That is some sick shit right there. And I can't help feeling there's perhaps just a little bit of projection in there somewhere. I'd love to see his browser history. Actually I probably wouldn't.

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"He’s currently a member of High Street Baptist Church, “where he serves as a deacon, Sunday school teacher""


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P-E-D-O-P-H-I-L-E! That spells Moon!

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Funny story, I live close enough to Missouri to spit on it. Maybe I should start.

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Ah, yes, child brides. Let's be honest here, we know this guy doesn't mean that 12 year old boys should be allowed to get married. He just wants to open the freshness seal.

Seems to me that this guy makes a great argument for requiring chastity belts for men.

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And I am sure for him, Drag Queens are the ones dangerous for children.

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But, hey, never forget that it's gay men who groom children for sex with adults. We've learned that lesson time and again from good, pious, ever-so-holy christians. This creep is just the latest in a long, horrific line.






It's just so valiant and christ-y for all those Republican christians to protect children from all the other sexual predators out there.

Christian A: My representatives want to save children.

Christian B: Will they save one for me?

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This is how the Taliban looks at it, and his mentality isn't far removed from theirs. Just a different magic book. I'm sickened by the way people like this can justify their complete lack of humanity in the name of religion, but it's an old story. No twelve year old of either sex is remotely ready for marriage.

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Hey, Sen. Goon...

What part of the concept of "consent" did you not understand?

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OT- Oh look, what a shock, there was more to the story: https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-real-estate-scotus

The corruption scandal involving billionaire Nazi fanboy Harlan Crow and noted frown in a robe Uncle Thomas runs much deeper than just private-jet-setting and luxury yacht cruises- Crow bought a nice big chunk of real estate from Justice Jackoff, who then 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 forgot to include the deal on his disclosure forms. Just to make things spicier, Crow appears to have paid substantially more than market value for the properties he bought.

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Defend the children!...From anyone who might try to save them from the pastors!

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The depths of republican depravity has no bottom. So sick and disgusting.

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Phenomenal. I have to wonder if this guy is a parent, and if so, if he'd approve of his daughter being married off at such an age. And that bit about his knowing about such a marriage is even worse, as though one supposedly positive example justifies the practice.

Moon SHOULD be thrown out of the Missouri Senate on his ass ... but it'll never happen.

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Well, so much for giving my liver the day off.

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Mary was 12 (or there abouts). Case closed.


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