“We are a religious state and we are going to fight it to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma because we are a Christian state—we are a moral state,”

Once again, without intending to, Woods demonstrates the disconnect between religion and morality. While the two things are not mutually exclusive, they are very far from the same thing. He evidently conflates his particular brand of Christianity with morality. However, the history of what Christians acting in the name of Christianity have done to their fellow humans doesn't exactly support his claim. Given a free hand, they would create a world where everyone needed permission from the clergy for just about everything.

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There ain't no love like Christian hate.

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There is no horror that cannot be, and has not been, justified in the name of religion.

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… or is that „there ain’t no hate like Christian Love“?

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Just grabbed a screenshot for possible future use.

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… or just right-click Save?

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It’s too bad that the teen’s parents didn’t show up right after he called their child “filth” and lambasted him for his lack of Jesus’s values. Quoting a few of the “love thy neighbour” scriptures Christ said.

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It’s very hard as a parent to fight back against these hateful forces, especially when you are afraid or in grief for your child. It’s good PFLAG has a legal division. People who are outraged could help, or go themselves, when the parent is unable to stay resilient and strong enough to fight back.

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What we can all be doing to support everyone in this community opposed to this kind of language and all the political policies and rhetoric that led to this child’s death is to talk about their greatest power to change it other than speaking up and out against these bullies is to VOTE. The Republican Party is on a mission to make being gay unacceptable and they are absolutely OK with violence and they wear AR 15’s on their lapels. Talk to people about the power of their VOTE


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Agreed. We all need to vote to STOP the trend toward christofascist authoritarianism that has infested the GOP.

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Yeah, I know but it still would have been satisfying to see the bigot sputtering being caught red-handed so to speak while attempting to disembarrass himself.

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Love PFLAG and the valuable work its chapters do for people. Apparently Nex’s parents were still trying to understand what They had told them as is so often the case. After all, our LGTBQ+ children know they are somehow different from what society expects and these parents, in their grief and confusion, used the wrong pronoun to refer to Nex. A community that should know better took them to task over it. Has the atmosphere gotten so poisonous that even they felt free to belittle grieving parents after the death of their beautiful child? How very sad.

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I am glad that I was off media and missed the belittling of Nex’s parents. Trans activists deal with a lot and do not always extend grace when it might be the most loving and productive response.

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I'd rather see them curb stomp that fithy savage.

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Listen to the full audio. You’re lying about what he said. But I think you know that.

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He deserved a Second Amendment solution for that imho. If I were that parent nothing could keep me from him

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He didn’t call anyone’s child “filth.” Listen to the audio (I am sure you will still lie about after you listen to it.) He was clearly referring to the gay activists’ indoctrination of children in the schools. That’s the filth. You, too, for such a dishonest comment.

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Not acting like christ does not make someone a christian..

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It seems as if Woods is still in Oklahoma, so the filth is not yet out of state.

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So it's an identity not an action...?

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And apparently he takes "religious" to be synonymous with "Christian".

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I wonder how Sen. Woods would've reacted if he saw one of my fellow pagans stand up and remind him that "freedom of religion" extends far beyond "being any denomination of Christian you want".

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And “Christian”synonymous with “hate”. He really needs to read that Bible he’s using as a weapon.

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You grabbed a quote that is out of context. I think you know that, but your lack of integrity is now on full display. He was talking about the indoctrination of young children in the classroom. You’re a liar.

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Hey Woods! A 𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙙 died. And because they didn't fit into the narrow little boxes your bigoted religious beliefs demand, you call them filth that you want to keep out of Oklahoma. You disgust me.

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This is what floors me. You're dealing with a KID, someone barely into their teens, trying to find out who they are and attempt to own themselves and this jackass Woods can't find so much as a scintilla of empathy for this young being. I genuinely shake my head at this and wonder at how cold-hearted someone must be to have that kind of attitude.

It does truly boggle the mind.

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The lizard people are real!

Seriously, I knew from growing up gay in the 80s in Oklahoma, that things were bad and really thought they couldn't surprise me with their hatred, but this unclefucker managed it.

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It's what comes of living in a bubble, too, of being so isolated from other cultures and ways of thought that, no doubt, Woods thinks that his is the only valid way to go. I have to wonder if he's ever been much outside of the Sooner State at all, considering that asinine diatribe he spouted.

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Oklahoma isn't quite as monolithic as that. I do wonder if the LGBTQI2AA group is still active at OU and whether PFLAG Norman has continued.

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𝑆𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙, 𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 / 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡.

-- Paul Simon, "The Boxer"

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The motherfucker wants to make Oklahoma that monolithic.

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And very likely he's scared out of his mind that the perhaps sometime monolithic state he once knew is getting away from him.

I'd be willing to bet that Woods is scared shitless.

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It comes from being so shamed for your own beautiful but complex humanity in childhood that you become afraid of your own nuanced complexity in adulthood. So afraid that the only way to stay safe in your straitlaced ego jacket is to shun, bully, disparage, and stone those who were free to explore the complex reaches of who they might be. Fear and shame can inform us but are often used by people with power over us to harm us.

