I suspect the people who see this as a good thing, would be going out of their minds at the mere suggestion a non-Christian organization be allowed to stage such an event. As a Vietnam veteran, I go out of my way to avoid any and all flag-waving situations. Mixing religion and government is the same terrible idea it has always been.

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Some of the people who see this as a good thing would likely view a non-Christian organization as un-American by default. They really need to start getting their history lessons from someone other than David Barton.

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There is no legal definition of a historian which is fortunate for Barton, as he may as well be calling himself an astronaut. There isn't a university in this country, that cared about holding on to its accreditation and reputation, that would hire Barton to teach anything, let alone history.

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Astronaut does have a couple of standard definitions.


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Dara Ó Briain: a dietitian is to a nutritionist as a dentist is to a toothiologist

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I expect the people who see this as a good thing flip out when non-Mormons say Mormons aren't Christian and THIS is a non-christian org running it. ;)

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Thank you for your service, and I'm sorry you probably didn't get the welcome home you deserved.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

When I came home from 'Nam in '72, I wondered if I was going to be spit on.

Didn't happen. Turns out there were no documented occurrences of vets being spit on at the time. The whole thing was a fantasy. There's a book about that fantasy called "The Spitting Image: The Myth, Memory and the Legacy of Vietnam" by a sociologist named Jerry Lembcke in 1998.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

It happened to John Rambo

Quote from First Blood, "I see all the maggots at the airport, protestin' me, spittin', callin' me baby killer and all kinds of vile crap!"

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Yup, I remembered that scene too when I typed my comment. Bet Stallone was working off the same urban legends he'd heard.

It was supposed to be hippies spitting on the returning vets. Needless to say, that was debunked.

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Interesting, I did not know that. I am sure Westborough Baptist was spitting.

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WBC would spit on children playing hopscotch.

Thankfully, over 20 of members of WBC (mostly Phelps family members) have come to their senses and escaped the cult.

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I proudly served. I remember my oath to defend the constitution. I never forswore that oath. This kind of jingoistic faux patriotism and religious right pandering pisses me off.

They excoriate immigrants, forgetting that they are the children of immigrants.

They claim to love religious freedom while demonizing and oppressing anyone who does not share their religion.

They claim to support American values while denying the right to exist for a significant percentage of Americans.

They are not patriots. They are Nationalists. A true patriot loves their country enough to see its flaws and genuinely wants to work towards making it better for all.

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They confuse "patriotism" with "jingoism".

(Yesterday was the 32nd anniversary of coming home from deployment to Desert Storm. I, like you, understand the difference. Thanks for serving. 🙂)

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𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑒 "𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑚" 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ "𝑗𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑚".


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Many of them would sell their country out in a heartbeat if it meant their particular sect taking power.

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This is Utah. They aren't nationalists in the "US first" sense. They'd probably be perfectly happy living in the Breakaway Religious Autocracy of Deseret. They simply share with current US nationalists the idea that everyone in whatever country they live in should be white and Christian.

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Utah: the gift that Joseph Smith, con-man extraordinaire, keeps on giving.

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Agree completely. Thank you for your comment

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Once again, you have religious fundamentalists, whether they're Christian or Mormon hardly matters, using an event such as this to proselytize and indoctrinate children by immersion. If the FFRF is pissed at such an action, I personally can hardly be surprised. Whether Barker and Gaylor & Co. can put a stop to this misguided convocation or not, I don't know.

But their disapproval and that of those parents and children who value the separation of State and Church should and must be registered.

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Yeah, I expect this kind of thing has been going on in the Utah suburbs for ages. Mormonism is so ingrained that I bet a lot of people didn't even notice the not just Christian but in the Mormon style prayer.

"Who thought this (white kid in "asian" outfit) was a good idea?"

Wildly out of touch people. People so far in their bubble that it is likely confusing to them that inter-racial cosplay isn't ok anymore. Salt of the earth....

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I don't mind the kiddies being introduced to other cultures through dress-up and other simplified lessons.

Here, what's glaringly bad is that they are trying to send a message about the multicultural nature of their society, but couldn't find any kids who were actually from other cultures to do it.

"The medium is the message" and the message of white kids in minority cultural outfits is "we claim to be multicultural, but we couldn't find/didn't want any kids from other cultures to participate."

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You know.... Morans.

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Why do people keep picking on that poor family? Just because that one idiot held up a sign picking on them years ago and the internet spread his picture far and wide?

