How will the district defend itself? Victim blaming. "If they weren't evil Satan worshippers, there wouldn't have been a threat."

That's just as bad as "did you see what she was wearing? She was asking for it."

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It’s not victim blaming because reasons. They need to change their name to make this okay.

/s because this is the argument from a supposed supporter of the clubs yet still defends the terrorists making threats.

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I had been wondering if there even was a threat until this article said someone had been arrested.

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It seems they care about 1st Amendment rights as long as it only applies to Christians and not other religious groups like the Satanists.... sigh.

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I’ve heard more than one Christian say satanists have no rights, since they chose to align themselves with evil and all. Not saying it’s representative of the whole, of course.

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Love to remind them that Satan is THEIR creation and that their god brags about creating evil.

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It really is the content they object to. How dare a school teach factual information.

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Good! Sue them out of their socks. And then sue the socks.

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Socks? I'd be surprised if they even wear shoes.

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You don't need shoes to clean house and lie on your back.


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Am I the only one who read Sauron ?

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𝟏𝟒 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐒𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐀 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐆𝐮𝐲


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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

I heard:

"Sauuuuurooooon d'amour (ra da da da da). Plaaaaay encoooooore..."

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

I thought you had never read Lord of the Rings.

Or do you mean the X-men villain?

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

I noticed that too.

On another article, she claimed not to understand what I was getting at with a LoTR-based Penny Arcade online comic strip. When I tried to tell her that if she's not onto LoTR and gaming she probably wouldn't get, she then claimed her DM had the books, which confused me. Did she not read DMs books?

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Sorry, I read them but I still don't understand the reference and it's not because I lack f sleep (about 3 hours a night since DM went to the hospital.

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Don't recall hearing that your DM went to the hospital. I wish her well.

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Another post Monday very early for me, still Sunday for yu. This time it eas beets or hazelnut oil.

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About TST in New Mexico: Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic. Just made a donation.

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OT: It's about to get Stormy, and has nothing to do with Trump.

"A rare “high risk” Level 5 out of 5 alert has been issued for parts of the Midwest and Mid-South, impacting nearly 3 million people, the National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center said Friday."

I'm slightly north of the level 5 area (still a 4). It's bad enough that they have canceled a watch party at Carver Hawkeye Arena (Iowa City) for tonight's NCAAW's Final Four basketball game. That's a big deal around here.

Everyone stay safe!


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Heading for the root cellar!

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Root cellar? Now they sell small coffins as storm shelters. (I looked at buying a couple of decades ago. It was supposed to hold 5. It was so small, I'm not sure if I could have forced myself to go into an empty one if I could *see* the tornado bearing down on me.

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My root cellar is a fully equipped wood working shop. Not a root in sight.

(Plus the furnace, hot water heater, storage, etc..)

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I hope there is no one named Dorothy there.

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I already live in the Emerald City. It's one of Seattle's nicknames (another is Oz).

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Where is Glinda when we need her?

I wish someone would drop a house on the Wicked (and dumbest) Witch of the East.

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micro pencis ? drumpster ? dumbster 1 & 2 ? Alaska barbie ? majorly traitor grins ? food poisoning woman ? The list is long.

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Alaska barbie has lost the title of dumbest witch of the west. She was out-stupided. That would be impressive if it wasn't so scary.

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I had in mind MTG. (God, I hope she's the dumbest witch in the East. Don't anybody burst my bubble now)

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That would take care of the one from Georgia. What about the one from Colorado?

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

Lauren Bobert aka "food poisoning woman ?"

𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐐𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐡𝐞𝐚: 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬


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Will someone tell me why waitstaff in a restaurant need to be strapped?

I can just imagine if everyone in that place, customers and staff alike, were armed and how they would react to the sound of a car backfiring outside the place. It'd be Armageddon.

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I'm sure there's a friend of Dorothy willing to drop a size 12000 stiletto pump on her head.

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Or maybe a big pink bus full of drag queens.

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Throw water on her.

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Do you really want her to multiple?

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So can you tell me what's over the rainbow ?

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Somewhere. It's a smallish, unincorporated town.

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What color are your horses?

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Imagine the LGBTQIAPK spectrum.

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We just had a bunch of shite blow through the Cedar Rapids area. Stay safe, kids.

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USAF commander pushes proselytizing Easter egg hunt on airmen. MRFF stops him in his bunny tracks.


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You DO NOT MESS with Mikey Weinstein!!!

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For some strange reason the US air force is noted for it. Not sure why should the any more 'Christian' than the rest of the services but it does seem to be.


...from 2014.

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I served in the Air Force during the early 70's. The religion thing never once came up.

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Well obviously, you just missed it. Your atheism made you deaf to facts and reason. For shame.

