One of the things that keeps churches in business are people who are too stupid to grasp the fact it is never the job of our secular government to backstop their religion. If this pastor is upset, then have them move the nativity to the front lawn of his church. No one is going to complain, and it won't be illegal. Conservative Christians are never happy unless they're being allowed to mark their territory in the public square, owned by everyone.

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“all they're trying to do is kill Christ.”

This is an unusually dark take on Santa but I like it. Baby Jesus should have stayed off Santa’s Naughty List.

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What does the nativity display on the church lawn look like?

Y’all are the ones who celebrate Jesus’ demise, hell, there’s already Easter crap up in some stores. And there’s usually some cross somewhere around the nativity. Don’t be claiming atheists and Satanists want to kill Jesus, your whole religion depends on him being murdered. We just don’t think he is real, or god or whatever.

If you don’t want Santa next to baby Jesus, then don’t put a Santa display up next to your crèche on your property. If you’re gonna demand the government put up a religious display, then expect other religions and interested parties to do the same. The government doesn’t belong to you, or your religion, it belongs to all citizens. And your religion should have even less say in this crap since it doesn’t pay into the coffers of the government, but sure takes plenty out of them. Die mad about it.

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Iowa town does the absolute bare minimum to 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥 to comply with the first amendment. Christian Nationalist pastor gets butthurt that the 55 gallon drum of territorial pissing is down by a pint. Claims persecution. Yeah, that tracks.

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Pastor Adam Todd is himself trying to murder baby Jesus and the religion that believes in this particular fairy tale, though he doesn't know it. By promoting their Christian privilege, people like Todd are turning off millennials to this overbearing religion of hatred and inequality and causing them to walk away from religion altogether.

Our nation is a nation of many religions, not just Christians. To preserve everyone's right to freedom of religion the Government, whether local, state or federal, must maintain the appearance of religious neutrality in order to comply with the Establishment clause of the First Amendment...

"Congress (the government) shall make no laws favoring an establishment of religion..."

Rather than take down the display, they chose to put up a Santa -- But that is actually a pagan symbol of Yule, as the "English" Santa Claus is a representation of Woden (Odin) of the pagan Germanic religions in their Yule celebration. I would suggest they add a Menorah as well honoring the Jewish holiday of Chanukah.

I am sick of Christians pushing their privilege into the public square. As an Iowan, I think I'll go visit this pastor and have a long talk with him about the US and its quest for equality for all. No one is trying to kill their fake Baby Jesus religion. Except maybe themselves.

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Good grief, Agnes! Someone added a Santa to a Christmas display and all of a sudden, poor ol' Todd has to have a hissy-fit and wants to claim that they're trying to murder Jesus! [Come to think of it, isn't what they claim happened in the first place, except that it didn't take?!?]. I wonder if Todd realizes that this brand of melodrama is NOT a good look, for him or anyone else. Yeah, yeah, I know, he's playing to the choir, but they're clearly not the only audience out there.

It'd be nice if Todd could be bothered to grow up and deal with this as an adult, but it's pretty obvious that he hasn't got that in him.

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The good pastor need lessons in civics. His church is not government property and he can put as many displays, offensive or not, as he wants. By the way, Herod was neither a satanist or an atheist, he needs history lessons as well.

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So , an atheist 'forcing' a city to add santa to a display is enough murder jesus, then I must use words of a certain green dude... "Puny God".

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

I bet he's the sort of guy who pitches a shitfit every time someone says "happy holidays!" to him. Or to someone else within earshot in a conversation he wasn't even part of.

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I checked, Solid Rock Bible Church is not in a stripmall. They have a stand alone building with room for several nativity displays. There is even room for Herod.

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"None of these groups are trying to “kill” Christ because none of the groups he mentioned think about Christ that much to begin with" Amen...

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Why does Pastor Todd feel the need to break the ten commandments by having a carved image of religious veneration displayed?

God was pretty clear that it is forbidden to try to capture his glory and person in a manufactured object.

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From a logical standpoint (and I understand using logic with this minister is ironic), why would atheists want to kill Jesus? To me, he’s just another baby conceived out of wedlock. Would it be to prevent Christianity? If not that cult, some other would have formed. Too many people need something to worship the way Linus needs his blanket.

It wasn’t atheists that betrayed him and put him on that cross.

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If Jesus is immortal, then how can he be killed?

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Yep, we sure do have our fair share and more of creepy crazy Christians cackling cacophonic claptrap here in the cornfields.

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Christian hypocrisy is so funny to me. Just like capitalism, Christianity proves it’s inherently unstable. It’s like the foolish man who built his house upon the sand. I was a member of a very conservative church for ten years and always struggled with key issues. This pastor doesn’t want an evil out-of -town man poking his nose in Where it doesn’t belong but these same “Christians” want to tell us who we can marry or what a woman can do with her body or Christian nationalism should infiltrate our government. I could give two fucks about his beliefs but please check your hypocrisy at the door asshole.

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