Polish Catholics are up in arms about the allegations that John Paul II had a taste for underage girls. How dare anyone suggest that our sainted pope was a pedo! He was the only one in the Vatican who wasn't, and don't you forget it, heathen!
Polish Catholics are crazier than other Catholics it seems to me. I don't know if they still got them but they used to be – in the 1980s at least a shit load of Catholic radio stations all pouring out nonsense and anti-Semitism.
They already do... ok, too many possible punchlines, here's a short list of imaginary things they're scared of: satan, their god, different people, their comeuppance, cougars, dancing...
669 is playing with the devil’s doorbell. I’d ride that to Hel.
Folks should stop placating the religious prudes over stupid shit like this. Make them uncomfortable. It’s their problem. I understand that doing so will likely lead them to escalate to get what they want, make them go there. It just proves that they aren’t the goodie goodies they claim to be and we all know they are not. But once they are violent, it’s acceptable to protect the innocent by backing off a little.
I don't know about that last. You end up with Target and the terrorists win. (And of course the media refuses to call them terrorists, even though they fit the description to a t.)
I see what you are saying, but Target has a responsibility to protect its workers. What need to happen is the authorities need to step in and they are not. Target maybe shouldn’t have given in as much, but police and legislative leaders should be doing something about what is happening across the country. They aren’t because about half of them are egging the behaviors on.
Yeah, Target was in a tough place, but I still feel like they caved too easily.
As for the rest, for all the polls saying people support LGBT rights, too few care enough to protect them. And the media and the authorities *are* complicit.
Oh, good grief! "Why so SERIOUS?!?" It goes without saying that this is typical Christian snowflake behavior. Of course, since there are likely enough of them in Poland to cause a ruckus, the bus company caves and flips the last 6 to a 9 to cootchie-coo the poor babies.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar ... and a number is just a number.
There was a time when I was superstitiously afraid of the "number of the beast". Now, I can't help but notice it and go, "That'll upset people", but that's the only power it has over me now.
You'd think so, but then the Tropicana in Vegas has no floor numbered 13. Technically, it's just the number between 12 and 14, but it has power over some people and that causes it to have power over others. That is lamentable, but it is reality.
The same people that grab a pack of gum when the register rings up $6.66 made some phone calls. Christian Fucking Privilege is getting WAY out of control.
I've dealt with that in the past on more than one occasion. Once I was high and tried to explain the mistranslation issue. He was not amused. I was, after he left. Heh.
Decades ago there was a story in Asimov's about Shakespeare coming to America and writing a play while staying with a Native American tribe. Their name for him was Shakes-a-Spear.
There was a US Highway 666 in the Four Corners region (running from Gallup NM to Monticello UT) that was renamed Highway 491 in 2003. Part of this was Christian superstition and part was because the marker signs kept getting stolen. The 666 designation marked it as the sixth spur along the its parent road, U.S. Highway 66
Maybe something's lost in the cultural translation, but here it's famous signs or funny signs that get stolen 666, 69, elm st. I'm curious to see what LA has done to protect Hollywood Blvd signs. Actually, I think the more likely cause is vandalism. You wouldn't believe the number of rural stop signs I've seen riddled with bullet holes or urban ones tagged.
Yeah, we also shoot signs sometimes in rural areas but not nearly as much as some of the pictures I've seen of the US.
I can see Portobello Road – famous street in London for the market, and there's a song (from bed knobs and broomsticks) but it's pretty old and I don't think old people steal them. And as far as Dunedin goes, anything with a Scots name because there are a lot of people with Scots ancestry there. Dick Street is obvious. The rest of them are as much a mystery to me as to you.
The designation "hells gate" is pretty obvious considering that heat, and I don't think anyone's ever complained about it. Perhaps because it's not the actual hell. But then we have fewer Christians than Poland.
I have been an election worker for eighteen years. One of the things we do when a voter signs in is give them a slip of paper with their voter number. When they put their ballot in the tabulating machine, they hand the slip to the machine attendant. When the polls close, the last voter number slip needs to match up with the total number of ballots in the machine and the totals recorded on the tabulator's printout.
