“…no matter a child’s age, no matter whether a child actually desires these things, …”

So the law in Oregon states you have to go to pride events and get puberty blockers for all adopted children?

Do they really not see how fucking ridiculous they sound?

Further down they talk about an infant not understanding gender affirming care. Well duh. But adopted children don’t stay infants forever. This woman has five children already, she should know this. But based on this assertion, she’s unqualified anyway. What happens when the baby becomes a toddler, or a child, or a teen and no longer fits her ideal of cuteness and sweetness? It sounds as though she’s interested in babies as objects and not the people they are.

Babies are born without knowledge of gender or sexual orientation, but as they grow they learn, even if their parents try to shield them. You don’t know if the baby you have, by birth or adoption, will be LGBT or not and you as a parent are supposed to love that person unconditionally. But these type of Christians know nothing about unconditional love, since their entire entities are wrapped up in their religion that is based on a god that tells us he loves us unconditionally as long as you follow these conditions. And even shows contempt and violence towards those he supposedly loves.

This woman probably needs child protective services to investigate her biological children considering how awful she sounds.

I’m being knee jerk judgmental here, but it’s clear she is manipulative by the lawsuit she’s filing. Who knows how deep this is. And I wouldn’t leave a goldfish with the lawyers either, let alone children.

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There is no horror that cannot be, and has not been, justified in the name of religion. I sincerely hope this woman is never allowed to adopt children. They will be indoctrinated in her lunacy from birth.

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She has five kids already and wants to adopt a new born, how the hell can she afford to raise 5+ kids on a single income? This seems like a typical ADF lawsuit.

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“She cannot even adopt a newborn who has no concept of, much less a desire for, these things"

The newborn might not have a desire for batshit religion either.

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I would feel sorry for even a completely cis and straight kid being raised by this ignorant, bigoted fanatic. She would want to turn him/her into a super bigot to avenge all the times she has been thwarted in promoting her homophobia-IS-true-Christianity views.

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Can't she adopt a toddler more to her liking, maybe Marjorie Traitor Greene?

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Hmm. I have questions here. Mostly, I'd really like to know how a single mom with five children already is supporting herself and her kids yet somehow still has time to push her Christian agenda so hard.

This sort of attitude has bothered me for a while now. It sure seems like there are an inordinate number of Christians around who want to have their cake and eat it too; they want to be able to espouse their beliefs on every street corner but not suffer the consequences for those beliefs. This sort of thing always strikes me as a toddler having a temper tantrum, but from what I've seen most Christians scream 'persecution' when it happens as though they're in the right. The worst of this is all the sympathy they tend to get from fellow Christians, which may well be part of why they're doing this.

Stick to your rules, Oregon. This woman shouldn't be allow to raise any kids at all, and not allowing her more is the right call.

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As I have written before, I knew I was gay when I was three or four years old. I didn't know what "it" was, and I didn't know what it meant, but I knew that I was different from other boys in a way that involves other boys, and I knew I had better not talk about it. But I absolutely knew.

Virtually every child gets this while they're growing up from the moment they're capable of understandinh\g language. don't be different, don't touch down there, it's all bad bad bad. I have had a great life is a gay man, and I have very few complaints. But what a difference it would've made to know that I was fine just as I was.

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Bigoted Christian claims persecution when called out on their bigotry. In other news, sun rises in the east and Francisco Franco is still dead.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

Setting aside the bigotry for a moment...

Firstly, we can all guess why you want more kids, and it's not because you think you'll be a good parent to them. You're not in the business of raising children, you're in the business of training up an army of obedient little Christian Soldiers to conquer the world for Jesus. That 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦 should remove you from consideration. A parent's first duty is to do right by their children. You clearly won't do that, even for your cis/het kids- you want minions, not offspring. You'll put your dogshit religion ahead of your children's needs every time- we know it, you know it, even the Stop sign on the corner of your block knows it.

Secondly... you've already got 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘴, lady. Prove you can raise 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 into happy, well adjusted adults, then we can talk about letting you adopt more. I'd imagine that as a single parent you already have your hands full, and I'm guessing that your older kids share a lot of the responsibility caring for their younger siblings, and that would already be a problem on its own. No child should have to spend their childhood being an adult. The more kids you pile into your home, the greater the certainty that at least some of them will never really have a childhood at all.

Not only should the State not let you adopt any more children... they should take a good, hard look at how you're raising the ones you've already got.

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So it doesn't feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot, does it?

Once again ADF shows that their beliefs and those they support are based on bigotry. Would you place a black child with a White Supremacist? Or a Jewish child?

I grew up in IFB family. I wasn't able to accept myself until I was 28. I regret about 14 years wasted in denial.

My only concern is that the courts (especially our thrice-damned SCOTUS) might buy this religious freedom bullshit.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

IANAL but this seems pretty cut and dried as a legal case. If the Oregon DHS policy is legal, then they are legally allowed to reject applicants who won't follow it. The suit would have to attack the policy itself to have any good chance of success.

"Even if a child wasn’t old enough to understand their orientation or identity..."

This is something of a non-issue, IMO. A kid can easily understand it in kid terms. I had to cover this topic with my six-year-old due to some questions he had. It was easy. Similarly to how he 'like-liked' a girl in his class, a gay kid is a boy who like-likes boys or a girl who like-likes girls. He thought that was weird, but he easily understood it, and he didn't think it was bad, just different. Because I didn't present it as bad, just as a fact.

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OT: Turns out Harlan Crow, the guy who funded Clarence Thomas' hyper-luxurious vacations, also gave money to Sinema and Manchin. Anyone who's not surprised, speak up now. Anyone who doesn't think the US government is corrupt down to its bones, give a cheer! Anyone? Anyone at all? <crickets>


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The judge in this case, Adrienne Nelson, is brilliant (Phi Beta Kappa - graduated college suma cum laude). Moreover, she is a federal judge at the urging of Ron Wyden who was the first U.S. senator to support marriage equality. Nelson was on the Oregon Supreme Court and has a significant judicial CV.

Bates wants to adopt a related pair of children under the age of 10. What would this imbecile do if one or both turned out to be gay? What would she do in the event of gender dysphoria? Conversion "therapy?"

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I just don't understand why people are so afraid of other people just for their being different. They're not hurting anyone. You can't teach a child their sexual identity, they're born with it just as cisgender people are. Live and let live. And "God" has no gender.

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What a nasty horrible bigot. I think it was Pastor Rick Warren's wife, Kay who went to Africa in the early 2000s and was horrified by how many orphans there were, thousands from the HIV-AIDS epidemic. She campaigned for every church to have an 'adoption policy' and USians and other westerners rushed abroad in droves to adopt these little heathens. I know many were well-intentioned but some, whose blogs I read regularly back then, admitted they wanted to raise as many x-tian warriors as possible to fight in the battle with evil islam that was coming soon. It's tragic how many of these adoptions broke down cos the few weeks of prayer the adopters put in, didn't miraculously heal the immense physical and psychological traumas their adoptees had experienced. I shudder to think how this apology for a mother would treat any adoptee.....and the horrific trauma they'd go through when they realised they were LGBTQTIA+ in her home. Some of my family go to a church which has a homophobic pastor - and 3 small sons. I go sometimes and they sit in front of me with 2 little boy buddies the same age.....and I will for at least one to be gay.....and hope they will survive the parental onslaughts this will probably heap upon them.

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