
My submarine in the Navy didn't even run drills like this. We knew they were coming. We played them out as if it were real, but with the calm it is hoped can be maintained if they ARE real. Instilling that calm is the frickin point of drills!

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It is a Catholic church. I would expect them to make bad decisions. This was right out dangerous too.

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NOBODY runs drills like this. My only guess as to how this happened is that the organization went as cheap as it could get, didn't check qualifications or ask for past work, AND had zero past experience themselves in such things.

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My father was in the Navy in World War II. If they were running some sort of test, it would come over the loudspeakers as "For exercise only – for exercise only" – action stations or whatever. They probably realised the guys were under enough strain without stupidity. Although as my dad said once, "You shouldn't have joined up if you can't take a joke."

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

Drills at all levels also have on-scene Controllers and a entire organization connected to them to 'pause' or 'suspend' activities when they veer off-script.

That's what has been learned from many decades of education by The School of Hard Knocks.

Been doing drills, from propulsion plant casualties through Emergency Response/Incident Action exercises, and the control of the drill is often as complicated as the actual responders actions, for obvious reasons.

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I remember when Hemant posted about this, Catholic Charities is lucky that none of the employees had cardiac troubles.

I wish for Ms Lopez to win and that others will follow her example.

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"𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘶𝘭𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘴."

Leave it to a Catholic organization to hire the one loony rent-a-terrorist who's 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 into raping kids. Was he going for Felony Bingo, or something?

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Who gave them his name? The local bishop?

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Stupid doesn't begin to describe this stunt. Who ever signed off on it clearly lacks the ability to think even one step ahead.

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It also blatantly fails to consider the sensibilities of those who are exposed to it. This goes beyond thoughtless, and into whole new territory.

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Some of those people, perhaps even the majority, will deal with PTSD for the rest of their lives.

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Swinish, maybe? Or Catholic? But I repeat myself.

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Swinish ? Is that a swimming Finnish ?

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"Channels has since said he was doing everything by the book "

What the fuck book was that? 'The Dangerous Book for Boys'?

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NRA's guide to scaring people into buying guns.

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The Bible. It's the only book that matters to these morons.

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Book of Armaments?

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The paperback edition of the Boy Scout manual?

(The dude does seem to be thick as a brick...)

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Probably a James Bond novel, or maybe something by Mario Puzo. I mean, it's not like those are fiction or anything.

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A simple google of subjects like Active Shooter Training and the like returns a large number of references, including training program guides and the like.

It's also interesting that, unlike Hollywood crap, when things like this happen in Real Life it is not funny and people can be harmed.

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Well, it's pretty clear someone has been in possession of the Idiot Ball for entirely too long.

This is NOT how a drill is run. This is a bad episode of J@ck@ss. No useful information was gained, people were terrorized, and undoubtedly several injuries were inflicted. Drills serve the useful purpose of helping people learn to deal with a crisis situation; this comes off as a particularly mean-spirited joke by the leadership against the employees for amusement value.

I really hope Mrs. Lopez wins her suit.

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The Catholic Church: now as always the world leader in make-believe.

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AND scaring people unnecessarily.

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The operant phrase here is: WARNING. Obviously, there was none.

Back when I was in school and a fire drill or something like that was planned, we would know ahead of time that that drill was going to happen. Also, when civil defense was doing drills in the age of the Cold War, we were also warned. Local authorities were also alerted to the planned exercise, and frequently were involved with it. In this case, the Omaha branch of Catholic Charities apparently thought they could go it alone without consequences. Clearly, they thought wrong, tragically so.

And at the risk of indulging in Schadenfreude, I hope they pay an equally severe price for their stupidity.

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It likely varies greatly from district to district and state to state, because I never got any advance warning for fire drills. We were a pretty small district, so they were pretty quick and tidy affairs, but they always happened smack in the middle of class. Never in the middle of lunch, though, so they at least put 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 much planning into things.

