Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

A man can lose years of his freedom based on lies (which he can never, ever get back), yet his Christian accusers who violated the 9th Commandment and bore false witness against him face absolutely zero consequences for their vile actions.

Tell me again that there's a just, loving god that punishes evil, Christians. I'll laugh in your face...right before I spit in it.

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I can't imagine the abuse he must have faced in jail being labeled a child abuser.

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But like very single christian in the nation they suffer persecution, don't they? Surely that's enough punishment even for rabid fiends like you atheists, no?

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IMO a panic fed by Christian extremism, but given legal credibility by therapists and psychologists promoting recovered memory treatments/syndromes. Without them, this would've gone nowhere. The folks who made money 'recovering' memories of abuse need to go to jail just as much as the Christian accusers.

Glad to see kids and father reunited. You want to see what forgiveness and love actually look like, Evangelicals? That's it. Not accusing people of witchcraft: forgiving your kids for being conned into taking decades of your life away from you.

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Wonder how much $$$$ they'd raise to compensate this innocent convicted by religious fanaticism if the plate were passed, or an extra donation envelope was distributed in the yearly issue, or an online donation site from churches was setup?

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Lives ruined over fairy tale beings.

Next time someone brainlessly utters "But what harm can religious belief do?" tell them "Let me count the ways."

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If you can understand the panic and fear brought on by white Christian nationalism, then you understand why these people stay with the Republican party. They’re one in the same. They invent a problem that doesn’t exist and then blame the other side for it to instill fear in the people. The result is getting them to continue to vote against their own best interests. Vote blue only.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

Well, the GOP has experience.

Ask ole Tail Gunner Joe and the scare he fed that got 'Under God' into the flag pledge because the strutting Ka-ni-ghts of Columbus wanted to PROVE their patriotism.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

US Legal System and US Religion

Both based on "Protect the Status Quo, Regardless!" using the LOUDEST BRAYING MOUTH.

Truth be damned if Rhetorical B/S and Polemical Twaddle is good enough to win.

Reality and facts needn't apply.

That's why To Kill a Mockingbird is in the Fiction section and Twelve Angry Men is merely a play. Oh, and it's why Scopes was convicted and only overturned on a technicality, after judicial review far away from the strutting arses of the actual trial.

(That's not including the fact that the Scopes Trial was just a Publicity Stunt to drum up some business for the Town Fathers, which is damning comment on the Legal System. too.)

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As bad as this situation has been for Mr. Quinney, remember that the Satanic Panic also sidelined other crimes against children for the sake of made-up crimes. Mr. Quinney should never have gone though this by any means, but this is just a facet of the damage the conspiracy theories of the time did.

Also, was anyone surprised by the point that "There’s no plan to punish any of the (still living) Christians whose initial lies led to this entire debacle"? At a bare minimum, these people should be tried for deliberately deceiving the legal justice system, shouldn't they?

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It's a LEGAL system, not a JUSTICE system, which is why I am never surprised by anything it does.

Every exoneration of a 'convicted' person by Innocence Projects means there is at least one murderer still on the streets.

Also, what about the DAs who brought the charges and the judges who presided these kangaroo courts, too? The McMartin trials got so incompetent that a judge aided and abetted the retrieval of bogus testimony from child 'witnesses'.

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It's a fact: Any lawyer will tell you that THE WORST SORT OF EVIDENCE is eyewitness testimony. In this case, it's not even an eyewitness to an event but to "memories" of 𝗦𝗢𝗠𝗘𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗡𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗡𝗘𝗗!!! And as a result, Mr. Quinney lost over two decades of his life to a hallucination.

This doesn't just speak to the delusions of those to testified against Quinney, but to those in the courtroom who actually believed that crap. As regards that, it strikes me that Melvin is do some recompense ... a WHOLE LOT of recompense.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

Not only 'any lawyer' will tell you that but actual trials and experiments tell the same story.

The unsettling fact is this syndrome can just as easily be applied to any number of abuse cases, especially from decades ago. How do you split up that baby?