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The Irish always get the shaft.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

Well it is National masturbation day. It's permissible today.

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Month. The Day is on the 28th. :)

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A wee bit of the shaft and a nice Guinness, sounds like a lovely evening.

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“We’re so grateful for our nation, for this great United States of America, the only nation founded on the principles of religious freedom, and the rights of each of us as given by Thee.”

They’re grateful of being in the nation that grants religious freedom while they stomp all over the religious freedoms of a good number of the students. This ignorance of what religious freedom means is an excellent reason these people need to be far away from the education of our youth. Even if we assume ignorance, they are not remotely qualified to teach children, the ignorance rises to the level of malice makes it even more egregious they are involved at all.

The racism is just another mail in the coffin for their qualifications to educate.

Most likely this is intentional however, the nationalism mixed with Christian or Mormon superiority is intended to build up the Christian nationalism of too many religious groups. Too bad they can’t to the fighting over which sect gets to be in charge before they attempt to take over the country. They wouldn’t be able to do half of what they are trying, hopefully they won’t get what they want.

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Where but the good old USA could a polygamist conman tell a story about a magic hat and seer stones and start a religion. There is your "religious freedom". /s

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They aren't ignorant of the true meaning of religious freedom. They 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚.

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I was using Hanlon’s Razor, but I know better than to leave it at that.

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It started in 1995, it's now an established tradition and FFRF has no say s/

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They’re just out of state agitators looking to make money off of persecuting our poor poor school districts. /s

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What do the locals say when FFRF does something in Wisconsin?

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I wish I could come up with something snarky to say, but I’m not finding it. Half the time they whine about them being out of state anyway, and the other half it’s just the same bs they fling at any liberal or left leaning activists. Mostly they complain that the FFRF is targeting the small towns, cities, and school districts because they don’t have the resources to fight back. Completely ignoring the fact that the small towns and school districts are blatantly breaking the law.

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Notice they never complained about the carpetbagging NOM being out-of-state when NOM was going to different states to fight marriage equality?

Oh, but that was "different."

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Just seeing this.

What Zorg posted.

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Oh, cry! Get me another brat and a Leinie!

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Fapping for Jeebus in public and calling it "patriotic."

Well, May IS National Masturbation Month.

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I thought that was January...and February....and March.........

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I do tend to celebrate year round.

National Masturbation Day is the 28th this year. Gonna be really busy that day. :)

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This is a thing? I thought you were just joking. Dammit it's a Sunday – my wife will be home.

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It's the real thing. I just learned about it myself.

Oh, the jokes we're all in for.

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How come ?

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Oh, shoot. Could be a spurt of the moment thing for some.

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To celebrate Palm Sunday.

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The jokes...not to mention the jerks.

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Pulling them out one after the other.

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Not me. I hate being told what to do.

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You don't do it for the love of the game?

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Continue to be an atheist.

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Praise Jesus. ; )

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Just don't hurt him. I think I have done this right – experimenting with tiny url.


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Masturbation day is everyday at my house.

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Never forget: The Lord helps them that help themselves. And if the Lord's off somewhere not stopping mass shootings, you can always get a little assist from PornHub.

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Hey, it has relieved stress many a day for me.

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Pretty much.

When you jack off so much you develop carpal tunnel syndrome... :)

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Well, you should alternate hands from time to time to keep things lively.

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I used my left hand on the sneak until my right hand caught me at it.

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It's also French mother day (always last Sunday of May).

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Sunday May 14th in the US this year.

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But. “Fapping for Jeebus in public and calling it ‘patriotic’” is martyrbation. There’s a huge difference.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

Martyrbation in the US is something American Christians do because they're too cowardly (and comfortable) to fly overseas and join their brethren in martyrdom for actual persecution.

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Both funny and cringeworthy 😅

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Only one month? I celebrate all year round.

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See? I'm not the only one who thinks this way. :)

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Great minds and all that... 😊

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You misspelled "wanks."

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Now I have Aerosmith stuck in my head.

"Wank this way. Wank this way..."

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I will let you appreciate this chef d'oeuvre of French music


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I've read the Bible.

Jehovah is NOT a big fan of religious freedom. Jehovah really hated it when people exercised their religious freedom to worship other gods than him.

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YHVH is a capricious, psychotic dictator who demands total, unquestioning loyalty...or else.