My college, although in a different state, also tended to do warningless fire drills. Only in the dorms, though... I don't think I ever had a fire drill for one of the actual school buildings there.

But still... there's a world of difference between a fire drill and this batshit insanity. Nobody ever actually set the damned building on fire, filled a room with smoke, and let people think they were actually in mortal peril, to conduct a fire drill.

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See when I was in a college dorm, we had several unplanned fire drills in the middle of the night. Some joker thought it was funny to pull the fire alarm and wake most of the dorm up.

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I did Fire Brigade training for work. We had a specially designed building, a burn tower. They doused a bale of hay inside with diesel fuel and lit it, and you had to go in and find the dummy and rescue it. It was hot as hell and you couldn't see two inches in front of your face. Of course we had protective clothing, self contained breathing apparatus, and had been trained on what to do. Still, one of the scariest things I've ever had to do.

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When I was in elementary school, I remember being told a drill would happen that day but not when. But in the First grade, my friends and I jumped the smoke bomb on our way out of the building.

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Dwight Schrute was supposed to be an example of how not to perform fire drills. It was supposed to be funny, but this guy thought Dwight had things right.

My mom refused to watch The Office because she knew people like Michael and Dwight and did no think they were funny.

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My favorite college fire drill was during a rain storm. No one had an umbrella handy. People tried standing up against the sides of the building for the little protection it offered but the fire drill team made everyone move away from the building. I headed for my car in the parking lot and stayed in it with the heat on until I saw everyone go back inside.

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My boardschools fire drill were a little different. We were told it would happen several times during the year but not when. There would be at least one in the middle of the night, not an easy task to get back to sleep and face a school day afterwards.

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Obviously, Channels is a criminally stupid ammosexual (just what this country needs. /s), but I'm much more concerned about him being an alleged rapist and kiddie porn enthusiast.

Did these idiots not do even the most basic vetting before hiring this guy?

It's pretty obvious, the other charges not withstanding, he wanted to scare people into buying guns.

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We are talking about a christian organisation. What's not to love in a potential rapist and pedophile ?

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He may actually be a priest on sabbatical.

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If they vetted him at all, I'd guess all they did was contact his parish to make sure he donates every Sunday.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Once again, the Catholic Church...an institution built on fakery...does very real damage with yet another bit of fakery they ginned up.

If it hadn't already been abundantly clear, the RCC are sadists who don't give a good goddamn who they hurt. They are the very antithesis of "pro-life" and have been for two millennia.

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So sadistic they were willing to see innocent people die rather than possibly help some poor kid in crisis. Yes, they lobbied against the National Suicide Hotline.

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If the kid had been a fetus, they'd have fought tooth and nail for him.

Outside the womb? Meh, he's on his own according to Holy Mother Church.

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Whaaaaat! Suicide is a sin for Catholics right? Why do they not want to stop it? That doesn't seem to make any sense at all.

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But of course... why would they sign a statement condemning 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴?

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What sort of excuses did they give do we know? I'd love to see them. Or don't they bother anymore?

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MTG now wishes Jewish people a happy Purim after years of anti-Semitic remarks. https://www.yahoo.com/news/marjorie-taylor-greene-wishes-jews-132914069.html

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Bet Marjorie Traitor Greene says "Some of my best friends are Jews."

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Just the ones who own the space lasers... 🤣

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I’m sure her lawyers are all Jewish.

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I wonder if the light comes from the Jewish space lasers.

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How long till we see the defense that lying to employees and endangering their welfare is a right protected absolutely by the first amendment? "Your Honor, if the court rules that we do not have a right to tell lies, we'll be out of business in a matter of months!"

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If Fox News weren't allowed to tell lies, they'd be out of business in seconds.

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It'll take a little longer....stupid tends to be very persistent.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

As a technical note, workers' comp will not cover these injuries, because they do not meet the standard definition of work causation, i.e., "arose out of and in the course of..." So, Catholic Charities is opened up to direct lawsuits from employees, defeating the very "exclusive remedy" that protects workers and employer through workers' compensation insurance laws. This is a potentially very large windfall for a plaintiff lawyer willing to take on Catholic Church, Inc., the wealthiest industry on the planet.

