke's son is going into the family business. We'll have stories like this one for decades to come. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu0z63b2STc

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Isn't religion the very definition of noise pollution?

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So Greg Locke thinks he's above the law. [TS checks his calendar] Hmmm ... Friday. Yup, ends in "Y."

Seriously, how much longer will this be allowed to go on before someone swears out a serious complaint against Locke-jaw here and he winds up looking at serious jail time? Personally, I'm hoping: Not TOO much longer!

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Like a bad neighbor Hate Harm is there.

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