Christians lying to advance their own agenda? Who would have thunk it! /S The people who would break down the barriers between church and state, and it's always conservative Christians in this country, always assume they'll be calling all the shots. It never registers with them that other people have the freedom of religion as well. It is never the job of the public schools to backstop ANYONE'S religion and/or politics.

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How many ways can a Christian organization be dishonest about trying to represent the goals and materials used by The Satanic Temple?


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An honest person will always be restrained by the availability of facts and evidence... but a liar knows no such limits.

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The thing is, they keep retreading the same misrepresentations. The rubes are too gullible to notice.

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Nice segue into the mathematical works of Georg Cantor.

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"It’s that conservative Christians have no problem spreading misinformation when the truth is inconvenient for them. "

Come on, just say it: They're lying sacks of shit.

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023

"It’s not clear how or why the Christian Action Network got that book confused with the Satanist one."

Well, it's absolutely easy to understand how they got that book confused with the satanist one. They managed to confuse a book full of murder, extortion, lies, genocide, homophobia, transphobia, racism, immorality, lack of ethics and personal responsibility, slavery, witch burning, sexism, misogyny, theft, incest, and adultery with the message of love extended to humanity by the God who is the personification of love.

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Liars for Jesus lying? *checks compass* Yep, sun still rising in the east.

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I am shocked, absolutely shocked. Christians lying! Next is you tell me the moon evolves around the earth.

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I haven't seen the moon evolve. I'm not sure how a hunk of rock would. /s

Oh, Revolve. Yes, it does that.

(Sorry for the snark, it's that kind of day)

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Hahaha, I knew it was wrong after I posted it. I just couldn't find out what. Norwegian here. Thank you.

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Don't worry about it, I've made such mistakes myself. It happens to us all. I usually notice right after the edit window has passed. :)

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It looks to me like TST has very solid grounds for a defamation suit, not to mention a First Amendment suit for trying to interfere with TST's free exercise of their religion. I'd really enjoy watching the Trump judiciary try to unravel the knot this would tie them in. The can either rule against their shibboleth "religious liberty" OR rule against their conservative christian cronies. Win-win for the good guys!

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You forget, though, the theists in the judicial system are quite comfortable carving out exceptions and loopholes that benefit theocracy. They’ll happily rule against Satanists’ religious liberty while promoting their own. They already believe it is the freedom to practice any Christianity you choose, not any religion.

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This is no different than creationists fabricating and distorting old, ancient myths, folkloric tales, and photos showing mythical monsters and artist conceptions of modern extant animals to help spread lies about humans living with non-avian dinosaurs. Anything to turn people away from the fact that no human remains were ever found alongside dinosaurs anywhere in the fossil record.

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But...but...were you there?

Sorry, I was trying to do my best Hambone imitation.

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Don't do that. What if your brain froze that way?

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I was there, but I was distracted, watching human beings be made out of a few scoops of dirt.

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And as far as the atheist Thanksgiving picture of the baby in the oven goes, that is so obviously a Qhristian lie that they should be embarrassed for trying to foist it onto people.

We atheists all know that you don't put a baby in the oven with a diaper on. The diaper burns and probably has unmentionable stuff in it anyway. It just ruined the flavor of the baby.

That's how you know it's a Qhristian lie. It is intellectually, Morally, and factually lazy.

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Plus you have to get rid of some organs for the same reason.

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How about aspic?

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I only know how to make apples and Calvados (apple liquor) aspic.

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That's more than I know.

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If you have a Dutch oven and about 4 to 6 hours* of free time it's a fabulous dessert.

* I don't remember in which cooking book I found this recipe and DM and me have more than 50 of them.

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Even the French use Dutch ovens? Damn those wily Dutch!

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Isn't that the actors' union?

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Spatchcock. 😉

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Another damned heretic.

Burn them!

Bake twice as long to accomplish this.

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Don't roast, grill.

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A stew !

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Only if the meat is tough/stringy.

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Nope, the weather is ideal for a stew.

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You can cook a stew on the grill.

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I only have a gaz stove, an electronic cooker (DM) and an air fryer. I don't think the bread machine is suitable.

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️🎵 Beans don't burn on the grill ️🎵

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I am not a fan of German sausages.

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Braised in chicken stock with a standard mirepoix (carrots, celery, and onion) at a low temperature, say 275 F, and basted with its own juices, generally gives a succulent, tender baby.

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That's what you do if you buy cheap meat. If you start with a better class of baby, you don't need to do any of that stuff. Salt and pepper are sufficient. As far as I can tell, brown Christian babies are especially succulent

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I like my babies soaked in a salt brine for 3 days before they hit the barbecue.

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And that's why you will not be allowed in atheist heaven

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Are theses lies protected by your first Amendment or are they libel/slander ?

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Probably protected. Libel and slander are very difficult cases to make in this country.

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I think Lucien could win a defamation suit, but it would take time and money. And likely they'd fundraise the damages, so they would feel no pain. If it keeps up, he might try.

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OT- Florida's spiral into fascism continues apace: https://apnews.com/article/dont-say-gay-desantis-florida-gender-d3a9c91f4b5383a5bf6df6f7d8ff65b6

In perhaps the least surprising development since your toast falling butter side down, everybody's least favorite Florida Man and aspiring genocidal dictator, having flexed his 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘴 on third-graders without any meaningful pushback, is expanding his campaign against LGBTQ kids to include grades 4-12. Considering the moves he's already made on his state's universities, it isn't hard to imagine worse to come.

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Speaking of Christians lying for a cause, I was minding my own business playing an online game last night, when a commercial for Preborn America popped up. (https://preborn.org/) They claimed that sending them money to buy ultrasounds for 'crisis' pregnancies will save 'unborn' babies. I could say I was offended, but that's just not a strong enough term for my feelings on the matter.

I'm sick of lying, deceiving, deliberately misleading Christians getting away with this kind of crap because 'religious freedom!!!!!' is more important than truth for some strange reason. We need to call these people on their lies and deceitful stories every time they pop up. We have got to push back, because too much of the public is believing what they're being told, even the painfully obviously wrong stuff. It's become obvious that the Christian bubble by and large no longer cares about truth, so the rest of us are apparently going to have to pick up some of that slack.

And for pity's sake, get out and vote. We cannot afford more legislation from the Judicial branch.

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023

The ninth commandment according to Christian Action Network:

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour unless it is to promote belief in your god."

For the rest of my life I'll be asking the liars,

If you have to lie to convince others to believe what you believe, stop and ask yourself what lie convinced you.

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I'm disappointed in the first maze. You can't even get to the porn.

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If you have to follow a diagram to find porn you're doing something wrong.

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That's why DARPA invented the Internet. They'll *tell* you it was to spur collaboration on research products, but it was really to find porn. (I was looking at USENET porn in 90. Naked guys and still managed to believe I was straight. Denial isn't a river in Egypt)

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Al Gore invented porn?

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No wonder Tipper was so angry.

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I thought he was known for rhythm.

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No. Zeus invented porn. Tim Berners-Lee made it accessible.

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Definitely not Satanic then.

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I still want some of that Satanist swag

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OT : NOGODZ will howl when he will see how much comments he will have to read to catch up. We mustn't let him down 🙂

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Luckily, I can read fast. ;)

Too late to comment (except for this comment), so I'll just read/upvote.

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To the lawyer phone! Seriously though, isn’t this slander/libel?

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Or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

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