Far more horrors have been perpetrated in the name of religion, than homosexuality. In fact, I don't know of any war ever fought over gayness.

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I can think of at least one war that was 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥 by the gays, though!


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Depends on if you consider attempted genocide war.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

The war of Jenkins' gay ear?

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The math errors make the entire table highly dubious. A real scientist would have just splatted the data into Excel or a similar program and let it figure out all the percentages. Then copy and paste the result into Word or whatever. Nobody hand-jams a table any more (nor in 2001), unless for some publication reason they have to.

It's enough to make me want to ask the alma mater (the "California School of Professional Psychology, Fresno, California") if they even had a Marie Tomeo being a PhD. student there in the late '90s.

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I was wondering the same thing. What indications (if any) are there that this woman ever existed? Then again, if anyone raises that question, the rightwingers will just bleat that she was "disappeared" by that scary old gay mafia.

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The gay mafia: Don't fuck with us we'll redecorate your house and update your wardrobe. Just try us.

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Can I schedule an appointment?

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Like Fredo Corleone‽‽‽

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Fredo? He was the hero in The Lerd ef the Rings, right?

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

"Like Fredo Corleone???"

He broke my heart.

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Looking back I can see signs of my sexuality from my early teenage years. I didn't admit the truth to myself until I was 28. I was not molested. I suspect a biased sample, especially from "researchers" who can't be bothered to check and recheck basic math. That doesn't even enter into concluding causation when, even if the data is accurate, they've only proved correlation.

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Even if they did conclusively prove a correlation, the obvious takeaway is not "abuse makes people LGBTQ" but rather "being a member of a marginalized demographic makes one more vulnerable to abuse."

There are also huge differences in how different communities react when abuse is reported- queer communities tend to be more accepting and supportive when a member reports a past trauma, whereas any revelation of personal vulnerability is still taboo in mainstream cis/het spaces. So... it may be that the only conclusion the data ever supported was "straight people are less likely to report being abused."

Anyway, the point is that even if their numbers weren't complete bullshit, there are plenty of other far more plausible explanations than the one they came up with (which was a conclusion that they quite obviously arrived at 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 they began conducting their "research").

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Gee, I wonder if they've ever looked into tabulating just how many altar boys were sexually abused by Catholic priests.

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As with the Meese Report.


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Ah, that bastard...er, bastion of morality Edwin Meese. He of the Bechtel/Iran-Contra/Wedtech scandals.

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Not really OT:

Lapeer County Prosecutor John Miller says he may file criminal charges against employees or officials of the Lapeer District Library if an LGBTQ-themed graphic novel isn’t removed from the shelves.

Librarian Churchill countered that Miller and other conservatives in the community are only objecting to an LGBTQ book with illustrations of sex acts, but not to books like “The Joy of Sex,” which depict sex acts by heterosexual couples, which is also housed at the library.


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I'd like to know what law he thinks he can charge them with violating.

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Miller cited the specific criminal code — 750.145a — he believed the book’s presence in a public library could violate.

The law is often associated with police sting operations of adults who prey on minors, barring enticing anyone under 16 "to commit an immoral act, to submit to an act of sexual intercourse or an act of gross indecency or to any other act of depravity or delinquency.”

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Unless it's in the kids section or allowed to be checked out by children, that's bullshit.

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The librarian said it's in the adult section. The fact that he doesn't mention the Joy of Sex, which the library also has in the adult section tells you it's just anti-gay bigotry.

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That's a given. Right now they're only trying to ban LGBT positive books from libraries. Once they paved the way through the courts with those, they'll go after the books that spread dangerous ideas like individuality, questioning authority, anything that could be construed as critical of the US, etc.

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Books about political science and history, of course, unless they're written by evangelical Christians. Science books, especially those that cover topics such as evolution. Books by feminists. Books about the history of unionization and labor law. Fascists go after the libraries, then the newspapers and TV, and educational institutions. Finally, they go after people.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

There's a book in the library that's a far greater menace to children and contains content that's completely inappropriate for them.

It's called the bible.

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The Joy of Sects?

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Since when that stop them ?

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Millions say they support gay rights when asked in a poll. But somehow they're never there when there is actually work to be done.

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That's because in almost every organisation/situation the heavy lifting is done by a few people, and everyone else's just carried along for the ride. But progress is being made all over the world – it's just uneven. Call me an optimist, but I think the arc of history is on the side of human rights.