On election days with heavy turnout, some person will be voter number 666. I have seen people refuse to take that number. For accounting purposes, we cannot skip a number; usually, someone else in line offers to take it and we let that person skip ahead. Once I even told the refusing voter that she would have to go back to the end of the line and wait to vote. She did that. On a couple of occasions when I was working at the location where I also vote, I offered to be voter 666 to avoid the hassle.
I didn't even look at my ballot number when I voted Saturday. I'm not actually sure they printed the number next to the bar code. I know they spell out your vote next to a barcode, but I didn't notice if the ballot number was printed. I'm pretty sure it's longer than 3 digits though.
The ballot number is not the same as the voter number. The ballot numbers are there so that the tabulating machines can tell if someone is trying to scan the same ballot more than once. Any duplicate ballots are rejected. The voter number is used to make sure that the number of voters and the number of ballots cast at a polling place match up. That is why the voter number is on a separate slip - so that there is no correlation between the voter number and the ballot serial number. That maintains the confidentiality of the ballot. Of course, things may be otherwise in your location. This is how things are done in Milwaukee WI.
On our ballots, the serial number is only in the bar code and is not meant to be read by humans. This is another way to protect voter confidentiality.
Christians are babies. Fear-filled babies.
And where are their efforts on finally ending the molestation of children by the ranks of their clergy? Are they doing anything? Anything at all?
Priorities first, that didn't make the list. That bus name MUST be changed. Kids getting raped can wait their turn.
Polish Catholics are up in arms about the allegations that John Paul II had a taste for underage girls. How dare anyone suggest that our sainted pope was a pedo! He was the only one in the Vatican who wasn't, and don't you forget it, heathen!
Either that or they are furious he deviated from tradition.
"Old enough to bleed, Old enough to breed" - JPII (allegedly) "Chastity, never met her."
Polish Catholics are crazier than other Catholics it seems to me. I don't know if they still got them but they used to be – in the 1980s at least a shit load of Catholic radio stations all pouring out nonsense and anti-Semitism.
Next they'll be running from the boogeyman.
They already do... ok, too many possible punchlines, here's a short list of imaginary things they're scared of: satan, their god, different people, their comeuppance, cougars, dancing...
I saw a bumper sticker today that said, "Faith Over Fear."
Um, excuse me...isn't your faith BASED on fear?????
Being 'god-fearing' is a compliment so... yes. That checks.
Well, I don't want to get his snot on me.
I'd be more worried about what would be coming out of their other ends.
"Next they'll be running from the boogeyman."
"boogeylady" - Kimberly J Brown
They should have changed the route number to 69.
Idk. In my experience 69 leads to heaven, not hel.
I'll follow thee, I'll follow thee, and make a Heaven of Hel.
In my experience no one has fun because there's too much to focus on. :)
Well,, the new number is going to be 669, so very close.
669 is playing with the devil’s doorbell. I’d ride that to Hel.
Folks should stop placating the religious prudes over stupid shit like this. Make them uncomfortable. It’s their problem. I understand that doing so will likely lead them to escalate to get what they want, make them go there. It just proves that they aren’t the goodie goodies they claim to be and we all know they are not. But once they are violent, it’s acceptable to protect the innocent by backing off a little.
I don't know about that last. You end up with Target and the terrorists win. (And of course the media refuses to call them terrorists, even though they fit the description to a t.)
I see what you are saying, but Target has a responsibility to protect its workers. What need to happen is the authorities need to step in and they are not. Target maybe shouldn’t have given in as much, but police and legislative leaders should be doing something about what is happening across the country. They aren’t because about half of them are egging the behaviors on.
Yeah, Target was in a tough place, but I still feel like they caved too easily.
As for the rest, for all the polls saying people support LGBT rights, too few care enough to protect them. And the media and the authorities *are* complicit.
Yeah, the authorities SHOULD step in.