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I apologize. I was preoccupied with staying alive. ;)

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I loved that song too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNFzfwLM72c

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Every time I hear his voice, I think: "Poor Barry. All three of his brothers are gone."

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Interesting – maybe it's just a new thing – well newish. But there are numerous articles about evangelising by air force officers, and there was something I think in the Atlantic years ago. But not as far back as the 1970s admittedly. 😀

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Even more interesting: I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution twice. Once when I enlisted and again when I got shipped off to Vietnam for a year.

Neither time were the words "So help me God" included. :)

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Rock on, KFB!

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The TL;DR version of all of this seems to be that the Saucon Valley School district is shucking and jiving as hard as they can to find SOME kind of excuse why they should reject the After School Satan club, when (my guess) they know damned well that There Is 𝗡𝗢 𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗗 𝗘𝗫𝗖𝗨𝗦𝗘.

And I hope the ACLU takes the district and its members to the cleaners!

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Well you know the old saying, always judge a book by its cover, never read it but still flip out about the contents. It sounds better in the original ‘Murikin.

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Even if they read it, many of them would still object to its contents. They're proselytizing critical thought after all, and that sounds like that 'critical race theory' that is so awful for children.

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

I caught up with all the posts on yesterday's article about the Yam Yahoo's legal woes. Missed all the fun.

Oh, and just look at who's snarling about Trump being held accountable by The Man. The G O freaking P. What a shock. The same group that shrugged their shoulders over the Treasonous One's incitement of an insurrection over a legal election has their dander up NOW?

Hey, GQP: You can just shut it now. Shut. The Fuck. Up.

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The indictment reportedly details 34 counts. All the commentators seem amazed that it's so many. To which I can only respond, Huh?! Only 34?!

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The NY indictment only involves the payoff to Stormy and its ramifications, unless they are throwing in Mango Madman's threat toward the DA too.

I'm really hoping this is the first domino and we see Georgia take over as soon as NY is finished arraigning him. And then Merrick Garland waiting for him when he walks out of the courthouse in Georgia.

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Trump (Brit slang for fart) has a number of legal woes facing him. Storm is probably going to be the least of his concerns.

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I want to see the floodgates open and drown him.

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Obviously. I would have thought the !!s are a fairly clear indication of snark.

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Sadly, I did not pick up on that. But I am recovering from a tooth extraction this week so my brain isn't firing on all cylinders.

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That's okay, as long as you don't become a christian as a result.

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I didn't say I was brain dead.

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Where is Letitia James in all of this ?

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Her case against Trump is tentavely set to come to a head on October 3rd of this year.

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

So true, considering he is a lifelong criminal. It wouldn't surprise me if he sexually assaulted his nannies.

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From what Stormy said, his winky is the same size it would have been back then.

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Watch as the slithery Saucon school district first ties itself in knots, then gets sued down to their socks.

That almost rhymes...

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We better hope that this case doesn't make it all the way up to CAWCNO (formerly known as SCOTUS), because CAWCNO will use it to advance their Christian nationalist agenda by deciding in favor of the school, thus setting a precedent allowing schools to ban all non-Christian after-school clubs.

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If I were the judge, I think I'd order a reboot. I.e. *every* club reapply using the updated forms and procedures. That gets all the paperwork into compliance and gives the school a chance to treat all clubs equally under law going forward...and if they don't, removes the "improper paperwork" defense.

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That’s very smart. Five bucks says the judge does something stupid.

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sucker bet. I'll keep my money thank you.

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A reason Russia is so ineffective in Ukraine: While they have a lot of reconnaissance satellites, they don't have the right kind or the ground operations for them to be effective. Ukraine can get constantly updated statistics on ground forces daily but Russia can only get clear images every 2 weeks.


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Wasn't Russia army the genius who destroyed all (4G ? 5 G ?) transmission towers and was unable to communicate with their superiors?

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Talk about something coming back to bite you in the ass...

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I hadn't heard that but it wouldn't surprise me.

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It wasn't the beginning of the ear.

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I remember seeing a bit of news a while ago about how Ukrainian military "recruited" anyone (minors included) knowing how to use a drone.

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They are using some amazing drones including ones made from cardboard to drop 'payloads' on enemy lines.

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Damn paywall.

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Here is the DK article I got the link from. I don't have a subscription to PM but it opened right up for me.


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Ah! Thanx.

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Of course TST doesn't believe in the literal existence of Satan. But that “focus on free inquiry and rationalism, the scientific basis for which we know what we know about the world around us.” is every bit as sneaky-poo naughty! Anything that might put even a tiny dent in the tribal superstitions must be stopped at all costs!

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