Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

I am sorry but saying "scientific progress" on one hand and later being against mandatory masks* and vaccines* when we are still in a pandemic don't go together, it's irresponsible at best, at worst try to guess.

* Go with his anti trans position too.

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Pot and the economy, personal freedom to boot. Yup, he’s a libertarian. Especially with the anti trans rhetoric. Libertarians nowadays are really the same as Republicans but with weed. Sure he isn’t pushing the extreme position on the culture wars, but he has taken a side in them. And I’m almost certain his legalize cannabis stance does not include free the current prisoners from the drug war.

If he was truly interested in fiscal responsibility within the government he would not even be flirting with the GOP or even libertarianism. Republicans have torn up the economy for generations and PRed the heck out of it to blame the Dems for it. Reality doesn’t seem to be his strong suit, even keeping his atheism in mind.

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I would much rather have a Progressive Christian over a Libertarian atheist any day.

The economic support he speaks of is far more pro-corporatist than it is meant to help the Everyman. Especially when he gets in bed with the GOP.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

On Nov. 16, 2022, he posted:

". . . bizarre gender ideology, cultist attachment to authority, dehumanization of political opponents, . . ."

That describes the G卐P, not the democratic party.

". . . is trying to convince you they aren't the Fascists."

Someone needs to remind him which party Ron DeNazi and Greg Abbott belong to.

On Jan. 31, 2023, he posted:

"I wanted to make this clear early in the Presidential cycle because I am tired of political factionalism, hyper-tribalism, extreme partisanship in every way."

What the Fuck‽‽‽ Did he forget what he posted two and a half months ago?

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Yeah, I'm awarding zero brownie points just for not having an imaginary friend- not when the rest of the package is just as foul as the rest of the GQP. Newsworthy, sure, and thanks for reporting on it, but even if he's a tad bit more reserved than some of his colleagues, well... if it 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘬𝘴 like a goose and 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘱𝘴 like a goose...

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

Have to ask: WTF was that anti-mask/vaccine mandates/anti-trans/anti-woke tweet about? He didn't do himself any favors with it.

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"He actually won by 16 on election night; a recount added only one vote to his opponent’s tally."

See? FRAUD!!!!!!!

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

O/T: From the Daily Kos - Christian K-8 school forced to close after publicly acknowledging ‘inclusive [LGBTQ] theology’


I'm sorry, but what were you saying about "Christian Love?"

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I am sure this comment by Candace Owens is also not hatred toward the trans community according to Thomas Boswell.

CANDACE OWENS (HOST): Speaking of the trans agenda, January sixth has happened again, except nobody cares because it's trans individuals that are doing it. The Trans Lives Matter protesters decided to occupy the Oklahoma capitol building to fight GOP bills that ban gender conforming surgery for people that are under the age of 21. So that -- of course, that should be banned. If you are the age 21, you should not be -- honestly, you should never be allowed. I would go a little further. Oklahoma, if you really want to do something, just ban it altogether. But trans people were very upset and they decided to storm the Capitol building.


OWENS: So, I'm just going to come right out and say this because it needs to be said. I have such great contempt for trans individuals and everything that they are doing right now in our society. To me, I've yet to meet a trans person that I thought was a good individual. Go ahead, you can use that clip verbatim. Circulate it, George Soros and your goons because somebody needs to say it. This has gone on far enough, right? They are hateful, narcissistic human beings. It's very obviously -- it's very obvious that they hate women, that they are misogynist at their core. I'm talking about men that put on lipstick and say -- not only that they're women, mocking us to our faces, saying I'm a woman, I'm just like you, I can do whatever you want.

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Phinney is an odd duck, for sure. His position on the necessary actions taken to quash COVID-19 are at best reactionary, never mind his attitude toward trans people. Just goes to show you that someone can be an atheist and understand that position and still be an utter idiot on other issues.

Sorry [not sorry], Brandon, but I ain't havin' any.

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Has he read the NH Republican Party Platform?


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I’m likely one of very few commenters here who is a registered Republican. KEEP READING.

I’ve voted for very few Republicans over the last 20 years. I used to say that I am the sort of Republican that lots of other Republicans would be if they only believed what they say. Unfortunately, over the last decade or so (circa rise of the “tea party” in ‘12) it has become sadly obvious that way too many Republicans actually do believe what they say*. They say batshit crazy stuff and give every indication of sincerity.

At this point I’m a Republican so I can vote against the worst of the scoundrels in the primary.

That being said, I think it is good for the Republican Party, good for the skeptical/atheist community, and good for the country to elect more Republican atheists even if one doesn’t like some of their views. We need to be normalized. I don’t know bubkis about the Dem this guy beat by 15 votes but I likely would have voted for him just because I think serves atheists in the war, if not the battle.

*For example, l generally support smaller government because I think people have a better idea of their situation than does government. That’s why I’m pro-choice. I want government to stay out of religion and religion out of government. That’s why I oppose religion in public schools and support church-state separation just like the Founders. I want tax rates to be relatively low because I want people to be in charge of their own economic choices. That’s why I oppose tax exemptions for churches and other non-profits. Broaden the tax base and lower the tax rates. I want govt to provide economic assistance to poorer people because we are a civilized society and leaving welfare to the private sector invites coercion of various sorts. Also, the government is more efficient at raising and distributing welfare. (By the same token, I’d love to get rid of so many middle-class welfare programs. Perhaps the only thing Trump did — and he doesn’t actually get credit — that I approved of was getting rid of the mortgage interest deduction. It cost me money; it is good public policy.)

All these reasons and more are why I’m a conservative. I wish more Republicans were as conservative as me.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

these sick fuckers deserve to be in prison until they die. I hope they have a long life as well.


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Just tried to log in at OS. First I was told to log in. Then it said I was logged in. Then it told me I needed to log in.

And they wonder why people aren't contributing and opting to bail.

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