But unfortunately they side with the terrorists nearly all the time.
Oh, good grief! "Why so SERIOUS?!?" It goes without saying that this is typical Christian snowflake behavior. Of course, since there are likely enough of them in Poland to cause a ruckus, the bus company caves and flips the last 6 to a 9 to cootchie-coo the poor babies.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar ... and a number is just a number.
There was a time when I was superstitiously afraid of the "number of the beast". Now, I can't help but notice it and go, "That'll upset people", but that's the only power it has over me now.
These days, it just reminds me of the metal classic by Iron Maiden.
I saw them on this tour. :)
I'm wicked jealous.
It's the number between 665 and 667. That's IT.
You'd think so, but then the Tropicana in Vegas has no floor numbered 13. Technically, it's just the number between 12 and 14, but it has power over some people and that causes it to have power over others. That is lamentable, but it is reality.
Thirteenth floor not being used is a thing. So too with the number 4 in certain cultures.
There was an error in translation, it is supposed to be 6^6^6.
That was the number of the beast in Heinlein's novel 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘕𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵. (6⁶)⁶
You're going to make be break out the calculator? Really?
Suffice it to say it's a REALLY BIG number!
Longer than most bar codes. It didn't fit on the standard size of the windows calc app.
Thank Heinlein.
Mike Lindell is smoking the crack again, that is if he ever stopped in the first place.
He's got this foolproof plan and he's going to hold a big event for it. Seems I've heard this song before.
Crack? Sounds like he's smoking the stuffing in his pillows.
All we have to do to thwart his plan is to not watch.
See? Outsmarted him already.
Of course, that's kind of a low bar. A kumquat has more brains than he does.
you might be right about that. It almost feels like your post should have a do not try this at home warning attached to it.
Christianity is a helluva drug.
If Mike Lindell is getting high by smoking pillow stuffing he should remember this. Never get high on your own supply
I wonder if he truly believes his own bullshit or is simply another performance artist like Alex Jones or Glenn Beck.
If he does, then it's the drugs and religion talking.
One of the other tweets down the thread: https://twitter.com/kenbensinger/status/1669017693679386624
FOX Noise is slow. They had a wannabe dictator in the White House between 2016 and 2020.
From maga lardo?
Hel is not happy with this decision
She was only happy when people were dying.
♫The wheels on the bus go "Hail Satan, Hail Satan, Hail Satan."♫
Would have been better if the bus played "Highway to hell" by AC/DC
Loved Chad Lowe in that movie.
The same people that grab a pack of gum when the register rings up $6.66 made some phone calls. Christian Fucking Privilege is getting WAY out of control.
I've dealt with that in the past on more than one occasion. Once I was high and tried to explain the mistranslation issue. He was not amused. I was, after he left. Heh.
What the Puck.
They have some interesting place names.
If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended, you have but slumbered here, and these visions did appear.
If I go to Puck, does that mean the last 7 years have been a nightmare and the grandma in the pantsuit is President.
Don't shake your spear at me! :)
What foods these morsels be.
Decades ago there was a story in Asimov's about Shakespeare coming to America and writing a play while staying with a Native American tribe. Their name for him was Shakes-a-Spear.
I believe there was a send-up in the Legend of Five Rings (fantasy-Japan-inspired setting) with the family name Furuyari.
Sounds like a great place to set up a bar called "Dante's Place".
There was a US Highway 666 in the Four Corners region (running from Gallup NM to Monticello UT) that was renamed Highway 491 in 2003. Part of this was Christian superstition and part was because the marker signs kept getting stolen. The 666 designation marked it as the sixth spur along the its parent road, U.S. Highway 66
Yeah, but it was haunted by the ghosts of prisoners of a sadistic sheriff who killed them and paved over the bodies.
(I'd like to meet someone who got one of the signs. Though stealing street signs is wrong.)
We obviously have different priorities when it comes to stealing signs. Holden incidentally is GM – as opposed to Ford.