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I consider it a probability that one day human rights will be universal, but I think there's going to be a lot of steps back before we reach that point. I think the U.S. at least is running backwards right now.

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They won't go vote over gay rights, they certainly aren't going to go to war and that all depends on whether the courts back the fascists or the Constitution.

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There is a scene in an episode of the TV show "The Magicians" where a couple are in the girls bedroom. He points out she has "The Joy of Sex" on her bookshelf. She says her mom gave it to her and made sure to give her the 70's version so she could see what pubic hair looked like.

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The damage this “study” has caused will barely be changed by this milquetoast correction. For example, my mother, despite any correction or calls for empathy from me, believes all LGBT people have been molested and she has worked closely with lots of them including a transgender woman. She even wondered who molested good friend who took me to prom when he came out. Most recently my daughter informed my mom of her bisexuality, and my mother’s response was to to say “I’m sorry.” As though she knows daughter was molested, when she has not.

The point is, my mother does not read studies, or Fake Concern For Family Disguising White Supremacy organization propaganda. And yet she’s convinced that no one was ever just gay, they all had to be victims of molestation. This is something that persists because of ignorance that becomes willful after a while.

The study doesn’t seem to account for the fact that LGBT folks are targets for molestation. Oftentimes disguised as corrective therapy. Or just because LGBT people are different and therefore have a target on them for it.

So what this and the other studies (whether the conclusions are correct or not, and they’re not) tell me is that we need to address molestation, rape, and sexual assault with real and effective solutions rather than further victimize people who have survived assaults. Vilify the Andrew Tates of the world rather than march for their freedom when they’re caught committing crimes.

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Back when I came out to my parents in the early 80s, my mother, after hearing me say I was gay, said very matter of factly: "We'll get you help." Help in her mind meant how ("disordered") gay people had been traditionally treated: shock therapy or a lobotomy. My mother BTW went to college to be a social worker.

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My sister worked as a social worker for years; her husband is a professor of psychology. Yet both firmly believe that all homosexual men are child molesters because that is what they were taught when they were young.

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When my nephew came out to his mother, all she said was "I know." I think she'd known for quite some time. 🙂

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Our mothers are probably from the same generation and their experiences are vastly different. DM doesn't read anything about homosexuality neither and she doesn't tie it with molestation but she told me some months ago her grandmother worked in a gay bar in the 30's or the 40's (it was after my grandmother birth in 1928) she was clueless at first and didn't care when she understood.

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Meanwhile an epidemic of pastors, bishops, and other clergymen getting busted, convicted, and imprisoned for child abuse, porn, sodomy, and molestation continues..

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And not a drag queen in sight.


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What crime would they commit if they didn't have their god to show them how to be an upstanding citizen ?

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Some of them like to claim that their belief in a god is the only thing keeping them from running around raping and killing everyone in sight. So I guess we should be happy they believe in a god...

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𝐼𝑓 𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑎 𝑐𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠.

-- Leo Wolf

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"If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit, and I’d like to get as many of them out in the open as possible. " - Cohle, True Detective

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

Sovereign citizen is dead. NOT a Florida man. https://www.yahoo.com/autos/sovereign-citizen-driver-killed-during-173000290.html

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FAFO. The hard way.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

Surprised this wasn't all over the news. A *white* guy gets killed by the cops at a traffic stop , see that's important. Oh, five black men were killed by cops in traffic stops this week, meh. (I hope that's an exaggeration.)

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Well, if this registered repuklican didn't have children, he is going to receive a Darwin Award.

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If he insists on SovCit status, then him registering as a Republican and voting means he's a foreign entity interfering in the elections.

In other words, he's the election fraud.

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Wasn't Mary molested by a heterosexual deity disguised as a bird?

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Actually, the short version goes like this:

Zeus morphed himself into a male swan, flew down from Olympus to the nearest town, confronted a local citizen and said, boldly:


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OT - The spoiled-brat / sore-loser wing of the Republican party is taking some pretty thick liberties in Red states these days:


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Unfortunately we've lost the courts, so there's nothing to stop them.

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Fascists gonna fascist.

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OT - More proof consewertives refuse to think

𝐑𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬’ '𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫' 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 $𝟐𝟗 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬


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The destruction of higher education is a feature, not a bug. He'll be just as happy if the institution shuts down as he would be if it turned into a MAGAt indoctrination camp.

