This will hopefully lead to more people leaving this guy's church. I can guarantee no amount of prayers heals autism, because there's nothing to heal.

A friend likened autism to having a computer with a different operating system and that really stuck with me.

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What a vile, vile man. How can someone have such hatred towards other people? Calling them demon possessed simply because of a condition that they were born with... science has perfectly reasonable explanations for autism and it’s got nothing to do with your made up god or devil. It’s a shame that anyone goes to this sad pathetic excuse of a man for any sort of advice. Hopefully the school board catches wind of this and he is removed from that position. No one with views like this has any right to be making decisions that may affect children with autism.

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This is medieval thinking. That's what religious zealots are, throwbacks to the massive ignorance of centuries ago. CENTURIES FFS. These folks should be laughingstock pariahs in any civilized society and it's a sad indictment of the US that they aren't.

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"Well, my God doesn't make junk. God doesn't make mess-ups. God doesn't make people that way."

Except for club foot, cleft palate, heart defects, Downs, and countless other congenital fuck-ups. His god is such an incompetent imaginary critter.

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"Well, my God doesn't make junk. God doesn't make mess-ups. God doesn't make people that way."

Insert "have you checked the mirror lately?" joke here.

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"God doesn't make junk" huh? He seems to be saying that we *are* junk, it's just not his god's fault that we are like that. The likes of Albert Einstein, Alan Turing, it's believed Isaac Newton, and many others might have a thing or two to say about that. The tendency to have special interests gives you a great advantage compared to what you might have been otherwise able to achieve. He also mentions that this is just one example. Following the same logic, a little kids whose cells are defective and produce cancer...junk, right? It's pretty mind blowing that these types are the ones claiming a monopoly on morality.

I was born in 1970 and am on the spectrum. That kind of thinking was prevalent in the late 70s - that you were defective, not necessarily the religious junk, so you can imagine the kind of therapy you got. And my therapist meant well, no doubt about it, but basically you are taught to mask, and worse, you are taught to associate successful masking with "good" and letting it slip with "bad". You definitely grow up with a lot of fear for being seen for how you really are. Other than things like that, being autistic is pretty amazing...you're more imaginative, make crazy connections, special interests mean you get to really pour yourself into something which is a great joy, and so on. Virtually all of the issues come, not from autism itself, but being in a society set up for the middle of the bell curve that expects you to act the same way. This sad excuse for a pastor is just a really good example of that.

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These fools should begin by demonstrating the existence of demons, and then go collect their Nobel Prize. His God doesn't create any junk? He's technically correct because his god doesn't exist. Birth defects of all kinds present all the time. Is the fact I wear bifocals symptomatic of demonic possession? Other than perhaps the brain itself, every medical specialist could design a better body part than the one they deal with. No one in their right mind takes medical advice from the clergy.

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Isn't this just wonderful. Their all-seeing, all-powerful, all-knowing, omni-present god stands by and allow demons to enter these children... the same god who by the way, worries about how you dress, who you have sex with, even disapproves of you masturbating - allows demon possession, rape, murder, mayhem, and all other badness humans work on each other. Religion is a gigantic internally-inconsistent delusion which seeks to relabel bad luck as inaction by this monstrous god of theirs.

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𝐴𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑚 ... 𝐴𝑖𝑛'𝑡 𝑛𝑜 𝑠𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒.

No, there isn't. There isn't one for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, either. Not one for Parkinson's or fibromyalgia as well. Matter of fact, the bible is downright ignorant as it comes to a modern-day understanding of physical diseases and disorders, and that doesn't even mention issues of a mental or psychological origin. Of course, Rick Morrow doesn't want to recognize that. He's a dog with a bone and he's going to gnaw on it for as long as he can.

In that regard, he's like a lot of bible-thumpers. Wind 'em up, and watch them take a bad situation and make it WORSE.

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"Ain't no such diagnosis in the Bible."

So if it's not in the babble it's demonic ?

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WOWWWW! Look at the attendance there. He needs a new MEGACHURCH to hold all the creeple what comes to church thar! These fkng pieces of trash love to be the center of attention and love to be the source of information for the POS that attend.

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023

I miss the days when "god has a wonderful plan for you", and you, and you, and especially, YOU! life was so much simpler then. Now, I never know whether it's God's wonderful plan that's messing me up, or Satan's that is messing me up. It's impossible to tell.

But I see a glimmer of hope! God doesn't make mistakes. It's always the devil. And it must've been the devil whispering the sweet nothings in my ear when I was three or four years old, and told me I was different from other boys in a way that involved other boys, and then I better not talk about it.

And the devil must have had a really strong grip on Jeffrey McCall. Despite all his years of ministry, despite all the prayers to his God and to the God of his young male victims, he was still causing them to sin. And Ted haggard. How can we forget ted haggard?

In fact, The devil is so very strong that he prevents God from hearing the prayers of a child who has been molested by a protestant youth pastor. The devil is so strong that he almost makes you think that there is no God who actually cares about anything.

So there is only one solution: HAIL SATAN!

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Good gravy, this is precisely the sort of thing that causes so much pain and heartache. Autistic children and their parents need assistance, not some self-righteous pastor telling them that it's all some sort of demonic issue only curable by Jesus. There have been any number of medical issues throughout history declared to have demonic origins by various churches, but lo and behold later discoveries found an actual underlying cause for completely unrelated to any 'dark forces' conjured up to take blame for the issue. Autism is real, it's not created by any 'servant of darkness', it's not treatable by exorcism, and trying to pretend I'm wrong about all that will only get people hurt to no purpose.

"So let's quit being nice and putting a Band-Aid on stuff and giving it medicine." That's not what you're after though, is it? No, you just want to make sure that's a Jesus! Brand Band-Aid, and not some 'other' type. You can't and won't cure autism, and you don't care how much suffering you cause the families who have a member with the condition. This is about trying to make the world conform to what you think it should be, regardless of the fact things just don't work that way.

Here's hoping your congregation sees this for the complete snow job it really is and decides to leave religion entirely. Attacking children for a condition they can do nothing about having and pretending it's some sort of 'spiritual warfare demonic action' that never seems to go away despite prayer is just disgusting.

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Demons? I thought it was vaccines.

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"Well, my God doesn't make junk."

Then I must be wearing demonic glasses.

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God’s messengers: Proving how vile christers are on a daily basis.

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