Maybe something's lost in the cultural translation, but here it's famous signs or funny signs that get stolen 666, 69, elm st. I'm curious to see what LA has done to protect Hollywood Blvd signs. Actually, I think the more likely cause is vandalism. You wouldn't believe the number of rural stop signs I've seen riddled with bullet holes or urban ones tagged.
Yeah, we also shoot signs sometimes in rural areas but not nearly as much as some of the pictures I've seen of the US.
I can see Portobello Road – famous street in London for the market, and there's a song (from bed knobs and broomsticks) but it's pretty old and I don't think old people steal them. And as far as Dunedin goes, anything with a Scots name because there are a lot of people with Scots ancestry there. Dick Street is obvious. The rest of them are as much a mystery to me as to you.
"In Dunedin, Dick, Wright, and Every street signs have all gone walkabout . . ."
That's strange, Dunedin is 25 miles north of me, and I have never heard about this.
You must be bloody freezing then – because it's 11 o'clock in the morning and only 7° there still.
I don't know what you're talking about. It is 7 pm and 89° with a "feels like temp" of 99°.
I'd steal that sign!
Why aren't they doing anything to change the name of the town? Regardless of the number, after all, people will still be going to Hel.
666 bus to Gudsbury just doesn't have the same ring to it.
Peer pressure from dead people.
Why? In Norway we have a place named Hell. It is a railway station there with what we in Norwegian call godsekspedisjon. So we have a Gods Expedition in Hell. Yep, USAians love to take pictures of themself under the sign. https://www.google.com/search?q=hell+gods+expedition&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiIyNGCxMP_AhVTPewKHY-nAawQ_AUIBigB&biw=360&bih=667#imgrc=PjPldnKLGNKwHM
There's also a city in Michigan named Hell. Strikes me as redundant, since that pretty much describes the whole state.
It's not all bad, I live there. :)
The designation "hells gate" is pretty obvious considering that heat, and I don't think anyone's ever complained about it. Perhaps because it's not the actual hell. But then we have fewer Christians than Poland.
Oh, good. There's no reason anyone would object to 669. Nope. can't think of any reason at all. Route 6 69 will make everyone happy. :)
I have been an election worker for eighteen years. One of the things we do when a voter signs in is give them a slip of paper with their voter number. When they put their ballot in the tabulating machine, they hand the slip to the machine attendant. When the polls close, the last voter number slip needs to match up with the total number of ballots in the machine and the totals recorded on the tabulator's printout.
On election days with heavy turnout, some person will be voter number 666. I have seen people refuse to take that number. For accounting purposes, we cannot skip a number; usually, someone else in line offers to take it and we let that person skip ahead. Once I even told the refusing voter that she would have to go back to the end of the line and wait to vote. She did that. On a couple of occasions when I was working at the location where I also vote, I offered to be voter 666 to avoid the hassle.
Poor crybaby Christians.
Too bad we don't do that. I would frame mine if I was lucky enough to have it.
I didn't even look at my ballot number when I voted Saturday. I'm not actually sure they printed the number next to the bar code. I know they spell out your vote next to a barcode, but I didn't notice if the ballot number was printed. I'm pretty sure it's longer than 3 digits though.
The ballot number is not the same as the voter number. The ballot numbers are there so that the tabulating machines can tell if someone is trying to scan the same ballot more than once. Any duplicate ballots are rejected. The voter number is used to make sure that the number of voters and the number of ballots cast at a polling place match up. That is why the voter number is on a separate slip - so that there is no correlation between the voter number and the ballot serial number. That maintains the confidentiality of the ballot. Of course, things may be otherwise in your location. This is how things are done in Milwaukee WI.
On our ballots, the serial number is only in the bar code and is not meant to be read by humans. This is another way to protect voter confidentiality.
We sign on a form with a label with our information, if there's a number on that I've never noticed.
Apparently, they want to know *who* voted as well as how many.
All of which speaks directly to the kind of magical thinking it takes to be a Christian, and a Catholic in particular. I'm not wired for it.