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He's got to be somewhat careful, if he shuts down too many of the institutions, he'll lose the kids to other states. If they can't find the properly trained staff to work their offices, the businesses will leave.

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True... but none of that will be his problem, if his national ambitions bear fruit.

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Can the American electorate really be that stupid twice in less than a decade? (I know, no one ever went broke overestimating the stupidity of the public)

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If the Republican base was dumb enough to give us Chump, they're dumb enough to give us Deathsentence. Thanks to the Electoral College and a healthy dose of gerrymandering, they don't even need a majority vote to do it.

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The American electorate reelected Nixon in '72 even though most (not all) of the facts about Watergate were known well before election day. The old saying about people getting the government they deserve goes for them getting the constitutional crises they deserve, too.

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Not to make you feel old or anything, but I was about 6 months old at the time.

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Rethuglikkkans will pull the very voter fraud they falsely accused Democrats of.

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You ask this of the Republicans who voted for Trump's second term??

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Well this is the same man who defames millions of people and then wants to make it easier to file defamation lawsuits.

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Charming. Apparently, to butcher an old Barry Goldwater quote: Dishonesty in the pursuit of castigating the LGBTQ+ community is no vice. At least it isn't in the eyes of Ms. Tomeo or those who promoted her badly-conceived piece. Yet over 20 years later, people are still hanging their hat on this bit of so-called "research" as a reason to justify their bigotry. Once again, the whiff of desperation on the part of those right-wing reactionaries who would have us discount but dismiss our community is strong enough that one could be tempted to resort to nose plugs. Dr. Throckmorton clearly understood this in his response, but I can't help but notice that no one, certainly none on Ms. Tomeo's side of the argument, has either noticed or expressed concern.

Thankfully, at least Hemant has called bullshit here and rightly so. What we need now are a LOT more people like him, doing the same thing.

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People still hang their hat on the fake study by Andrew Wakefield to justify their anti-vax stand as well. I know people who only believe the first thing they hear and block out everything else are not exclusively Christian but their religion seems to promote this kind of thinking.

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Classic conspiratorial thinking- even a single piece of evidence, however flimsy, is absolute proof, but any amount of contrary evidence, no matter how solid, is dismissed as part of the cover-up. Throw in the support of their religious leaders and a nice big dose of good 'ol bigotry, and it's no wonder that you just can't get through to some people.

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Their religion EXPLICITLY relies on that kind of thinking. It is crucial for the bank accounts.

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OT: Happy π day!

(My computer reminded me.)

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Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023


By the way, it's already the 15th here 😁

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Happy π+1 day! : )

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Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023

Only in America, where you write the days and the months the wrong way round.😁

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O/T: Hillsong accused of spending that ‘would embarrass a Kardashian’


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𝘐𝘧 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 they had some sort of holy figure in their religion who condemned priestly-types who abused their stations for personal gain!

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That's an impressive feat, considering I'm not aware that a Kardashian was capable of showing shame or embarrassment.

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That would take a certain level of self awareness

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"This is a paper that failed a basic division test, yet it was lauded by conservatives..."

Arithmetic is just somebody's opinion, isn't it?

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Opinions are just as good as facts, right? Right?

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Well, MY opinion is. I can't say the same about anyone else's.

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(sorry. had to) :)

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It's just your opinion that it's just my opinion. So there.

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2+2 = 5 because Jesus said so. No need to question the logic. QED.

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Barbie: Math is <whine>hard</whine>!

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The party of personal liberty and freedom seems to have alot of problems with other people's exercise of their personal liberty and freedom. Of course, it all stems from their Jesus (/Allah/Yahweh) Delusion. Religion is what ensures non-acceptance of reality. Thanks, Paul--you done good.

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The man who landed on his noggin so hard that he gave the 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 of the world a two thousand year headache.

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The hallucination-riddled schizophrenic paul. Such a paragon of kkkristerism

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

Luckily, Saul/Paul of Tarsus is as imaginary as Jeebus.

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Yet it never stops (or even slows down) the superstition bunch.

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Anyone who believes anything Joe Rogan says is a complete idiot. If he said the sky was blue, I would go outside to check.

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Joe Rogan – self-confessed "moron". About the only thing I agree with him on.

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