It's ONE thing when a college is bad enough to lose secular accreditation. But how AWFUL does a college have to be to get warned by a CHRISTIAN accrediting system? Shall we also mention the fact that Olivet University seems to want to time-travel back to the 1860s, where slavery was the practice in the Deep South.

I've heard some wild tales from Hemant in the past, but THIS ONE takes the taco!

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Especially one with a handmaideny name--Association for Biblical Higher Education

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It makes my Top 10 List of Oxymorons of the Year.

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The administration and the students are from Asia. It's more likely it takes the eggroll.

*mumbles something about Americans*

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Ummm ... so maybe it takes the tofu???

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There is no fu like a to fu.

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𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑎 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑒𝑥𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛.

There's the problem. They think they are allowed to do anything they want if they call it "religious". They think the Free Exercise clause exempts them from everything. Non-existent educational standards? It's a bible college, that's all the students need to learn. Slave labor? That's not what it is, it's biblical character building. Christian Fucking Privilege writ large.

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This crap about "religious exceptions" has to stop, before something genuinely untoward happens. I'm a bit surprised that such an event hasn't already happened, considering the free rein these institutions get.

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That untoward something already seems to have happened. Or doesn't slave labor count?

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Certainly it counts. It just doesn't register the way serious injury or death might, and frankly, that's probably what it's going to take to get the legislature to notice.

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That was my thought. Dead pretty white girl on the front page.

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Rebellious Daughter. Troubled Teen. "Oh, she deserved it."

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Yes then the slut-shaming will commence.

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No one noticed what was going on in all those "troubled teen" institutions. IIRC kids have died and crickets from the Christian majority.

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Head in sand.

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More like up their posterior.

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I don't see what is wrong here. I checked, doubled check and tripled check. The school did nothing wrong. Slave labor is completely biblical.

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So what does that tell you about the bible?

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No one can play the poor persecuted victim quite like Christian organizations who get called out for their illegal activities. I doubt these students would have much luck getting their credits transferred to another university. Worthless degrees on a worthless subject.

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They're transferring now to Trump University.

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Well, I actually got a cousin to sell you.

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WTF‽‽‽ That's legal in Norway!

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It would be called self defense and at least seven other cousins would confirm that in front of a jury.

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¿Que? I was referring to the part about your selling a cousin.

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Where were you, Christian community? When these students were being mistreated, when they were being treated as slaves, when they didn't get the education they were promised, where were YOU????

In a nutshell, this is one of my biggest gripes about Christians and their behavior (at least, here in the US): they never call each other on it when one of them does something clearly immoral, obviously wrong, or otherwise illegal. At most, we see a 'don't do that again' slap on the wrist, and the expectation that the taxpayer will foot the cleanup bill. If Christians were the morally superior group they claim to be, Olivet University would have been shut down years ago or forced to actually fix the problems it had. The fact that the government had to step in should, by rights, be a source of deep embarrassment; instead, we hear outraged cries of 'persecution' for an organization that deserves absolutely no sympathy at all.

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Bet I know where they were. They were repeatedly protesting outside Planned Parenthood clinics.

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Render unto Caesar... I think not. They have a nice little scam going on here. If those students being escorted to the grocery and never let outside of the watchful eyes of school employees, are in the country legally, this is enslavement and if they are not here legally, it is still enslavement, but even darker. Sounds like a criminal investigation is in order.

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My comment was originally supposed to be a response to yours: I think this closest to the truth; it was never an educational facility, that was window dressing. Even the religious aspects was ornamental. It's Foxcon in the desert, with easy access to Palm Springs.

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Theology. See Also: Magic, Bullshit, Make-Believe, Hallucinations, Lies, False Promises, Delusions...

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Degrees in Unicorn Herding, Fairy Identification, Imaginary Basket Weaving, etc.

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I have a degree in unicorn herding, and you have never yet heard a single report of me losing a unicorn, have you?

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Are they the invisible type?

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Not if you have the Eyeglasses.

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Yes, but it's magic, bullshit, make-believe, hallucinations, lies, false promises, delusions...

That are blessed by God....

Who is also magic, bullshit, make believe, hallucinations, lies, false promises, and delusions. Really, only an atheist could argue with a pedigree like that.

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Again, dying on the wrong hill. Defending their deplorable behavior with religion only serves to prove religion doesn’t make you a moral person.

It looks like the students they cater to are vulnerable and more likely to be unable to research the school well enough to realize it’s corruption, not until it’s too late. The current students that are calling the authorities may need to also inform the news outlets in their respective homelands to help warn off future students. If Olivet won’t close down for legal reasons, maybe they’ll shut down because they don’t have customers to keep them afloat.

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Ironically, Trump may cause them to shut down. Last time he really chopped into student visas, which sounds like it could be their entire customer base. So if he does that again, shops like this running an exploitation-for-legal-entry con could, as you say, find themselves without customers. Not that I agree with drastically reducing student visas, I don't. But here we may have a case of him throwing some dirty bathwater out with the baby.

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Another example that the religious version is always worse.

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I'm guessing that they don't score very highly on the party school rankings either.

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Biblical Higher Education.

Think about THAT one for a bit.

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I've gotten better higher education from a solid dose of lysergic acid diethylamide.

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I once saw King Kong jump toward me from an oil refinery catalytic cracker. On the way he transformed into a beautiful flower. At the party I watched the notes falloing from the stereo speakers. I learned I could be creative!

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A higher degree of superstition. Pun intended

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TrumpU rebrand?

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Frequently, we see stories about Christian 'schools' in this country getting up to enough shady shit to win a game of Abusive Religious Institution Bingo.

Somewhat more rarely, one comes along that checks off every single square on the grid and half of the next card, too.

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Sounds like the folks who put together the 'troubled teen' exploitation con job decided to expand up into college age kids. Dollars to donuts says its the same person or persons at the top.

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Paris Hilton testified what they did to her, in an attempt to shut them down.

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California rightly demands that Olivet shut down and the school has vowed to fight to stay open.

In doing so, they are not only violating state laws and regulations, they are violating their own scripture.

"Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished."

-- Romans 13:1-2

For believers running Olivet who think the USofA is a Christian Nation: Gonna fall in line now? Your bible demands it.

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And to pile on...

"For the Lord's sake, submit to all human authority---whether the king as head of state, or the officials he has appointed. For the king has sent them to punish those who do wrong and to honor those who do right."

-- 1 Peter 2:13-14

Are ya listenin', Olivet?

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They only pick that particular cherry when they can use it against people they hate. Why would they apply it to themselves?

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A kkkrister ignoring scripture? I AM SHOCKED!!! I may be exaggerating a bit.

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This made me laugh: "Gonna fall in line now? Your bible demands it.". I would be surprised if they ever follow the bible if they don't profit from it.

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Don't worry. Trump will give them permission to do anything they want to do to their poor students.

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