One small question in follow-up: Just who were the witnesses to the Creation and where did they document what they saw? I'd says that's also applicable up through Genesis.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

Depends on how many people show up for the babeeque. 🤤

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"They're mighty good with mustard." --W.C. Fields, when a reporter asked him how he likes children.

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"How do you split up that baby?"

We'll occasionally order a quarter or half a side of beef. Usually a couple roasts, steaks, some ground, maybe a package of ribs.

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Don't ask me. Ask the babe who wanted her half!

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

"It's a fact: Any lawyer will tell you that THE WORST SORT OF EVIDENCE is eyewitness testimony."

Every creation book I've read claims that only eyewitness testimony is valid only when it's written down. Which is why they claimed that the Bible is the true eyewitness account along with every folkloric myths and legends written about dragons and monsters that have been past down from one person to another through word of mouth and changed over time, which creationists falsely brand as eyewitness accounts of sightings of live non-avian dinosaurs and evidence of Noah's Flood only because they assume that although many parts of the stories seems fanciful and unreal, there is a chance that there is some smidgins of truth found somewhere in those accounts.

Never mind the complete lack of valid evidence that confirm such tales to be true in all areas. Every account creationists parade in their publications as evidence of live dinosaur sightings and the Global flood of Noah is all entirely made up fantasies conjured up to help spread lies about the earth being only 6,000 years old.

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I'm surprised nobody tried to see if he weighed the same as a duck.

I'm also more than a little amazed that he managed to get a conviction vacated in Texas, of all places- that state has been known to throw out appeals which had rock-solid exonerating evidence because of the weirdest and most trivial legal technicalities.

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Since the law refuses to go after Mr. Quinney's still-living accusers, might he able to slap them with civil lawsuits?

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

Sorta makes a mockery of that 'jury of peers', too.

The guilt is so widely spread it will never be resolved and atoned for.

"When all are guilty, none are guilty."

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For those unfortunate people caught up in the Satanic Panic, justice wasn't just blind. It was deaf and mute, as well.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

Sorta reminds me of the newer evidence of the complicity of locals in the Final Solution, especially from testimony and physical (often photographic) evidence backed up by trenches full of bodies.

The documentary "How the Holocaust Began", sponsored by the BBC, is a chilling distillation of the complicity of 'normal' people in the Baltic states, mainly, through personal interview, actual German aerial recon photos showing their own war crimes in progress, and on-the-scene archeological investigation.

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I hope so too.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

Especially since they didn't just ruin HIS life. They also ruined the lives of his kids because they grew up believing the charges against their father.

Maybe they can ALL file lawsuits against these xtian creeps.

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Ah America, the Greatest Country in the World™, where not only is it widely acknowledged that there is no such thing as a witch but also that religious fanatics have the right to burn one if they want to.

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It's not just the US – it spread to NZ.


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This guy served 14 years I think. Never admitted his guilt. Died before he was exonerated. And what pisses me off is that no one has been punished for this.

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OT - Three days in a row!!!

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝟒𝟎-𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭?


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O/T: Look at how this Christian University President have manipulatively placated the students into giving up their plans for protest, look away, and vainly rely on the administrators to solve major issues involving sexual discrimination, harassment, and violence that's is never really solves at all.


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Time for me to go snag a ticket to "Ant-Man: Quantumania" and then jump on a library computer after that.

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Seattle libraries must have a lot of money 🤔

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Or very strong computers.

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They've show movies at the Central Library (not first-run, of course).

At least they did pre-pandemic.

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On a regular basis? Ours occasionally shows some kids movies, or for special events (HP's birthday, May the 4th, etc.). I'm happy that they've just recently decided to get rid of late fees and stopped charging for movies (used to be $2.00).

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Oh yes, you basically just click on the movie and away it goes. They keep sending me emails with new titles. You can get TV series as well. All free so far.


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Ah, we just get them through something called beamafilm from our library system. Mostly lesser-known movies to be honest. But still worth a view or two.

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It has "mixed" reviews doesn't it?

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I never read reviews before I see a movie.

Then afterwards, I wonder: "Did they see the same movie I did?"

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