Less religion for anyone makes the world better for everyone.

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It is good news, but is it a case of too little, too late, for the sanity of the U.S.?

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That's what I wanted to say. You copycat. Hrmpfh.

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Where do you notice any sanity?

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The sane asylum. (I can never find that meme, No matter what search terms I use, Google Images gives me a 1000 pictures of the exact opposite of what I'm looking for)

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All I get is some sort of album covers.

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I get 1000s of old pictures of insane asylums.

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I used duck duck go. There is apparently an album by somebody I've never heard of called the sane asylum.

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Douglas Adams: So Long and Thanks for All the Fish.

[Not a quote] Wonko the Sane despaired of the World's insanity so built an inside-out (or outside-in) house to give humanity somewhere nice to live while he could live outside (inside) it. It is not expressly called "The Sane Asylum." Did you have something similar in mind?

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There's a B&W cartoon I've seen several times but didn't save and now can't find of a building with a fence around it and a sign that says Sane Asylum and captioned to the effect of 'Eventually, this was just easier'.

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I've seen that one.

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My poor understanding of Hinduism would lead me to believe that Buddha Jesus would NOT be disappointed, but would abide. As any Dude would.

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Considering the view we've had over recent years of the religiously-inclined, I'm almost surprised the numbers aren't higher. Still, it's good to see religion declining the way it should be.

Now, if we can make that spread to every demographic, that would be exceptional.

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Apparently someone called Scalise is going to be the next speaker. Is he – I hesitate to use the word – sane?

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OK, I missed this on the sidebar of the CNN article. "House Republicans voted behind closed doors to select Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana as their nominee for speaker, but it’s unclear if he can lock down the votes needed to win the gavel following Kevin McCarthy’s abrupt ouster.

The final conference vote tally was 113 for Scalise and 99 for Rep. Jim Jordan. The House is currently in recess as Scalise works to secure the necessary support to win a floor vote."

He is slightly less insane than Jordan, but that's not saying much.

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He's buddies with David Duke, so......

(Personally, I don't believe the Kooky Klan Kids are sane.)

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This is the guy who described himself as: "David Duke, without the baggage" (as though that would even be possible!). I could probably throw him further than I'd ever trust him.

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𝑰𝒔 𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒆?

Does he have an (R) behind his name?

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These days, sane is relative, especially dealing with people who call themselves Republican.

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I've got a few relatives who aren't sane. ; )

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Do you have new information? Because, as of 28 minutes ago, CNN says "Scalise, so far, lacks the votes to win speakership as his whip team tries to win over holdouts."

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Word is, McCarthy's lobbying to get his job back. Never say die, huh?

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He's says he isn't, so he probably is.

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He begged for the job before, why should he stop now?

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I've seen multiple versions, I think he is the frontrunner, but has not been formally elected yet?

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I just made a new reply to GS.

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OT: I have something to say to anyone who thought we'd seen the rock-bottom worst possible behavior by a conservative. And my message is: You are a naive fool. This one may make you want to vomit, but I daresay it's just a matter of time before we see something even worse. Brace yourself:


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Family Values. Republicans keep using that term. I do not think it means what they think it means.

LGBTQs are coming for their children? Seems this guy beat them to it.

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If I had the power to turn people gay, Ryan Reynolds would not be married to a woman. And I'd have likely found the man of my dreams by now. There have been several worthy candidates, but they were all straight (and usually married)

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It's like back in the day when Anita Bryant was at war with gay men. In particular, gay teachers somehow turning everyone's children gay. If teachers had the power to influence what children become, half the students in this country...girls AND boys...would be nuns.

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There goes my lunch.

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No you're not. 😁

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When you figure out how to make some who are turned on by overweight old cripples, send them my way, will ya?

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The only "family 𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘴" conservatives believe in are the 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘴 they can sell their daughters for.

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Of all the possible charges against him, I can't even imagine how they;ll decide which to hit him with. Child abuse? Placing children at risk? Malicious mischief? Vandalism? Pollution? Endangering public health? We all know conservatives are batshit crazy (in this case literally), but this goes way beyond anything I ever thought I'd see one of them do. Guess I've seen Pollyanna too many times.

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He claims he's anti-vaxx. Assuming he's not lying through his teeth and is actually double-dosed, let's see what happens when winter comes and new variants decide to camp out in his body. COVID might just be doing the world a favor, for once.

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Shame on you, wanting to see a nice innocent virus stuck in the body of someone like that.

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Pardonne-moi, COVID! Pardonne-moi!

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Tu vois quand tu veux ton Français est parfait 😁

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That isn't even in my bottom 100. And I'm not buying the Breaking Bad excuse. Bizarre, but not shocking.

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If this behavior doesn't shock you, what does?

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I'd be shocked if they didn't present him as presidential material. No doubt he'd run a smear campaign against his Democratic opponent.

(see what i did there?)

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Puns that blatant are gonna leave a real skidmark on your reputation.

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Is that the straight poop?

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If it is, then the shit's gonna hit the fan.

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Leaving me down in the dumps.

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Child porn of 4 year olds. To find out he's a trans man. That sort of thing.

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There is no bottom. Infinity and beyond exists below and to the right. I can’t believe these guys haven’t invented a perpetual motion machine given that they perpetually go lower and more rightward.

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Oct 11, 2023
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Two religions duking it out with missiles and killing innocents all to see whose god's dick is bigger. And it's the same god!

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I'm not sure the Palestinians are motivated by religion. They're quite literally fighting for their existence https://www.liberationnews.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/palestine-land-map.jpg and against apartheid. Which is not to say their attacks on civilians can be condoned--not at all--just that I don't think religion is their primary motivating factor..