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I stopped being boggled when 62,985,106 million voters seated tffg (donald trumpf) in our Oval Office.

And I have alternated between being a fired up activist to resist their bullying power grab and a grieving and heartbroken pro-democracy citizen and grandmother since then.

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It truly boggles my mind, too. Even though I’ve lived with people who feel that way. What they often will say is, “hate the sin, love the sinner.” When Woods says “we don’t want this filth” he isn’t only talking about Nex. He’s talking about everyone who tries to support them, about the educators who did so, and the so-called “woke ideology” that all of US are supposedly infected with, in oppositions to God’s divine plan.

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I’ll take WOKE over being ignorant any day. Fight the darkness! Stay awake and remain woke.

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“… how cold-hearted someone must be to have that kind of attitude.“

I’m afraid that’s called Christianity. So very different from what Christ actually (was supposed to have) taught. Or even what any normally functioning person would say.

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One more exhibit on why the FBI needs to take over the investigation of Nex Benedict’s murder. It’s a HATE CRIME with perpetrators in high office.

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The community needs to demand the termination of the Superintendent’s contract! asap! Before anyone else gets hurt. Teens have been known for copycat crap.

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But the whole community is complicit? This is why the FBI needs to investigate this as a hate crime initiated at the community level . . . Like sorting through a crowd that removed the sheets from their heads.

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I think our greatest power is in the unity of we the people who want more love and tolerance and kindness in the world. The bullies are powerful because we allies don’t want to draw their ugliness towards us so we stay quiet.

I’m sure there are many more families like Nex’s. Maybe even a quiet majority. We have to stand up and stand together.

Accountability for crimes is absolutely essential. But in a democracy we don’t get that accountability without a long drawn out process and sometimes not at all.

We the community have to put our unwillingness to step into ugly conflict aside to save what is best in all of us. Don’t bully back. Set boundaries when people cross the line and be loud and united and seen. The school board needs to hear from every resident that is angry with what has happened to this young person and demand the Superintendent be fired. He is inciting violence in his own district.

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I used to believe in, “We, the People.” Today, we live among people who don’t recognize that they have a civic duty—they think Rights are entitlements and they don’t do their due diligence to educate themselves before voting.

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Agreed! But those that see it differently can promote what is needed in conversation with others, focusing on common values and what does it take to get there. Don’t engage with the hostile, there are many that are simply uninformed or misinformed that aren’t “in the cult”, just busy working and caring for families.

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... 𝑤𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒—𝑤𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒.

You and those who agree with you are also in a bigoted state (of thought) and apparently are incapable or unwilling to recognize the realities of gender that some people experience. This doesn't even mention your utter lack of empathy or compassion at the death of a child who was in the process of trying to discover who they were.

You, sir, are despicable ... period, end of discussion.

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There's nothing moral about a state that values guns above children.

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Oh, wait, Oklahoma values preborn “children” almost as much as it values guns!

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They don’t value preborn children (not a real thing but it’s their verbiage) they value the power claiming pro-life gives them over half the population. To value them, the pro forced birthers would have to do things and promote policies that protect and improve upon the lives they claim to value. Such as supporting prenatal care, making more available and affordable, nutrition programs for pregnant people, job protections for pregnant people, maternity/paternity leave, and so much more. But they don’t do any of that, in fact, they interfere in the programs that already exist for that and interfere in healthcare across the board especially for pregnant people.

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Hear, Hear.

Though I will point it should be *paid* maternity/paternity leave.

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Quite honestly, any sort of mandated paid leave for employees is so long overdue in the US, it's becoming one of those national jokes. The US is a first world nation, but does not insist on any paid leave being given by employers outside of things like FMLA.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_annual_leave_by_country

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I would just like to add to your list the Congress critters who chose to wear AR-15 pins on their lapels. WTF? As if proud of all the deaths and advocating for even more children to die by the AR-15.

The “pro-life” is a gimmick phrase (or verbiage) used to draw vulnerable people into their cult. They use it so they can feel morally superior to others.

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I would not be so sure, preborn children can't fill the coffers of republicans politicians.

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They don't make demands and they don't vote. They're the perfect constituency for Republicans.

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An investment in their futures, maybe?

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For people who can't project themselves later than the next election cirque ?

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I meant Republicans seeing "preborn" kids as an investment in those Republicans futures.

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"Won't somebody please think of the children!" ends at birth.

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Won't somebody please think of the children is only ever used as an excuse to take rights away from people they don't like.

People who actually think of the children are too busy asking 'What the fuck is wrong with you?'

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Why is it that far too often "Christian" and "moral" are mutually-exclusive conditions?

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When you rely on a non proven subject to tell you right from wrong, the answers has to come from your own imagination and moral. And they have none or it is at least very lacking.

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FILTH ?! FILTH ?! They were an human being who will never have the chance to unfold their wings and fly.

What a great man with greater values such as hitting a woman and belittling people who refuse to conform to his fucked up substandard.

