"If we were hosting a Pride event, this wouldn't be an issue..."

Greggy-poo, the people that host Pride events wouldn't have an issue because 𝘡𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘡𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴 you ignorant hick.

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Unlike him they tend to have great taste in music.

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And clothing.

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You haven't seen my wardrobe.

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You could dress like Emmett Kelly doing his "Weary Willie" clown act and you'd still look better than Locke.

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Well, if that's the baseline, I look like Chris Hemsworth in a nice pair of boxer briefs.

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As a naturist/nudist, I'm always inclined to answer: "Clothing? What is this clothing you speak of?"

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Your library lets you surf nude? I wish I liked gray,rainy skies more. I might actually take a job in Redmond. (Unfortunately, the tech company I really want to work for is in NC. Although, there's always ILM)

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"Your library lets you surf nude?"

Hang eleven dude!

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You want to see mine ? Any conservative would have a coronary with my lack of feminity 😁

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I'm sure we have some guys here who make up for that.

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I am more than happy to let them wear the torture devices called high heels.

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Hell, we've got an annual Torchlight Parade here that climaxes with a band of pirates touching off a cannon every block or two and even THEY follow the rules about noise.

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It amazes me how we believers are told to love others and yet too many of us think that means treating them like dirt when they get in the way of practicing our religion. Of course, our services should annoy the local homeowners and they should not get upset since we're praising God. /S

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Then you won't have a problem following the rules, or are you into cherry picking the rules just like the bible? So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow Romans 13:1-2

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Based upon my comment, I don't know why you would think I would have any issue with following the laws of the community. I think that there can be times when you have to disobey the laws such as those regarding Jews in Nazi Germany but you have to be willing to suffer the consequences. I see no justification for this church refusing to follow the laws in their community.

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Let me say this, the Bible says to follow the laws and there are not "unless" statements, so this tells me, if you take the Bible as the litteral word of God, you don't get to choose which laws on your own. God has a reason for EVERYTHING, am I correct on this viewpoint? You either take it literally, or you don't. I choose not to because there are no original texts anywhere, so the Bible is not reliable as a tool for morality. Actually, I know more immoral Christians, than I do atheists. πŸ˜† sad truth...

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If you want to treat the text of scripture in the same way you would a fortune cookie message then you are free to do so but don't expect to be taken seriously. Are you really saying that if a law said you should rape someone that God would want you to do that?

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"Are you really saying that if a law said you should rape someone that God would want you to do that?"

NUM 31:17-18 Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. But all the young girls who have not known man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves.


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And are you God? So, what you're saying is that a believer is to question the Bible, when people of faith believe it to be the literal voice of God? This isn't Burger King, you can't have it your way. For me, this is exactly why I don't believe In God, or God's. It's a tool of control and nothing more.

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Remember all of that stuff about obeying the civil authorities because they are instituted by God for the betterment of men?

Neither does lockE.

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"If we were hosting a Pride event..."

But it's not. It's an Assclown Parade.

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I should also point out a Pride Event is a temporary thing. *One* weekend a year. His obnoxiousness is *every* weekend of *every* year.

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Twice weekly.

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He loves the sound of his own voice. His mistake is that he thinks others outside of his tent do too.

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Well, if the idiots that give him money would stop, he might figure it out.

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Because Locke's variety of religion has nothing, absolutely nothing, to be proud of?

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Hopefully, the lawsuit is a locke.

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I wonder when Locke will get LOST.

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I'd settle for him contracting lockjaw.

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So to belabor the obvious, building permits exist to protect people from themselves; Bad Things happen when buildings are put up without said permits because all too often, the people putting up said buildings don't understand the codes in place for public safety.

That said, Mr. Locke's church is pretty much the definition of 'bad neighbor'. Noise complaints, parking in their yards, and generally being a nuisance on top of the building permit issues paint a very unflattering picture of the church. At some point, he's going to be shut down for being a public hazard.

Hopefully, that'll happen sooner rather than later.