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Oh, Yahweh. For a minute there I thought you meant Trump.

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The only difference between the two is that one actually exists.

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More's the pity.

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If Trump didn't exist, someone would have to invent him.

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Gyro Gearloose?

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But they're both the best.

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The bigliest. They're unbelievable, folks.

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Their flag is out of proportion. There aren't enough stars, and the bottom left and right edges look ragged.

If you're going to have gold fringe, it should go all the way around and not just the sides.

Come on mormons, do better.

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Boys wearing skirts?! GROOMING!!!!!!! We must put an end to this gay agenda, this woke ideology, this transgender brainwashing!!!! Send your thoughts and prayers to Baby Jesus now, before the fire and brimstone start falling!

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How times have changed with the fear mongering. In times past the attitude towards gays was, "That's cool if you are gay, that's two more women for me"

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I remember times past – maybe more past than yours – when there were constant streams of jokes about picking up the soap in the shower or "shirt lifters". The hate and fear mongering seems to only affect the more conservative and the older. Young people thank God I'm much more tolerant.

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I never understood the hate. I just don't get it. I guess it is based on what is termed toxic masculinity. I see Kid Rock and others have joined the angst against Budweiser.

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I think a lot of it – well some of it anyway – is simply the yuck factor. Plus of course Christian brainwashing at a very early age. 😁 Which is funny, because historically, the 'church' has certainly had its ups and downs when it comes to gay sex.

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Especially when it has absolutely no impact on their lives whatsoever.

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I live in a notch (not the buckle) of the bible belt. This would never happen here. Not because of the God and country shit of course, but because it of the Mormon angle. In my city there is a Southern Baptist Church (I know, how shocking in Arkansas) right next to the LDS meeting house. Every year they post on their overly visible sign, "Pray for our missionaries in Provo."

They may rule the roost in Utah, but here in the MidSouth they are considered lost souls to be evangelized!

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This is why they need to determine now which sect gets to rule when they get the theocracy. Do the infighting before taking over, then there will be no resistance for the takeover.

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From a famous atheist American:

“I didn’t make Arkansas the butt of ridicule, God did.”

—H. L. Mencken

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"The reality is we have a sharp partisan divide in this country. And that divide is largely over reality. "

~ Dan Rather.

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OT but important - ish ... https://popular.info/p/revealed-these-ten-books-are-considered

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Surely you must understand that anything any conservative dislikes or disagrees with must be banned. Isn't that the kind of country the Founders wanted?

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

I find Ron DeathSentence obscene.

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Looks a bit like a Nuremberg rally.

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They had to call it "Hope of America" because "Hitler Youth" was already taken.

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They really wanted to call it "Strength Through Joy."

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So, National Masturbation Moth Again? What are you trying to tell us?

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There's a National Masturbation Moth?

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It's true. Men gather to me like moths around a flame, and if their wings burn I know I'm not to blame.

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He is a cute little one.

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An image search shows a couple of North Korean pics under related content, but no Nuremberg. I think that mostly because the Nuremberg rallies were outside.

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Without the smashed (shop windows?), for now.

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Or swastika graffiti.

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With their collective one neurone I am not sure if they would draw a nazi swastika or an American Native/Indian sun symbol.

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There's a pommy comedian on YouTube who made a joke about a guy who was graffitiing a swastika on something and had to make 3 or 4 attempts to get it correct. But I can't find it. The guy was dumb enough to leave his previous attempts on there as well as his successful one. So yeah only one brain cell..

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I've seen skinhead swastikas that show just how utterly stupid those skinheads are.

The Master Race? At a Black Flag show, anti-Nazi singer Henry Rollins pointed out a hefty skinhead in the crowd. He said (and I quote) "Look at this fat fuck. He wouldn't last a day in Hitler's army!"

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I'm reminded of the classic bad film They Saved Hitler's Brain, in which all of the numerous swastikas are drawn pointing the wrong way. Obviously nobody saved the art director's brain.

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Considering the religious leanings of Hitler and the Nazis...

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Okay... now imagine if all of the parents of all of those kids "volunteered" them to do a youth Pride parade instead of this bit of fascist frippery.

I don't think I need to paint the picture for you, do I?

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A man who had 56 wives (and 57 children!) is not someone with moral character and not a role model for anybody. To name a university after such a loser is a disgrace in itself. To secretly pawn the slime of this cult under a fake banner of patriotism is beyond low.

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