"We want to lower taxes and let people be able to live and work and go to the faith they choose."

Let me guess, as long it's the right flavor of christiansanity.

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Well, nothing else is a real religion, right?

/s if not obvious

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It was obvious.

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Jesus Effing Christ. Tom Woods is an effing asshole.

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Tom Woods slogan: “Jesus loves me but he can’t stand you.”

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That's conservative Christianity in a nutshell...

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Fantastic song by Austin Lounge Lizards. “Jesus Loves Me (But He Can’t Stand You).” .

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Thank you , guys, for sending the laugh!🤣 I needed that . . .

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This shows just how far the NSGOP has moved to the right. Just a few years ago, this sort of call for genocide was limited to the hate preachers of the NIFB. Now it is standard Republican rhetoric. Woods can go fuck himself. With a cactus. Sideways. Sans lubricant.

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After hearing for years, again and again, from every right-wing asshole under the sun, in the most vitriolic rhetoric, that trans people are a danger to the rest of society, that 𝘸𝘦 cannot be allowed to use the bathroom for fear of 𝘶𝘴 hurting 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮, what happens?

𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘴?

A trans kid gets beaten so badly in a fucking bathroom that they fucking died.

Let this child's face be the answer every time some wingnut fuckhead proposes the next bathroom bill- and the one after that, and the one after that.

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No hate quite like Christian love.

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A Christian state, Woodsy? Um, no. You may be tied with Georgia as the 8th most devout state in the country, but the country and your state are secular in accordance with the Constitution/secular law.

More relevant is the fact that your 43rd-ranked Oklahoma is also ranked 48th in Education. One can readily see why, given the attitudes of you and your ilk.

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"In which case their murders are tolerable in the name of Jesus."

Tolerable? Encouraged is more like it.

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What a sorry sorry state of affairs.

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To Woods IS THE FILTH!!!

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I have said many times here that I have been in the gay rights fight for more than fifty years. And this is why. A 16 year old kid was either murdered, or murdered themself after incessant bullying.

It will never surprise me what comes out of the mouth of anti-gay, and now, anti trans chri-stains-- misspelling intentional. There is nothing so horrible that they will not say it, or do it or think it. And the thing is, It sounds an awful lot like hate, and usually is, at the base of it Is what is at the base of all bigotry.


I am better than you, and I will make sure that you know it. I am better than you and not only will I make sure that you know it, I will do so by justifying whatever harm caused to you .

So much of bigotry is the always present, always assumed, and completely unwarranted faith in a holy-wholly-holey imaginary superiority-- as a chri-stain, as a putative moral person, as a self declared chri-stain, as a "hetero sexual", and as an allegedly human being.

A child is dead, and this chri-stain on humanity feels very righteous about it.

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And proud.

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He dies seem to be quite a proud boy.

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Great typo.

Wonder how hard it would be to find a picture of him next to the traitor's flag.

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Hemant writes so well:

What exactly was the “filth” he was so concerned about? He didn’t elaborate. It was clear, however, that he was referring to an openly non-binary teen. For people like him, all lives mater, including the unborn… unless they grow up to be LGBTQ. In which case their murders are tolerable in the name of Jesus.

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As Hemant alluded to, Nex had more value to these malignant narcissists when they were a zygote. But now that they've been born, and did not conform and submit, they no longer qualify as a human being. Nor are they deemed worthy of any rights whatsoever, including the right to life. It's pretty evident to me that Woods is advocating for the murder of every non-cisgender, non-heteronormative person in the state and likely the whole country as well. Though it seems that too many don't take these threats seriously because they don't believe genocide can ever happen in this country. Yet it's already happening and it's only a matter of time before it becomes more overt and systematic in its approach. This is the data on trans people alone. Add on the entire spectrum of LGBTQ+ and it gets even worse:


I've been saying this for years now, that the Christo-fascist rhetoric is only going to get progressively worse, and more normalized, as these people become more emboldened. And the more they're emboldened, the more likely they are to act on these ideas. They've found that they have enough support to get away with it and have littlle to lose and everything to gain by being openly honest about their feelings and goals. This is a build up to state-sanctioned genocide and I'm getting really tired of the people who say that's a paranoid and ridiculous claim. History, psychology, and sociology have told this story before many times over, but too many refuse to listen until it's too late. It's easy to become complacent or fall into denial when one is not the target.

Human Rights Campaign petition:


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Yes. The FBI should be investigating Wood for making terrorist threats against children.

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It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you... and the historical parallels are impossible to ignore without a blindfold, earplugs, and medicinal-grade narcotics, at this point.

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And yet...

even some of the LGBT community calls us alarmists when we mention camps and boxcars.

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Goodness, must've got a hair lodged in my throat!

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Haven't quite caught on to the fact when the boxcars come all that money just becomes more assets for the government to seize.

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I am not going to ask.

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The abomination called a popething said Gays do not deserve rights a couple weeks ago. I hope they find the hate filled thing burned at the stake, just as the kkkatliks did to anyone they did not like.

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