Arizona plates. Here's what their laws say about obstructed viewing:
"Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person shall not operate a motor vehicle with an object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed or applied on the windshield or side or rear windows or with an object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed or applied in or on the motor vehicle in a manner that obstructs or reduces a driver's clear view through the windshield or side or rear windows."
Oopsie! That thing is a rolling violation of Arizona law. Maybe they trusted Jesus to take the wheel.
3 months with a loaner vehicle that still had the window sticker in the back driver's side window. Oh and no blind spot indicator. Moving a lane to the left was move and 'pray'.
It's odd - that does look like it could be an Arizona plate, but the area code on the phone number is Connecticut. When I did a search for that number on an Arizona plate, nothing came up; so maybe it's an old plate or something?
There is very little that cannot be justified in the name of either religion or conservatism. Conservative Christians blame all the world's problems on those they disagree with, while turning a blind eye to what Christians, acting in the name of Christianity, have done to their fellow humans. They are very quick to claim they are being persecuted, and yet no group would be more inclined to persecute others given the opportunity. If you want to see what genuine persecution looks like, hand power to the preachers.
They are being told that they aren't allowed to ignore the rules they don't like and call that persecution. If they really want to be persecuted for their Christianity, let them try street preaching in downtown Teheran.
"[G]rassroots organization of mothers concerned about their children’s education." If only they were concerned with their children's education, they wouldn't be a hate group. They want to force all children to be educated their way, regardless of the fact that the majority of parents disagree with them. That is what tips them over the line from just hateful to a hate group.
And unfortunately he is right: most Christians take what people like this guy say as gospel and won't look into the veracity of the claims. It's the same with any cult. MAGAmorons never delve deeper into what Trump says, even though something like 83% of his utterances are lies.
I don't know how deep they delve, but they often simply don't care. At least the ones interviewed by people like Jordan Klepper. They just come out and say it – I don't care what he does. They don't care that he uses their donations to fund his legal fees for instance. They make excuses for him being a sexual predator. And occasionally they outright deny stuff.
Both evangelical and Catholic churches create an authority figure in their pastors or leaders, and questioning them or their words virtually amounts to heresy. In both cases in this regard, the laity or congregants amount to SHEEP.
If they can't be bothered to think and especially to think CRITICALLY, what happens to them, if not inevitable, is predictable as hell and not at all worthy of pity.
Honestly, I'm somewhat shocked it took SPLC this long to add them to the list. The evidence has been there for a while now, but maybe there's some legal threshold I'm not aware of. The whining about it just goes to show what we all already know: The worst thing anyone can do to a Christian is quote them in context verbatim.
Moms for Fascism are clearly a hate group, not just conservative parents getting involved in schools. When they clear out whole libraries for fear of accidentally allowing a child to read about something Moms for Lieberty disagree with, they’re not the good guys. (Throughout history, the folks banning books have never been the good guys.) When their rhetoric results in death threats, or is death threats, toward school employees, they’re not the good guys. It’s not that they’re conservative, they’re brown shirts, they’re violent terrorists, they’re the evil in the world we must fight against. They fight against liberty, what is free about removing access to books? What is freedom about not being allowed to live your life with the person who makes you most happy? Where’s the liberty in being afraid to walk into a school that is being threatened everyday because your hair is blue or you use a different pronoun that someone else expects you to have? The threat to the children is not from people living their lives authentically, it’s from the Moms for Hatred constantly spreading violence to people who are trying to help. Conservatism has nothing to do with what is going on in the USA.
Right wingers are so good at shooting down the paper tigers they create. Instead of arguing what the SPLC actually says, it's much much easier to argue what you think its saying. It's also really easy to argue your point when you just completely ignore any relevant facts that get in the way.
Moms for Liberty. Better known as Klanned Karenhood.
Minivan Taliban also fits.
That's the one I was trying to remember. I had minivan but blanked on the rest. Thanks!
