Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

They want to put up yet another graven image (Tower of Babel)?

Isn't that the tower YHVH feared because it symbolized that a humanity united could accomplish anything and that they were a threat to him and his domination? Isn't this the place where the biblical sky faerie waved a magic wand and wiped away the single language everyone was using at the time, creating a multitude of languages so humans wouldn't be able to understand each other, dividing them against each other?

Sounds like YHVH, all right.

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Worse, the model for the Tower of Babel were Ziggurats aka temples for other deities 😁

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I want to watch when it collapses and kills Canned Ham. I'd definitely buy a ticket.

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I'd like to see it fail so utterly that he takes a gas can to the rotting wood in hopes of cashing in on the insurance. And then getting caught in his attempt at arson.

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You’ve given this some thought, haven’t you?

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

Yes. Yes, I have. :)

Ham burning his own wreck. Delicious thought, is it not? If his god were real maybe Hammy would be on the receiving end of a lightning bolt high colonic.

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Why would any intelligent person on earth believe this nonsense?

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Because they were told it was true before their BS detectors had begun to develop. And because it's comforting to believe that all the bad shit that happens to them was part of the beneficial plan of a benevolent deity in complete control of the universe.

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When you've been lied to all your life, the truth looks like deception.

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I asked commenter and Christian David Graf if he would acknowledge the Hindu pantheon if he had clear and convincing evidence that it was the real deal. I assured him I would. He asked me what sort of evidence. I replied that I meant whatever kind of evidence he would regard as clear and convincing. He finally said that he would not accept evidence that he himself regarded as clear and convincing because the NT warns that it might be Satan tricking him with evidence that appears clear and convincing.

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And this was the reason I stopped responding to him. It was a waste of time.

He's got all his easy copout responses ready and never truly honestly engages.

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I like to get the cop out on the record every so often. Especially when it is so very blatant.

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Isn't that always the case? :P

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I keep hoping that the reason he comes here is that doubt is niggling at the back of his mind and someday he may finally admit to himself that religion is bs.

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Before he bought his new car, my JW husband researched exactly what he wanted for about 6 months. Before he bought our new TV, it was another 6 months. He critiqued, weighed the pros and cons, did cost analyses...but where does this rationale go when it comes to the Bible? SMDH, but I do love the man.

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"A fool and his money are soon parted..."

PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute..."

Christianity creates suckers (prey) for set ups like Ark Encounter. HL Mencken said there is nothing more hypocritical than the 'Christian' businessman.

Mark Twain beautifully satirizes the ark story and condemns god for turning the ark back because Noah forgot to bring flies. Mr. Clemons had a way with words...

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FWIW, Barnum didn't say that. David Hannum did.

What Barnum said was "The bigger the humbug, the better people will like it." (from his 1854 autobiography).

Works out the same. :)

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

How about Mark Twain:

"The report of my death was an exaggeration", too?

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Maybe they should reduce the price. Then it’d be Ark Discounter.

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"They also plan to build a makeshift Tower of Babel to lure new visitors. "

Wait... they believe Genesis is literal history about the "tower of Babel"? Yet they're building (not just a tall building) but something they're actually calling The Tower of Babel.

Gee, they must not believe that a Tower of Babel will piss off God and bring destruction and confusion of languages. Wouldn't that come under "tempting the Lord"?

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An ad for Cincinnati tourism on Facebook came up on my feed. The ad focused on the Ark Encounter. I’ve visited Cincinnati a couple times now and there are so many fun, interesting and cultural attractions to visit that are far more interesting than the Ark. Which is in a whole other state. I know that Cincinnati is practically Kentucky, but wouldn’t they want to advertise their own tourist attractions.

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I'd go to Dollywood before I'd ever set foot in Ham's religious masturbation fantasy.

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Dolly Parton has always seemed like a decent person and I'd have no problem giving her my money.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

She's definitely one of the good ones. A Christian her brethren would do well to emulate.

Filmed a vid of herself getting vaccinated against COVID-19 to encourage others to ignore the anti-vaxx rot and get immunized.

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My favourite political blog is becoming a haven for anti-vaxers – the blog owner lets them make all sorts of snide remarks as long as they're not too blatant. I'm thinking of abandoning it.

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Fuck 'em, I say.

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I did that once. He was really lousy in bed. You're free to fuck 'em if you want, but include me out.

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Her couple of appearances on 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑂𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒 were nothing short of DELIGHTFUL.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

I wish someone would explain to me how they got critters from other continents to the place of embarkation. Likewise, can someone explain how they dealt with feeding and watering them? Such foolish unscientific thinking!

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Noah was a Timelord and the Ark was a TARDIS.

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They didn't know where the Sun went at night.

They had no idea of just how big the planet they were on was.

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...Much less what it's made of.

...Indistinguishable from magic.

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Arizona. That’s why the rocks are red.

~ Calvin’s dad

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For the "real" answer, you can listen to the latest investigation by Ross Blotcher on the Oh No Ross and Carrie podcast (available on fine podcatchers everywhere).