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Expect Locke to play the poor, persecuted Christian in 4 . . . 3. . . . 2 . . . The thing to remember is, his enablers in the pews are just as bad or they wouldn't be there.

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Any time any christian anywhere is told he can't do any damn thing he wants to, it's persecution. How can you not know that?

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That sign might as well say, "WE CELEBRATE IGNORANCE OVER KNOWLEDGE."

Because that's basically what it says, only fancier and more religious-flavored.

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This from those who point to the bible and say, "The fool says in his heart, there is no god" ... mostly because there is no such being in evidence!

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I live in Nashville, and you have to go to great lengths as a preacher to piss off the people of Mt. Juliet. He's in as friendly an environment for his evangelical cult as he can find, and even they're fed up with him. Congrats Greg. Didn't think that was remotely possible.

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"Locke did not respond to an immediate request for comment"

Bless your heart for even making the attempt. Do let us know if the miracle actually occurs.

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"Locke did not respond to an immediate request for comment"

Neither did god. Funny thing, that.

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I’m willing to bet Locke thinks he has all the permits because state blah blah blah. Considering the lack of understanding of basic human existence, or his religious book, and pretty much everything, he doesn’t understand that he is required to follow state and local regulations.

β€œThere’s no noise ordinances, so I can be as loud and obnoxious as I want without consequences.”

Nope, you get consequences. Just maybe no the consequences that noise ordinances would supply.

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Pride celebrations are usually once a year and require permits.


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And don’t build permanent structures

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"It won’t change anything because we’re not in violation and there is no noise ordinance.

Denying defiant little one, isn't he?

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State Inspection clearance? What is that? I'm pretty sure the state has no supervisory control over local zoning laws and permits.

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Maybe he's a secret scientologist and he's telling us he's "clear."

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That's about the only thing that would make him more obnoxious.

(Why did I just hear someone say "Hold my beer."?)

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Auditing your comment right now.

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IIRC, state law only takes precedent if there is no local ordinance

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I'm sure everyone here will be delighted to hear that Greg Locke's son is going into the family business. We'll have stories like this one for decades to come. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu0z63b2STc

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This is what happens when you attend school in a state that thinks the bible should be the state book.

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The poop doesn't fall far from the chute.

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But Jesus must love the kid. He's obviously given him an exemption from the Levitical ban on tattoos. Of course, the little creep still looks like the product of generations of inbreeding, but whatever.

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Biblical legacy. Who were Cain and Abel's wives again?

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Incest, my friend. YHVH populated the world with it. Twice.

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I love the bit where the kid chants "Abba! Abba!" I couldn't help thinking of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6rNsB6qWIU Son of a gun, who knew that was a christian hymn?

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How many generations of imbeciles is enough? 😁

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Dammit, I'm late as I said – and I'm having trouble with my dictation software. Otherwise I would have posted this hours ago. 😁 That young tell-tale chap does a decent job of following these nut jobs. I hope he gets a wad of cash for it, because it's something I would not like to do myself.

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Isn't religion the very definition of noise pollution?

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That was Angus and Malcom's first take with the song, but they thought better of it.

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Re-li-gion is noise polution....

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Especially after BJ rewrote the lyrics.

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I always enjoy a good...never mind.

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So Greg Locke thinks he's above the law. [TS checks his calendar] Hmmm ... Friday. Yup, ends in "Y."

Seriously, how much longer will this be allowed to go on before someone swears out a serious complaint against Locke-jaw here and he winds up looking at serious jail time? Personally, I'm hoping: Not TOO much longer!

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Like a bad neighbor Hate Harm is there.

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Irate wife at 3 in the morning grabs phone, "What are you wearing, Greg from Hate Harm?"

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He's probably not wearing anything while he watches porn. Now we all need brain bleach after that comment.

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*NoGodz vomits copiously*

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Mint tea or mint soda ?

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Do you have any idea how hard that is to come by in Texas? The backorder is over a month long.

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You're in good handcuffs.

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