I got to see one of Linn-Mar's Morons4Lunacy at the capitol yesterday. Gerbil was there to throw hate at the LGBTQIA+ community, as usual.
Here's one. Asa the superstition dies, only the nuttiest remain.
Arizona plates. Here's what their laws say about obstructed viewing:
"Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person shall not operate a motor vehicle with an object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed or applied on the windshield or side or rear windows or with an object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed or applied in or on the motor vehicle in a manner that obstructs or reduces a driver's clear view through the windshield or side or rear windows."
Oopsie! That thing is a rolling violation of Arizona law. Maybe they trusted Jesus to take the wheel.
3 months with a loaner vehicle that still had the window sticker in the back driver's side window. Oh and no blind spot indicator. Moving a lane to the left was move and 'pray'.
It's odd - that does look like it could be an Arizona plate, but the area code on the phone number is Connecticut. When I did a search for that number on an Arizona plate, nothing came up; so maybe it's an old plate or something?
I think you're right. It indeed looks like a Connecticut plate. It's blurry, but I think I see "Constitution State" and the bottom of that plate.
Connecticut General Statutes Title 14 Subsection b also forbids driving with front/side/rear windows obstructed.
It's a Connecticut plate. I've been stuck in traffic near New Haven enough times...
Cool if it was a Honda; they would be in/on an Odyssey
Now I hear them ululating while they wave their Made-In-China American flags and waving their bibles.
I find that comment insulting. I demand to speak to your manager.
You'll have to wait. He's speaking with your colleague, Chad (Chad found the comment insulting, too).
Then I demand to speak with the regional manager about your dismissive behavior. Do you know who I am?
Yes, Karen, we know who you are. 🙂
If you don't know, how am I supposed to?
It's supposed to be insulting. Problem solved.
Liars for Jesus lying for Jesus. Quelle surprise.
Mais certainement, mon cher ami.
If you start banning books and singling out a minority with propaganda that demonizes them, defames them, and sounds Nazi-like, then you're a Nazi.
If you don't like being called a Nazi, then repent and start being better.
There is very little that cannot be justified in the name of either religion or conservatism. Conservative Christians blame all the world's problems on those they disagree with, while turning a blind eye to what Christians, acting in the name of Christianity, have done to their fellow humans. They are very quick to claim they are being persecuted, and yet no group would be more inclined to persecute others given the opportunity. If you want to see what genuine persecution looks like, hand power to the preachers.
They are being told that they aren't allowed to ignore the rules they don't like and call that persecution. If they really want to be persecuted for their Christianity, let them try street preaching in downtown Teheran.
Not to mention singing Christian Hymns in the streets of Pyongyang in North Korea.
They should pay a visit to the Sentinelese.
"[G]rassroots organization of mothers concerned about their children’s education." If only they were concerned with their children's education, they wouldn't be a hate group. They want to force all children to be educated their way, regardless of the fact that the majority of parents disagree with them. That is what tips them over the line from just hateful to a hate group.
"This means, according to the SPLC, that right up there — or really, right down there — with the skinheads and the Ku Klux Klan"
Skinheads, the Ku Klux Klan, and Moms for Bigotry. Nice three-way you got goin' there.
If the hood fits...
And unfortunately he is right: most Christians take what people like this guy say as gospel and won't look into the veracity of the claims. It's the same with any cult. MAGAmorons never delve deeper into what Trump says, even though something like 83% of his utterances are lies.
83%? Trump? Pretty much 100% for him.
100% ? You are slandering him. He is bestest at everything, I tell you ! It's 1000% !
I don't know how deep they delve, but they often simply don't care. At least the ones interviewed by people like Jordan Klepper. They just come out and say it – I don't care what he does. They don't care that he uses their donations to fund his legal fees for instance. They make excuses for him being a sexual predator. And occasionally they outright deny stuff.
Both evangelical and Catholic churches create an authority figure in their pastors or leaders, and questioning them or their words virtually amounts to heresy. In both cases in this regard, the laity or congregants amount to SHEEP.