Anyway AiG has answers to your vexing questions. But they're dumb.

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Damn Zombie Park. It's dead but it won't lay down.

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How's the lawsuit thing going?

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Stupid sells.

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No one ever went broke.........? 😄

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As a child I would have loved a carrousel with dinosaurs but at Le Museum d'Histoire Naturelle not there (another reason to not come to your country).

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

Luckily, we have the Pacific Science Center here where I live.

Kids and adults learn real things while having fun. There are even dinos. :)

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Been there, my whole fam damily had a blast. But then, my kids prefer museums to amusement parks when we travel anyway. Not that they don’t like the amusement parks (the good ones anyway)

OT a bit, I got last minute tickets to Jesus Christ Superstar last night and took the kids. They enjoyed the show, my youngest is into musicals. Walking back to the car (in the snowstorm) I made a comment about there’s a whole religion built on that story. The kids were bemused by that as much as I am. The performance was decent. I had never seen the show before, but I thought, “hey, it’s free. Why not.”

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

Used to listen to the JCS soundtrack almost religiously when I was in Vietnam. Memorized every song.

I remember xtians being upset over how JCS ended with Jesus' death. "But that's not the end of the story!" they whined. *rolls eyes*

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Got roped into going to a Catholic mass and the priest said during his homily that Jesus' death was the most important thing that happened. I was really tempted to stand up and point out that if he didn't get up and walk around again 3 days later then their religion was complete bs.

But I didn't feel like being lynched that day, so I kept quiet.

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Do they organise fossils hunts in big sand pits too ? One of best memories of my childhood, I found a urchin fossil 🙂

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In other words, they're limping along, a couple miles an hour above stall speed. Meanwhile, I'm still hoping for an untoward puff of wind in the wrong direction.

There's an old saying among pilots: to stay aloft, you need three things: Airspeed, Altitude, and Brains. Lose any two and the third one won't help ... and I think we know where Ham comes up in that "Brains" department.

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My wife has family in Kentucky. I REALLY want to gaze at this nonsense once before it goes under....but I don't want to support graft. Plus....traveling in some areas as a mixed heritage, same sex couple can provoke some anxiety.

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Ugh, why is this place still in business? Hashtag-rhetorical.

For all that the numbers aren’t great the fact that 14 thousand people still went is disheartening.

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They willingly wasted their money on this monument to bullshit. That's worth a grin. Maybe even a giggle and a head shake over their gullibility.

Load gun, aim gun at foot, pull trigger, repeat. They're their own worst enemies.

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Their real messiah is P.T. Barnum. "This way to the egress."

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Fair enough. It just makes me think of all the times my Mormon parents took me to the Museum of Science in Boston, where I learned so much about the real world. Man, I miss that place, my parents would get yearly passes and we'd go all the time. It was the opposite of what these poor kids are enduring.

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Because it's TRUE!!! I mean, every expedition that has ever gone searching for the Ark has found it, even though they were all looking in different places. So each of them was tacitly admitting that all the others were frauds, right? But "our" ark is the "real" ark, right? At least until the next "legitimate" expedition came along, right---which will also be wrong because there'll be still another one eventually, right?

Simple math exercise: Take a circular firing squad, cross it with a zero-sum game, and watch everything cancel everything else out. I would never have guessed that it's possible to worship a total vacuum, but there you have it. American christianity in a nutshell.

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I don't care what these people do. I just want them to stay the hell out of politics, but politics is the reason for these Christian wing dings in the first place. Religion is the most successful way to push any ideology.

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Hemant seems a little obsessed. Granted Ham is a pernicious bastard with far too much money and influence trying to brainwash kids into idiocy.

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"A virgin can conceive. A dead body can walk again. Your leprosy can be cured. The blind can see. Nonsense. It's not moral to lie to children. It's not moral to lie to ignorant, uneducated people and tell them that if they only would believe nonsense, they can be saved. It's immoral."

-- Christopher Hitchens

Hitch sounds like he could be talking directly to Hambone.

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"It's not moral to lie to children."

Except we do it all the time when something is too difficult to explain and we need to simplify – there's even a phrase for it something like "lies told to children". So we need some other axiom and I can't think of one. 😄

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I don't lie to children. I never have. Maybe that's why they trust me, even if they don't like what I'm saying.

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The term hambone always brings to mind Dean Cameron. So does pegleg.

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When you get down to it, the Ark Encounter park is proof that either there is no god, or that if there is, he hates humanity and wants us to suffer.

Ken Ham's tribute to deception needs to be shut down and demolished like the eyesore it actually is. Truth has long fled the vicinity with no intention of returning while the park still stands, and the way it's likely losing money hand over fist should not be encouraged or enabled. This facility has never been an educational benefit, either, the purpose has always been indoctrination for the vulnerable. I don't want people getting hurt, but if the place burns to the ground I won't be shedding any tears. Here's hoping the attendance numbers for this summer are as close to negative numbers as possible.

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