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Well, you know, saying "sorry, we encouraged a madman who murdered 6 million of you. Here have the land you claim was yours 1900 years ago. You deal with the people who currently live there.", was never going to end well.

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I've had several discussions with Israeli supporters over the years. I always make a point of asking them, if I tried to take away your house and everything you own on the ground that God promised it to my ancestors during the stone age, would you be okay with it or would you fight to keep what's yours? The ones who bother to respond at all usually give me some variation on "That's different!" They can never explain exactly HOW it's different, but they're adamant that it is.

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After nearly 80 years, the only way to peace I can see is the one the extremists on both side refuse to even consider. It sort of worked for India.

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Incredible. Trump-typical, but incredible. And the fuckwits that keep defending him are several parsecs beyond that.

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"They are quite literally fighting for their existence."

This is so. They've been doing so for a long time. Palestinian kids with rocks against against Israeli troops in tanks.

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The whole situation is so sad. In principal my sympathy is with the Palestinians. I just wish I could feel anything at all positive about their actions. I'm sure they feel they've been forced into a situation where they have no choice and, given the US government's determination to give Netanyahu anything he wants, it may even be the case. But it's still all so very horrible.

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Palestinians ≠ Hamas

Israelis ≠ Zionists

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You'd think that they would see that massacring civilians is if nothing else, bad publicity. But I suspect many of them feel they have nothing to lose. There's been a bit of analysis on lawyers guns and money. Someone said that one of the aims is to try to stop the normalisation of relations between Muslim countries and Israel. And some feel that if they can do that – even if they all die they've won.

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If you follow the bibble, their ancestors have been going at it since the time of Joshua. Unfortunately the Philistines descendants have the the five smooth stones, and the followers of Yahweh have the iron implements.

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So many ways you can attack this man idea.


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I imagine he's not a flat earther, just someone who thinks the earth is flat.

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He's flatheaded, that's for sure.

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Oct 11, 2023
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William Forsythe as Flattop in "Dick Tracy." :)

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And he lies and he lies and he lies.

Yep, he's a Christian.

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Sometimes I think people like this are clever liars. Sometimes I think they are honestly deluded. Sometimes I think they are morons incapable of sustained rational thought.

I don’t think they can be all three but I honestly don’t know which they are.

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I am constantly reminded that half of humanity is below the mean in intelligence.

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Yeah, but it's the standard deviation that really bites.

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Mr. Mojo Risin'

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I know that a lot of people in Japan will go to a temple for some sort of good luck charm type thing even though they don't necessarily believe in the religion very much. Just shows the affinity between superstition and religion I guess. 😇

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I would have to wonder if there is any particular sub-segment of the US population where religion is on the rise, and if so, an explanation as to just WHY would be interesting to hear.

As it is, this is obviously good news, and I hope to hear more of the same.

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Religion isn't even gaining ground among feeble-minded ninnies. Of course that's because 100% of them are already religious, but even so...

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Oct 11, 2023
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Hear-hear. I'm 72, starting to crowd 73, proud member of FFRF and equally proud to call myself an atheist-activist.

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That’s an interesting question. I have no idea. Like so many others, I am heartened that the younger folk are rejecting it in ever higher numbers.

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I have been predicting for some time that organized religion is not going to survive the internet with its influence intact. There is just too much easily accessed good information out there, and for the first time for many people all across the free-thought spectrum, they are realizing they are not as alone as they once thought.

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"Asian" is obviously a very broad category representing a very diverse group of cultures. The upshot here is that centuries of proselytization are slowly but progressively eroding at least here in America. Education and Information are the Enemies of God.

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South Korea has been especially Christianized. Not sure what Jesus has to offer them; then again, I still don't know what Jesus has done for African Americans who are squarely in the Jesus camp.

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I am a white protestant American, whose ancestors from as back as I have measured hail from lands bordering the Celtic and Baltic Seas. I grew up knowing mostly Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodists, and Episcopalians. I am a total WASP, but no longer identify with being a Christian.

Strangely enough, though I am hostile to the Christian church, I hold no animosity for my last denomination, The United Methodist Church. Now that the trash has taken itself out by disfellowshipping, I can at least respect the pension I get from it!

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Good for you! Enjoy that pension!

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To be expected when the Klan has been driving away everyone who doesn't look as Aryan as them.

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I wonder about the religious affiliation of Asians who are being raised Jewish or who were. Do they continue to participate in the Jewish community? Another question. Is there a theological aspect to Buddhism?

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I wonder if Pew has done a survey of 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation African-Americans. (You know the ones whose ancestors came here willingly from Africa in the last century.)

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Mostly OT: For a few years there was someone at my office who was from India and was Hindu. She excelled at giving me (and others) friendly shit. One day I asked her if I could ask her some questions about Hinduism as I knew very little about it. She became very guarded. She asked me a couple of questions and I quickly ascertained that she thought I might be trying to tell her about Jesus. An appropriate concern on her part given where we live (a formerly red and only recently purple area of Maryland — think of a university town in West Virginia and you won’t be far off). Anyway, I assured her I was atheist, my wife was Jewish, and really all I wanted was to talk with someone knowledgeable about Hinduism.

I have no idea have typical she may have been of Hindus. We spent quite a few lunches in the break room chatting about her religion, my atheism, and — when we were quite alone — the obnoxiousness of Christians. She presented a very ecumenical version of Hinduism. Something like “You can believe in as many or as few of the Hindu deities as you want. It doesn’t matter.” She thought atheism was fine. She thought Judaism was fine. She thought Christianity was fine. I came to think of her as a Hindu Unitarian Universalist.

At some point I lost my job because they thought someone 30 years younger and much cheaper could replace me. And she and I no longer got to spend some of our lunches discussing religion.

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They act like THEY still have to pay for your retirement.

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