That's baa-ad.
I don't feel to sorry for those sheep. They willingly get fleeced every Sunday. Their shepherds have effectively pulled the wool over their eyes.
If they can't be bothered to think and especially to think CRITICALLY, what happens to them, if not inevitable, is predictable as hell and not at all worthy of pity.
Honestly, I'm somewhat shocked it took SPLC this long to add them to the list. The evidence has been there for a while now, but maybe there's some legal threshold I'm not aware of. The whining about it just goes to show what we all already know: The worst thing anyone can do to a Christian is quote them in context verbatim.
If you don't want to be labelled a hate group, maybe stop behaving like a hate group.
Just sayin'
"if they are parents with a conservative point of view, then they’re bigots."
>in 2024 (and 2023, 2022...), this is a true statement
If it looks like a goose, hisses like a goose, steps like a goose...
Pun thread? Well I guess life goose on.
It's a gander.
There was a film called "The Believer" where a Jew becomes a neo-Nazi. Playing the character Daniel Blint? Ryan Gosling.
Talk about self-hatred.
Pretty powerful film.
Yes ?
Gosling. A young goose. See?
I have misplaced my glasses 😇
Moms for Fascism are clearly a hate group, not just conservative parents getting involved in schools. When they clear out whole libraries for fear of accidentally allowing a child to read about something Moms for Lieberty disagree with, they’re not the good guys. (Throughout history, the folks banning books have never been the good guys.) When their rhetoric results in death threats, or is death threats, toward school employees, they’re not the good guys. It’s not that they’re conservative, they’re brown shirts, they’re violent terrorists, they’re the evil in the world we must fight against. They fight against liberty, what is free about removing access to books? What is freedom about not being allowed to live your life with the person who makes you most happy? Where’s the liberty in being afraid to walk into a school that is being threatened everyday because your hair is blue or you use a different pronoun that someone else expects you to have? The threat to the children is not from people living their lives authentically, it’s from the Moms for Hatred constantly spreading violence to people who are trying to help. Conservatism has nothing to do with what is going on in the USA.
and up for a threesome. Just sayin'
Right wingers are so good at shooting down the paper tigers they create. Instead of arguing what the SPLC actually says, it's much much easier to argue what you think its saying. It's also really easy to argue your point when you just completely ignore any relevant facts that get in the way.
Moms Against Learning is a hate group.
That's a good one.
I hope these links are working.
SZtolen and reposted for your viewing pleasure.[0]=AZXb0dNaGBD0JsaBVyFIIDnswaM6gjVOJ6IJTLsKRcPmc1mMvQBRHEqkKd_QAmKy_32choWx5K6tWpDcFHTLG10RtLT4KCsjka0pow-dGzMaxbva1-YVfEx4Y6yxZa0DiVoandDz8Vs38It_dWOOabxXuAvedeCunTtrJZEMxS4rOQ&__tn__=EH-R
Worst. Joyful. Ever.
You have to sign up to see them. Sorry, not for me.
Val, this screenshot will disappear in 3 days.
She doesn't look very joyful.
It's Orwellian joyful.
Hope they know that Orwell was an atheist writing satire, not a how-to.
They started to go Fahrenheit 451 so I wouldn't count on it.
Moms for Liberty maxims:
Our way or the highway
Liberty for me but not for thee
If the book offends thee pluck it out (of the library)
Especially if thee didn't read it.
Or if the author's actual name is Gay.
"Sex With Children? Homosexuals Say Yes!"
Check the police blotters, Kennedy. You'll find that child molesters tend to be almost exclusively straight and members of the Christian clergy.
Fortunately, he can no longer do that. He died in 2007. His evil lives on.
Thought I'd go ahead and speak ill of the dead. :)
“You should only say something good about the dead….. good, he’s dead” :D
If I could be bothered to remember where my father's tomb is, it's the kind of inscribed plate I would place upon it.