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A friend told me recently a local PD contacted him about hate messages left for a kkkatlik church. Seems they are good at dishing out hate but get all kinds of upset about others proclaiming their hatred of them and their church. I have no way of checking this as nothing appeared in local newspapers.

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OT: My corporate communications office sent an email at 4:53pm wishing us a happy International Women's Day. Despite the fact that the communications department consists of women, we can see how women rank in the company.

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7 minutes to celebrate, what more do you want? /s

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I forgot to mention that our CEO is a woman. How the hell did they forget to send out a notice much earlier in the day?

Of course, these are the same people I had to remind to add Pride to their list of June special days a couple of years ago. To their credit, I only had to remind them once.

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Are you filing a formal complaint?

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

OT: Anyone else notice how much quieter it is on these boards since NoGodz's laptop went kaput? I can think of other posters I'd much rather like to hear less from, but it's too quiet.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

I'm having another late start today. All because a library branch I expected to be open didn't open until noon, throwing my whole schedule off. I should've been here 3 hours ago. Makes it tough to comment when everything's been said.

I guess I shouldn't complain. Monday morning I went out to get a newspaper and I took a spill, dislocating my finger. Spent hours getting x-rayed to make sure nothing was broken. They finally numbed it up and pulled it back into place. By the time I finally got on a computer, it was after 3PM Pacific, far too late to post anything on the two articles printed that day. I just read the articles and comments and upvoted people, but didn't contribute otherwise.

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Hopefully you can still give people the finger.

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Fortunately, it was the ring finger. :)

If you looked at my hand from the front, it looked as though I was giving a Vulcan hand salute. From the back? Yeesh! A finger shouldn't bend that way.

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Not interested in traditional Thai and Cambodian dances ?

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

I enjoy the fancy footwork of Muay Thai.

(those guys kick banana trees and make them shake. their legs are done by age 22)

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I hope you are saving your pennies for a new 'puter. The cheapest option may be a Chrome book. Another option might be to get a used/refurbished laptop from a computer repair store. They probably would give at least a year's warranty for their work. And maybe an extended warranty for a few extra bucks. Do not buy one from a pawn shop.

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OW OW OW!!! I dislocated my thumb playing volleyball and the pain was excruciating! Worse than my broken leg!

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It wasn't fun, that's for sure. May I never repeat the experience.

So glad it wasn't my index finger or forefinger. That would've made typing a bit of an adventure.

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Jesus himself approved the drill.

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But did not approve the nail gun.

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Wilson runs a nail factory and decides his business needs a bit of advertising. He has a chat with a friend who works in marketing and he offers to make a TV ad for Wilson's Nails.

"Give me a week," says the friend, "and I'll be back with a tape."

A week goes by and the marketing executive comes to see Wilson. He puts a cassette in the video and presses play. A Roman soldier is busy nailing Jesus to the cross. He turns to face the camera and says with a grin "Use Wilson's Nails, they'll hold anything."

Wilson goes mad shouting: "What is the matter with you? They'll never show that on TV. Give it another try, but no more Romans crucifying Jesus!"

Another week goes by and the marketing man comes back to see Wilson with another tape. He puts it in the machine and hits play. This time the camera pans out from a Roman standing with his arms folded to show Jesus on the cross. The Roman looks up at him and says 'Wilson's Nails, they'll hold anything'.

Wilson is beside himself. "You don't understand: I don't want anything with Jesus on the cross! Now listen, I'll give you one last chance. Come back in a week with an advertisement that I can broadcast."

A week passes and Wilson waits impatiently. The marketing executive arrives and puts on the new video. A naked man with long hair, gasping for breath, is running across a field. About a dozen Roman soldiers come over the hill, hot on his trail. One of them turns to camera and says 'If only we had used Wilson's Nails!'.

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I almost laughed on myself there.

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