They have their Great Commission and anyone who stands in their way is an agent of evil. It's a perfect license to disregard anyone who tells them they're being obnoxious and an excuse to be as coercive as they desire. The fact you've heard it all a million times before is irrelevant to them, you haven't heard them tell you and they have the perfect argument to convince you when they tell you the next time.

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Under the U.S. Constitution, rights are not matters of majority rule. Rights exist to protect the individual from the tyranny of the majority. The folks in Alabama pushing religion at a public university do not seem to grasp that essential fact.

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Why does the FFRF’s base location have anything to do with whether their letter is accurate? Someone in the state complained and the expert organization just happens to be based in Wisconsin. Its location does not keep it from being well versed in the laws of the country and in each state, or even the culture of the places they address.

Ivey is way off base. And these things are never about the coaches’ personal religious beliefs. It’s always about how they overstep their place to push their religion on others under their power. But she knows, and everyone who insists on doing or defending this know they won’t win if they are honest about their intentions or the situation. Just like the pro-life folks manipulate the narrative, the illegal proselytizers can’t get the sympathy unless they lie.

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I remember Ivey saying she BELIEVED the allegations against Moore and was still going to vote for him. What a good Christian!

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"...we will not be intimidated by out-of-state interest groups..."

Someone reminded me, where is Jesus from*?


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So, just to be clear, in the minds of evangelicals, atheist college professors are an active threat to the faith of the students, SJW college professors are dangerous crusaders of the woke ideology, but openly practicing evangelicals holding huge events are in no way coercive at all.

Thinking is not the strong suit here, is it?

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Ivey misunderstands nothing. She knows perfectly well the basic concepts our country is meant to follow. She doesn’t care and doesn’t agree with them. She believes it’s fine and good for her and those like her to break those fundamental boundaries in order to gain and cement power. It’s not about faith. It’s about power. Religion is just the window dressing. They believe in might equals right.

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Alabama. Tied with Mississippi as most religious state in the country. Alabama is also the most conservative state in the country. I'd be shocked if this HADN'T happened.

This is why we keep religion and state separated. The (mostly) Deist founders knew what Christians liked to get up to.

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"society would be worse off were we to purge religion from our public institutions"

Purging *religion* entirely would indeed harm Jewish students, Muslim students, Buddhist students ect.

Purging *Christianity* would be an upgrade for literally everyone.

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Being a member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, I was aware of the interplay between Kay Ivey and the FFRF from their newsletters. To put it simply, I'm pleased with the gang from Madison, Wisconsin and PISSED at Ivey and her clueless attitude. Once again, you have someone who, even in a governmental position, treats her state like a bubble with nothing but Christians in it, when I seriously suspect there are not just minority beliefs extant but those with NO belief. Ivey does a blatant and serious disservice to those in the Cotton State who are NOT of her belief system. I have little doubt but that she thinks little to nothing of the potential tyranny of the majority being exercised with those Christian activities, being carried out under public auspices and approval, never mind the potential for peer pressure among students and adults alike.

Ivey needs to wake up and smell the coffee ... and also the potential for future legal issues, caused by her insensitivity

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To Christian Nationalists like Ivey, being "more welcoming...to expressions of faith" only means pushing Jesus. She decries the separation of church and state as not being a thing. She probably believes that the Establishment Clause only prohibits Congress from declaring one denomination to be the official Church of the United States.

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To Kay Ivey: Bless your heart.

(think she'd know what i was getting at if she'd read my comment?)

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Allow me a moment to point out here that Gov. Ivey and others like her in Alabama are heavily incentivized to not see anything that might damage the fragile Jesus-bubble they live in. The truth is that Ivey's future ability to get public support may well depend on her ability to be insanely religious; to some degree she's looking out for her own future. This sort of religious grandstanding is expected, and when people don't see it, they start questioning why that 'Satan-worshiper' is allowed to be in charge. This is little more than religion as performance art, and not very good performance art at that, but it's precisely the sort of thing that has become the cultural norm in the area.

The real reason they're going after college kids is that they've run out of other people to convert, I suspect. The only other real option is probably the military. They need new people to convert to 'prove' how Jesus-y they are, and they've run out of other options because the whole state's pretty much Christian or silent on the issue. Auburn's probably hoping the worst of this blows over and they can pretend it never happened; though I personally would guess that won't happen.

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Alabama. Or as I call it "Good Ol' Number 44."

44th as Best State to Live In. 44th in Education. 44th in Health Care. I'm seeing a pattern.

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I gotta say Hemant, I’m a little disappointed in you. You had the perfect opportunity to make a dig at Liberty University (where Hugh Freeze used to coach) yet you didn’t even mention that!

Freeze is such a dirtbag that this is hardly noteworthy for Auburn, honestly. The laundry list of shitty things Freeze has done is too long to list, but one thing people might not know is his connection to Michael Oher. Since Oher is back in the news, I think it’s worth pointing out that it might not have been just the Tuohys that took advantage of their association with Oher. Freeze coached Oher in high school and conveniently was offered his first college coaching gig at Ole Miss where Oher attended college. Maybe not noteworthy then, but now it looks mighty suspicious.

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See, 𝘤𝘰𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘯 would be if someone were trying to convert good Christian white people to one of those 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘳 religions. Y'know. The ones run by darkies who don't speak '𝘔𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 like baby Jesus intended! If it's people being converted to Christianity, they're being 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘥.

See? Totally different!


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